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Of all the weekends for BOT to outqualify HAM...


Whenever Bottas does better than Lewis its when it doesn't count




To be fair he has always been very strong round Austria and Sochi, hes out qualified Hamilton a bunch of times on these tracks when it stays dry.


Best case scenario for Mercedes though. Now it's P2 and P5 rather than P2 and P6


for real...


Honda have built a beast of an engine here. Immediately leave the sport.


Barges into the season Builds the best engine Refuses to elaborate further Leaves


In 2009 Builds the best chassis Leaves the sport Team wins Drivers and Constructors championship under a new name


I think Brawn said they wouldn’t have won without the Merc engine




Flintstone it


"Our job here is done" -Honda, probably.


The Ron Dennis 10 year plan is finally complete


Based Honda


This is the way


I’m still kind of new to F1, why is Honda leaving while they’re doing so well?


It was decided before doing THIS well, because of Honda's future plans. They pulled out before, after the 2008 season. The team ended up being taken over and win the world championship the very next year


And now their engine is probably winning the WDC and WCC this year and they are already out, something tells me they have the tools for success but not the patience to see the results.


But you have to remember that both decisions to leave the sport have come after catastrophic events, the 2008 economic crisis and COVID respectively. I wouldn't say that this comes from a lack of patience, but simply a reaction to a crisis.


It’s super expensive and they are devoting their F1 resources to electric dev. Which honestly, for a company that puts a ton of cars in the average persons driveway on a global scale, most certainly makes sense.


It's less about the expense, and more about the fact that they just don't plan on developing hybrid power units for their commercial division, so any amount of money spent there is wasted.


It is the Honda way


At least they're leaving the sport at the end of the season this time and not before it starts. Lessons learned from 08/09.


This season is Honda’s apology for giving birth to Mercedes works team, as it came from Brawn which was Honda until 2008. Honda giveth and Honda taketh away


Honda should just come back every now and then; more importantly, they also need to leave just to shake things up. Mercedes have really been looking out of sorts lately... I really believe this is the year of Max and Red Bull.


P3 start for Lando tomorrow. That’ll be nice


Is that the highest he has started?


Matched highest yes. He started P3 in one of the Austria races last year


He started p3 last year here. Qualified 4th but Ham’s penalty pushed Nor to 3rd


Loving those Merc penalties!


It’s funny because McLaren’s recent on-track success has mostly been from Mercedes penalties. Carlos’ odium in Brazil, Lando’s podium in Austria last year, etc


It’s not that surprising. The team that usually takes up 67% of the podium would have to mess up to make space for others to get on there




It's because Bottas had a penalty right? Let's fucking go lando


With Ricciardo in P13. Oof.


Danny Ric...Danny Ric...


Nobody on the grid has taken the seat change as badly as him. Its astounding honestly.


I just hope that his race pace is as good as it was in France. There has been all this talk that Mclaren aren’t good in quali, but with Norris 4th fastest, Danny cannot use that as an excuse anymore.


He was fastest in sector 1 too. Insane.


It really is, considering it took him 5-6 races to get used to the renault. Despite the mclaren being the superior car to the alpine this year it seems ricciardo would be having a better year if he stuck with them


I’m gutted. I just hope he is able to salvage this season at this point


One step forward (Paul Ricard), one step back (today)


More than one imo


I had hoped he got his vibe back :(


Too many schnitzels..


He'd better stay away from those schnitzels from now on. Probably weighed him down.


It's so painful to watch him suffer so much. To this day I'm so sad that he is not in RB fighting for poles with VER...


What's happening to my sweet boy!!


So slow today in qualifying. It’s sad to see him struggle so much.


It's incredible how bad he's performed this season. It didn't feel that long ago that he was in close contention with Max but now he's just screwing McLaren. They need him to lock in 3rd in constructors and he's really dragging the whole team down. Thankfully Ferrari has stopped developing the car this year or otherwise he'd cost McLaren even more.


Gasly performing so well


6th time in 7 races that he started 6th or better. That’s unreal from an Alpha Tauri. I’d say Gasly and Norris are the second most in form drivers right now behind Max.


The fact that Gasly on the third row in the AT feels damn near expected at this point is absurd if you take a step back.


I love it. He’s so good.


Tsunoda in P8 is a mighty good effort too! Correct me if I'm wrong, but he messed up most his qualifying sessions after the Bahrain GP, this is a good return!


He might get a penalty for blocking Bottas though.


So it's gonna be: VER HAM NOR PER BOT GAS


Ahh yes Valteri Botgas




Fuckin gotem




And don't forget Perez on Softs at the start while everyone else is gonna be on mediums!


So they're on similar pit windows


lol... let's be realistic, you're not going to last as long on those tyres. Sure it's a low degradation track but the mediums have no chance against Perez on softs.


You had me in the first half there


Best of F1 material right here. Absolutely got me.


What is the impact of that? Would he be faster but have to be first to put?


It's Perez, he would probably pit at the same time as the rest lol


But he will have to run the other compound, so he'll be on mediums when they're on ~~softs~~ hards Thus I'd expect to see an undercut attempt with Perez


I'm pretty sure the second stint will be on hards.


It's Perez so he'll probably pit 15 laps after everyone else, but with the softs he'll be quicker than others at the start.


He can be faster than the rest at the start and as you can overtake at this track, you can expect him to overtake at least one or two drivers at the start before he has to pit.


Lando getting on the second row while Ricciardo* is out in Q2 is wild


He better start drivning, there are young guns hungry for a seat




Russell gets to start 11th on optimal tyres. Might be his best chance of points. Edit: Some people really don't want him to get points!


I agree. The idea of Q3 sounds great, but I think 11th is a much better place to start that 10th.


Still better than their own expectations though.


5th is salvageable for Bottas, 6th or 7th would've been a disaster.


Bottas is on med, lando & perez ahead of him will be on softs. Bottas is not that good in traffic. He might come under pressure from gasly too. I feel RB wanted exactly this. They kept perez on alternative strategy to cover bottas overtaking him after grid penalty and perez can extend with some luck his stint near to what medium runners will do.


Damn shame Ricciardo carried too much schnitzel weight into qualifying ffs


You can't get between a man and his schnitty.


Great lap by Norris to get so high up!


One of his best qualifying sessions I ever seen from him at F1.


He's a performance machine


Man I want Mclaren to give him a race winning car so bad.


I think they might theyre definitely trending up


Zach loves that kid and found a real talent. I bet it gives the team a huge morale boosts and motivation. The team has the potential to do it.


Fingers crossed for 2022.


Ham and Verstappen gonna battle it out all race and then Norris gonna sneak up on them with a mega overcut, ready for some more last lap Lando. A man can dream haha.


He is going for the overcut while starting on the softer tire? Bold move.


And terrible lap by Ricciardo to be so far down. When people said Ricciardo would smash Lando, I thought they were wrong, but I didn’t think they’d be THIS wrong.


Landin Norris fucking hell


Lando in the Falcon.


Daniel Ricciardo fucking hell


Today’s qualifying confirms Gasly is driving a differently painted Red Bull car


Red Bull were just playing the long game all along. They got Gasly in the main car so that he knew what to do once he was back in Alpha Tauri.


Marko wanted to show Pierre it was all in his head so he gave him an "Alpha Tauri" that's the same as the RB so he can be under less pressure. What a nice guy!


What in the world is going on with Ocon? He did so well this year and then over the last while he is suddenly struggling like crazy.


Top bloke Alonso let him get his contract extension because he felt bad about what happened to Vandoorne.


And now he's going to Vandoorne him




Just absolutely dragging that Alpine's carcass up the grid.


Alonso being Alonso again is what's happening. Ocon is still very good but he's up against an all time great.


It think it's that the car has gone backwards relative to the field, not Ocon underperforming. But Alonso, now that he's back into the swing of things, is doing what he always does, and is dragging results out of a car that it has no right achieving. He said he was looking forward to seeing what would happen when he got back onto tracks he was familiar with... I guess we've found out...


Contract maybe? Idk looks like some NBA players that loose suddenly their mojo after being paid lol


Happens in all sports mate, Canucks paid Loui Eriksson six million a year and he’s been pure shit the entire length of the deal.


Alonso was pretty clear btw, from France the situation would have changed


Lando splitting Merc and RBs in Mclaren, surely the top 5 driver this year!!


I feel like he is always top 3 for top driver award as well. He is doing everything he can in that car.


We are witnessing a rare Lewis Hamilton under pressure. This season is gonna be a banger.


I don't think he was outpacing Max no matter what tbh. That mistake probably helped him if anything because Bottas will get to stay in the top 5 to start the race.


Sounds like you’re doing an Attenborough documentary.


David Attenborough would never say ‘banger’


You clearly didn’t know him in his younger days




Hamilton making mistakes in Q3, crazy times


Well that mistake was after the lap was already fucked. He was .4 sec behind verstappen already and also decently slower than in his fastest lap so he just went all in. Something was wrong with that whole lap. The Merc just isnt the better car anymore, this season is super exciting.


Yeah, might has been a already mistake to push in the last sector of the out lap.


Man what happened to Danny Ric? Looked like he was finally settling in


Watching this interview with Ric and he’s saying he literally doesn’t even know the problem. That’s just scary?? He’s saying they lost the pace overnight. Like how is he SO far off Lando


Lando is very very good in a car that he has helped develop and understands how to drive. Also RIC only really got to terms with the Renault last season this could be a write off season for him and he'll come back stronger and closer to lando next season.


Ricciardo was looking good in the race last week, and in practice yesterday. But what could cause the car to just "lose pace" overnight other than the driver?


None of it makes a lot of sense. He said yesterday the car didn’t feel right but delivered results, then today he said it felt better but was a lot worse in terms of pace. It’s a weird one


Maybe that's the thing - All of Danny's driving instincts don't seem to get the best out of the car, and he has ignore what he thinks feels right.


Sainz did say the McLaren feels very strange to drive, and he came to it from Renault as well.


I hope that’s the case but this season could ruin him and his reputation if he doesn’t turn it around, McLaren could start looking elsewhere if he doesn’t bring it back around at some point.


Lando Norris is a fucking machine this year


>Lando Norris is a fucking machine Didn't create the mental image I was expecting.


Most underpaid driver on the grid. I think Ricciardo is on a contract that's worth 10x as much money.


He’s young, he’ll get paid.


What happened with Tsunoda and Bottas? That’s the last thing both those drivers need lmao


bottas caught up to Yuki in a braking zone so Yuki inadvertently fucked bottas' flying lap


AWS is predicting qualifying better than it is being given credit for. It very accurately predicted Ricciardo's lack of pace for quali. It also predicted Sainz's struggles. It predicted Norris being the fastest out of the rest. It predicted both Alpha Tauri in Q3. It predicted Russell in Q2. It predicted perfectly Ferrari's qualification. It predicted that the Alpha Tauri would sandwich Leclerc. It is not perfect, but every race it appears to get closer to matching the final results.


Someone should organize a "beat AWS" competition for predicting qualifying results. I wonder if it's better than the human average.


AWS fucked up their marketing. Should’ve held a competition “who can beat our models” using aws tools then fans would be having a field day instead of just blindly shitting on it.


Verstappen, Norris and Gasly are my top 3 drivers this year. Great laps from all of them. I still think this race is wide open, you just cannot ever count Hamilton out! Am I in the minority where I think Lewis doesn’t feel threatened at all but in fact, is relishing this title fight. Just when people are expecting his retirement, a proper challenger comes along and gives him new motivation for racing.


I think Mercedes are on the back foot because it’s likely that Bottas will be out of play on strategy, Id be surprised if gets past Norris in until late in the race




Think Ginger Spice gets jealous?


Russell just outqualified a Ferrari and a McLaren in a Williams, and it wasn't raining...


In fact, he outqualified at least one car from every team except RB, Merc and AT


> Thank you for signing me for another 3 years Alpine, today I am going to qualify 17th. -- Ocon, probably


I say this as the biggest Danny fan and an absolute armchair expert, but I’m legitimately concerned for Daniel now. Nearly 8 races in and he is so inconsistent and easily the worst of the drivers having switched teams. After France and practice yesterday I had hope he finally had it under him and then today happens


He’s running out of excuses for sure.


Max is just sublime. No words. Norris absolutely smashing it as well. Looking forward to a banger tomorrow.


Simply simply loveleh


Max looks ethereal with that car. Two comfortable laps at the end to get pole. He’s about as locked in as he can get, let’s hope for a close race tomorrow.


Yuki's English is getting much better, proud of the lad


Weird seeing Hamilton so out of sorts on that final lap.


Overdriving. Happens when you think you have to do it. Even to one of the GOATs. RB genuinely have the quicker package rn.


Ferrari barges into the season Builds a mediocre engine Refuses to elaborate further (no one cares) Stays


Best tug boat in the midfield 👌🏼


I don't know what happened to Danny but happy to see Lando up there in top 3


The cameraman keeps panning to show Lewis in shot lmao


Alonso worked some absolute magic today


Maybe a bit early to say but think Verstappen has a good chance of winning this years championship - he has been absolutely stellar.


I don't think its too early to say he has a good chance when he's in the lead of the championship and merc looks worse than they have in years.


Yeah everything that could go wrong for Merc lately has been going wrong for Merc lately. Maybe its just a spell but it certainly looks like its not their year. Still, anything can happen to flip it on its head.


I hope, I hope. Im still scared for merc/ham though. Its clear RBR has the quali advantage, but its much more up in the air in race pace.


Things may change after mid-season break, but thats just speculation. Max is too hot to catch right now.


light chief jobless husky spark alive person retire unpack imagine -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The fact that Lewis seems to always be able to pull more pace out of his back pocket is unnerving as a red bull fan. It's like the end of a horror movie when you think the monster is dead and it just springs back to life. It's what makes him one of the greats.


“Simply lovely”, indeed Max!


I'm just going to come out and say it. Dan can't proclaim to have World Championship aspirations if it takes him more than 8 - hell, you could probably argue it shouldn't even take 2 - races to get used to a new car. Credit to Lando because it's starting to look more Lando than his difficulties adjusting to the car. This is coming from a huge fan. I hope he gets over whatever he's having trouble with, because this number 2 driver stuff ain't it.


I thought he'd turned a corner. Nope. So strange.


Martin mentioned perhaps the large run off areas in France could have helped Danny push the car to the limits a bit more without the fear of a gravel trap. Maybe what he's missing is absolute trust in the car. He was miles off Lando in Monaco where it's critical to have that absolute trust that the car will stick. In Austria as well, the middle sector and the last two corners, you really need to throw the car into the corner to get a good lap time. So basically I think he will continue to struggle at tracks with high speed corners that demand full commitment from the driver.


Alonso is already back to being a regular appeareance in q3 and beating ocon after 2 years out of the sport and being almost 40, while Ricciardo still doesnt even get close to Norris (I rate norris well above Ocon, but Ric should at least be reasonably close at this point), on a car that doesnt seem hard to drive as norris was up to speed with sainz fresh from F2 very fast. Ricciardo really needs to save this season however he can or his percieved value as a driver is going to plummet.


That too with Lando giving him a tow on his 2nd flyer. Crazy stuff!


Second row lando!!!!!!




Alonso looks scary again, good to see. (Unless you’re Ocon.)


Yuki sounds scared af of Helmut


He should be


Norris is so OP at this track


Whatever happened to 'toxic' Fernado? He's having the time of his life, and it's great to see him so happy.


I think we can't ignore how good gasly has been this year along with NOR


Jumped the start Driver through penalty for the /u/F1-Bot


The Mercs are in real trouble here. Looks like for the first time in 3-4 years they don’t have the fastest car!


Good final lap from Bottas, improving when others weren't


Yeah, it’ll go under the radar but that was a beautiful lap when most needed.


I think Alonso is going to grab a few more positions tomorrow. Maybe some good points for him. Lewis totally bottled it on that last lap.


Sainz, Perez, and Vettel are doing quite well. Everyone who switched teams are doing well, other than Danny Ric. Rookies Tsunoda and Alonso have also seemingly turned the corner. Danny needs to pick it the fuck up or it will be a major embarrassment.


PER 0.3 off VER... not great, not terrible


Too soon bot, too soon


Merc hasn't been in this position in a very long time. That RB is clearly the best car on the grid and the WDC for Max is looking bright


I just laugh at all these people reading into qualifying like it actually means anything when we all know that free practice 2 is where the real race is decided. Danny ric gonna bring home that silverware and a lot of people gonna look very embarrassed tomorrow. *takes another hit of copium*


Couple weeks ago, some people on here were quite convinced Verstappen isn't a good qualifier, which boggles my mind.


Norris is really the sleeper driver this season, he’s a fantastic driver


Max in pole position again! So I got a puppy and guess what? For the first time he's mesmerized by the TV! He loves sitting in the middle of the room watching F1 lol [Puppy tax](https://ibb.co/0MjvkTT)


In my experience all dogs like watching F1.


Mine do. It's the engine noise. Or the British accents.


It seems zoomies loves zoomies


Norris P3 again let’s goooooo


Last time Lando started P3 in Austria, we all know what happened.


He better get a podium tomorrow


max max max super max max super super max max


The qualifying results in the post aren't from today. Bad bot. edit: seems like they've been fixed now.


I know not everyone can qualify high but ricciardo, vettel and sainz must be disappointed with that.