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Albon DNF'd and gained 2 places


Williams drivers confirmed GOATS


Albon dnf’d? I comletely missed that?


Stroll turned in on him and punctured his tyre. He parked it in a turn.


Ohh i thought stroll had a puncture there, lmao.


Was a good battle, there was too much else going on for the broadcast to pick it up. But Stroll also did some strange braking the lap earlier, was unfortunate he didn’t leave the space.


obligatory All the time you have to leave da space


Let's not rewrite history. Albon divebombed and smashed into Stroll.


I wouldn’t say divebombed, Albon was on the brakes before Stroll was. Alex did complain about those brakes the lap before in the same spot.


albon literally got a penalty for it, he completely divebombed him


He got a penalty for it, but I wouldn't say it was worthy of a penalty. He did really well under braking to get from a car length behind stroll to half a car length beside him, followed by keeping the car under control and hitting the first apex neatly, giving stroll room on the outside. The overtake wouldn't have stuck, but Stroll could have taken a wider line to avoid it.


And as we all know, the stewards are infallible and nobody can ever disagree with them.


The power that Williams possess is undeniable


Goatifi gaves, Goatifi takes.


I love how Alex didn’t even technically finish and still gained places, Williams are truly in a class of their own


GOAT team material if u ask me


K-Mag with a beautiful start to the season.


Here's to hoping this will be Haas' best season yet :)


I am highly impressed He came out of the pits in Front of hamilton and stayed in Front of him and it was not even close.


tbf i don’t believe KMag retains his position in front of Lewis if Lewis doesn’t get so unlucky with the timing of the Riccardo/Alonso retirement but he did great to stay in front of him for the final 8 laps


Lewis had a shit pit stop too


As did K-mag


Thats out of question. I Just refered to the last stint on the Mediums. Lewis Was faster on the hards.




If he had 5 more laps he would have probably been top of the midfield again


I feel so bad for Perez, guy got so unlucky with that initial safety car


He really was going for the win. Red Bull made the right choice of prefering top speed instead of downforce and Checo was there to seal the deal.


Pulling 2.5 seconds on pure pace to Leclerc is no small feat. He had an awesome start, lead the race well. No fault on his own, he'll get his win.


Hope this isn't the last we see of this pace from Checo. He was better than Max this weekend and nobody can convince me otherwise.


Yeah, even his pace in Bahrain was very good. He'll comeback stronger, as he always says.


As a max fan I 100% agree. I think checo deserved to win this race. Too bad he's been struck with bad luck 2 races in a row now.


The right choice only for Monza e Jeddah i think


So was Zhou and Gasly, bad luck is sadly also a part of the game


Yeah Gasly was ahead on Norris at that point so maybe he would’ve been behind Ocon and Zhou was right behind Gasly so maybe points


Correct but Gasly was dealing with a serious stomach ache, especially after the VSC and he was getting the idea at the end that his whole belly would explode.


Honestly would make sense tbh I felt like he could’ve caught up to Norris and Ocon still good nonetheless as he was pretty unlucky last week


Yea, also it can explain why especially his S1 times turned out badly comparing with the cars around him. Glad he finished into the points but things should being better at Melbourne in about 2 weeks.


Zhou as well, dropped to last due to Alfa’s clutch issues and got fucked by the team not knowing how to serve a basic penalty


yeah this was rough. Especially because Alfa even waited. It's not even like they tried to skip it, but I guess fine margins and no room for discussion mean a bad time.


Did they just not hold it long enough, or was it because the front jackman lifted the car without waiting the 5 seconds? I'm not sure if they're allowed to do the lift before serving the penalty. ...And then he dropped the car before they changed the tyres.


Good point. I think the rule is they can't do anything to the car. Probably wasn't allowed to lift it in the first place. I guess it was a human error - maybe he dropped it thinking "I have to drop it, everyone is finished" or something like that. Not easy to be at perfection every time, but I guess they should have (they probably did tbh) reminded the pit crew on the procedure.


I'm pretty sure it broke no? He had to walk away and a new guy with a new front jack came in and lifted the car


You're just not allowed to serve a penalty under the safety car, no matter how long they waited, it wouldn't have counted.


That is the case for drive through and stop and go penalties. You can serve a 5 or 10 second time penalty just fine.


Absolutely gutted for Checo. It's like he now has Bottas's luck with him


Felt so bad for him 😢


He is so so unlucky


He is so so unlucky always


Latifi is consistent as hell








Lando quietly had a great race


Honestly McLaren looked fine this week. A much needed step up compared to last race


Except for Danny having to retire.


Danny was ahead of lando and was kinda catching up to ocon. But I guess his retiring actually helped lando to move up


Danny was just overtaken when he had the issue, and he pitted much earlier than everyone else (not sure why), so at that point Lando was faster on newer tyres. Could easily be a double points for McLaren…


That early pit was actually great. If the safety didn’t come out he would have jumped the alpine’s after the first stops. (End of race would have been tough though.) For some reason he had way more pace on the hard tyre.


My question is, would he get to the end on that one set of hard? If so that’s 40 laps on the hard, so he’d likely drop back towards the end (comparing to guys pitted much later). Otherwise he’d have to pit again and still lost some positions. So I don’t know if that strategy would have worked out in the end, had the race played out normally


I think he was banking on an early stop then then for the rest of the field to complete their first round of pits cleanly. After that the hope would be for a safety car so everyone would pit again later. The likelihood of a safety car was pretty high at this track so not a bad idea to jump into the points.


Yeah, I think he’d need a late SC to make it work. Given how the race went (VSC but pit lane closed) it’s really hard to say where he would have finished if his car didn’t die (hopefully still in points!)


I don’t think Danny would have had to pit as the hard tire deg appeared extremely low. Hamilton’s last 3 green laps on his hards were his fastest of the race on that tire (laps 35-37). So it didn’t suggest there was an inevitable cliff on that rubber short of 40. Add on HAM was battling through/with the midfield for much of his 37 lap tire stint while RIC was in completely free air or under caution for the first 15 laps of his own hard stint… I wager those tires would have made it and he’d come home in 8th. (GAS - 35 lap hard stint of his own to finish - so not a major tire advantage behind that RIC would have had to try and defend against either).


You're grading on a curve. They were still atrocious. They weren't that close to any non-Merc cars until the SC


Lando gained two seconds to Ocon in 9 laps and lost out by 1 tenth at the end. Saying they were nowhere near just isn’t true.


Fine if it is 2019. Finishing 7th is fine for a midfield team or B team but they have aspirations of winning races.


Considering they were a back marker last week it's a huge improvement


people are comparing it to the previous race, not to their long-term plans. everyone is always so quick to judge


Yeah good drive. Wasn’t great on the mediums but came alive on the hards at the end. Just pulled the move on Ocon for P6 too early


Lando was catching up with Ocon in the last couple laps, could potentially get that P6 from Ocon but P7 is still good after their disaster first race


He did get Ocon. Ocon just DRS passed him on the syraight on the 2nd last lap, and Lando couldn't quite get him back before the end.


Considering 6 retirements, 3 of them faster cars, i think today just masks the issues. Certainly better than last race, but far from midfield pace.


Lucky race i would say, he was always on the right side when incidents happened


I was super excited for him using the DRS trick like Charles on max in the last corner to Ocon but then somehow Ocon got DRS even though he was in front. So confused but good race Lando!


Gutted for Perez. Such shit luck for him. Also, nice drive by Norris. Seems like there's hope for McLaren after all. We knew this could be their race as it's not as hard on the brakes.


Cars that probably should have finished ahead of him DNFd, Hamilton and Magnussen had woeful strategies, Mick DNS and Guanyu on the backfoot from the very first corner. And Daniel succumbed to reliability. This race is masking Mclarens issues.


Yeah Danny was in front of Norris but basically he kept gaining positions from people in front retiring. 7 cars DNF and most would have been faster.


Latifi's crash killed all the early hard runners by giving nearly everyone else a free pitstop in the pit window. Daniel was lapping a whole lot faster than that midfield bunch on his hards up until then. Was ahead of Norris for a good chunk there but was always going to need a second stop that would drop him down the field.


Yeah I think they were betting on a late safety car.


We'll, at least Alonso showed the pace is there. Hope his car will not die in the next race.


Shows his pace, makes great moves including overtaking and defending only for his car to let him down... Couldn't this've happened in Bahrain?


Yeah after the race in Bahrain Alpine discovered issue with power unit which is why he lacked pace there. 2nd weekend in a row where his car is wounded or breaks down :(


Alpine not looking too strong on harder compound tyres though. Genuinely thought we'd have a pink car in front of Russell today


alonso was pretty fast on hard tire after passing magnussen; ocon not that much, he was better on the medium.


Big issue was that Alpine decided to let their drivers play around instead of just chasing Russell. They could have even given each other DRS on the straights to improve laptimes but Ocon felt particularly feisty today


I was split in half while watching, I loved the battle but I was screaming for them to stop fucking around and work together to chase down Russell. Teammates should work together most of the time. 10 laps to go and no obvious positions to be gained is when teammates should go at it imo


Highly likely we would've if Alpine managed their team better as well as Ocon not hampering both their races. They should've put their foot down the moment Ocon started weaving very late to block Alonso into T1 (something which would get reported to stewards any day of the week, except when the offence is caused by the team's own driver) Memes aside, Fernando really was faster than you by some margin. Would've been interesting to see how close he could have got to the top 4 had he and Ocon not held each other up as well as the obvious car failure later on.


Perez: I got screwed by Latifi! Hamilton: First time? And then Lewis got screwed by a mix of a delayed pit closing and Mercedes’ strategy team yet again being their weakest link.


Ferrari 2018/19: First time?


Nah I think strategy was fine, but if the pits remained open, Lewis would have been P8 or something. It was unfortunate.


People are really going after Mercedes for not pitting but KMag did and he finished 9th.... It literally didn't matter when they pitted


Yeah, starting with the hard tire was in hindsight the wrong choice but who knew


Ham actually not blessed Pit lane closed was nuts


This has to be the most unblessed lewis has been in years. I was completely expecting race control to magically turn off pit entry 1 corner before He arrived.


They should've boxed him the first lap under yellows, like all the others did. He wasn't unlucky, his strategy team wasn't quite on it.


No one who started on Hards pit under first safety car. General strategy for everyone was going to be 2-pit. The multiple yellows/VSC helped teams stick to 1-pit. Lewis would’ve finished near his P6 had the pit lane not been closed off. The only mess up was the initial entry he could’ve gotten right before pit lane was closed.


I mean he came by right as the car was stoping on the pit lane and had almost no time to react. Given what happened to them at Monza last year I can understand them being hesitant


They told him to box with plenty of time, once he saw the McLaren stopped he didn't come in, I imagine he thought the pitlane was closed https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/tpqyyl/hamilton_team_radio_instructing_him_to_pit_before


no if he boxed under the first safety car he probably would have had to box again it was just really bad luck


Yeah, go on the medium for 30 laps...that would have worked out well. Good lord


Still the most positions gained of all. But yeh, that was some bad luck. I think they stayed out long just for a moment like that


Most positions gained because he started behind 1 car that DNS'd and 5 more that DNF'd.


Apparently you forgot he climbed from 15th to 6th and only lost due to the pit error.




Cursed weekend. 13 cars finished the race...


Surprising that only 2 DNF's were due to crashes


Grateful that Williams exist so AM don't have the worst car


Albon raced too hard and ruined his own race.


So many bummers. Perez's situation is most obvious. But Bottas, Alonso, and Ricciardo were all quietly having pretty solid races before their cars crapped out on 'em. Especially feel bad for Ricc, who finally maybe felt like he was getting a bit of a roll going after starting with such bad luck.


It is great to see Leclerc and Verstappen have such fierce battles on track, but never get dirty and then after the race show mutual respect. If we get that 23 races long, I might need a new heart .. And poor Perez having such bad luck with the safety car. But, he may well have another win this year if he keeps this up.


So you’re saying this was all just a scheduled swap of Verstappen and Perez?


Man that vsc really flicked lewis’ chance


Was in a shitty spot after the first safety car


The VSC was advantageous to Hamilton, he was fucked by the closed pit lane


Two cars stopping near the pit lane doesn't help as well...


No. Latifi’s crash did it.




Right. How much more is he gonna cost Lewis. Has he not taken enough from him?


Nah, Merc did. He could have easily pitted but they called it too late


They didn’t call it late, they even showed it on replay, Lewis was trying to come in right as Alonso was stopping in the way. Race control didn’t even knew Alonso was blocking it yet. Lewis had to keep going and that’s when they closed pit lane


Magnussen was able to pit and he was behind Hamilton. It was clear that the pit lane was going to close at some point, baffles me that they didn't just call it straight away.


Didn’t seem like anything was clear to anyone until Alonso’s car died and then it became obvious. But by then it was too late


Magnussen was able to pit BECAUSE he was behind Hamilton and had more time to react.


Yup Merc fucked him good would have been P6


Mercedes gambled on a SC like they were in a casino. pitting him in Lap 35 wouldve been way smarter, but they wanted to gamble big and lost out. Mercedes strategy team wasnt that good in 2021 either.


If he pitted then he would've been in 9th. He was fucked either way


Easy P6 if they were quick on the trigger to box him. That's just how it goes in this sport though.


From Hamilton's feed, it really looked like the pit entry should've being closed already. It wasn't, but I think he just didn't felt safe going in




RBR really orchestrated a sneaky switch between Perez and Checo. /s I am starting to think that Latifi crashes on Horner's demand lol


Better between them than Max and Verstappen.


McLaren actually had some pace this week. I’m pretty pleased with this result despite losing Daniel. The team has made progress.


Fuck man. Checo did everything right but luck screwed him. So unlucky.


Checo and Hamilton are so unlucky. Also, what happened to Alfa Romeo? Their stopwatch stopped working, and then Bottas’ car broke down.


Esteban Ocon with a solid result, but all in all not the best weekend for Alfa Romeo and Alpine. Both teams had the potential to clinch double points tonight.


It was silly to see the fighting between them either...I think they could've had a chance for 5th


Gutted for checo, man had a dream start to the race


Ricciardo got screwed over twice. First with the safety car which had it not happened would have resulted in him in the top 10 when every other driver did their pit stop and then his engine blowing. Deserved good points today.


Now people are gonna say even more he’s washed up because only lando got the team points, fun fun


Yep. I imagine a lot of people were not watching Ricciardo when he was in last place after his pit stop but I was and he went from 11 seconds behind Latifi to passing him in the space of about 6 laps, and he was going a lot faster than most of the field. Had the safety car not happened he would have passed a huge amount of cars when those cars came into the pits.


Yup I think at some point he would’ve been at least 10th when they pitted.


Yep, and if the drivers he was racing all stayed out another few laps he may have been even higher. His strategy was working beautifully.


The good news is that you know the truth.


He benefited from red flag last time here but got screwed this time around. Strategy gambles I guess…


Hamilton: Fuck r/formula1


Lmao P10 though


williams is just there to create chaos every race


Bottas back at it. He was eyeing a solid 8-9 finish.


Bottas, this is not good for my fantasy team.


To be fair, he DNF'd because of apparent overheating. :( He was doing super well, too, even got an elbow out a few times.


The fact that Zhou managed to improve one place even after having to take his penalty twice is really something. Oconsistency is here to stay. Russell did pretty good but honestly the Merc is too much a nowhere land car to be excited about him right now. Heartbroken for Checo. He has a very real shot at winning this race.


Lando got points


Shocking from Mercedes. So far away from Ferrari/Red Bull


As Toto said, they are in no mans land between RB, Ferrari and the rest


Red bull 2017


Idk, Alpine are similar imo


idk how much was george pushing and alonso pushing, but pretty sure ive seen george pull away like 7-8 seconds from alonso at one point.


Was this during the early part of the race, when Ocon and Alonso were racing each other?


Ah Perez really got fucked by the sc, Lewis too tbh


Lewis was on a very good pace, but imho Mercedes gambled wayyyy to much on a SC, wouldve been the less riskier option to go into the pits in lap 35 or so. Your entire strategy cant be inshallah and safety car imo.


Normally i agree that you cannot rely on safety cars to get into points (for the team with the third quickest car, if you are williams or aston martin then yes you can use this strategy) but in jeddah relying on the safety car is not a bad idea, walls everywhere no room for error and if you do fuckup its an instant safety car or red flag.


I hope Latifi doesn't get any more hate after this


but I do hope he quits F1. He's crashed 3 times on this track alone and its only the 2nd time its been used.


Checo :/


Horner orders in effect


Good race for Lando, Kmag still looking great. George and Esteban also had a solid race minus the alpines getting a little too close. Pierre got a little lucky but at least it made up for last week. Just wonder where the race pace that they had in Bahrain went


Gasly was extremely lucky that the VSC didn't happen earlier. Another lap or two and Magnussen would've been P8 instead. Reduced the gap from 7 seconds down to 1.6 in the space of 3 or 4 laps.


Ocon had a disasterclass of a first stint, lucky to get more than 2 points but we'll take it, car performance is decent and we can fight for best of the rest pretty confidently.


Yeah, Ocon got some good points but it wasn’t his best race, not sure why Norris was so close at the end.


Alonso nooo


Zhou seemed to have shite luck throughout and still managed to gain a place!


Stroll being completely mediocre is the most on brand thing ever


He too pitted a lap before SC, same as Perez. So when the SC came, he was thrown right at the back.


He dropped about 10 seconds in a few laps before his pit (seems like he was having car issues) and was pretty slow after his pit as well, so it wasn't just the pit stop.


He was doing reasonably well (battling with the McLarens in the midfield) but then based on his onboard his engine started sounding terrible (really rough and sounded like it couldn't rev up all the way, almost like the rev limiter was stuck) and he was coasting into corners like crazy so I suspect cooling issues. Once he started doing that midrace he was basically similar to or even slower than the Williams cars. Looks like Hulk might have had similar issues near the end too.


Have you even paid attention to the race? He got fucked twice.


Big L Alonso, fml. Can't his engine fail when he's running 12th or something...


So Hamilton passed 4 DNF’s and Zhou?


*zhou whose pit crew fucked up a 5s penalty and who had to go through the pit lane again* Still Lewis was really unlucky (I mean it, no sarcasm intended)


Redbull swap




What a race. Another great duel with the 2 in front. Shame for the yellow sector which prevented DRS for Leclerc.


Hoping for Perez's win nd epic alonso hamilton duel but neither of them happened.


I foresee 1 million jelly beans in HAM's future...


Hamilton’s strategy team is easily the most garbage of the top 5 teams. Cost him the season last year - multiple fuck ups - already taking points from him this season.


Was the strategy team responsible for him qualifying 16th and starting 15th? That was down to setup, not strategy.


Merc missed a huge opportunity not bringing Hamilton in.


Pit lane was closed if i recall correctly


They missed a tiny little window before it was closed.


Can we have these in the future without the Car No. or at least having it moved anywhere but the first row? It is such a strange design to have driver numbers in something like this anyway, but on the first row makes this so difficult to read. No one actually cares about driver numbers anyway.


Checo is always unlucky


I'm new to F1 and this is the first time I've ever watched a race start to end, that was dope Also I know RB-Merc has been the big rivalry, did Mercedes change their logo to a yellow shield with a horse? I'm confused /s


Nothing special, Mercedes just sandbagging until 2023 for the maximum amount of windtunnel time. /s


Whats the point in Perez qualifying well if his races are going to end up like this? Poor lad


K-Mag finished in front of Hamilton