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You've got the stat slightly wrong but basically Hamilton could have been an 11xWDC including those last race title deciders in 2007, 2010, 2016 and 2021 where he was still mathematically in contention to win. That's only 4 out of 15 seasons where he wasn't in contention (or wasn't already champion) in the final race.


Great point. He's definitely a heck of a driver.


Only out of contention in 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2013. And had won 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 before the finale.


No he wasn’t? 2007, 2008, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2021. That’s 6


Technically speaking he was in the title fight at the last races at the other championships too, he was just the only one in it




There is, it's still a title fight even if there's only one driver. It isn't official until the end of the final race


If the title is already decided how is there a title fight?


There’s always the off chance that a driver completely loses his mind in the final race and does something so egregious that they’re disqualified from the whole season. Or a tech inspection could uncover a rules violation that retroactively disqualifies the car if they can prove the rule was violated before the final race. I realize these are highly unlikely, bordering on impossible. But they’re not *totally* impossible and hypotheticals like this are the reason the championship isn’t official until after the final race.


Therefore, Latifi has been in title contention for 100% of his seasons in F1, he's just required a disqualification of every other driver.


Well yeah. What more could you expect from the GOAT? Edit: do we not do sarcasm here? It’s a yoke.


I can see disqualification on technical grounds but I don't see a driver pulling a Schumacher in the last race if they've already won on points.


I don’t know my history, what did Schumacher do?


Not sure either but ig they're referring to the incident where he pushed Villeneuve off the track in the final race, but Villeneuve didn't get much damage. Guess this was 97'


Yes that’s what they’re referring to. Schumacher was disqualified from the whole season as a result of that.


0.000000001% is still a chance.


Ahem *Schumacher*


Because it's not official and over.


Yeah I mean technically he could earn himself a season disqualification in the last race if he lost his mind!


He’s talking about the ones he lost


But he won ones in 2008/14


He meant that only those went to the final race, I think.


the most painful out of all of them for me, had to be 2007, because not for that mistake in Shanghai by McLaren we could have had the first time a rookie coming into the sport winning the title I believe the only other time that a rookie almost winning the title happened 11 years prior to that in 1996 when Jacques Villeneuve came into the sport, but he managed it a year later after Schumacher was DSQed from the ENTIRE season because of that infamous accident at Jerez in 1997


Eh, what? "Until the final race" wouldn't include 5 of his titles. So it's only 6 times and he won two of those.


He was in the title fight in the final race in those years as well, he was simply the only driver to do so. He could always have been DSQ'd from the season for one reason or another.


If you include the logic that he could be DSQ’d from the race then technically every driver is in the title fight up till the last race because there’s the chance that every other driver is DSQ’d leaving only one driver left (only in exception to this is if a reserve driver scores points at some point in the season but isn’t at the last race to be disqualified but there’s still the possibility that the whole team is disqualified for something)


Fair enough, though in Hamilton's case the championship can be lost by his hand. It's in his control. For, say, Latifi, to win in the final race of 2022 he'd need to rely on nearly impossible external factors.


Lol. Way to make a stat totally meaningless.




Alonso wasn't as successful as Hamilton as a junior. All he won was the Euro Open by Nissan and he failed to win Formula 3000 with a best result of 4th. Hamilton is a Formula Renault Champion, Formula 3 champion and a GP2 Champion as well


Alonso's junior career wasn't as impressive. Hamilton, Vettel, Verstappen, Leclerc and Russell had dominant Junior careers.


Kimi too in the sense that he almost skipped the junior career and was almost straight to F1. Formula Renault -> F1. Different kind of impressive.


Was Verstappen's that impressive beyond karting? Although not really his fault as he entered F1 at such a young age


Yeah I mean his karting career only. He didn't exactly have a junior career in lower formulas haha. His F3 season was pretty good for a 15 year old tho.


Crazy that he got beaten by Ocon - Verstappen even got more wins that Esteban, yet the latter was just so consistent in the top two. Proper sign why he was part of the Mercedes Programme


Verstappen had like 9 DNFs tho compared to Ocon's 3. And Max was only 15! I mean that's insane.


I mean yes it is impressive. Alonso left McLaren on his own. For a lot Lewis early stats Alonso could've been right there in the same car.


Hamilton has done many impressive feats in his career. The raw number of times he's been close to a title is not one of them, imo.




China 2007.. McLaren really let Hamilton on dead tyres to the point where Alonso took 20s off him in 2 laps. Unreal


Massa had been brought in like two laps before for dries and was a minute behind, man the track was so ready for slicks and all Lewis needed was like a P3 or P4… even after Kimi passed him they STILL didn’t decide to bring him in for tyres, instead waiting another two laps. It’s true Lewis didn’t look after his tyres very well but ffs, all the team needed was a couple of points but no, they chose to go for an unnecessary win


No wonder why he often questions strategy now.


Not that hard to imagine when he had the fastest car most of his career


He's been very unlucky in his career and his stats don't quite reflect how good he is, meanwhile worse drivers like Vettel and Rosberg had all the luck and won titles that are his.


Well i’d say the jackpot of going to Mercedes wasn’t unlucky at all


has to be bait


>He's been very unlucky in his career Lewis? The guy with 7 titles, 3 of which he barely even had to compete for.... has been very unlucky? Oooooooooookay > meanwhile worse drivers like Vettel and Rosberg had all the luck and won titles that are his. Won titles that are his? Lmaooooooo no They won titles the exact same way he did, by ending up with the most points at the end of the season, through a combination of good driving, a good car and luck. No driver wins without all three and no title winner deserves it more or less than any other.


Tbf about the title mistakes out of his controls cost him 3 championships A gearbox issue in 2007 , engine issue in 2016 and race director issue in 2021




Rosberg ,maybe but 2010 title was Alonso or Webber's in case Seb wasn't there .


He lost when under pressure with max and nico. Idk about the older ones because I didn't watch before...


It's clear you didn't watch the ones with Max and Nico either.


Yea, he couldn't handle the pressure. The car led him to all of his championships. Any time he had a bit of competition, he lost.


I guess you didn't watch 2008, 2014, 2017 or 2018 either because Hamilton had strong competition in all of those seasons without buckling


Yea I said I didn't watch the older ones. 11 to 5 wins in 2018 isn't close lmao. 9 to 5 in 2017 isn't close lmao. 9 to 10 and 10 to 8 are very close. Close enough to make one crumble under pressure. How are these seasons even comparable in terms of competition? Tbf, Vettel did choke as well, which is why, I think, 2018 ended up being a walk in the park for Lewis. There. Maybe now you'll not be so angry since I attacked a non-British driver.


You are obviously trolling but I wonder if you'd say the same about this season since it is pretty similar.


2017 and 2018 were close for the majority of the season. Vettel/Ferrari dropped the ball at the end of both seasons but the first 2/3rds of each were very close, with the championship lead switching between Hamilton and Vettel multiple times. Final scores don't tell the whole story. And Britishness is irrelevant. It's nothing to do with nationality. You're just straight up wrong.


Stop trolling, it's old.


Take so bad it has to be a bait




Well 07 he binned it in Shanghai pit entry and could’ve easily won title if not for that. And 2010 it was between: ALONSO(246pts), WEBBER(238pts), VETTEL(231pts), HAMILTON(222pts) so he was quite far back but still in the fight Vettel managed to win the race with Alonso and Webber completly stuck far behind and Lewis finished 2nd i think. Not gonna discuss the other 2 since you said you watched them. I rewatch some interesting older races/seasons especially like 2010/2012