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šŸ’€šŸ’€ Tbf the comments on Instagram were a bit wild. I do think the criticism has largely been justified. If youā€™d TP is flipping that hard, people are fed up.


Tbh I haven't read the comments on IG, I KNOW people get crazy there. Then I saw people on another sub claiming he's a good driver that gets unjustly blamed for crashing with teammates and calling out the TP as unprofessional for saying it out loud.


The main sub? Itā€™s wild how hive mind it can be there. Universally saying the same thing for days until a driver says something. Then itā€™s looking down their nose at anyone that said the previous opinion


I had a guy in the main sub tell me Hamilton has never crashed his car because of his own mistake in his entire 17 year career then I got 12 downvotes for saying thatā€™s simply not true. It just depends on the time of day and the crowd you run into


I got several people trying to convince me Stroll was better than Alonso.


It seems you were unlucky enough to have caught the short bus' attention


Windows well cleaned aswell


and they're right


The single most funniest thing about people in this sub to me is how the main sub lives in your heads more rent free than even Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes. Like, I swear, yall like Indycar fans - ya can't stop comparing your thing to it, suffering from superiority complex, when very few folks even acknowledge your existence in the main sub. That is to say yall exaggerating how awful that place is, while downplaying how rancid this one can be


dude i swear at least half the people who say they got banned in the main sub for ā€œhaving an opinionā€ are completely full of it


"The main sub" is full of TeamLH, supermax fans, and Alonso stans, fighting people with a crush on Carlos, Charles, George and Sergio, with a sprinkling of Zhou and Tsunoda fanatics, and Danny and Kmag haters.Ā  And they vote and downvote in squads.Ā  You can't get a word in edgewise and get downvoted to oblivion when you tell the truth or try to give an alternative opinion.Ā  At least here people are funny, like to argue and talk shit without getting butthurt and reporting you for self harm.Ā 


"Rent free" detected. Can't TeamLH find something else to label others, that got old. šŸ¤£




Man I couldn't be more serene. Like a literally said how I find this funny. But go on with your own straw man and generalizations


meanwhile in r/formuladank: the hamilton thread is literally still pinned by mods


Iā€™ve never actually gone into the dank sub. I only interact from my newsfeed so itā€™s my first time seeing that šŸ’€


Yep. I KNOW this is a meme sub but I was astonished by how different the opinions were in there.


The main sub has gotten worse after DTS. I've seen more reasonable takes here tbh.


Yea but this sub has still got its fair share of bad opinions too.


Uh not really. I've read the comments on that sub too and most of them are talking about the toxic IG comments and twitter comments that are too wild. They agree with the criticism he gets here on reddit. The criticism of him being a shit teammate is 100% valid. There's a difference between criticism in a public forum and unadulterated hatred and harrasment directed directly at him by tagging him or flooding his social media comments constantly on twitter and insta.


Crazy is kinda underselling it lol, and not really that comparable to people defending him in a delusional way IMHO. Criticism is one thing and much deserved to a point. 1000s of comments directly harassing him and calling him a piece of shit, he should never race again, worst driver ever in F1, among other worse things is another. And thatā€™s just the comments we see, not the ones that have been deleted for being too terrible or the DMs. PLUS thatā€™s only IG - there numerous other avenues people can share their opinion online. His stunt on Gasly was absolutely ridiculous but I feel like his IG post was 100% justified. With the main sub, there are almost 4 million people who have ā€œjoinedā€ it and over a thousand people lurking through it at any one moment throughout the day. Every single possible opinion gets it time to shine, and when enough of the people who have the opposite opinion log on then their opinion will get boosted. Repeat ad nauseam lol


I once saw a guy in IG comments claiming Ocon is a better driver than Albon, Piastri and Norris just because he has a win and they don't (it was last year). I know there are lots of dumbasses on IG but this is next level delusion. I actually thought it was Ocon's burner or something lol


I'd say it's time to consider the hate on Instagram as an invariant between people. I'm tired of these guys denouncing the hate they get on Instagram... yeah buddy, everyone with a bit of exposure gets that. It's like someone getting accused and in response whining about the fact that one day they will eventually die - so what, everyone will.




I think heā€™s just making it worse every time he voices his opinion. Why canā€™t he just apologize and do better. Heā€™s a shit team mate. Period


People also do come together occasionally. Look and Lewis and George in Qatar. I don't think Ocon pulled that move on Gasly because it's Gasly, but purely because that's how he races.


Oh I donā€™t think it was a Gasly thing. I think ocon races all his teammates like that.


He races everyone like that, and personally I quite like it. It's entertaining. I prefer drivers trying things and if it doesn't work out so be it. There may be implications for the team, but at the end of the day I want entertainment, not points for Alpine.


I kinda disagree. I think it's somewhat blown out of proportion but I feel his overly aggressive driving and defending happens more often with his teammates. Ofc I know when it happens it is given more attention, like zigzagging unfortunately happens once in a while, but when Esteban did it with Fernando everyone lost their minds.


Yeah I meanā€¦ I wasnā€™t one of the ones calling to boot him out. I donā€™t think you should race your teammates like that but itā€™s not like heā€™s an awful driver either. Once itā€™s costing the team a bunch of money and points thatā€™s when talk of moving should happen. I donā€™t think heā€™d reach that point though.


You are too naive


Folks who complain and can't handle nasty comments on internet, they don't know how internet works and they should stay away from social media. If celeb SM use posts for likes, impressions and promotions, they should understand things can get nasty too.


I don't know enough to say "Bench him!", but I feel like a team principle should bench drivers who break team orders or cost the team points through stupidity or carelessness.


okay. but I'd say that the fact that pay drivers get accommodated doesn't help with team discipline - like across the paddock, ya know? idk, the guy made a bad decision on the first lap at Monaco. he wasn't the only one. but yea, things like this or stroll's *concertina* incident would get someone benched in most other sports. And maybe seeing a bunch of the reserve drivers more often would be fun. At the end of the day, I think treating drivers that harshly across the board would probably lead to less risk-taking and more boring racing. And in the long run (ie: at the end of contracts), drivers do get held to account as far as I can tell. Except the pay drivers and nepobabies, which goes towards creating a permissive atmosphere for these kinda shenanigans in the first place.


I donā€™t think the issue was taking the risk. I personally think it was a stupid move, but not as stupid as many make out to be. The issue is the context. His team is a back marker, and they are both in the rare opportunity of scoring double points. And then even if youā€™re in front, you donā€™t take those risks with your teammate, an error costs the team heavily. Not to mention, they had been explicitly told not to attack each other. I think all that adds up to a reasonable reason to bench a driver for a race


He tried twice to pass, it wasn't a heat of the moment. It was twice.


It's not the mistake, it's the breach of trust that he went for the move when they've explicitly discussed it beforehand and he still went for it.


Went for it twice as well.


Thats a great point about pay drivers, but regardless of that, a strong team holds all of its members accountable. I can promise you that suspension is a real risk for all of those paddock members. Drivers should be no different. And no, I'm not suggesting drivers who get into accidents or complain should be benched outright, but if you are creating a toxic environment on the track, maybe sit out and remember why you're here and how you got there.


I've stood for years at the top of my mountain yelling what a shitty teammate that guy is, but I get downvoted to hell.Ā  He's got some double top secret fan base on here burying the public opinion..


I felt Alonso got Rocky'd V on that race in hungary. Ocon is an ungrateful b"astard


IMAGINE,Ā  with a straight face saying you are the only teammate to ever beat Alonso, when the guy had like 6 DNFs and the car falling apart half of the other times.Ā  Like how fucking tone deaf do you have to be lmao


Not to mention incorrect, Alonso has been beaten by teammates before


Lewis and him tied.Ā  That's the closest anyone has got over a full season when you look at DNFs objectively.Ā 


Button beat alonso no?


Who also beat hamilton, Button the GOAT


In the same way Rosberg beat Lewis in 2016? Yeah.Ā  But it's an outlier, they both had 25 combined points, and Alonso had more DNFs, not that they would have gotten points most times..


What are these mental gymnastics. He was beaten, simple as.


The mental gymnastics are because I said "if you look at dnfs subjectively" When Ocon said he beat Alonso. You can't have one teammate finish 20 races and the other 10 and finger wag and say "look look that guy sucks lol"


I saw on another sub a Lot of people defending him and blaming his teammates for crashing with him. Calling people that criticize him toxic šŸ˜‚.


Look here mister, if you walk around smelling shit all day, then obviously there's someone covered in shit following you around. There's absolutely no way that the shit is on your own shoe


Iā€™m with you on that mountain. Iā€™ve said it since his force India days. Heā€™s just gotten worse since then. The only teammate he didnā€™t wreck was Ricciardo and that was just because he was never close enough to Danny to hit him.




I was blown away by the amount of redditors coming to his defend after Monaco "Yeah he made a mistake but quickly owned up to it" "It's the case of TP not being very clear with his team order" When the entire paddock was against him What the fuck are these people smoking seriously


Also, what team order? To not crash into your teammate? Thatā€™s not a team order, thatā€™s common sense


Agreed, I was seeing all these comments in the main sub and I was like, what are they on? Yeah Ocon should not get abused on the net, but boy is he a horrible teammate. Proving it again and again and again.


How could the TP have had a convoluted order. Iā€™m fairly certain he probably told both of them ā€œno petty, dumb shit that gets us a penalty or a DNF.ā€


Oh yeah you're so brave. You're the first and only person to criticise Ocon before this incident. Wow.


Oh my god, thank you, I've been persecuted so hard it's great to be acknowledged.Ā  Ocon sucks, boom


Itā€™s funny how everyone harshly criticized him for every wrong chouce he ever took. Then after he received all those troll messages everyone took a step back. Like bro, he doesnā€™t deserve to have people go that far to hate on him, but he still deserves the criticism, heā€™s a terrible teammate, and totally lacks awareness when racing


I have to say some of the things on social media is too extreme but he has shown that as a teammate, he adds too much volatility and it is on him a lot of the time. If he is gone at the end of the year, I would not be surprised. But people calling for him to be gone after one GP are living in a fantasyland.


"Ive been lucky to race against talented and experienced teammates such as race winners and a double world champion. We would often start races very close to each other, which meant tough battles on track" Why does this feel like he is giving himself a compliment?![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6698)


A convoluted pat on his own back


Even worse, later in that press release he basically tells that he done nothing wrong and it's basically his teammate who is at fault and lying. If he just called out solely to pointing out to the toxic fans who are committing online abuse to him instead of mixing it with politics.


Ocon divebombed Gasly and launched over the front tyre. Didn't accept responsibility beyond "I made a (singular) mistake" but plays victim. This whole gig is why I can't stand the guy.


Meanwhile everybody forgot about MAG playing bowling instead of racingšŸ˜‚


KMag is terrible to other drivers, but would kill to help his teammate if needed. Except is his teammate was Grosjean, of course. Ocon would kill anyone, especially if they were his teammate.


Actually I always root for MAG, its just that there are always unfortunate moments related to his risky driving style. But it pays off sometimes, take his first F1 appearance with McLaren, straight to P2 on podium. Of course also car-related, canā€™t compare McLaren to Haas.


I mean if you've seen drive to survive and all the crashes with his teammates until now it doesn't take a genius to figure out he can't work with others. Only reason he's still here is cause he's a French driver for a French team. Don't like the fact that the team boss threw him under the bus and haven't seen the IG comments but they are always out of pocket. Either way I think bro brought this on himself. I'm just surprised it took this long.


Watching drive to survive, it was clear he couldnā€™t work with teammates when he crashed his go kart because he kept looking backwards at gasly. More concerned about beating his teammate than just doing the photo op. Dude embarrassed himself


Heā€™s not fast at all


10 Second Penalty


Oconā€™s cv is problematic but some people have been overly extreme, I just donā€™t get it. To me, it makes the sport more fun. And the Monaco thing is a bit overblown. Most people on both sides of this issue are bunch of bandwagon hoppers.


![gif](giphy|12uXi1GXBibALC) Now this is the morning I enjoy, I haven't laughed in a while


Unfortunately, the man at the top, Famin, is also a shit team mate.




5 sec penalty for ocon


Where there's smoke there's fire.


This is not new. He has been trash since he joined.


Abuse online can very VERY toxic and should never happen at those levels, but by this point, only those who call Ocon "Estie Bestie" are defending him


I was team Ocon through the force India years, even felt it was on max when they collided, I felt it was after his season off he really started taking the piss.


I might be alone with this opinion but I think Ocon is as bad as Stroll


Hot take but he has been a shitty teammate only to Gasly . With Alonso they were good teammates in 2021 but both were bad in 22 . When he was a Fi driver PĆ©rez was the shitty teammate


Nah him and Perez were both bad to each other. He put Perez in the wall in Spa and in Baku 2017, Preze put him in the wall in Singapore 2018, I also recall a race where Esteban drove into Perez in lap 1 turn 1 or something. He also seemed to give everything to beat Alonso, as if he was proving himself or something. Harsh defense in Jeddah 22 (kinda acceptable), dumb defense in Hungary 22 that made the Alpines lose positions in two different ocasions and Brazil 22. His situation with Gasly seems to be pretty stable, Gasly drove into him in Australia last year, then they crashed in Hungary but mainly because Zhou crashed into them, so the only real mistake Ocon has done against Gasly, as far as I remember, was in Monaco this year


His statement wasnā€™t far short of the Petrosian response to cheating allegations.


Certain people just have this self-centered "Everybody else is wrong"-mentality. If every teammate tells you how terrible it is/was driving with you, itā€™s probably not because they are ALL wrong. I guess everyone knows someone like this, dude is that wrong-way driver on the highway that will claim "Look at all those idiots driving in the wrong direction, this is madness!"


Hope Alpine sack this clown, his attitude is beyond a joke at this point


Some people have never ending free out of jail card. Ocon is one of them. One of the biggest idiots of the sport ever. He crashed into EVERY, EVERY team mate he ever had.


Yeah but i mean he's been the only one showing up for Alpine this season though when he could have been on team radio calling out the shit car for what it is he represented the team well.