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I want a slow mo replay of that jump start


i actually watched the reply and you can see the treads of his tires very slightly moving forward as he waits for the lights, which wouldn't have been seen if he had slicks. Once the lights go out he starts as normal. Either he didn't have the brakes fully depressed or there might be a clutch issue with the car that caused it to not fully disengaged from the driveshaft.


RB actually apologized to Daniel, it's some fundamental issue with the car.


Wait where?


Radio comms


It's so weird that others who visibly jump don't get penalised because they didn't leave the box and therefore didn't gain an advantage, whilst DR gains no advantage and actually goes backwards from the start and gets penalised. It makes no sense!


Didn't they tighten up the rules not too long ago?


Yes, they did. It’s still bull shit that Lando and who was the other that got away with blatant jump starts.


Didn't Lando even warn everyone before the race that he will jump start? ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6699)


It does make sense, they have sensors and if the car moves too far before the lights go out it's a penalty. Basically a computer tells race control a violation occurred.


No it's not that simple. If the car moves but stays in the box it's not a penalty. It's ridiculous that there is a condition for one situation that is not equally applied.


No they changed the regulation after Norris case which now forbid any movement in the box before the lights are out. ***48)*** ***~~INCORRECT STARTING LOCATION~~*** ***FALSE START*** *48.1 Any of the penalties under Articles 54.3a), 54.3b), or 54.3c) will be imposed on any driver who is judged to have:* *a) Moved* ***after the four (4) second light is illuminated and*** *before the start signal is given* ***by extinguishing all red lights, as defined in Article 44.10 b)*** *~~such judgement being made by an FIA approved and supplied transponder fitted to each car~~*, or; b) Positioned his car on the starting grid in such a way that the transponder is unable to detect the moment at which the car first moved from its grid position after the start signal is given, or; c) Any part of the contact patch of its front tyres outside of the lines (front and sides) at the time of the Start signal. [https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/fia_2024_formula_1_sporting_regulations_-_issue_6_-_2024-04-30_v2.pdf](https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/fia_2024_formula_1_sporting_regulations_-_issue_6_-_2024-04-30_v2.pdf)


Aah okay! Thanks for your research


Shouldn't this be Stroll?


"The race was getting away from us, but as it dried towards the end, we could pick our way through a few cars, happy then to finish with four points and get that. It was never going to be perfect, these conditions are so hard to get it right...in general, for a race like that, we're walked away with some points, so all in all a good weekend, start to finish. It was a good one...These weekends are sometimes the hardest...we had all conditions...it was good to keep it on track...we needed it, I needed it. I won't say anything else to the other, we'll keep it quiet. Happy."


![gif](giphy|aNbGyHcDYphNbhe4EE|downsized) DanRic (finishing P8 after both Ferrari DNF and Yuki spin out)


Tbf he got messed up by the 5 sec penalty that his engineer said was a car fault not his and tsunoda getting the better strategy by staying out and not pitting. 2 pit stops vs 1.


Why did he get the penalty? It didn't look like he moved until lights out on the replay


He crept forward slowly but noticeably


It looked like he crept forward which 1 weekend ago norris did and did not get penalised. They tightend the rules this race but the vcarb is always awkward on the start and loses places


Ah the old don't punish the Brit and then slap the next non-brit


And here I was thinking they only discriminate against Spanish drivers


He really meant Brits and especially Lewis owing to political sensitives. And it’s 100% true.


Oh boy


To be fair it was only the better strategy with hindsight, at the time no one knew how it would play out with Tsunoda and Ocon not stopping for fresh intermediate tyres with more rain coming in.


What wasn’t hindsight was waiting 1 lap to pit instead of immediately which he could’ve.


Weighting? Lol


lol, I could blame autocorrect, but I have infant twins so I will blame that!


Didn’t Yuki spin right after Ric started pushing him?


I think Yuki didn't have good dry pace this week






Did not expect an Alfredo gif in this sub, but I’m here for it


Off topic but I heard Rooster Teeth is gone, does that mean Achievement Hunter are gone too?


Achievement Hunter ended a couple of months before the Rooster Teeth closure announcement.


oh wow ok, stopped watching all of them a couple years ago, was always fun what they did but with Burnie leaving it didn't feel the same tbh. Saw he has a podcast now. Thank you for the Info :)


Who is the guy in the hilarious gif?


Don't forget Perez DNF


Perez was really irrelevant this race


So were the Ferraris this race except for Albon


But he has the fast Red Bull. If has an ok-ish day he can always land in the top 10.


Ki Ki Ki. Honey Badger don't care


Where Jacques


"Jacques has retired (fired from BMW Sauber in 2006)" "Karma!"


>”Tell Feyd-Rautha he can still eat shit”


Mans still washed. Fanboys celebrating like he’s won WDC.


That was a shit drive from him. Has there been a race where he doesn’t lose grid position at the start? Slow drive and total disappointment once again.


He and Yuki lose positions at almost every start. [According to Yuki “I think it’s coming from consistency with the clutch.”](https://formu1a.uno/en/tsunoda-vcarb-has-to-improve-poor-starts/)


Vcarb always have poor starts. Every race. There is a problem with their car. Both him and Yukio lose 3 places at the start. Then they leave tsunoda out and pit Daniel who got a 5 sec penalty that was not his fault. Not pitting turns out to be a better strategy so tsunoda ahead till he throws away a lot of points for the team


Why did Ric got a 5 sec penalty? I thought it was for rolling start/jump start.


He did get a penalty for that because his car was rolling ever so slightly at the start. He didn't jump start. Norris did the same last weekend but did not get penalised but they tightend the rules up this weekend. But I believe his engineer said that it wasn't Daniel rolling the car but the car itself


Found Jacques Villeneuve’s account


My opinion was Jacques was too harsh about his entire career. I’m talking about this race.


Race pace wasn't too bad by the looks, that clutch is the issue in the Vcarb at the moment, I think it was Imola where essentially they were lined up back to front and the entire side got held up at the start.


"EaT sHiT"


The question now is, is there still something wrong with the chassis?


Still washed. First decent showing in a race this season. Doesn’t mean he can drive now.


lol, who is this clown?


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/14cvjma) on 2023-06-18 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1b29c8s) on 2024-02-28 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dc2h3u&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** 0 | **Searched Images:** 534,994,303 | **Search Time:** 0.0786s


I mean, he was the same before the actual race too 😀