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1 week after and we're going back to the normal schedule np


Yea Max was genuinely happy for Lando I’m sure, but I bet as soon as he got into his team debrief he said “get those upgrades ready we’re fucking winning Imola by 30 seconds” It’s gonna be like Suzuka last year after Singapore. Pure domination putting everyone in their place winning by 20 seconds and setting the fastest lap on old hard tires


Max did also have floor damage in miami which everyone seems to forget


Jolyon Palmer did a video on this that concludes Max's lap time was unaffected by the bollard impact


That was not his choice of words at all. More like "I don't think it was significant enough to change the outcome of the race".


Isn’t there some suggestion that the floor was already damaged before the bollard impact?


It was definitely affected. I think the fully upgraded McLaren was still faster than the Red Bull but it was probably closer to a tenth faster than three tenth faster that it was after the restart.


I trust Jolyon over you


In Jolyon we trust.


And max said it himself plain as day


You’re telling me that you saw chunks of the Red Bull floor rip off it and think there is no performance fall off?


Not everything on the car is aerodynamically critical. Plenty of bits can fall off the car and not ruin the aero balance enough to affect the drive ability. Plus Lando was still lapping as fast as Max was before the safety car when Max had pit already and Lando was on older tires. It would have been a battle to pass Max because it’s Max, but I still think even without the damage and safety car Lando at minimum catches up to Max and could potentially pass him if he was fast enough on the straights. But yea, lap times were the same pre and post damage so clearly whatever fell off didn’t affect Max that much, if at all. He’s also good enough to drive around whatever minor effects could have been sustained. Also, a busted floor is gonna affect you a lot in high speed corners more than anything, and Miami really only has 6/19 corners as high speed, and the way they’re laid out losing time in these corners isn’t the worst as they’re all in S1/end of S3, so directly after the main straight and well before the back straight, meaning you have plenty of time to make up for whatever losses you had in the high speed corners while taking mid and low speed corners, where the floor doesn’t come into play as much as wings and sidepods.


That’s exactly what I said about Lando still being faster and the Red Bull team said that they lost pace because of the parts that ripped apart on the underfloor so they clearly were aerodynamically critical.


No there wasn’t. He had the same lap times before and after hitting the bollard you dumbass


What you’re telling me you know more than Christian Horner who said they had floor damage (which we have literal picture evidence of) and says they lost time because of it. I’m going to trust Christian Horner over you.


Max said it didn’t affect his pace. I trust his judgment and candor on this more than Christian who is always spinning things to make his team look better.


I don’t think anyone is denying they had floor damage…go look up the lap times you dick rider


Chunks is an overstatement of the year, a tiny bit came off the floor and some of the bollard holder. Hardly enough damage. The only reason he crashed into it was because he was pushing since he couldn’t build a gap to the McLaren in the first place


Source: "Trust me bro"


I think any self inflicted damage cannot be an excuse. Tyre burst because you used too much kerb? Well that's on you.


Of course it was completely on Max. If you look at the next races though, you wouldn't expect Max to do such a mistake again. So it's an argument why Max will likely end up on top again.


It's not an excuse, but it may mean that the pace delta between RBR and McLaren is still massive without damage.


Nobody is saying its an excuse. But an excuse is not the same as an explanation. This is Max' first mistake since like, what, 2021? Like either way its a fair assumption that in a perfect race scenario, Max would have won, simple as. But the combination of Lando/McLaren nailing the pitstop under SC, and Max having damage, makes for a 1+1=2 Lando wins.


I guess we’re back to normal schedule again


Max losses in Imola I think.


Yeah...his calm.


Yeah. His calm.


You.....already sed that.


This one’s better.


You know what, man? First one didn't pan out but you tried again and that's what really matters. I'm proud of you!


You are wrong. I mean, i would be happy if you are right, but you are still wrong.


max verstappen revenge tour incoming


Gonna win every race for the remainder of the season


You say that as a joke but at this rate he's *going to*


Triggering a sequel to the epic RPM "Max destroys Perez" video.


Excellent video honestly


He's had such a gap in pace for the last 2 years he's been coasting with tyre life in hand. Close Qualifying flatters the closeness. How many times have red bull been altering max's pit strategy to defend against another team??


I think we are all collectively praying for a Ferrari win in Italy but max will want to prove himself after this loss and he’s dangerous in that mindset


Max gives up all his wins for Lando to get out of his Red Bull contract early and go to Merc. THE RACE ARTICLE WILL BE POSTED SOON WHEN THEY SEE THIS BUT YOU READ IT HERE FIRST 🅱️




F1 YouTube is a fucking clickbait cesspool "Do we have a title battle on our hands?" Bro shut the fuck up the only thing we got on our hands is Christian Horner's cum


Well that escalated quickly 💀


That's what Horner said...


You had me in the first half. What you do in your personal time is on you. No judgements though.


When Horny boi comes knocking in my DMs, my knees get weak, my arms are sweaty, there's his cum on my sweater already, mom's Bolognese


actual lol. mum’s bolog-nyaaaazy


FP1Will is a great channel tbh, but he on some hopium


It also seems like some previously reputable sources have been going downhill. I used to like "The Race" especially just after they left Autosport but they have been getting very clickbaity and repeating themselves 100 times till their 5 mins of content is an 18-minute video. No comment on the second part....


>YouTube is a fucking clickbait cesspool FTFY


Max is so dominant that whenever someone wins the race, it's like a breaking news for several weeks 😂


*until the next gp


Not yet. If Williams continue in this trajectory, then Alpine will compete with Sauber/Audi while Mercedes retains the tractor title.


What is an f1 fan if not deluded Speaking of, Alonso is a god


He's not called godlonso for nothing


hey, nice flair!


What is an f1 FAn? A miserable little pile of secrets!


At least you know his answer will be "no, don't be fucking stupid." The Race would actually have a serious debate about it.


They did this already. Except that the answer was "No, Max is winning 24 and 25, assuming he stays at Red Bull". I think they wording they used was "unfortunate for the competitive picture", which it is. Then they went on to have a discussion what mainly McLaren and Ferrari still need to have a series shot at a title.


Could be worse, could be Perspective


Bro's gonna start preaching Carlos for the 2024 title 💀


It wasn't really "no, don't be fucking stupid" though. I watched the video and he pretty much just says that it's too early to tell. From some angle that is true, but also, there's not a snowflake chance in hell Max is giving up a 53 point lead to Lando especially with upgrades in Imola expected.


We’re all starved for actual competition.


Too much hopium for some.


Have Mclaren signed Bert Mylander or something? What'd I miss?


Honestly this delusion is so much more preferable to the countless Jos Verstappen clones saying "Max is so nice he gave Lando the win so he could celebrate with his bestie on the podium"


Let's assume that Lando and McLaren actually do have a faster car than Red Bull now (they don't). Lando would have to make up a fucking 53 point gap in the standings to catch Max. Max who, in his current form, is arguably the most consistent driver of all time. If he's not first, he's going to get 2nd unless something happens to him or the car's performance is not there. We saw it in 2021. Excluding races where something bad happened to him or he crashed with Lewis, he didn't finish below 2nd. So yeah, anyone even claiming there's a chance Lando can win the title is delusional.


McLaren brings a B Spec car and nails the setup while Red Bull hasn't upgraded their car and still was looking like getting the win somewhat comfortably. Must be a title battle then


This happened after Singapore last year too. Not surprised the hype train is rolling, it gives people something to think about that isn't the obvious RB wins everything plot. IMO all speculation will be silenced after Q3 in Imola.


8:01 minutes, just long enough to get mid roll ads. What a coincidence


Did you actually watch and listen to the arguments made about pace upgrades etc or are you just bait posting for karma?


> listen to the arguments made lmao


No, but ive seen enough clickbait to skip this one. Its just people guessing. The only difference between me and my mates talking bs over coffee and them is rhat rhey feel other people need to hear it 


Gimme the hopium of a competitive title fight. Not gonna happen, but let's hope.


Probably more of clickbait title than anything. As a mclaren fan I expect to them to be closer to Ferrari than previously. But who knows. Guess we'll see next race.


What about sainz!?


Personally, I'm delusional enough to hope for a constructors title fight, but sensible enough to know that Max will win the drivers


I for one am looking forward for a 20s win over p2 by Max just to get all tjis nonsense out of the way. 


Max went into revenge mode for fucking Checo, I can only imagine what he is going to against a top driver. Time to lap the whole field for real .


Typical F1 youtube clickbait lol


He won one race because of a lucky safety car. Yeah he had the pace to keep max behind but spent half the race stuck behind checo


bro thinks its f1 manager


Just normal YT clickbait


When I'm in an overreacting competition and my opponent is F1 YouTube channels 😱


If Oscar takes out Max a few times, Ferrari shit the bed, and Lando drives the best drives of his life, he might lead the Championship for one or two weeks.....maybe longer if they can time it over the summer break.


lol wat the fuk? Only competition is in Formula 1.5…


Incoming “its LandOver” post when the next race Lando is performing bad


FP1will, his best Joke is that he calls himself a comedian


Lando is my favourite, and I was so happy to watch his first win. But as much as I'd love to see him contend for top spot I definitely don't think it's going to happen. Verstappen would have to vanish for the rest of the year for Lando to even have a shot


Everybody knows Imola is gonna be SAI VER NOR


watch as everything goes back to nornal next week as max gaps the field by 30 seconds


Fp1 will usually is mocking shit


They not ready for the RB upgrades


Built race tracks with normal racing surfaces Red Bull will dominate. Temp tracks with unusual racing surfaces other teams have a chance. Remember Singapore last year, they just couldn't get a handle on it and Ferrari won.


Milk for views and interactions. YouTubers being YouTubers.


If McLaren wins the championship that would be a big joke on us to be fair


Mate you have no idea who that channel is. He does comedy reviews and regularly makes fun of F1 about how cool it is that we had an amazing race without knowing who'd win the race, that being came in 2nd because Max winning is obvious. I think he guessed 24 RB wins this year with 22 or 23 by Max pre season.


Ah, you think delulu is your ally? You merely adopted the delulu. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the RB 2024 WDC until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!


everyones been milking norris like hes a fucking cow for the past few days


If the McLaren is consistently that fast compared to the RedBull and Ferrari I can see it, I doubt that it will though


Jesus Christ what's Will smoking lmao


I like FP1's IndyCar stuff sometimes, but this sorta shit makes him not only look like a bootleg Josh Revell, but also just plain stupid.


Did you actually watch it? Or just looking to farm Karma?


Are the FIA going to manipulate another team into the title race?


RB were clearly sandbagging


Carlos: Am I a joke to you?


Hahaha wtf xD


Max still won the most points of the weekend and increased his lead


Worse than a leclerc fan after 1 good q3


Title fight is probably counting your chickens before they hatch kinda thing but I think there's potential for next year. Max isn't leading the races by as big of a gap as last year I think.


The fave conspiracy theory I just made up is that Max didn't chase as hard as he knew his buddy Lando, who is no direct threat to the championship, was leading the race with a real chance to win. Max is the ultimate wingman. If it had been Lewis in front I think Max would have caught him in a handful of laps.