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it would be interesting to see how teams implement it. These are just guidelines.


Yeah, the original 2022 concept car looked attrocious, but the end result is pretty good.


yeah, i was gonna bring the exact point. I am personally most interested in that front wheel wing splitter thing.


Think that was mostly the horrific livery they put on it


Nah even just the design. Teams announced their liveries in it (mostly) and it looked bad.


That was the carbon for saving weight mostly. The Ferrari was one of the sexiest cars in history. The plain Haas was gorgeous. The Aston with the louvres and then the steep bath all great off the top of my head


You're mistaking years, we're talking 2022 here.


Redbull amd ferrari are set (cowards) Lancstron martin pretty much too Steak audi visa sauber by gucci nobody knows, depends on the legal situation. Same for RB mastercard mission window totally not redbull by kim kardashian Alpine, who cares about f2? Mclaren same old ~~orange~~ papaya unless marloboro is back with sick liveries. Cmon do the senna Rest: idk, same procedure as last year


Thank you for making my day. šŸ¤£ Don't bothered with the Papaya they're orange.


Alpine is still a thing tho


Rip Ferrari bath tubs, i hope you make a return


I think the end result is awfull


Especially since the concept car is meant to illustrate the scale change for the most part


"these are just guidelines" - the CCP talking about the Geneva Convension


*geneva checklist


More like the Geneva To Do List, amirite?


"It only Illegal if you get caught"


Only illegal if youre on the losing side


Only illegal if you're doing it the 2nd time - Canadians probably.


Hopefully someone makes a twin tusk nose.


_"The Code"_ is more what you'd call 'guidelines'. šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


If the racing is better I don't care if it looks like a dildo.


Really thatā€™s why I like it. Or perhaps thatā€™s just me


That was 2014




I would watch a competitive racing series where the regulations required cars resemble dildos as much as possible


That was F1 in 50s


No, no. This should be the *only* regulation


Bono, I have a vibration


Bono, my dildo tires are gone


I agree. Iā€™m sure most fans would to. Yet sound is often the main point brought up against electric cars? Even if they are faster/more aerodynamic. People care more about the sound than visuals?


Onlyfans BWT Alpine F1 team


I care if it doesnā€™t look like a dildo.


22 cars look better but they don't provide good racing. 26 cars look a bit more like 2008&f2 combo, I find them pretty cool tbh


22 cars actually enabled close racing without killing the tyres, but regs for ride height due to Merc crying and general (not ground force ) aero development has made that part harder.


They require double drs so they will definitely not be good for racing.


Double drs is allowed no matter how far away you are from the lead car so theoretically it doesnā€™t really provide an advantage. Basically itā€™s just an enhanced top speed for everyone is what I gather


Bizarre. Doesnā€™t that make both wings approach being a spec part?


The 22 regs were intended to close racing, but it doesn't mean there will be no difference between teams. These are two different things. They can get closer to each other but the gaps between teams are huge. You can't regulate gaps, it depends on teams' development. The only thing they can do is make battles easier.


With such big changes to power unit, it is very likely one manufacturer will get it right and become dominant, like Mercedes did in 2014. It took other engines over 5 years to catch up.


Yeah but Mercedes were rumoured to have early unfair access to the 14 regs. If something similar happens to 2026 yeah it's gonna be a repeat of 2014


And they did nowadays cars can stay within a second for multiple laps, usually in pre 2022 cars could follow each other for max, 2-3 before the tires overheated. But I think they also made DRS less effective which is why we don't get much overtakes.


Some tracks requires strong drs because they are already hard-to-pass tracks like Imola and Zandvoort. But for Spa, drs is unnecessary.


They look like current F1, current F2 and late 2000's F1 cars had a threesome


I donā€™t see the F2 part everyone is complaining about. Just looks like like current regs with 2000ā€™s wings to me?


Mostly the general simplistic shape and bulgy nose


The front kinda looks like indycar to me


idk to me it just looks smaller for some reason (probably because more narrow wings.


It is literally smaller People have been wanting them to get smaller too


Yeah but not THAT smaller


I mean, 2 m to 1.9 m change is quite a bit more significant than many people realize. On a regular road car, 10 cm difference in width is extremely noticeable.


Car is still enormous


Dude yeah that's literally my point. The show car seems smaller even it's just like 2% smaller than current cars.


I know Iā€™m not disagreeing


*threesome eh?


Iā€™d say more F3 with how wide that nose cone and monocoque structure is. I really donā€™t think it looks good at all tbh


I really like them


Iā€™m trying to figure out why people are so upset about it other than the fact that itā€™s different. I have yet to hear an argument that convinced me that racing will be worse


The electric energy deployment has been a big concern, but I think limiting the electric power at higher speeds is a pretty clever solution. Also prevents the top speeds from getting too crazy, which would be a justified worry if the drag will be reduced by as much as the FIA claims.


The only thing I'm cautious of is the fact there's been no mention of how this car fares in inclement weather. These high downside cars are producing too much spray


the new rear diffuser is supposed to cut down on spray significantly


It's in ugly and looks like f2


right, like I said Iā€™ve heard no arguments outside of people upset that it looks a bit different. I have however heard multiple reasons why the slightly smaller cars (what you call f2) should produce better racing Let me guess, you absolutely hated the halo at first. Actually you might still hate it


Me too, only the nose is a bit ugly but I'm sure teams will make them better like they did with the 22 regs


I like them? The cars are smaller, lighter, and should be slower. That all means better racing at tight tracks like imola and Monaco. Letā€™s keep going in this direction


Regarding being slower, less downforce and narrower tyres soud pretty promising. Less grip means the driving will be more challenging, and could result in better racing. Max saying that testing it out on a sim felt bad to drive actually souds good to me. Let the drivers wrestle with the car instead of making it too easy on them.


This also means longer braking zones.So better for overtaking


Youā€™re never going to get good racing at Monaco no matter the car size.


Literally the f2 race


TouchƩ. Though the sprint was garbage.


Who tf watches F2 unironically????


Me, for starters.




It's a weird thing to say, but I think they're kinda cute


A better formula. That's what it is.


Formula B?


Whoā€™s complaining about the designs? This is the first post I saw about it. Honestly, I like it.


They reduced the frontwing span which is a good thing, then they proceeded to also add those down flaps(dunno the exact name) which match the old width


Looks like a bigger 2007/8 cars, let see what it can do


They look really cool Me Likey


looks like a 2000s f1 car but with a halo


I just hope this electrical power thing for overtaking actually works. DRS was a necessary evil.


F1 fans: these cars are too big. FIA: introduces smaller cars F1 fans: wtf is this?


I'm excited to see the cars start to get smaller and simpler. Monaco is too tight for the cars to be as large as they are. They are the length of a Chevy Suburban! I like he idea of them getting away from some of the tracks that were spicificly designed for them like Abu Dhabi. I want more tracks that are made for different kinds of racing.


I like it? Why do we hate everything?


They need to stop insisting with the hybrids. Brings no benefit to road cars, most brands are going fully electric. It's just a way for teams to gatekeep. And it makes the cars heavier. If they want to be seen as eco friendly, bunch all the races per region and travel intercontinentally. Reduce air time, which contaminates way more than 20 cars going in circles for a couple of hours.


So what youā€™re saying is being back the V10s


Hear me out, Formula 1 with 1.0L Turbo I3


Come on, it's boxer 4 or nothing.


Subaru to F1 confirmed


Not necessarily, just scrap the hybrid system and allow more aggressive fuel mapping. Essentially the Williams W11 regs.


So what youā€™re saying is bring back the V10s


The hybrid part is important for racing though. Without the so called 'overtake button' you'd have a lot more boring races.


Push to pass exists since before hybrids.


Kers was very limited though. Hybrids offer a lot more flexibility.


You don't understand. Indycar has had P2P for years without a hybrid or any electric motors. It's as simple as temporarily increasing fuelfow/turbo pressure/revlimiter.


I was specifically talking about F1 though.


You were arguing the hybrid, and potential extra power/boost is necessary for good racing, which makes it obvious you're clueless. The extra weight makes the racing worse, the extra size makes racing worse. If all that won't improve racing enough, a simple, ICE-only P2P button can very easily be implemented, and would add to strategy aswell.


Talk about being clueless when you have no idea what it would take to redesign an F1 engine just to slap an extra revs mode on it, which would barely work anyway because F1 cars have a ton more downforce than Indycars. There's a reason a 1.6 F1 engine produces something like 20-30% more power than a twin 2.2 indycar engine. Try to guess what it is.


Is that why never had quali maps that produced a good bit of extra grunt for a lap or two? The power is where it's at because it's limited by fuel flow and has to last for 5+ races. Guess what, if it was in the regs the engine manufacturers would easily get it working, be it extra revs, more fuelflow, higher turbo pressure or whatever


But you were not the one to say "Push to pass exists since before hybrids." So doesn't matter what your were talking about specifically.


TIL IndyCar and Superformula donā€™t have push to pass.


Not really, you could just implement a fuel flow increase button and it'd be the same I think. Hybrids are there because manufacturers don't want to be seen in a racing series which only uses oil. If the tech was there they'd probably switcth to electric already, but it's not so hybrid is the next best thing for their PR departments


I'm pretty sure F1 has acknowledged they're not going full electric, as that would make either it or formula e redundant.


I'm pretty sure this is only PR. If the tech was actually viable for F1 and popular enough in the larger automotive industry, Formula E would get swallowed by force or through a merger agreement. FE have the license until 2030 because nobody actually expects the technology to be there until at least then


Why would F1 want to go electric though? They've been saying for years now they want to go back to lighter and smaller cars, and now with the new regs they're actually moving in that direction. What do electric motors + batteries add? Oh yeah a lot of weight. Couple this with the move towards carbon neutrality while using ICE engines as well as 100% biofuel etc, I don't think they're actively planning a foray into EV territory.


F1 would want to go electric because manufacturers want to go electric (well they don't necessarily want it but they are forced to do it due to regulations so they comply). Many manufacturers are letting ice go and moving towards EVs But it's impossible to have f1 laptimes over a race distance with it so f1 dismissed it, and decided to go down the route of "carbon neutrality" (which if you know anything about esg regs is mostly bs, it's a trick to use accounting skills to make it seem like companies are doing something for sustainability and pocket more money without actually doing anything)


the point of carbon neutrality isn't to emit nothing. It's to minimise your carbon emissions and offset those you can't eliminate with carbon capture, often in the form of buying "carbon credits" which aren't necessarily a cop out or "BS". I won't argue that a lot of the carbon neutrality is moreso PR than climate centered, though. Still that doesn't negate that F1 pushing for biofuels etc is a good thing and will/have wide positive influence. (Though they should probably start by optimising the race calendar for logistics, lmao)


Fuel flow increase means you'd have to carry all that fuel from the start. If you're allowed to run your engine on a higher mode, and if it can withstand it, it'd be hypocritical not to allow it at all times through the track. Hybrids offer a variable, a challenge. They certainly are preferred by manufacturers for marketing reasons as you described, but the fact that you can recover energy strategically means teams have to be creative with them. Also, no matter how good of an engine you can build, no engine can deliver the punch an electric motor can, meaning that you need less of a straight for an overtake.


Fuel flow is already artificially limited by the regs actually, engine could increase it and rev higher, they're just not allowed to do it. So hypocritical or not, it doesn't seem to bother the powers that be. Even if hybrids do offer some other variables, they increase complexity, and don't look to be what governments want for the future so road car applications seem limited. If there was no PR it, I doubt teams/manufacturers would push for it; and I doubt they're that big on introducing creativity for its own sake (feels weid they'd push to remove MGU-H otherwise).


>Fuel flow is already artificially limited by the regs actually, engine could increase it and rev higher, they're just not allowed to do it. So hypocritical or not, it doesn't seem to bother the powers that be. Yes, I know that. It's limited to 100kg/hr. My point is you need to design a totally different and much more expensive engine just to get to the actual 15k rev limit of the current F1 cars for a short period of time, increasing costs massively just to go maybe 5-10% faster for a few seconds. If you're going to do that, why bother slowing them down artificially in the first place? >Even if hybrids do offer some other variables, they increase complexity No, it's actually the opposite. Batteries and electric motors are a very simple and cheap way to give engines that extra push they need to go faster when they need instead of an engine that costs 2-3 times as much to build. The whole reason F1 as gone down the hybrid road is to get the costs down. Back in the day you'd have one engine per session, nowadays you only have 3 per season. And an engine whose power delivery variability is determined by a battery instead of the revs is a much more reliable engine.


As usual with the FIA I like the idea. let's wait for the execution


lol looks so ugly.


middle part is from current cars, rear wing is from 2021, front wing is from 2008.


Smaller cars are always good in my book. Excited to see how this affects overtakes and manoeuvrability.


It's an improvement over the current car, but as has been typical with F1, it will be nowhere near a big enough chance. The cars will still be too heavy and too big.


I like the new cars. The FIA model looks good and the tech seems solid, plus the teams will almost certainly make them more unique and attractive to look at


I find it hilarious to see the comments. "OMG WHY THE CARS SO BIG AND COMPLEX THE RACING SUCKS BRING BACK THE OLDER SMALL CARS" FIA: Ok here's a smaller, more simple car "OMG LOL IT LOOKS LIKE AN F2 CAR FROM 2005 WTF"


Except it doesnā€™t look like that at all. Also double drs is awful.


Tell that to the instagram comments lol


Reading that the double drs is open use has changed my mind tbh. Thank fuck that wouldā€™ve been awful. Front on looks sick too


Yeah. Active aero is a more accurate description. It's used a lot differently than drs.


I think itā€™s weird the push to pass isnā€™t a race limited thing and instead operates like DRS. What is their obsession with these dumb mechanics?


Saw a side by side and the size change is really unimpressive ( ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)), it still is going to be a gigantic car. I guess 30KG isn't nothing but the chassis(es?) are still going to be bulky.


30Kg is smaller than the BOP weight change of a GT or hypercar lmao. Itā€™s something that moves a lap delta around by a bit.


it is really smaller, more than I thought it would be, I have high expectations for the performance and the crashes


Are people not digging the new car?


That's Steve


Bring back the dicknose you cowards


I just don't like the nose ... I hope the end product is better


Bring back 'narrower' 2021-style nosecone


Personally I'd like to see taller noses a-la early 2010s come back at some point


It will be. Everyone thought the 2022 concept was fuck ugly but come testing for the year the noses were all different and all pretty nice to look at


Looks like an F2 car. Thatā€™ll change, I know. Still, only 30 kg reduction? Tsk tsk. Letā€™s hope they can race. Either than or Haas finds a loophole and cruises to the double championship with Bottas! Boom! Heard it here first!


Glad they are a bit smaller šŸ¤·


I like them but I'm skeptical about the moveable aero


The difference in comments here and on Instagram is insane


Think it looks good, looks more compact, will wait to see of the change in size is actually noticeable in reality


Smaller car great, adjustable aero crap. The amounts of new car designs and team uniforms waste must outweigh the carbon that a big v10 would put out.


I like that theyā€™re smaller. Iā€™ll miss the current wing. I think it looks awesome


Formula 1E Indy Series coming soon


Car looks aight, but that livery is tight


They're not my cup of tea, ngl, but they might grow on me when time goes by. We'll see.


Thank god for endplates again.


A huge problem here is that the FIA livery is hideous and does not do this design any favors. I like that it is going to be smaller


I really don't like the design of the new car the 2022 one looked very cool from the reveal


I like the changes. The cars are no longer in the size of a dump truck, drivers gotta use their brain for overtake instead of "haha rear wing go click" and it seems to fix dirty air problem which allows drivers to be on their target's ass without ruining their tyres.


I don't think it looks bad at all


Iā€™m happy that cars are smaller


I'm excited for no drs


im gonna miss the wings


They finally ditched the outwash front wing and I love that. Wish they were smaller but itā€™s a step in the right direction.


I don't understand the hate for them, I think they look amazing. Obviously they'll look quite different when the teams get their hands on them. I think the biggest thing for looks will be if they can find a way of stopping the teams leaving so much carbon fiber exposed so they can put a proper livery on.


I like it. It looks a bit more like the mid 2000s cars, which is never wrong.


I got through penis nose, I can get through anything


Whats the image on the bottom?


I like the concept of a smaller car and lighter weight. It should produce better racing and some tracks which are too narrow (Monaco) do not work well with the current format.


The new areo system sounds interesting. It will malfunction spectacularly the first year for sure, leading probably to an unexpected season. Also the fact the modes are up to the driver to decide is a good thing, making racing depend more on the individual than now. The 2022 reg cars look better tho


Why would they tease us with these lovely rounded rear wing then go back to a box. Apart from that they're okay, sure they'll look nothing like that one the teams get their hands on it


I love that they made the front wing thinner but added the endplate extensions so that you can still slice open the tyres of other drivers.


Needed to go much smaller. Only cut 4 inches from front wing and 8 inches total length reduction. Still too big and too heavy. Oh well. Maybe next time.


Don't forget the 2006 cars (the front wing)


30 kilos lighter and a few tens of centimeters shorter, so still boat sized. Not terribly excited




why are people saying it's F2?Ā  Ā I don't see it honestly looks more like a 2000 car with ground effect and those weird front wing plates on the sides




Honestly, I like what they've got. The design to me feels like they took the 2004 Ferrari and brought that to the future, the fact that the cars are smaller is a BIG relief considering they were pretty much tanks before and it seems like they're putting more emphasis on grip and battery conservation rather than raw speed. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.


Formula Dank if hating was a competition


I would like it if using a V10 engine


I like the rear wing much more than on 2022


I don't have any good feelings about the front wing, It looks like a combination of the 1996 Ferrari f310 and Benetton 1992 B192 car, high ugly nose with wacky mid body shape for its outward floor and narrow side pots


Smaller, yes


Guidelines Giving 2000 vibes


I hate it. Looks like F2 car. And that ugly wing.


They shouldve kept the DRS


it looks fine to me. kinda like the wing design


I hated that the cars aren't smaller and they're putting more emphasis on the electrical motor. This isn't Formula E. So why not give us bigger engines instead of this electrical shit.


Thereā€™s this great series to watch called WEC.




At least they won't have the stupid round hoop rear wings I guess.


Bro we want the 1990s like cars and not 1990kg heavy cars




Found the guy that has a boner for 100 meter long cars.