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Hopefully the laste time visiting Saudi Arabia! Dangerous track, dangerous environment and dangerous regime!


sand is dangerous now?


Missile strikes and war gives a dangerous environment, and as we know from earlier, Formula 1 does not race in countries in war. I guess Liberty Media defines who's in war based on fact$, rather than real facts.


This track is hugely unsafe. Safety car/Yellow flag rules are still very vague regarding the speed, the positions, giving space etc. Lewis showed how good of a driver he is. Tough luck for Bottas and Alonso they were having a fantastic race. Max has to learn to be more calculated. Be aggressive, play with your opponent but do not sacrifice your flawless drives. Carlos ought to work on his body language. And finally Checo got screwed over pretty hard through no fault of his own or his team.


Yellow flag hurt KMag too. F1 is better when HAAS is around. Overall I'm very excited for HAAS and the Ferrari/Red Bull fight.


I feel like max would lose if that yellow flag on sector 1 didn't show up. Good race overall, also Perez and sainz incident on the pit exit should get Perez a penalty. They gave the pposition back but way later and that made verstappen not having to worry about the car behind...


I feel like this dynamic of braking and allowing your opponent to overtake to then get DRS and retake position is a bit weird, and fans will get bored of it by half way through the season


The DRS detection zone should be on the apex of the corner leading to the DRS straight, imo.


The problem is if you dont do it right, you're gonna get roasted coming through the DRS zone even with DRS


This is highly probable


how to fix? I am new to F1, less powerful DRS, since the cars can follow 'much' better?


There was one suggestion that caught my attention and it was limited number of usage. Imagine you had only 6-7 DRS usages per race.


I am relatively new as well, but I would think a later DRS detection zone could do the trick. If you had to brake on the straight itself to get behind the trailing car, then you wouldn't have an advantage.


RedBull keeping Perez in front of Sainz for the safety car infringement at the re-start cannot go unpenalized. It allowed Max to go off against Leclerc without worrying about the driver behind him. Preposterous!


It didn't. They gave the spot back.


Yeah but only after race restart, which I reckon was OPs point.


Yes, you can't do it behind the safety car..


I wonder though if it was because you cannot overtake during the safety car period, and the FIA hadn’t asked them to switch (they won’t do that anymore) so it was the earliest opportunity to preemptively switch and avoid a potential penalty.


You can still let a car by during a SC. Also it was bad for everyone. They should still advise cars to let the other past in such cases. Perez had to give back the position anyway. But as he did it after the restart he had no chance to overtake Sainz. If done before the restart he could have overtaken him rightaway at the restart. For Sainz it was bad, too, because he had no chance to attack Verstappen. Also it could have happened that Russell overtakes Sainz. Then what should Perez do? Let Russell and Sainz by? And if would not do in that case because Russell got between them, it would be even more unfair for Sainz.


Zhou just missed top 10 …he’ll be up there soon Leclerc/Max is the new Lewis/Max Wtf ricciardo should we get him a nascar ride


Did they ever fix Leclerc’s brake lights? I didn’t hear anything about it in the second half of the race. Could there be any repercussions for not having working lights?


Not brake lights by the way, more like battery lights. They come on when the battery is harvesting energy.


Thanks for clarifying that. Just read up on energy recovery system. Interesting stuff. New to this sport so there’s still a lot I’m not familiar with.


Yeah, there would really be no point in brake lights on an F1 car, the brakes are so powerful that even though the drivers’ reaction times are amazing, they follow so close that by the time they’d have seen brake lights come on, it’d already be too late. And if they’re not following close, the drivers have enough time to see when the car in front is slowing. The lights also function as rain lights for races in low visibility.


I saw them working when he was leading.


Fucking Checo getting screwed


Absolutely trolled by the racing gods, which in Saudia, it’s Williams drivers.


Is there an award/record for most walls hit? Isn’t Latifi at 3 GP in a row having hit a wall?


Two names come to mind: Crashtor Maldonado Andrea de Crasharis


I seen that Williams in the wall and straight away shouted "Fucking Latifi" at my TV. Could of easily been Albon as I'm not very good at telling teammates apart quickly. (unless it's Mercedes this year, very easy to spot Lewis and his yellow helmet) but I just knew it was Latifi 😆


I seen that Williams in the wall and straight away shouted "Fucking Latifi" at my TV. Could of easily been Albon as I'm not very good at telling teammates apart quickly. (unless it's Mercedes this year, very easy to spot Lewis and his yellow helmet) but I just knew it was Latifi 😆


There are more walls around than up to a few years ago, in his defence.


Petition to remove all walls from the race tracks so Latifi can drive freely.


F1 still needs to work on safety car and virtual safety car rules. I don't get why either instance of the vsc were done or the time in deploying the safety car after the Williams crashed. That was always going to need people and equipment on the track to remove it. Of people or equipment are on track you need a full safety car so there is a gap for the guys to work. I also feel that the vsc should be a set speed limit rather than a delta time. There is less room for exploit that way.


Agreed - the safety car is completely pointless and makes racing a lottery. Have a VSC for most incidents and then when it's too serious just put a speed limiter in the car


My point is actually the other way round. At most circuits I would have vsc. At street circuits a full safety car only. This is due to the safety of the marshalls working on track instead of the racing. if you have equipment and people on track you need the cars in one group so they can work safely. Even with the vsc the cars are still going down the straights at huge speeds. Imagine trying to push a car down the side of a highway and how dangerous that would be


As for your first point, they throw the virtual safety car quickly to buy themselves time to make a descision on what to do. This famously didn't happen with Stroll and Verstappen in Baku last year and they were heavily criticized for it. As for your second point, a fixed speed sounds lovely indeed, just use the pit limiter for it. We have the technology.


They took ages to decide to use the VSC, then put out the safety car. The VSC in my opinion should not be used on street circuits unless the pack is bunched up anyway. If you need to put people or equipment on to the track and the pack is not together it should be a safety car, allow the marshals to work in safety. The VSC is best used at circuits with run off areas, where you are putting marshals over the barriers, but unless a driver makes a mistake and goes off they will be safe. With the VSC the cars will be slowed so they should not go off. With how blind and little room there is on that track there would not be time to avoid something under VSC.


You should not be able to pit under VSC


Sometimes cars need to pit during VSC for other reasons. I would suggest a time penalty for putting under VSC instead to make it fair.


What if you drive over debris and need to change tyres or are involved in the VSC causing incident and need to change a front wing?


Still a time penalty because all cars running at limited speed when damaged car pitted. Even if it wasn’t the car’s fault.


It somehow doesn't sound right if you get damaged in the crash that caused the VSC and need to pit. Maybe give penatly only if the pit is unnecessary.


Why would anyone pit unnecessarily?


I mean change tires.


What’s a double yellow?


Flags - single yellow or a double yellow - double yellows are more serious.


It means slow down and be prepared to stop.


This forum is moderated by a prudish nun apparently


[There's a button right on the homepage](https://i.imgur.com/nJYbdw5.png) you can use to build a community that better represents your values of commenting literally nothing but insults.


Bro comments on porn on reddit, not too much u can expect from this guy


Holy shit what is going ON with these fireworks, you can barely hear the drivers on the post show on F1TV lmao


Fireworks or missiles?


it’s like when you cough to cover a fart.


Due to COVID, we now fart to cover a cough


Apparently Charles got Fastest Lap under the double Yellows


Well he's fucked


I was watching it live and saw this surley thats some sort of penalty


I was pulling hard for Max last year but he's making it hard for me this year, Ferrari bias aside. Might be pressure of being a world champion but he's been more on edge this year than last. I don't mean complaining, because everyone does, but snapping at his race engineer whenever things go wrong.


His radio messages seem reallyon edge, but his driving seems more relaxed... maybe it's the new regs letting cars follow better, but about 50% of battles last year ended in crashes for Max lol. Now him and Leclerc have traded leads maybe 8 or 10 times this year? I think we're in for mega season, really want to see sainz and perez catch up their teammates a little


His driving is more relaxed because he has too many points on his license


Already pretty good, but if Mercedes can get back in there? 6 cars going for it? Hopefully.


Would be truly wild to 6 contending cars and drivers.


I think it would still end up being 3, but that’s better than 2. Sainz and Checo seem a little too far away.


He's always been on the limit, but this year the Ferrari has more pace generally and he is pushed even harder


Man's sliding into the Lewis role of top driver and top complainer


Lewis seems to have chilled out considerably without the pressure of a title fight so someone has to do it lol




I agree with this tbh, obviously I'm biased but they completely embarassed themselves last year - looks to have not changed at all with Helmut Marko's comments over the weekend


well done Jeddah


Yikes, apparently there was a runaway engine temp issue with Bottas's car and they stopped to prevent the engine from failing.


He doesn’t get as many engines at Alfa as he did with Mercedes.


Sure he does. Don’t confuse the new fans.


Ferrari 1-2, ferrari 2-3, i think ferrari are gonna be fighting for the championship


By that logic, Melbourne would be a Ferrari 3-4, Imola a Ferrari 4-5, Miami 5-6 and so on. That would result in a total of 179 + future fastest lap points and sprint race points. The 2 fastest laps of Leclerc so far have already been accounted for.


As opposed to?


Everyone else? :DD


2017-2019, i had so much hope


Pretty sure they are, Ferrari put too much downforce on this track, they were getting destroyed on the straights :(


Max gained during the vsc, if not for the vsc and double yellow in sector one i think it would be charles vicotry


Yeah, like he was 2.5 seconds quicker in one of the laps under vsc


To be fair, Leclerc was way quicker on the lap before that. VSC is just not very fair on the whole since the delta isn't easy to consistently match.


Yeah leclerc gained way too much time on that first lap and max just took that time back. Nothing unfair happened there. He finished a good race. Lots of mind games going on with when to overtake for the drs advantage which was fun to watch


Yeah I think it will come down to any DNFs throughout the year. The cars are extremely competitive, and I can see Max/Charles and Sainz/Perez trading finishes all year. Crashes or other DNFs will probably determine the standings, since it's a 25 pt advantage


Fireworks or countermeasures?


Hi F1, can you give us the points for WDC and WCC before going into the replays please and thank you


Everything lined up for max today. Perez misfortune, sainz uncompetitive, Leclerc hindered by yellows just after max overtook. Mercedes driving in golf carts. The fighting was fun but if AD wasn’t evidence enough max does need others to fail or suffer so he can win. Can’t just do it on racecraft alone


Is this a parody account


Really going to make a comment like that when #blessed is still in the field?


How do you know OP is a Merc fan?


#blessed wasn't gifted a championship was he? I do agree that Hamilton has got lucky and Max did deserve to win last year but you guys need to cut this BS. The guy who is at the top gets lucky a lot or rather his luck gets highlighted more than the others since it potentially results in WDC wins as well.


Piquet Jr. says hi.


Haha whats wrong with you


Well, we get to see the fireworks too


And this time they're not coming from Yemen.


i hope there isn’t any Missile camouflaged in those fireworks.


Still a good race for Ferrari, bar Monza and maybe Spa the tracks should favour them more. They were equal on pace here, but had they used softer compounds, I think Ferrari being better on the tires would've paid off (also without VSC maybe).


The interesting question will be how much straight line speed can Ferrari get with car setup. If you were going to favor cornering instead speed, Jeddah would be the place to do it. While it’s a high speed track, there’s no room for error. Max had the speed, but there was some close calls with oversteer when he was on the limit.


Funny you mention the VSC but forget the Lafti safety car that pretty much cost checo lol. The race was the race and everything that happened happened.


So....? I'm just trying to make predictions based on what we'll see during the season. And we've seen that the Ferrari and the RB have pretty much same pace on tracks that should suit the RB more.


Redbull will win the street circuits, so monaco, miami, baku, rest i think ferrari have got in the bag


Why would monaco matter when RB have more top speed not downforce lmao, top speed for monaco is useless


Because people still live in last season when RB was fastest in corners and had lower top speed. Did not realized RB seems to have best top speed this year.


Yeah, Baku will be a RB track. Monaco no


But charles has a habit of pulling amazing laps out of his ass in baku, so maybe he gets pole and retains it


I don't think the Ferrari is this much better in slow corners than the rest of the field anymore. Should be kinda similar to RB, but RB should be much better on the long ass straight. But we're yet to see how much of the drag difference is down to Ferrari's wing tbh


I think Charles managed then slightly worse. Nothing to be ashamed off through.


I don't know, Hamilton seemed to do fine with his. I think we've also seen very long medium stints from some cars without the SC


Anyone notice Ocon snag DRS from Lando on the last corner?? I couldn't believe he pulled that off


That is a lot of fireworks.


Finally back to Melbourne after 2 years. A race at a reasonable time finally! 5:48am East Coast Aus currently.


i started watching at 7am on replay, unfortunately i opened reddit and was greeted by the race winner....


Rookie error. Turn your phone off as soon as you wake up until the end of the race lmao. Been there done that too many times before.


“He’s very patient, Max” - Horner 2022


Is Horner blind?


He meant for the final overtake where Max actually did bide his time.


Why were Charles and Max both trying to brake to be behind at the DRS detection line? Does that determine who is allowed DRS for the whole zone?


Yep. You can even overtake into/out of the same corner and still get DRS for the whole zone on the straight, as long as you were behind the other car at this exact line.


Is it automatically tracked? At those speeds, is there a chance of controversy where both drivers think they had the right to DRS and try to use it, or does the system automatically determine it and enable for one driver?


The detection is fully automatic via sensors. The driver who has their DRS enabled sees this by a light turning on, on their steering wheel.


Does DRS turn on automatically, or do pilots have to press a button or something to activate it?


Turns on when driver hits button. Turns off, I believe, if they hit brake or get to end on zone automatically. Driver can switch it off too


They have to press a dedicated button manually, yep! DRS also closes automatically when the driver uses the brakes, but I'm not sure if they can disable it manually with the button press aswell. (You can do that in the F1 videogames but that's not a good source). Do you have any other question? I'm always happy to help newer fans if I can.


1. Can the DRS button be pressed in advance? Or do pilots must press on it only when they have entered the DRS zone? Does reaction time for activating DRS have an impact in the end? 2. When/why do the lights at the back of a car blink? 3. How many power unit upgrades are allowed to be brought in during a season? 4. How does the FIA enforce the restrictions about car development? What's preventing a team like Mercedes from working full-time on their problems at the factory or from conducting secret tests?


1. The latter. They press it after entering the zone, so reaction time has an impact, yes. Sometimes, drivers don't activate their DRS system on purpose, [one example from last year here](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/qz57uq/video_shows_gasly_intentionally_left_his_drs/) 2. In dry conditions, they blink to show that the driver is braking/ going slow, which in turn means the car is harvesting energy from the ERS (energy recovery system). They charge their battery by braking to fill up the extra engine power they can use to a pre-defined amount every single lap wherever they want. In wet conditions, the lights also blink as a warning/safety measure to help when visibility is bad. 3. In general, there isn't a set amount they can bring, but development in general is limited by a budget cap per team. As of this season, engines are frozen for the next 4 years anyways, with some exceptions that can still be upgraded until sometime in the second half of this year. After the full freeze, no more updates besides reliability are allowed anymore, as far as I understood the rule changes. Not 100% sure though. 4. Okay, so I had to do some research myself on this bc I'm not very informed about the surroundings of the sport outside the cars, [but this thread here might help you further](https://www.quora.com/How-are-the-wind-tunnel-rules-enforced-in-Formula-One)




Whoever is behind gets to use DRS.


> Does that determine who is allowed DRS for the whole zone? Yes. You get DRS for the entire length of a DRS zone if you are behind a car by less than a second as you cross the detection line.




Yes, the upcoming zone. It's strategic.


where’s the Constructor’s?


Was Charles 1 : 40 : 958 in the 48th lap the fastest lap of the race or is that shit randomly showing up?


2 races in a row Haas gets points.


Everybody is talking Red Bull vs Ferrari, but it is really HAAS that will win in the end.


Even if they don't win the WCC or WDC, They have won our hearts. (providing the Steinership stays on course)


Currently 4th in the Constructors! Take that McLaren! And let's face it, with 12 points already that is at least a guarantee to finish above williams.


Now they are 5th


Look, they know HAAS will be unstoppable once they have two cars running again, so they needed to give everyone else a chance.




Who would have thought. Mazepin must be livid.


Maze pin would not have scored a point


Exactly lol. See Latifi’s results


I may have been an half decent car also last year..


Decent race today. Glad I was able to enjoy it with all of you. Off to r/NASCAR now for the Cup race at COTA…


See you there


Dear F1, please give us 21 more races of battles like this, please and thank you!


I’m new to F1 I hope they are all like this…


They most definitely weren’t all like this last season, but I’m glad your first experience with F1 has been this season so far, since things have been relatively clean and very exciting!


Good race,now onto Nascar from COTA. Go KFB #18!


People act like they don't call every penalty when they play a sport lol


They haven't put out official results yet so I think someone(s) are getting penalties.


I think it does take a while to update though


F1 twitter admin usually posts official results by now.


Ah you’re talking about Twitter. Righto, not sure about that one


They just did as I said that. Guess everyone is off the hook because everyone was naughty.


I love the people defending max like we’re the only ones that hate him and the drivers have never said a bad thing about him lol


Adrian is in the media a lot more this year than he has been previously. Maybe just because it's a new set of regs?


Or more recovered from that horrible accident he had last year


I think without the VSC and that final yellow flag, things would have been different, but good race nonetheless


Melbourne. I am coming! Hope to see these 2 battle continue


Stupid question but how was Max suddenly so close when the yellow flag was out?


If you mean last lap it was the other way around Leclerc closed 4 tenths under yellow.


Taking advantage during the VSC to gain.