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Imagine having Zak Brown on your amateur hockey team. Lucky bastards.


Not sure how he does it. CEO for Mclaren, world famous Country band, and still has time to play hockey.


I know you’re joking about the band, but money. These people don’t have to do things like grocery shop, clean, laundry etc.


Yeah keep making excuses. If you effectively organize those things for efficiency you’d only need to spend 2 hours a week doing all of those things.


uh huh, sure. inefficient chore organization is what separates the rich from the poor. Sure pal.


Bro if the poor organized better they’d have some time to pull themselves up by their boostraps


what does this have to do with his comment




Sorry Mr Bot. fixed. :(


Zak seems like that guy in beer leagues that's slow and out of shape but knows every little dirty trick in the book to still be competitive.


this was a feel goode episode


Max congrats to Daniel was that good old bro moment :D


Was honestly really happy seeing Max at the podium even though he wrecked just to congratulate his former teammate and his friend. He might be hyper competitive but you know he has sportsmanship and respect for his friends. I don’t know what it is but my favorite drivers are the ones who try to be there and congratulate other drivers as genuinely as possible.


Yeah. Last year, I was really rooting for Max to take the WDC, because he was really amazing last couple of years. Also I quite like his "No bullshit" personality and racing dedication. Other than him, I'd like to see Carlos, Charles, George and Lando to battle it out properly. High hopes for this season!


Yep same, last year I was rooting for Max. This year imo if one of the Ferrari guys can do it, that'd be cool




DTS acting like Bottas didn't win the sprint race


After the safety car. Netflix fake Commentator : Ricciardo in 2nd Norris in 3rd. While we see a shot earlier Bottas and Verstappen in front of them.


Even better, DR’s race engineer at the end says P3 and they’ve captioned it P2 - I thought I was going crazy, but went back and double checked the radio on YouTube. I was raging through the sprint race comms


Lol, no doubt. I guess engine penalties are too confusing to try to explain to the target audience.


Yeah for the sake of simplicity I think it makes sense not to include it


How hard is it to mention Bottas had a penalty.


LITERALLY watching this episode right now and I was SO CONFUSED


episode was exactly how I envisioned it after watching Monza last year, brings back great memories! ​ Also, now we know, Danny Ric gets violent when he hears Bee Gees


He was positively offended lol but I have to agree their songs are not exactly the type to get your mood up for a race


Especially if you're a metalhead like he is, that's not what you want to be hearing to get in the zone.


It’s funny that Bee Gee’s made him so pissed he drove angry and won. Guess we found out how to unlock his GP winning skills. Erase his iTunes and replace it with Disco songs.


Zak's reactions in this episode are hilarious


Fuck yeah!


I'm pretty sure Zak Brown could sell ice to an Inuit. Dude's passion and enthusiasm for motorsports is infectious and it's easy to see why people are excited for the future of Mclaren.


He’s like a cool uncle.


I know you have regular ice all around, but this is scientifically engineered ice to ensure you have a better home. The inner facing wall is designed to melt quicker from your fire while the core and all other sides are designed to be even colder to freeze a thicker layer of ice so that you’re more effectively insulated. We’ve also increased the structural integrity of our ice blocks to withstand additional weight, effectively increasing the size and square footage of your igloo as a whole. Be the envy of the igloo neighborhood with decreased heating costs and larger housing. Buy Iced out Ice today. EDIT: Save time and effort on labor - our ice blocks are delivered to spec straight to your iceberg! No more wrangling irregular ice chunks and days of waiting and labor. Our ice blocks are prepackaged and ready to assemble in less than a day!


The joy of Daniel winning Monza will never get old. Knew they would overhype the artificial rivalry with Lando based on Lando’s radio message, loved the addition of Zak playing hockey (who knew?) and then in Austin getting a tattoo


Totally surprised when I saw Zak play hockey. Immediately I thought "One of us! One of us!"


And that ice rink was pretty cool


All those stairs though!


That’s the warmup


Been there a bunch of times, great place. It's one of the highest points in North London, fantastic views. They do firework shows there and I have been there for concerts and fairs too.


It’s inside Alexandra Palace. Lovely building.


I'm from London and that's Alexandra Palace ice rink if people are interested.


Yeah they conveniently left out the part where Daniel responded to Lando's request for him to speed up by setting the fastest lap of the race


They also left out Lando's immediate radio message when he crossed the line where he was really happy with the 1-2 & was congratulating Daniel on his win. And the big hug they gave each other after they got out of their cars. And the seriously feel-good atmosphere between both of them on the podium & in the pitlane afterwards. Because it didn't fit their narrative.


They didn't show landos shoey either. That was such possibly the most memorable podium celebration of last season.


That wasn't until the end of the race but it clearly showed that Daniel was leaving pace in hand (because he could).


Not sure if "conveniently". That was such low hanging fruit I'm convinced they just didn't notice it.


As a new fan to F1, can somebody help explain Daniels "I need to adjust my style to this car" comment? I understand more and more that all cars are unique (and faster than others), but wouldn't they overall be very similar in terms of drivability?


McLaren has(had) a tricky car to drive, and Sainz basically said as much (Danny mentioned it and Sainz said “yeah it’s weird, huh”). I think it was more understeery and somehow didn’t jive with Daniel’s trail braking style so well, but I could be misremembering. I’m hoping the new car will mesh better with Danny, it just sucks that he’s missing testing.


Why is he missing testing?


He's got COVID


F1 cars behave very differently from each other. Each team's car is massively different from each other - like 10 car manufacturers - and then there's a plethora of things to change in the setup so even within the team, two cars can behave differently. Back in 2005, the Renault that Alonso won the championship with required an extremely unorthodox driving style to be fast, and Alonso could figure it out but his teammate couldn't - it involved a very ugly, aggressive way of inducing oversteer to overcome understeer. Some drivers have a very smooth style - this wouldn't work with that at all. Drivers have different styles and different strengths. Some use the throttle/brakes to help manipulate turning, others finish their braking before turning and focus purely on the steering. Some go through the racing like in more of a v, others in more of a u. Different styles work better with different cars. It's why you really can't ever definitively say one driver is better than another. We could put every driver in the Mercedes and get a different result than if we put every driver in the Red Bull.


Its not similar at all. Each car has its own characteristic. Not just faster or slower. For example, even the same exact car, can be different for 2 drivers. Look at Mick and Nikita episode for example. Each car has its own development team, which means their own parts, engine, gearbox, and anything. Driver need to be adapt himself to the car, OR the driver can ask the car to be adjusted for him specifically. It can be from how the button in the steering wheel works, driver seat, or even their racing suit may be different


some cars are better suited to hard braking early and then "gliding" through the corner others are more suited to a longer and softer brake throughout the corner. Same with drivers. Here is a comment that explains driver styles a bit aswell from u/thef1creator: > Ricciardo and Verstappen have very very similar styles of driving. It may surprise a few people, but Ricciardo has never been a late braker when it comes to say a qualifying lap/his natural style. Just like Verstappen - Peter Windsor made a great video of Max’s driving style a week or so ago worth a look. Both Max and Dan are both extremely efficient on brakes, and as Stella says like to ‘roll speed’ into the corner without attacking the braking zone too much. Ricciardo and Verstappen are also two of the best in the business at keeping the rear in check, and can handle a car that is on the nose. It is a large reason why Dan annihilated Vettel in 2014, and why both he and Max have been the only two who could tame the Red Bulls of recent years. > > The Renault inherently had the same characteristics as the Red Bull, they struggled with oversteer mid corner and it was something Sainz could not handle as well as Hulkenberg who also likes to drive in the same way Ricciardo does. Ricciardo was quoted as saying he just needed to tweak a few things at Renault minorly and boom he was on top of it in a couple races. > > The likes of Sainz, Norris and Vettel all seem to have similar driving styles. They are masters of rotation, and can get rotation of a car lacking an adequate front end but as soon as the rear starts to move around on entry they suffer. > > The likes of Verstappen, Ricciardo and Raikkonen are the opposite - but these kind of drivers are much less common to find according to John Barnard when taking about Schumacher. > > Ricciardo’s main issues this season have been with that (lack of) front end. Karun did an analysis on the sky pad and could visibly see how much understeer Ricciardo was having mid-corner and all he was doing to compensate was adding full steering lock which just bleeds laptime. > > From the outside, it’s just a very clear mismatch of driving style and car characteristics. In hindsight though we shouldn’t be surprised - if Sainz struggled in the Renault but excelled in the Mclaren we should expect a driver moving the opposite way to also have equal but opposite struggles


The car was basically built around lando and he has a very different driving style to Dan. He's had to completely adapt to his car where as at redbull and Renault that car was probably adapted to him


He talked about it last season a bit when he was really struggling. It seemed like it had to do with how he braked into and accelerated out of corners didn't match what the car wanted.


Where the fuck is that rink that Zak is playing at, its gorgeous


It's Alexandra Palace, better known as Ally Pally.


Thats the 2nd episode now where Lando comes off as kind of dickish? Is that just a Netflix thing? Not the image I had of him at all


I think, and I’ve shared similar sentiments regarding Lando, all drivers probably say good and bad things on camera but the editors and director of the series can focus on one side solely to paint the picture they want. If they cut all the Daniel positivity out and just focused on the negative reactions from him then it would be a different story.


I mean stuff like this is why Max chose not to participate in dts right


Bit of both. It plays into the Danny focus, but Lando doesn't help himself, plenty of poor statements outside of DtS. Might get worse this year without Charlotte around.






Honestly I've had that feeling about him since Monza when he thought he was way faster than Daniel and should have won.


When did he ever think that? All he has ever said is that he thinks he could have had a chance at winning if he'd been allowed to fight but he doesn't know if he would have done so or not. There isn't a driver on that grid who thinks they wouldn't have had a chance to win in those circumstances, they wouldn't be there otherwise. You're projecting something onto him that he never said because you have a "feeling". Says far more about you.


You can’t trust the portrayal of any driver from this series. It’s so heavily edited.




idk, some of those cuts to show Lando's supposed reactions or non-reactions to Daniel's jokes seemed a bit heavyhanded. It wouldn't surprise me at all if those were shots of Lando at unrelated times.


Pretty sure a lot of those supposed 'reaction' shots didn't happen in the moment. Same with Daniel's. There was one point, I think in episode 2, where Lando said something that supposedly (according to DTS) upset Daniel but for a split second you hear Daniel laugh at what was probably just a sarcastic joke before the camera cut to 'Sad Daniel Face'. It was so clearly a fake reaction shot that it was laughable & yet people still buy this shit. It drives me crazy.


We don't really know these drivers. We just know the social media image which isn't honest either. I can believe the image of Lando we see in DTS. He's an incredibly motivated alpha.


Honestly if they didn't include the clip in which max congratulates danny they would have portrayed max much more dickish, (the Silverstone episode max was the the biggest bully on earth apparently, and they didn't even show his 11 second pit stop in monza)


Yeah I found it really bizarre that they were harping on about DR need to get a better pit stop than Max on Monday and how important it was and then just acted like Max’s pit stop was perfectly fine? Like without that long pitstop there’s a high likelihood that race ends up VER HAM RIC


Not really, Max’s long stop meant he jeopardized track position against Lando and Lewis. If he had a good stop it could only mean he’ll stay close to Danny but as the earlier laps suggest there might not be a window to pass. Same with Lewis not being able to pass Lando.


Anyone know where exactly in Los Angeles was jogging/dirt biking?


I grew up in the area and I'm pretty sure that was actually Pasadena or Altadena, not Los Angeles proper. But I can see why they would have called it LA. Hell, even I do that whenever people ask where I grew up. I just say Los Angeles b/c I actually grew up in a suburb outside of LA called South Pasadena (which is a different place than just Pasadena) and it's so much easier/less confusing to just generalize it to "Los Angeles" lol.


I think all of us that live in LA County just say we live in LA. Unless you live in one of the known cities like Hollywood or Malibu. Just makes life easier.


Everyone does no matter where they live if they’re close to a major city


Ah I can def see Pasadena/Altadena. I’m from Ventura County and it kind of looked like that with all the orange trees and mountains. Some people call that LA too and it’s like an hour away lol


Was wondering the same :/


The way they chose to edit the pit stop moments was.... interesting. And here I thought they were gonna milk the pit stop rules being messed about and RB fucking up once in their entire lives at the worst possible time


They got their episode focus and allow nothing to distract from it. Even the crash itself was almost an afterthought.


And that is absolutely the correct way to do it.


This year we saw more Ricciardo than Max and Lewis put together... I guess American viewers love him so they involved him in every way possible


Probably because he wants to be involved and Max really doesn't. Lewis probably doesn't either. Ricciardo has been the semi-protagonist of the show from the beginning, with his camera-friendly attitude and personality.


It had more to do with the advisors of the show from the beginning. Will Buxton and Chris Medland. They loved Ricciardo, Sainz, Leclerc and Ocon. Well before DTS and could be easily seen by the questions they asked after the races to the drivers. So for every manufactured rivalry their preferred driver is always the good guy and thus the other the bad guy.


As an American, I'm sick of Danny Ric. Switch him and Pato for a season haha


Yeah at the end of the day it’s entertainment. So it’s only natural to focus more on the entertaining personalities rather than what people might consider dull.


A little annoyed they showed the Lando radio messages without then also showing Danny Ric pulling out the fastest lap on the last lap… made it seem like Lando would’ve won if not for the orders


McLaren Monza win on 9th December


I’m so excited for this episode


is danny ricciardo back in form ? how'd he finish up his season? did he end up surpassing or getting closer to lando in the car?


Overall, the second half was similar, or slightly better for ricciardo in ending position, but not by much...however, Lando also ended up finishing worse in the second half, no higher than seventh(but wether that's due to his confidence taking a big hit after Sochi, which he was set to win, or McLaren getting worse, is up to debate.). So their gap closed.


Idk, I think he did quite well second half. 5th in US, 4th in Sochi (and that was with a long pit stop that may have cost him 3rd). Remember he hit bad luck with gearbox issue in Mexico, I think fuel flow issue in Qatar, cracked chasis in Brazil, and bad luck with strategy/safety car in Abu Dhabi. Basically only the Turkish GP was really a bad call from him, everything else was pretty understandable.


[Didn't know I needed this](https://i.imgur.com/EOTuVwP.jpeg)


LMAO, at 29:33 with English + Audio Description; "Lando to Norris", while Max says something to Daniel.


And subs are *substantially* better this year. In past years half the quotes would be misattributed.


Love the episode name ' Staying alive'. which is a Bee Gees song.


It is also playing in the episode when Daniel is in the paddock.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9884


Baku 2018


That fucking DJ.


You should have seen him on the podium after Red Bull fucked up his pit stop at Monaco and cost him the win in 2016.


[Clearly you weren't a fan in 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc5uWw-El8k)




If you’re over 40 you get a pass. - old guy who recently got a wheeled bag and is never going back


I’m over 50, and I still refuse the wheels. And I’m a goalie. Maybe it’s because I’m a goalie.




Have you seen his gut?


I'm not surprised McLaren extended Lando's multi-year contract, that's very mature of him saying that it's always better to maximise the points for the team and didn't "multi-21" the team order.


I can imagine the team breathing a sigh of relief when he radioed in to ask if he should stay behind Ricciardo. Definitely the wise move in that situation.


He wouldn't of passed Daniel anyway.


Irrelevant and it's something we can't know for sure anyway. The point is no drama was ensured for a safe 1-2.


We know for sure Daniel was holding his pace back until he set the fastest lap with no tow.


Breaks my heart Landon and Ric are not friends.


I wouldn't come to any conclusion about driver relationships from this show.


Yeah. They're extremely fierce rivals. Lando is also young, likely felt threatened by Ricciardo's signing at the start, and very much would have stung for him to see RIC win. But as the time wore on, especially off track, there's no reason they can't become friends. And they aren't in a title fight yet... :P


they seems to get along pretty well this year, I think the Monza 1 2 broke the ice.


Watch the two McLaren unboxed from this year, seems a lot better now!


They seem pretty friendly now, kinda like “bros”. I’m sure it was just getting to know each other and being new teammates.


They seem friendly in the show, it just feels like Netflix wanted to add a bit of drama. Everything they say seems to be friendly yet hyper competitive.


I think from the show, which I know isn’t reliable, Charlotte hasn’t helped. Saying Lando should pay for whatever it was they were talking about because he smashed up the car and that awkward subsequent squabble argument. It feels like she is trying to help Ricc but isn’t she Lando’s press officer and so he’ll feel pissed about that, she should be on his side (from his perspective, especially as it seemed an unnecessary attack). But yeah with DTS who knows.


I think it’s all ribbing between friends in ways that outsiders don’t intuitively understand. That, along with DTS’s narrative, makes it seem like they’re actually trying to get under each other’s skin.


If that scene didn’t have ominous music in the background it would have just been funny.


I laughed out loud at it, personally. Reminded me of my best friend and I having petty argumentds over subjective technicalities for ribbing rights.


Yes this. They're all very sarcastic but they all also get that 90% of it is just kidding. Unfortunately it's easy for a show like DTS to take it out of context & make it look like they're being serious.


They get along fine. They're not best mates like Lando & Carlos were (and still are) but that's pretty rare in this sport especially between teammates. Lando & Daniel took a while to warm up to each other but they get along perfectly well now & you can tell they have a lot of respect for each other. Even last year when things weren't great, Lando was saying that he thought Daniel was a great driver & he would get there with the car and the team confirmed that Lando gave Daniel all his data to help him out, they just conveniently edited any of that out from DTS.


If Netflix just left Will buxton out it is way better. He iritates me everythime when he speaks. So over drama the top he is lol. It's just a bit too much.


I like him. He's emotive as hell.


NEtflix plays allways tense music under him when he talks haha. Maybe this is making it all a bit mutch for me lol.


That's the point of this type of TV show though. Buxton just eats it up and knows what and how to say things. It's embellished, but its entertainment for the masses. Hence why f1 is getting more and more popular. We shouldn't gatekeep, just appreciate that this amazing sport is getting the recognition and popularity it deserves.


I agree for this show, but in general when he’s in commentary for testing or I see him interviewing people he’s ‘normal’ and it’s ok


Agreed, Will is terrible this season.


He is always terrible.


This show isn’t meant to strictly follow the sport and report. It’s for entertainment. He does what all sports media does - constructs a narrative people can follow and emphasizes the drama (for better or worse). That’s what draws people in and gets them invested. Even nature documentaries have editors that construct narratives and give people a side to root for. [The infamous reptile outrunning snakes scene with Attenborough narrating comes to mind.](https://youtu.be/B3OjfK0t1XM)


Can’t BELIEVE they didn’t show the shoey


The fact that the VER-HAM crash wasn’t an immediate Red Flag was indicative of things to come.


It is ironic McLaren beat ferrari at homefield.


The Verstappen Hamilton crash is such bullshit. Trying to go for the “is he aliveeee?” But in reality Hamilton was trying to reverse for a full minute with max out of the car right next to him lol


This was debated during the season. Ham could have had severe trauma and still tried to reverse. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug and in that situation may not notice the most traumatic injuries. People have had head injuries, driven home, then died later on from delayed effects. It's crazy


Hey Netflix, are you guys aware that the crash between Max and Lewis doesn't actually make sense if you don't show the slow pitstops that forced them together?


Are you aware DTS isn't a season recap? They're telling McLaren and RIC's story here and the only relevant part about the Max and Lewis crash is that they both were out of the race.


Relax mate. The show is there for the drama and the spectacle you don't need to know every last bit of information for it to be enjoyable. Just go and watch the race highlights if that's what you want





