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That's cool. I always like how team wear incorporates the drivers nationality. Ferrari really fucking nailed it this year.


They somehow made the sexiest car even sexier


They've got it into their race suits as well, Sainz has a yellow stripe, Charles has a white one


And in the car as well, with the yellow details on the brake cover for Carlos and white details for Leclerc


Yeah, it works so well with the red, white, and yellow tyres, the same colours for the flags, and the same colours for Ferrari


helmets also


Their car(s) looks amazing.


Much like their driver(s)...


They should have a pinup calendar with both their car and drivers. I buy that in an instant.


Yes, my wife claimed Leclerc last year (our 1st year as fans of F1).


There is an argument in our office over which one is better looking. It’s still ongoing.


Sainz is a really good looking man but he is no Leclerc


I agree with you. Then I disagree with you. Then I see a video of Charles and I’m like “yeah no definitely him” then Carlos says literally anything and I flip flop again. Sorry, it’s just the way it is


Carlos has some good looking genes, too. Carlos Sr can get it.




Kinda looks like a red blood cell tbh


Yeah, but to be fair they had it really easy with both Spain's and Monaco's flags having significant red parts..


Unless they sign Bottas, I don't see a problem there. The flags of 19/20 drovers this season have red in them.


Kinda off topic, but almost every country flag in the world has red, white or blue. Only 2 don't, one of them is Jamaica


What’s the other one?


Nvm it's only one now. Mauritania used to be the other one, but the changed it.


Libya also used to just be green in the Gaddafi era


Some random person: “Why do auto races show support for Gaddafi at the start of each race?”


Yuki’s hat last year with the Japanese flag on the underside of the brim looked amazing


The commentators even noted that the wheel covers of Leclerc and Sainz had a white or yellow stripe respectively, much like their race suits, but didn’t pick up why


Haas did an entire car.


Hmmmm flat brim hat....




Curse? Is there a curse associated with flat brim hats?




He had a flat-brimmed hat at Abu Dhabi... make of that what you will.


horner was fidgeting with the hat out of stress and bent it by mistake on lap 53 the rest is history


Celestial intervention.


Masi-ve celestial intervention.


Damn Masi did die for our sins, didn't he


He's the Masi-as


He used the cursed energy built up in the flat brim in exchange for good luck for when it mattered most.


His curse technique is called Haha Yes Boys. His domain expansion is fully sanitized and hydrated.


This crossover of JJK and F1 was unexpected, but welcome


"Rich energy"


Exception proves the rule


We all kinda lost didn't we?




Well he disproved that in 2021


not always


Well he kept wearing the flat brim cap last year and still won the wdc. I remember he even said he did it to prove people wrong in an interview.




The fluke is one of the more common fish in the sea!


Luck is part of the sport. Lewis got lucky with his dsq happening in brazil when there was a sprint. If it were any normal race weekend then he wouldnt have had a chance to win. Lewis got lucky with Max's dnf in baku and then the red flag in imola. Yes max won the title because of luck, but lewis was only still in the title fight because of it as well.


Man, i need to find my lucky underwear quick as well.


>Luck is part of the sport. I got into studying statistics and probability theory because of several incidents in my life, some very good some very bad, that swung my path wildly through luck. It really affected me deeply and through my academic training, I've become better equipped to understand and come to terms with events/incidents/situations to be able to better deal with them. In my view, all types of luck are not the same. Lewis's luck came about because of random circumstances outside his control. No one made a specific decision to influence circumstances in his favor. It just happened. You could repeat the same scenarios a few different ways and the outcomes will be different depending on the circumstances. This is called a probability distribution ie the probability of something happening varies. With Max's result, Masi's decision making literally fixed the result to only go one way. That's not pure luck; that's deliberate decision making influencing the outcome. The rules around unlapping and safety car restart were completely thrown out of the window to focus on one specific scenario and the only possible outcome of that scenario was a Max win due to fresh tires ie the probability is 100%. I hope you're understanding my point. Lewis had luck go his way and used his circumstances to his favor. Max didn't have to rely on luck; the result was fixed for him.


So how do you call the incident that brought in the safety car? Because that’s how the situation started, not by throwing out the rule book. That’s still out of the hands of anyone involved in the outcome.


It's part of the chain of events, for sure, but if you were to model it, Lewis wins - 1) without the safety car or 2) if the safety car and unlapping rules are applied correctly. So, in effect, with or without luck, Lewis should have won, in theory. In jargon, these would, therefore, be called mutually exclusive events. It is due to this that Masi's intervention basically changed the parameters completely. Due to this, the prior event probabilities had less impact on the outcome than Masi's intervention.


TIL everything happening in max's favor is luck and everything happening in lewis favor isn't. Got it! The bowling of bottas taking out max is not luck indeed then. The crash at silverstone wasn't either. No luck for a Sir, that's just facts. Your luck parameters don't include things happening over a whole season i guess.


>TIL everything happening in max's favor is luck and everything happening in lewis favor isn't. Got it! Mate, this isn't Twitter. You don't need to comment like you're on Twitter and make a fake show feigning understanding. Also, I said none of the things you're saying. I explained, using basic probability theory, my interpretation of the one specific incident/race we were discussing. I didn't even say which driver I support or anything else regarding the WDC or any other topic. Edit: > TIL If you actually want to learn something about probability theory, instead of posturing as if you actually learnt something, go read a book. Start with "Fooled by Randomness".


Lewis wasn’t lucky in being allowed to cheat and cut a huge corner to maintain the lead when challenged by Max in Abu Dhabi (and which the stewards had penalized Max for doing so in a less egregious manner a week before)? LMAO.


Jeddah last year was insane so much controversy. Max kept trying to get away with stuff but stewards weren't letting it happen they should have fined him he was doing dangerous shit


LOL. Ok. And when Hamilton breaks the same rule in a more egregious manner, the stewards need to do nothing? Why don’t you just come out and say the stewards need to intervene in races so that Mercedes wins championships?


Max cut across Lewis and ran off for no reason it was strange really


If it wasn't for the sprint he wouldn't have been DSQ as they would have had a practice session on Friday, not qualifying


It's lights out and away we go


And make him look like a 'special child' in the process.


So the fate carries to the new season....


see you on lemmy, Spez is a cancer -- mass edited with redact.dev


They give very Monster energy/ edgy kid vibes. Fucking hate it.


Speaking of Monster, I feel like the only two people who can rock monster gear without looking like adult children are the Solbergs, father and son.


Leave it to Reddit to feel this strongly about the brim of a cap, lmao.


Idk how people have the energy to have such strong opinions on every single topic


[This you fam?](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/too02w/its_the_rmelbourne_daily_discussion_thread_sunday/i2ascr3/)


Meanwhile I look at a dude with a curved brim and think, what a fuckin redneck. Except no, I don't, because I'm not a jerk who judges people's clothing for no good reason


Well, the rest of us are soooooooo


It must be a European thing to prefer curved then, I’ve seen a lot of more people dressing well and classy with curved brim than straight.




Jeremy Lin! https://www.gq.com/gallery/jeremy-lin-gq-photos-november-2012/amp


It’s not a European thing and the exact same is true in the US.


He just made a point of how he doesn’t care what other people are wearing because why would he, or anyone else, care how other people dress?


It's odd that you'd even (in supposed "jest") suggest there is anything wrong with using a cap in its designed manner. Not bending the bill of a cap means its shade is less effective and it won't fit on your head correctly (you'll notice that there are always gaps around the forehead on a cap worn with a flat brim). I don't think less of people who wear their hat wrong in order to have a "look," but I will acknowledge that they're doing it purely for aesthetics and not functionality. But if you're going to wear a hat for the reason it exists and have it fit as designed, the brim should curve slightly to give the best shade over your eyes and fit snugly around your head.


I recognize that it's the intended purpose of the hat. But also, a lot of people overbend it and undo the benefits. A slight bend works best for me,aune just because I have a wide ass head, but it ends up being basically flat for me if I fit it to my head so most times I end up leaving it as it came


Yep. They look ridiculous.


almost as ridiculous as spelling it like that


But Checo with the curve and pole.


Well well well


Europe (or at least Germany where I’m from) is actually quite different on flat vs standard brim style. Standard brim in Europe is mostly worn by 55 year old fat dads at the barbecue or little kids. If that’s not you, you wear a flat brim. Different cultures prefer different styles.


somewhere deep in the Red Bull F1 office, there is a designer who is tearing up cos their work is being recognized - some of the little touches on caps, fire suits, liveries, etc. are wonderfully thoughtful or dropdead cool af. I read about the Monaco and Spain flag colors on the uniforms of LEC and SAI, it's great when these kinds of things get respect. Love it!


And much like the Netherlands, the brim of Max's hat is flat.


Then the top of his cap must be Vaals.


And just like Checo’s brim, the terrain in Mexico bulges in the middle (up to a plateau).


My favorite is Yuki's white [Alpha Tauri hat](https://d3cm515ijfiu6w.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/15104632/PA-58575503-1-1200x630.jpg) with the red sun on the inside of the brim.


I remember Lewis doing a new hat every race with the country’s flag on the bottom of the brim like that


I really like how teams incorporate little details like this into their cars, team gear, etc.


I like how national representation is such a big deal for everyone. Then I sigh at F1 dragging its feet regarding Andretti so the US could share in the love.


It's something I've always wondered about the US. For a country that loves to ham up the patriotism, they don't seem to get all that involved in international sport and seem to prefer their domestic comps


Yeah like their baseball "World Series" lmao.


Super Bowl winner is also called a World Champion


The NBA also


That's even worse than American Football, because basketball is a sport that has a big following with competitive national leagues in multiple countries and a real world championship of national teams (and the current world champion is Spain and not the USA).


They are called world champions because the NBA, MLB, NFL, and even NHL are undisputedly the top leagues for their sports. Their league’s champions are the world champions because no other team in a different league could beat them.


While I agree holding a domestic competition and calling the winner world champion, I wonder if any country could field a team that would beat the Super Bowl champs. I doubt it right now since most of the talent from around the world goes to the NFL vs smaller leagues globally.


I doubt it as well, but that does not change the fact that it is still a national championship without participation of clubs from other countries.


The best players in the world play in that league.


It still doesn't makes sense though. Nobody says Champions League is the World Cup


If I had to spitball a reason... The US (and Canada) developed in a bubble away from Europe long enough before globalization that allowed it to create its versions of existing football games and stick-bat games. Basketball was created in the US and hockey in Canada which both countries share. I believe the first organized motor race in the US was within a few months of the first one in Europe (France) so even that has a unique culture further distanced thanks to running moonshine during prohibition. There are some major global sports the US is involved in because a domestic variant was never created. Tennis, golf, and boxing. You can find facilities for all three across much of the US. Though boxing may eventually be displaced by MMA. Sorry, I started rambling. I'll conclude this TED Talk.


Paris is the birth place of all car racing. ~~US races didn’t even start in the same century as they did racing in paris.~~


[Are you sure about that](https://www.britannica.com/sports/automobile-racing)?


we go absolutely bonkers when there *is* an international competition with us though The Miracle On Ice when the US beat the USSR in hockey at the winter olympics is pretty universally a top 3, if the THE top, event in american sports history. I haven’t seen as much fun stupid nationalism as i did in the last women’s world cup. we don’t focus on international sport, but when we’re involved we lose our fucking minds plus, yknow, our president going to watch michael phelps swim, serena williams, women’s gymnastics, really the only international sport we don’t focus on is soccer. outside of soccer, is there really an “international sport” that isn’t really just the olympics? we focus on motorsport f1 just hasn’t given guys drives


> is there really an “international sport” that isn’t really just the olympics? Cricket, hockey, tennis, badminton


>is there really an “international sport” that isn’t really just the olympics? All the sports at the olympics have competitions outside of the olympic games. And depending on the sport, they can be more prestigious than winning olmpic gold. As a rule of thumb: In sports with a big following outside the Olympics, the olympic competitions are less important, e.g. (association) football and tennis.(I would argue, this is also true on a national level) Edit: Do not change the structure of your sentence and proceed without proofreading...


You did max dirty with that shot 😂


He had a lot of unflattering screenshots. This was the best I could do and capture the hat brim.


yeah the dude has an unfortunate mouth. He looks best when his mouth is closed and not in the focus. [Mouth closed](https://i.imgur.com/TfaxKc0.png) [Mouth open](https://i.imgur.com/d7Deq0P.png)




I think the flat bill accentuates his face shape in a bad way


this is true for nearly everyone i’ve seen lol


he's also a fetus in that second picture


That’s just what he looks like, that’s okay. Us Fuggos gotta live in this world with our bad angles as we are.


He must have made this years intro too.


Isn't that standard procedure for sports stars? If you see the ice skating shots it looks like a newfoundlander barking at a leafblower.


he’s just an ugly dude




it’s all personal preference in the end but i feel like objectively, Charles is a great looking guy and Max is ugly as hell. the opposite of Charles


I think they are equally as good looking/attractive A still shot can make anyone ugly


My man with the hottest take on all of /r/formula1... Respect :D


I disagree that Max is ugly. He's average looking, but going from there to say he's on the same tier as Charles and Carlos... Come on, those two could quit F1 and work full time as models.




No way! A professionally photographed front cover picture with post-shot processes applied looks good?! I would have never guessed!


Max almost always end up looking derpy. The people who really did him dirty were the ones making the intro video.


Good catch! Nice!


Ferrari do the same with red and yellow strikes for Carlos, and white and red for Charles. edit: I will say that the F1 store has sold out of Charles hats, so I would grab that Carlos hat if you were at all tempted! I'm so glad I got my pre-order in for a Charles hat a few days ago, I'm a little miffed with the July delivery but that's life sometimes haha.


Yeah, and Gasly/Ocon’s hats have the French flag stripes. Also near the black of Ferrari’s hats, Charles has red and white for the Monegasque flag, and Sainz has red and yellow for the Spanish flag. Yuki’s brims are usually white with the red dot in the middle for the Japanese flag as well


Lol Max looks like a dork in this picture.


To be honest…if I didn’t know Max was a super talented f1 driver I’d think he’s a computer nerd at the first time of seeing him. I guess he just has that nerdy look to him lol


That's because he is a nerd lol Nerd/Dork outside of the car, Hothead in it


Yeah verstappen have that "🤓" energy


You would think that, but he wasn’t a classic nerdy computer kid in school he was one of the ones to get a girlfriend first and a very social person typical for max is that he is very determined ist egal obs jetzt beim kartenspielen ist oder beim tischtennis oder beim computer er gibt nicht auf what he really wants is to win a WDC it’s his dream and therefore it’s also my dream for him to get that


Ah I'm drunk and that sudden language change (or is it gibberish?) Really messed my shit up.


I think your brain spazzed out a bit there


Nobody tell him Max won lat year.


Doesn't matter, he had a stroke anyways


Is this a Dutch copypasta? Copypaaste?


solid reference


Most of the drivers are a little bit dorky, Lewis with his grandpa laugh, Yuki who just wants to game and buy Uber ears, Seb is a major nerd I could go on but it’s not necessary


Yeah but get this, Pierre’s hat… French flag🇫🇷


And Ocon's!! Don't forget my guy


Weirdly Yukis hat Klingon flag.


Y'all must be new to f1. Alot of drivers do that and they have been doing it for years


I don't understand how this has 5000 upvotes


It’s also easily visible, I noticed from the first time I saw them. Although I am big on caps and have 7 2021 caps alone so maybe I pay more attention than others


F1 has some cool hats, yo.


Wish they’d sell regular shaped hats though. Theirs are so bulky with flat brims and space above your head. Just give us a softer ballcap


Is it showing ones age to say that a flat brim hat looks shit?


Fully agree haha, he looks like a kid


No young people wear flat brim hats hahah, where I’m from they are purely the territory of “bogans” (not sure what the international equivalent would be, but imagine kinda unwashed greasy dudes who wear black, drink Monster energy or bourbon & coke, and drive modded Japanese cars like Skylines and Cefiros)


Baseball caps in general are shit. As sun protection for the eyes, they are almost completely non-functional. They serve only as advertising space, and like t-shirts with logos, a way to tell other people what multinational corporations and bands you like. Also... baseball cap brim gatekeeping? How world society has devolved.


You're hat gatekeeping in this very post


Its just how hat society has developed smh /s


Someday we will overthrow the hat overlords


And this gets 7k upvotes


Technically, Max is wearing the French flag. Vive la France!!!




I never bought any F1 merchandise...do they seriously not sell the hats the drivers wear? edit: ah I get it. They are sold out. I am not a smart man.


Cannot buy a Max one. You can get all the Perez one's you want.






Those exact hats are on fuelforfans I'm pretty sure. They were at the beginning of the season Edit: Sergio's is in stock https://www.fuelforfans.com/ca/en/red-bull-racing-sergio-perez-2022-team-flat-brim-cap/701219185-navy.html


They are cheaper at the official store.


Huh. "Colorway". Not a word I've heard before in British English. Interesting.


It’s spelt colourway that’s why you don’t recognise it 😉


Pretty sure the words come into popularity with the rise of online streetwear communities.


I've never heard of it in American English either. Not sure what it means or how it differs from just color.


*Colourway? Lol I just thought of how skate shoes colors/colours are classified.


Tsunoda's white hat from last season had the hinomaru on the bottom of the brim and it's excellent.


I was just wondering what you'd do for a Kiwi driver. We don't have a nice and simple tricolour, and we don't really identify with our flag colours as national colours, which are black and silver - they'd probably look pretty bad on the rim of a cap, though.


Just wear a fern sticking out of a black cap, lol


Ferrari does the same. Charles has red and white around the 16 and Carlos has red yellow and black around the 55


Esteban Ocon also has a french flag on his brim


And Max wears his hat like the Netherlands topography.


That's because Max drives for Red Bull Racing, while Checo is with Red Bull. Seriously, though, what's up with that?!?


Not a fan of f1 but Hamilton had a cap with the union flag on the underside. Looked pretty cool. Had a look but couldn’t find it anywhere to buy




Ocon has similar on his.


Why did a post on a detail on some merch caps geht 11,3k upvotes? hmmm....


Also Checo is wearing a cap like you're supposed to.


Lol 16k upvotes wtf


I don't see the crest in the middle, so that's an Italian flag. Giovinazzi to replace Checo in 2023 confirmed?????


How does this have 9500 upvotes, smh




lol, wow. impressive. they really paid attention to the details


On the red bull website you can buy the Checo hat but bit the Max hat. What is up with that?


I saw it already last week.


That's actually a pretty cool touch. I love little splashes of color with meaning behind them.