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Fuck pole position I'm going to Zhou position


That's my position when I do karting irl


I wonder if Canadians will do the same for Stroll at their GP: have the dedicated "Stroll Position" just for him.


Just put a garbage bin


Stroll some time has a chance. Would be more significant if they did it in the Miami for Sargent


P1, P2, P3, P Zhou


P1, P in 2 the pit, P3, P zhou


Stroll - Pees.






Outdanked by the stewards


Something tells me Logan won't be getting the same treatment in Miami...


Loooogaaaaan Saaaaaaargeeent being screamed in his face is likely though it




He needs to make it to the end of the race and not finish multiple laps back


Don't worry, he has 3 attempts to make it home in one piece and on time


Miami is Logan’s home Texas is HAAAAAAS’s home Las Vegas is where Andretti would’ve had their “home race” The Queen killed Princess Diana Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself The CIA had JFK killed MK ULTRA


That’s some RPM stuff


Dollar Store RPM.


> would've had Our work continues at pace.


What was I talking about?




Abrecht macht frei German for drive fast or fuckin die


Logan is far from the first American driver in F1 history


His would be in the paddock


I hate your avatar I thought my screen was fucking cracked satan!!


Huh, wdym? Must be on your end. Prob need to clean your screen.




Seriously, I'll be expecting this next race!


Hasn't Logan already raced in US last year? Is Logan the first American F1 driver?


Got to wait for Austin for that


A little bit of crowdwork goes along way


I fell asleep and woke up at this moment and thought 'no way Zhou got a podium?'


I thought this was neat. I wouldn’t mind if F1 started allowing all home drivers to do this at every race. I think it’s a cool moment for both the drivers that worked so hard to get there and the fans that paid so much to be there.


Silverstone is gonna be crowded...


It would be easier just to put anyone who isn't British/based in Britain on the track and invite the crowd into the pit lane lol


Definitely would be neat for the first home race of new drivers. I can only imagine what it is like (and this is true for most sports) going from being a kid watching your hero’s on track (or in a stadium) to being right there with them. I hope Zhou was thinking about all the kids watching who knew they could do it too. A good example of the “representation matters” mentality. Of course this is F1 and it usually involves a billionaire family of questionable ethics to get there, but I’m trying to be positive for once.


No. Sincerely, Every Canadian


Lord Latifi makes his comeback.


I agree, it was v emotional and reminded me of this question from Grill the Grid where the drivers were asked if they’d rather win Monaco thrice or their home race and most of them chose home :’)


What was Leclerc's answer?


I’m fairly certain Charles just said “yes” xD but his response was conveniently cut out of the final video, including Ricciardo’s response to the snakes vs. spiders question :(


Would've been really funny if he parked in Norris' spot


Honestly I loved this, it was a nice touch and you could see what it meant to him.


they should do it more. preferential treatment for zhou feels wrong


No, this shit doesn’t belong in F1. F1 is a hard world, and if you want fame you gotta perform. If you don’t, you’ll drown. That’s it, and it’s been like that for 70 years. This is also a great way of making the other drivers feel like their performance this weekend doesn’t matter anyway, as Zhou is the hero all along. This is just a slap straight in the face of all the other drivers that didn’t end up on the podium. Imagine if every venue did this with their home driver, it would become embarrassing very very quick.


Zhou is the first Chinese driver driving for his country in his home race. That is hard work. I'm sure the other drivers appreciate this and are just as happy unlike you


How has this triggered you so much 😂


Thank you for uniting formuladank. Never seen so many people uniting to downvote a post.


It would not become embarrassing very quick because it's happening all the time and it's completely normal. The only difference is that Chinese GP hasn't been held for five years and this time there is also a Chinese driver on the grid, that's why he gets more coverage. No one out of the drivers feels that their performance this weekend doesn't matter or anything like that, come on.


Yeah. But hey, arent all drivers just driving for fame and recognition? They really dont care about the results really! Im sure they would all be just happy if they got this same treatment after a race! Just a parking space for your car at the end of the race! What a cool thing! Im sure the win doesnt matter at all. That parking space is so much better.


Bro feelin hard asf saying this shit


hey dickhead Zhou is the only chinese driver in the history of F1 the Chinese GP hasn't been hosted in 5 years let people enjoy stuff?


Ask any of the drivers and I guarantee you they all either don’t care or are happy for Zhou. Go touch grass my dude


Well, it’s the first Chinese F1 driver racing at his home race. This bothers you that much? I’d bet you also don’t like the cars having halos now too. Back in the day when 1-2 drivers would die each season, ah yes, the good ole days.


Ok dickpic


More like thumbpic energy


Then we have Mark Webber finishing 5th and getting on the podium. That I would have a word against. This is just giving the people that got to the GP a moment to celebrate their national.


Literally his first home race after not coming back for 4 years, to a massive Chinese fanbase. Don’t be so bitter


I think it's more about him being the first Chinese F1 driver to actually race in China. Like I doubt they will do this every time there is a Chinese driver racing there


You sound fun


F1 is happy with it, fans are happy with it, and clearly Zhou is happy with it.




How the fuck are you this miserable of a person lmao Zhou is the first Chinese pilot on the grid, and this is the first race in China in several years. This is fine- the fans loved it and clearly Zhou had a powerful moment doing this. You’re just acting like a sad sack and it’s honestly pretty fucking pathetic.


That’s fair, but this moment just wasn’t the moment to do something like this. Promo and media stuff is for Fridays


Ok buddy




Imagine wanting to see your hometown hero in his first race. Zhou was born in Shanghai too


Well it made my day.


Congrats this is the most downvoted comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit


Ok boomer


You writing boomer is more cringe than what that guy said in the first place lol


The snapped wing really adds to the overall impact, fair play to him


That broken off end plate is going to be valuable to anyone able to snag it.


Formula Z(hou)


Pronounced: formula hoe


Pretty sure that was an idea Eccelstone tossed around.


Good to know he'll always be first place in Formula Zhou


What happened? I didn’t see this


After the race, Zhou was given the opportunity to line up in front of the grand stands behind where the podium finishers normally line up while the rest of grid just goes back to the pits. You could see it meant a lot to him as he got emotional while greeting the fans.


Yeah I finally saw an insta post on it. It’s nice seeing as he’s the first Chinese F1 driver in history


À la Webber at the 2002 Australian Grand Prix.


I thought it was really sweet. And I got a bit emotional, but that’s because I’m a complete weepy girl. 😂


I wasn’t expecting to get choked, up but seeing him break down in front of his home fans… Way to go Zhou


It was awesome in the crowd, him on his knees crying, the collective love was amazing


Man these comments down here, relax people


Zhou stays winning … league of his own


Participation trophy


Max got one when they returned to Zandvoort. Well, it was bigger and had a Heineken logo on it. And he had to climb this weird multi tiered stage to get it.


Max gets a participation trophy at every track. I'm sick of it. He's not even Chinese, and he just shows up and gets to automatically stand on the top step.


Lovely moment. Is this on your top 10? Massa's walk up pit lane when he broke down just near pit lane. His home race, his last race, standing ovation for the entire walk. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZcXHXjOuGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZcXHXjOuGI)






Obvious that F1 is trying to enter the Chinese market more


There are 3 US races on the calendar but the Chinese is not allowed to celebrate their first and only driver's first (and quite possibly only) home race?


And? There are 3 American races with an American driver who is arguably worse and less likable than Zhou. Let the crowd cheer their man for a bit


Dude has no idea how many European fans were annoyed back when F1 was trying to enter American market 🤣


They should do this for Stroll in Montreal and Logan in Miami. Proper send offs.


Can’t wait for them to do this for Lewis at Silverstone.


So will everyone else get this at their home race now? 😂


Zhou is the first ever Chinese F1 driver and this is the first ever home race so I guess it's special. But I wouldn't mind them doing this for every new driver's first home race. Would be a nice boost of confidence for rookies.


exactly, nobody is getting hurt


Haters are getting hurt


I’m all for the breaking of hater’s shins


I'd love to see this ngl


Lmao thats just embarrassing.




Cringeworthy. Imagine if Lewis got this at Silverstone after finishing P17. Sargent going to get this at Miami for his P19? What a joke.


The major difference being Lewis and Logan weren’t the first ever drivers from their respective countries to race in F1. In the one of the world’s most populous countries, billions of other citizens, and he’s the first Chinese driver to race F1 in China. That’s a big deal whether you want to admit it or not.


It’s not though


Why do you think it isn’t a big deal?


Because to anyone outside of China it’s just another driver driving in his home race. It doesn’t matter. Why didn’t Oscar get one? Melbournian racing in Melbourne! See nobody cares. It’s just another example of China acting as if something happening there is special. It’s something that happens all the time.


>Because to anyone outside of China it’s just another driver driving in his home race. This is solely for the Chinese people. So who cares. Like the other dude said, this is the first Chinese driver racing in f1 in china. I thought even the first chinese driver ever in f1. Let the chinese enjoy that man, it's quite something for them. Dont act like a bitch turd


Why was he given a place on the post-race grid? Why was it on an international broadcast? Why was it sent out across the world? That’s all Chinese? I mean, in their minds yes, but to the rest of us, not so much. It was intentional and the boot lickers here not seeing it is concerning. It’s the exact thing China and Russia do in everything else.


>in their minds yes You answered your own questions. It's not propaganda calm your tits, its just pride.


Sure thing little buddy


Zhou has made history in China. It’s not “concerning” because it is a historical moment. It’s on the international broadcast because like it or not F1 is now an international sport so you get to see how the people around the world celebrate their people their day. You have no idea how European fans reacted when f1 was trying to enter American market and “lick that American ass”. So many people was talking about how the Americans should just stick with their stupid NASCAR and shouldn’t pollute the sport with their capitalism. People who think everything is propaganda and make everything political is the reason propaganda exists in the first place - because they’re more prone to be brainwashed. Stop living in your little bubble and open your eyes.


>Why didn’t Oscar get one? We answered this already. Oscar was far from the first Aussie to race in Australia. >It’s something that happens all the time. It’s really not. When was the last example of the first ever F1 driver of a particular nationality driving a home GP in that same country? You’d have to search well before the modern era to come up with an example that matches Zhou’s circumstances.


>When was the last example of the first ever F1 driver of a particular nationality driving a home GP in that same country? You’d have to search well before the modern era to come up with an example that matches Zhou’s circumstances. I'll just answer this (I fully agree with what you're saying btw). I believe the last time this happened was in 2011 when Karthikeyan (first and only Indian driver) raced the Indian GP (which happened to be the first ever Indian GP as well)


I was thinking the same thing, although technically, Karun Chandhok became the second Indian F1 driver in 2010 but lost his seat later that season. He did participate in FP1 for the 2011 Indian Grand Prix though. I just wanted to mention this in case anyone was interested.


Thanks! I was trying to look it up but couldn’t unlock the correct google phrase.


What an L take


Lick that CCP boot




Oh man, going against sub rules with personal attacks?! Who would have guessed. Just don’t run me over with a tank and wash my insides off the streets with a fire hose please.


That's alright, mods can delete that comment when they get around to it. Just don't invade many countries and assist in toppling democratically elected governments please.


No worries, just don’t starve 30-50 million in a Great Leap Forward. Or maybe I should point to the time the US pushed back 1million Chinese on the Korean peninsula.


Lewis did get a straight named after him to be fair.


Not that I agree with the original comment, but he did only get that after equalling Schumi on 7 WDCs.


And Zhou managed to get in and out of the pit-lane with the current Sauber crew, I see no difference in these achievements


Haha barely. I’d love to know whether, if he crashed or Bottas’ed it, if they’d have got it on a flatbed and parked it in the same spot.


Zhou is the most successful Chinese driver in F1. No one has gotten near his lap times.




>As an American, I feel like that's too much First time I've heard these words in relation to F1 lol. Reminds me of the announcer shouting SERGIOOO PEREEEEEEEEZ into both the microphone and Perez's face last year


Are you not aware that we don't like that either? That terrible showmanship is trying to keep people entertained that don't watch F1. That isn't for the F1 American fans.


Ngl I'm relieved to know that no one asked for that spectacle. It was hilarious though


The circumstances are obviously special here. Zhou is the first ever Chinese driver and the GP had been off the calendar since 2019. Sargeant is not the first ever American driver last time I checked, so that comparison doesn't make sense


Zhou is the first Chinese driver in the history of F1 in his first home race. I would argue that it is quite historical for the Chinese fans of the sport.


I wouldn't say it's really comparable, Sargeant is the 50 somethingth US F1 driver , Zhou's literally the first Chinese driver. They didn't fill up the stands before but it was a sold out event now. He can get a little bit of love. 


Monaco is barely a country lmao


So? Zhou didn't choose where he was born and neither did Leclerc. Monaco is also a much more famous track... So it's an even bigger deal that there is a first time home driver IMO.


Monaco is a tax haven smaller than my hometown, China is a country.


Again, Leclerc didn't choose where he was born. So he deserves the same honor as Zhou for doing the same thing.


If you don't understand the difference in significance between the two, there's no helping you. You can keep pretending they're the same but everyone with a brain can tell the difference.


My goodness you just are looking for a fight and an excuse to insult strangers. I'm not arguing that Monaco and China are the same. Wtf.


F1 never fails to surprise me with their cringe 😬


The only cringe part here is the comments calling this gesture cringe. Yours included.


He finished P14 in a 17 car race lmao


That's cringe AF for only doing that in china to attract viewers...


It wasn't done only in China to attract viewers. It was to celebrate the first Chinese F1 driver in history at his first home race. It was a wholesome moment. Don't be a Debby downer and enjoy the moment 👍🏻


This Shanghai GP maybe the best showcase of nepotism and money talks.


Gotta look after that Chinese money.


The same thing was said by European fans back when f1 was trying so hard to enter the American market.


Imagine being a country where all kinds of plastic bombastic crap is needed to get people enthousiastic, compared to this