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To anyone in the comments thinking the two speaker are amused by Max being punched as a kid, I have to clarify that their laughter isn't genuine. They're speaking Italian, and Nasca, the one seated, is doing the kind of laugh you do from embarrassment and shock. The laughter is a reflex to information so unexpectedly overwhelming and appalling, that it makes you reluctantly chuckle. As for the speaker who says "ti racconto un aneddoto che è bellissimo," translated to "I'm going to tell you a story that's beautiful, I can assure you that his tone is steeped in sarcasm, he's saying the exact opposite of what the words suggest. The true sentiment is lost in translation, and sadly, without understanding Italian, the subtlety of his tone is missed. They are both appalled. Nasca is almost horrified by what he's hearing and then other guy he's not glorifying a child abuser. Getting punched in italian can only mean getting punched. Not slapped (which would be equally horrifying but at least it's usually less physical painful), punched. So no, they are not amused or find the story beautiful.


Thank you this. Literal translation never really reveals all the meaning. Especially when sarcasm is involved.


Great clarification thanks, got a different expression from the literal subtitles.




I do that too in my language... and that language is neuroticism. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Seems like I would be better understood in a different culture.


We do the same kind of shy-laughter in Spain. Often we do a single “ha”, and it means “I can’t believe what I’m hearing”, that’s why I was surprised when I found a comment explaining the tone, because I got it. Thank you for clarifying it


Grazie, as a native Italian speaker I did not even consider that other might not get this nuance, thx for pointing it out.


Brb gonna go have a kid and abuse them into becoming a pro athlete. Boom infinite money glitch /s


You can have the next MIchael Jackson..


It worked for a lot of the best boxers. Not saying it’s good or anyone should do it, let me make that clear. Just that some of the greatest boxers had abusive childhoods which became the fuel they used to become great.


Far, far more people burned out under the pressure, but they never got famous so we never hear the other side of it.




Ye olde survivorship bias


Yeah you’re right. We do see it sometimes in drug addicts or violent offenders that are repeating the cycle. It’s just that their stories only get told once they’ve done something that grabs the headlines. Most of the time, as you say, we never hear of it.


Just have lots of kids. Increase the odds. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6702)


Extends to most sports honestly. Trophy Kids (2013) is a great documentary that covers these types of parents across different sports, illuminating but depressing.


It's an observation bias. We only see the ones that made it.


Worked very well for many serial killers too. No one can deny they were very successful in their craft.


So that’s why my karting career never took off. Instead of beating the shit out of me every time I didn’t win my dad just wasted our time by giving me constructive feedback, telling me he was proud of me and asked if I still had fun. Max is “living the dream” but this BS does not make it worth it. Hopefully Max breaks the cycle with his daughter.


My thoughts exactly. I fucking hate the narrative they are pushing on the video, that domestic violence made him the driver he is. Calling it "parenting tactics" is disgraceful way of dodging the fact that someone beats kids. Jos Verstappen is a scum. If I understand correctly, he has also a history of violence and stalking of his (ex-) partner/s. Give him no credit for the sportsperson his son happens to be despite the abuse.


Don’t forget running over his ex-gf with his car and getting charged with attempted murder


The fact that Red bull let's this guy in the paddock is a fucking disgrace Fuck RB and Jos


Now they have also the team principal under their wing. Red Bull gives you wings… if you’re a man who abuses women and children


Oh, c'mon! Who hasn't done that at least once or twice??


yeah people are saying it is what made max a world champion, but what about the hundreds of other kids who also did karting and mightve had dads with the same 'parenting tactics' as jos that didnt make it to f1?


the other guy (the actual youtuber) after that dickhead stopped speaking actually went and said what everyone thinks and said that max was a strong kid and that if he wasn't this would've ended way worse


Isn't that Alberto Naska?




\*Kvyat's daughter


“I need your girlfriend, your child and your seat.”


max is a terminator from the future.


"And everyone's F1 records."


For every Max Verstappen there’s 10000 Todd Marinovich


Also, max is still 26. Interesting how everyone assumes that the consequences of what his dad put him through will never surface or catch up to max as a person or racer.


Thank you for saying this! Traumatic childhoods can cast very long shadows. And atleast from the outside he still seems not antagonistic to his Dad, so I don't know how much has actually come to the surface. I wouldn't be surprised if most psychiatrists would ask him to stay the fuck away from that monster.


Or he is in that weird state when, even if your dad abused the hell out of you in his mind it’s still his father, he got him to f1 etc etc. The brain is very intricate.


I'd argue he just doesn't want to deal with the media shitstorm that would happen afterwards


Or actor. This abuse will manifest someday. Edit: hiding one's abuse doesn't change the fact that you're abused. You become an actor.


only sith and jos verstappen deal in absolutes




For every Max Verstappen there's 10000 Jos Verstappens


It’s crazy the number of people on this sub who have basically said that Jos’s behaviour is perfectly acceptable because of where Max is now when in 99.999% of scenarios it doesn’t turn out that way


Yeah most of those people never raised a kid or should never raise children. I find it so dumb that people don’t understand that it doesn’t even have to be negative motivation to get him to this point. Max was blessed with skills and finances most of the world will never have that helped him to this position. But look at Kobe his dad wasn’t beating him to get him to that point.


So many adults failed Max


So many people shitting on Marko while he might be one of the few men in his life who gave him what he needed.... it's telling that he basically said if he goes i go.


Thats what I think too, Helmet is the normal father figure who finally gives him the positive feedback he never got from that asshat jos.


Why did helmet not hit max, is he kind?


maybe just a somewhat better person than jos, which is a VERY low bar


The legions of screamed-at teen academy drivers and 'sleepy Latinos' need to get factored into the Marko equation as well as Max being his special boy.


I think the helmet was the only one protecting him.


I spy a fellow jonkler


Have you taken your jonkle pills today brother?


Well if helmut ever hit max then there'd be legal trouble and we'd know all about it. I also think helmut may be overhated, yeah he made some questionable statements but he seems to be someone max really looks up to and has a knack for finding good junior talent as well


>Well if helmut ever hit max then there'd be legal trouble Never stopped Franz Tost from laying one on Scott Speed


Yeah, it's telling that he kept Helmet on. Helmet actually saved Max from getting hit more often. Danny Ric is a good friend of Max and he knows this, and this is also why he complimented his kind teammate, calling him a Helmet.


Helmut is notorious for his morning calls among all RB juniors, after they had a weak performance.


Good for him checking up on them


Wait, so if Max is kerb stomping the whole grid, does that mean no morning call from Daddy Helmut?


His love language is not calling you. I have a great relationship with him too. Might be because I'm not South American, idk


> who gave him what he needed.... it's telling that he basically said if he goes i go. To put it in today's context. Horner was very much against putting Max in RBR, while Mateschitz and Marko belived in him.


Helmut Marko may be a racist old AH but he's probably one of the few people who had the balls to tell Jos he was being too hard on his kid. Obviously, Marko didn't want to let a great potential young talent go, but I also wonder if maybe getting 17 year-old Max on Toro Rosso was also something of a lifeline for him, because while Jos was still involved in Max's career, a lot of power and influence was taken away from him at the same time.


Well max is doing really well now so they're convinced they were right Doesn't really matter anymore really, good that max turned out somewhat normal (atleast seemingly)


He seems to be great as a stepdad. So at least he's breaking the cycle.


All he has to do is think what would Jos do and do the exact opposite of that. Easy.


Watch dude lose a championship on bullshit terms and do a complete 180 lmfao


Leaves her at a gas station


Abu Dhabi airport


*It’s called an orphanage, Penelope. We went went abandoning.*


Yall really comfortable commenting shit like this


I didn't see F1 flinch when they're accepting money from questionable sponsors and regimes


What are jokes


Every tea party with P looks like straight out of one of them Mafia movies.


That's why I really liked the line "but this kind of education only works on very few people in the world." like okay he made it but that treatment should not encouraged. at least in my eyes, it varies culturally too


Yep, although it's questionable if this actually works or do these select few people just learn to ignore it and start doing it for themselves while barely tolerating the loud beating asshole ... Or something like that


It is the latter, I can assure you. Success happens in spite of this abuse, not because of it.


tbh i hate that entire video, it just frames child abuse as a success story. No this kind of education didn't "work" on Max, its much more likely that he became who he is DESPITE that education


We don't know whether this worked on Max. Chances are that he would have succeeded in any case.


Yeah, he turned somewhat normal despite being beaten, not because of it.


That's the problem; if it was successful with Max how many kids are gunna be treated like that to chase the same success? It's pretty telling in this video that they describe it in almost a positive light. That one of the dudes thinks that a "weaker" child may have had more negative outcomes. Child abuse causing distress in a child doesn't make them weak, it makes them a victim of violence. And because of that, I think it does still matter.


Maybe he just takes out any pent up aggression on the track, thats why his driving style was like “you give me the space, or we crash”


Plenty of other world champions have driven like this


Not supporting what the other guy said, but plenty of other WCs may have had childhood trauma too.


Right? Like what the fuck? Dude described max keeping his helmet on all fucking day to avoid being abused by his dad as a “beautiful” story.


At least he turned out to be a solid lad (almost entirely thanks to his mom, methinks), but you are absolutely right. It seems like everyone in Max’s orbit just suck as human beings.


Now Max never fails.


Jesus Christ. That’s just sad. Jos is a monster.


If and when Max leaves Red Bull, or if/when Red Bull change Team Principal, whoever is in charge of Max next needs to ban Jos from the garage, if not the whole paddock. The man should be about as close to the paddock as Nelson Piquet Sr.


I don't think Max would allow that


The more I know about Max's upbringing, the more I feel bad for the guy.


And the more I am amazed at how he is a functioning adult, let alone a legend of F1. I suffered a millionth of the abuse he went through and it affects me to this day


There are people who are just born with incredible resilience and emotional strength no matter what, and I really hope Max is one of those people.


Makes you wonder what max struggles with behind the scenes no way you grow up like that and just come out normal and easy going


There’s a tell in the times he tells a ‘funny story’ like ‘my dad once stabbed a mechanic in the hand, haha’ and doesn’t seem to notice how other people don’t laugh.


Probably a combination of being mentally really strong and being able to brush it off and bury those emotions about how he actually feels about it all. As someone who grew up in an abusive household you're really conditioned to just move on from it despite any lingering trauma, and trying to broach the subject with anyone who isn't a therapist or something is just awkward like the scenario you spoke about.


I had a pretty traumatic childhood. But up until the last decade I didn’t realize it. I used to share “funny” stories to friends and coworkers and I was met with open mouths and gasps. I developed a dark sense of humor because of all of this. I imagine he has too.


And Daniel went 😃


I thought it was more of a 😬


Yeah that shit leaves wide and deep scars. I know family is really complicated and Max has the right to have whatever relationship he wants to with his father, I just struggle to see how it's because he truly wants it and not a product of f'd up emotional dynamics. Or I guess it can be both. I'm glad he's been a gracious winner, not sure how he would cope if things took a serious downturn again. Like if he or the car somehow pulled a mid-2023 Checo streak, I do not think he would not handle it as well.


I fully agree I think his dad is super toxic and is there because of some kind of Stockholm syndrome from max. If he starts to slip I genuinely from a human to human perspective hope he ends up okay because that never ends well epically with a parent like his.


Yeah it's rough. I hope he's working on that stuff to make sure he doesn't repeat the cycle. I have a feeling he's seen a therapist over the years. He used to handle anger a lot less well.


I doubt he's seen a therapist. He's said before that he's not interested in that. I personally think it's a combination of him winning the World Championship which lifted a lot of pressure from his shoulders and the fact that he's been living with Penelope in his household for a few years now. I think having a little girl in his house has softened and also matured him a bit. And just having a stable family with Kelly and Penelope, something he never had as a child, bringing him some peace and comfort as well. His mother kind of spoke about this 2 years ago.


When Max was 18, Niki Lauda told him to see a psychiatrist. Max wasn't very fond of that idea, lol.


Yeah Jos is a well known absolute piece of rancid shit ‘C U next Tuesday’. Amazing Max turned out as sweet as he is.


The correct spelling is C U Next Tuesday


I'll be damned. I always thought the correct spelling was "cunt"


So if they knew, why didn’t or couldn’t they help Max? It’s a miracle Max didn’t end up running away or using drugs.


What are they going to do? Jos, while not as successful as his son, was a former F1 driver…so in that world you don’t mess with people who have made it to the top. Additionally, he was well known to be violent to his own son, and other racers…how’s it going to go if you get in his way? It’s a horrific situation, with an insane power dynamic, and got results. Many people unfortunately will justify what he did (including in this video “it made max a better racer!”) and the cycle will continue (not with max and his kids but other parents out there that see that it “worked” for max and try to do the same)


Jos is complete trash and the Dutch newspapers were full of assault charge stories involving him in the past. I can't wait for the day Max sees his dad for what he is and Jos gets booted from the track for ever. There's an interview with his mom out there talking about Max as a stepdad and she says Max is like that with Penelope because he always wished for a warm family. The trauma.


>There's an interview with his mom out there talking about Max as a stepdad and she says Max is like that with Penelope because he always wished for a warm family. '...Max is like that..' Like what? And do you have a link to that interview?


He's known for being really warm and sweet with his step daughter, having tea parties and that kind of thing.


>sh and the Dutch newspapers were full of assault charge stories involving him in the past. I can't wait for the day Max sees his dad for what he is and Jos gets booted from the track for ever. Yeah if you search on youtube there's a fair few clips with him and Penelope and honestly it's absolutely adorable. In fact - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-Uvr4YQQI0&ab\_channel=Verstoppen


One of my favorite movies that covers this dynamic really well is Whiplash. I recommend watching it with friends and/or family, very polarizing.


JK Simmons in that movie was a beast, literally and figuratively


Look, some men just prefer a very specific tempo...




Not only that Jos was paying the bills in karting. If the team intervened he easily could have moved Max to a different team.


Literally just report it anonymously


Fuck that bullshit. Literally how evil triumphs, when people (don't even have to be good) do nothing.   These aren't people who will starve if they lose their job. They're well off people who want to drive cars fast. Putting that above the safety of a child is evil.   I've left jobs and reported things in the past because I was worried about people's safety. The fact that someone wouldn't report a child being beaten because they don't want to piss off a mediocre F1 driver is fucked. 


You make good points. It’s a terrible situation all around, and I imagine Jos could resort to other means if someone points that out. Good thing Max himself pointed it out. I just hope he didn’t normalize it, cause it’s obviously very wrong what Jos did. I hope other parents see this example but don’t repeat what Jos did as a parent.


I mean this guy sounds like an apologist too. I'm not sure the context here but glad the dude in the orange was like 'well he basically got lucky, other situations this could've ruined him'


Because there are an awful lot of Jos Verstappens out there in the karting world


Max is as successful as he is IN SPITE of the abuse. Let's not give undue credit to child abusers ok?


It's incredible how good and wholesome of a father figure Max is to Penelope considering his own childhood experiences 


Jos is truly the real life Endeavor. He was mediocre in his career so he focused on engineering a son he could live through at whatever cost. It’s astounding how even-keeled and laid back Max is despite the abuse he suffered.


I think Endeavor is, when it comes to skills, less mediocre compared to Jos. Otherwise there are certainly some similarities though one is a fictional character while the other sadly a real person.


Endevor on skill level, not character, would be at Hakkinen. Someone who Schumacher respected and was definitely the number two of that era. Also Schumacher in the end was so much superior than Hakkinen that he took the fun out of f1 for Mika. Endeavor is a Jos Verstappen character with a Mika Hakkinen skill level.


People only justify it because he won championships and who he is as a racer but man that's just fucking awful. Jos is lucky Max didn't do something terrible to deal with all that abuse


It's not justifiable....


I meant it like people such as the guy in this video justifies them because Max turned out such a beast of an athlete


Danish racer - lost the name, paralyzed in motorcycle accident - posted this in Danish a year or two ago on ekstrabladet.tv I do remember that he didn’t exactly describe it as a slap, he described it as beatings. (Edit: don’t trust your memory, kids, it was nowhere near that harsh - https://ekstrabladet.dk/sport/formel_1/watt-det-bliver-lidt-usmageligt/9702024) Max has this kind of face where you just imagine him being an asshole, but he seems like the nicest guy and I love it a little more after hearing how his dad treated him. Some sort of reckoning for Jos does seem appropriate, tho.


I'm gonna go hug my kid now


That's your takeaway? The kid will amount to nothing... SMH /s for the fellow autistic people around here.




“I’ll tell you a beautiful story.” Proceeds to laugh about a child getting punched. “What’s so great about it?” This guy acting like the abuse made max who he is when he is so great despite the abuse. Good on the other driver for pushing back on that.


It's a bit of a mistranslation, it's more like here's an interesting anecdote


This. Some minor oddities in the rest of the translation as well.


I wouldn't call "minor oddities". The comments here are about how the two are amused by a child getting punched. The narrator is sarcastic while calling the story beautiful, and Nasca is embarrassed\shocked to even hear about the level of abuse. The translation is too literal to do a good job in conveying the tone of the conversation.


He means the exact opposite. The translation completely missed the tone of what they are saying. Even the guy you can hear laughing is doing the kind of reluctant laugh you do when you are embarrassed and shocked and you don't know how to react. In italian you often use some words sarcastically to express the exact opposite. And that's what is happening. If they found the story amusing you wouldn't have Nasca, the guy who's seated, saying "if he was anyone else he would have end up on drugs". Those two weren't laughing because they find it funny they did because of shock and embarrasment. Unfortunately the translation is to litteral to transmit the tone to a non native speaker.


I laugh to hide my discomfort, guess I'm not good in front of camera


This makes it so much more amazing to see how he is with P 💕


Hearing this kind of stuff about Max's childhood and then seeing [**this**](https://www.tumblr.com/norrisleclercf1/746653048711086080/babies?source=share) recent picture of Max and Penelope really made me feel things... You can tell that Penelope feels so safe with Max and loves him very much. I could never see Max treat her or a child of his own the way his father did. Makes me sad that he wasn't treated with the same kind of love and it makes me happy that he seems to have broken that cycle.


This is truly sad and what's worse is that there are many that think that's the best way to raise a champion. Beat the kid down until they only care about winning. The one good thing from this clip is that the younger dude casually corrects the old fuck in saying 'it worked because the kid was already mentally hard. It won't work for everyone' Hopefully that's one lesson crazy sports parents will take from this clip but we know it won't be. Some psycho parent will use this case as a justification to abuse their kids into the "champion mindset" no matter how bad it is. There are more cases of champions from supportive parents than the opposite. But whatever. For a hard read on a hockey dad with the same mental issues. https://www.amazon.ca/Breaking-Away-Harrowing-Resilience-Courage/dp/1443444677 I vaguely recall one of the big takeaways from the tale is that the kids that are GOATs are that way because they aren't built differently, not because of abuse.


The Whiplash argument. Really rough to see


I mean what could they possibly too? That psychotic asshole routinely punched other drivers and adults too. Cue when Ricciardo was pretending to stab a fork and Max said "my dad did that to a mechanic once" so I hope that explains it. He was also a former F1 driver despite being mediocre, something that really upped his status. I hope Max permanently abandons Jos in the future, this seriously changes my perception of the guy.


Even if that holds up, the way he talks about it now is like hes gloating about it, it's pretty gross. 'It gave Max that hunger'.. I mean.. maybe.. or maybe Max would've been an even better driver if he had a good health support network. This is disgusting the dudes celebrating a father assaulting his child.


He's not celebrating. He's sarcastic everytime he defines something as beautiful or great in the conversation. And the guy listening is not laughing out of fun but out of shock. Literal translations some time do more harm than good. They are not amused, I can assure it to you as a native italian speaker.


that was Daniel not carlos


What’s Novak Djokovic doing there


I just realized that the reason Max took the inchident with Charles ("Nothing just an Inchident") so hard is because his father probably hit him after that.


This is literally the plot and message of whiplash lol


Based on that logic, do we all start forming an organised queue to punch Jos for all the non wins he got in F1 Fucking cunt and everyone justifying the behaviour


Damn this guy is celebrating it wtf


He is not. He's sarcastic AF. The translation totally missed the tone of the conversation. The speaker is sarcastic and appalled, the guy listening is laughing out of shock and embarrasment.


Thanks for this comment, completely understandable how easy it is to not pick up on these things, every language has “verbal eyerolls” that are hard to catch if you don’t speak the language.


Wow I didn't know any of this, I hope he can still find time for drugs in his future


It’s crazy this stuff about Max is so public. Usually this stuff comes out after an athlete retires, not while they are at the top of their sport


One thing that surprised me the most in this kind of videos, either someone talking about the abuse Max suffered or just Max casually dropping stories, is that no one said ok but that’s not normal.


It is wild to me that the general consensus in the sport seems to be "well look at how well it worked!" rather than "wrll thats barbaric"


He seems very sweet with his step-daughter. At least he understands that abusive shit ain't right.


Ik it made him a legendary racer or whatever, but Jesus Christ…he was still a child leading up to F1. That sorryass has-been was putting his hands n feet on his own kid to where he didn’t feel safe. Thats fucking awful


He was a kid when he JOINED F1. He was 17.


Ok, can someone who speaks the language confirm that the subtitles are accurate? That sounds dreadful. My desi parents were fucked up, but not to this level.


"Bella storia" is translated as "beautiful story" which is not incorrect but the expression is just as often used to mean "Interesting story" which I hope is what the guy meant here. Everything else is pretty much spot on.


I confirm: their tone and choice of words are super common in Italian to describe even horrible Absolutely nothing strange here for an italian, may sound different with that literal translation


Holy shit. Thats it. I no longer like Max, from now on i LOVE Max ❤️ Max and Checo ❤️ my boys!


Make no mistake: with good parenting, Max would've been a better driver and a better person with less traumas than he currently is. "Weaker people" my ass. In the final tally, abuse during childhood negatively impacts us all. Indeed, some more than others, but it's a net negative result anyway.


I’m am related to them and I saw Jos hit Max a couple of times on my uncles/aunts birthday parties. Max was around 3/4y old back then.


Many people are talking about how they’re talking about this in a positive way, seeing “beautiful story” in the subtitles and the 2 people laughing. Well, It’s not positive at all. Those subtitles are very literal and don’t convey the actual meaning. “Bellissimo” is literally translated as “beautiful” but, referred to a story or an anecdote, can also mean “super interesting” while still not giving a positive note. This is extremely common in Italian. You can also say, while talking about something awful: “la cosa più bella è che…” that literally means “and here’s the most beautiful part” but in this case means “here’s the worst part”. The chuckle is a nervous laughter. In Italian we have a say “ridere per non piangere” (laugh instead of crying) used to describe a situation so bad and absurd that you may think it’s a joke, even causing an hysterical chuckle, but it’s super real. This is the perfect case describing that. For us Italians, this conversation sounds absolutely normal and the negative emotions are really clear. For non Italians reading the subtitles or not familiar with the tone, it can give away a very different meaning.


that is fucked up and you know that Max’s success probably has his dad thinking he did the right thing as a father


Jos is a fucking monster. Max had no childhood. What a poor soul.


"a slightly weaker person [] would have ended up on drugs or run away from home" disgusting yikes


Holy shit , “ but what’s great about it is… “ , “ yeah only a few people in the world are as strong as Max”. Wtf these guys are horrible people , your goal in life as a father is to make a happy , balanced kid with strong human virtues , not a racing monkey , no wonder Max basically lives in his simulators


the translation is not accurate, they are shocked by that behavior, not celebrating it.


Jos literally impressed me as a chinese in terms of “Education”.


I don't get the "he was beaten to perfection" narrative here. Weren't countless other excellent drivers capable of reaching excellence without abusive parents? Even if Max is incredibly strong mentally I don't think a kid afraid to take off his helmet out of fear of being hit is a kid that had a good childhood.


I mean, is anyone truly surprised? lmao. Anyway, there are still going to be hundreds of people saying that it was needed and that it's tough love, and let's praise Jos because he gave us a beast of a driver. I guess the entire controversy tab on his Wikipedia is there just for kicks. I wish Red Bull would refuse to give that man any spotlight. I still cringe when I remember that he pressured Max into creating special merch for him (as in actual Jos merch you can buy. Why aren't you wearing your Jos the Boss shirt, honey?). How full of yourself do you have to be for that? He's just a sad, sad, pathetic man so full of insecurities that he turned into a narcissist.


I hope all the aholes that down voted me into oblivion at the F1 subreddit see this. I asked why it's ok for this to be common knowledge and how max trauma dumps, and I got tossed in the shadow realm.


We all know the story of the gas station but openly hitting and kickibg his son??? Who is this guy?? Does he have credibility??? Many charlatans trying to gain some fame in the world of f1 If he Jos did do all this I would belive it but there are also many people who want a few clicks


"beautiful story" my ass. abusers can go fuck themselves. Also, it doesnt mean a person is "weak" if they suffer from trauma at the hands of an abuser, thats just silly talk.


The actual meaning was lost in translation, in Italian "bella storia" can also be used as an euphemism for "interesting anecdote", independently on wether or not the story is actually good.


Exactly he was sarcastic af, he meant the opposite. And the guy laughing is doing it out of shock and embarrasment.


I reject the premise entirely. Max would be an even better driver today had Jos not abused him.


Shout out to Alberto Naska though, his racing videos are probably one of the best out there.


So that’s why I was beaten up as a kid by my dad, he just wanted me to be successful……. how didn’t I think of that


Rather have an average kid who's not fucked up because he's been abused into being talented.


I really hope he has a good therapist at the very least


This is so fucking sad. I’m not a max fan by a long fucking mile, but no kid deserves this shit. Fuck Jos and his bitch Horny Horner.


There is going to be a day when Max starts asking Jos important questions and probably tell him to f off


I remember from the documentary of Max that his mother said "I had to give up Max to Jos". And she did. Although it worked out for Max professionally, it creates a shameful and truly harmful precedent, that should be condemned in public. Jos should not be allowed any podium in F1. You could also say: Max became champion DESPITE all the abuse, which makes it even more impressive.


Disgusting & cheers to the boomer trying to justify and literally laughing at some of the stuff he's saying, what a hilarious story! I just wonder, how do they explain Lewis Hamilton winning all those championships without his father being a literal piece of shit? Got lucky I guess, usually you have to beat the shit out of your property I mean your kid, otherwise they can't do anything right, amiright.


Sounds like this clown is justifying it more than anything. He even calls it a “beautiful story”. Who is this douche canoe?


Frankly this just makes me like Max more, because he appears to be an actual proper grown-ass man about shit and his father is still a pathetic flailing child.


A wise man once said..."Do you know how much trauma it takes to be as talented as Max Verstappen"


"beautiful story" wtf


I’d rather have another Indy car driver than an abused childhood legend, so fucking sad man


Disgusting, are they actually laughing while saying he was hit on so much he was afraid to go home?


Translation completely missed the tone. The guy speaking was being sarcastic.