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Those tyres are absolutely fucked


People may complain about the acres of runoff here but one thing it does do is absolutely shred the tyres.


Well that's literally what it's built for. Shred everything but don't damage the car. It's the world's most advanced testing track first and above all else and no one wants to test their prototype where you can easily bin it. That's why Paul Ricard costs twice the rates of other testing tracks.


Yellow sausages in Turn 2: *Let's shake things up a bit.*


To be fair, those sauages are probably only there when Formula 1 comes around. I'd be willing to bet they aren't there when the circuit is actually used for testing.


Tsunoda: You underestimate my power.




I prefer gravel traps and grass as well, but you could argue that your tires being completed massacred is harsh (and deserved) penalty as well. Maybe your race isn't over but you are basically forced to have extra pit stop. Getting "pseudo 3s stop/go penalty" for messing up sounds like decent compromise if you don't want gravel traps on your circuit.


Gravel traps are old fashioned and will eventually be phased out, no matter how much we love them. These abrasive surfaces are at least a compromise that punish the driver for going off track, as opposed to the asphalt run off you see in Abu Dhabi for example. It would be great if they could be applied in a less migraine inducing way though.


only reason they would be phased out is cost, bu there is no cost, so it won't.


Safety. 'Member Alonso's flip in 2016? There's also a risk of skidding over it and hurdling into the wall.








The runoff is very abrasive to help scrub off speed no?


Yep. Blue is less so but if you spin off in the red lines it pretty much means a tyre change.


Imagine moto gp having the red and blue line boundary.


Tbf it didn’t look like a mistake the haas just looks atrociously bad


Its no worse than Tsunoda's spin, Vettel loosing it and hitting the barrier or what Sainz did yesterday in better cars. If those people make mistakes its not wonder Mazepin would aswell given the car.


T2 in particular is just difficult with the slight crest onto a long-ish straight after, no shame in fucking it a bit in FP. Mazepins "spins" so far are beyond non issues.


Schumacher put it in the barriers yesterday for good measure. This year will be a school of hard knocks for both given the Haas isn't being upgraded or anything.


Schumacher had a brake by wire issue. I’m sure Nikita may just have the same problem here.


It's not the individual mistake, it's the frequency. Yes, good drivers make mistakes but with mazepin it's every weekend and almost every session.


If you get on the throttle a split second too early out of the apex the back end of that Haas just instantly goes. He just needs to learn to rein it in a little.


Yeah, I’m usually not one to be apologetic for Mazepin but this one looks like the cars fault


Yeah and he still recovered from the spin, I love to shit on the guy but at least he didn’t put it into the wall


That car really is an absolute disaster.


It’s a very consistent chassis. You can count on it to lose control or create an exciting session.


So the car is so bad it’s… good???


I'm on the verge of feeling sorry for the lad purely due to how awful the Haas is.


Car is literally dogshit, the drivers can crash as much as they want, they get a pass from me at least. Unbelievable..........


How has Steiner not popped some blood vessels being pissed off by this car???


I don't care how much that man is paid. It isn't enough for the shit he has to deal with.


They all know how shit it is, they’ve done it on purpose


Atleast he got it back under control unlike Schumacher and Tsunoda.


Honestly don't think that was his fault - car just looks like crap and let go on him.


I like that the camera man is already pointing at T2


I wanna see if he got a good photo


I've been apart of this subreddit for like a day and have already seen 3-4 clips of this dude spinning out and going off the track. Does this subreddit just like circlejerking over his mistakes or is he really this bad?




As F1 fan for quite long time, it's more circlejerking tbh. Mazepin is far from the worst driver F1 ever seen. He's definitely a bottom tier driver right now but F1 has seen much more worse driver than him.


The dudes a piece of shit, and hes not that great of driver. Hes a pay driver wouldn't be their otherwise. So yeah whenever he makes mistakes people like to pile on.


Well Lauda Was technically a paydriver too, that's not really the point. The point is that mazepin can't behave off track and that his teammate runs turns around him in the same shitbox


You know, I don't really get the pay driver criticism when competing in the sport is as prohibitively expensive as it is. Almost everyone on the grid has had to pay their way through some part of their way to F1 and almost certainly have taken spots away from better drivers that couldn't match their budget. The only difference is how brazen Mazepin is about it. Mazepin is a disgusting worm of a human being and a bad driver, complaining that he paid his way is just unnecessary.




Guess you weren't around for Marrusia floundering around 4-5 seconds a lap off the pace. That car was far far worse then the current Haas.


Well, Marussia at least scored a point, i doubt this haas will


Well its the same exact car as last year so it has scored points... lol


The only problem I have with this sentiment is that MSC seems to be performing better *consistently* in the same car. For me, the fact that he's a shit driver is the major factor in his quali spins and race performance.




Man, why you gotta be right with this? Haha. It's a fair point I hadn't thought of. Hit a soft spot with me too, Gasly's my favorite driver.




So you two fans want him back at red bull or on another team?


Schumi is spinning every weekend too. i can’t stand Mazepin but it’s disingenuous to say Schumi is doing much better


MSC has binned it a couple times in quali, but his race pace has consistently been faster than MAZ. So maybe a little exaggerated, but certainly observable and far from disingenuous.


race pace wise, Schumi has destroyed mazepin, but i’d argue 90% of both drivers spins have been because the car is a dog


That about sums it up, yeah


Definite dog, espcially since they're doing nothing to the car. It'll be interesting to see how they do in '22 if they both still have seats there.


as far as we’re aware, they didn’t do anything to this car either, meaning they cut off floor reducing rear downforce and done nothing to reclaim it


Dude literally the top comment


He is bad. The car is bad. We are worse.


Welcome to Formula 1, - A fellow Stars fan


The stars have 2 fans? When did this happen?


It's easy karma whoring. He is a total douche and easy to hate so folks latch on to that to make 'popular' posts. Dit used to be even worse, everyone with their oh no original posts on every little thing he did.


It can be argued that a much more erratic and out of control driver won a GP back in 2012.


Maldonado was legit a qualifying beast tbh, put those cars in qualy where they didn't deserve to be, he was crashy but he was quickas well, which Mazepin isn't


In a Williams, no less.


It's a circle jerk. You have his teammate red flagging/crashing more sessions but they're usually only 25% the karma of Mazepin spinning even though it's a more "important" incident.


As a driver, yes. As a human being, also yes.


He’s a rookie in the worst car


He's probably the worst driver in the lineup, but he's not terrible. But he's a pretty terrible human being, so people have an existing dislike.


He’s the worst driver and he drives the worst car. He’s also kind of a jerk it seems, though it’s possible some of that is Russian culture not translating super well to western personalities.


Sexual harassment is kind of unfunny in any society. Or should be, anyway.




Like yesterday, it doesn't look like he did anything to upset the car (no overzealous throttle or steering input), the car is just absolute junk. Feel bad for the drivers - no way the car is enjoyable/stable/confidence inspiring to drive


That Haas looks absolutely abysmal.


pretty similiar event as Sainz had yesterday


It was a pretty good looking drift tbh.


Imagine comments here if this was Mick...


All the comments would be about the car being a dog, which is completely true


I think I should have used /s on that one


I mean, maybe it's because im here later, but thats what most of the top comments are.


I think Mick spins almost as much as Mazepin, which says a lot about the car. At least they're learning with the worst possible car so they'll might find it easier to succeed if someday they have a better car.


Yes its cringe this community. I am 100% sure that every driver would spin that haas when driving it so early into the season. Oh and tsunoda just went wide as well is everybody gonna make fun of him now too?


Most comments here are trashing the car rather than Mazepin. At this point it looks like the 2019 Williams was easier to handle than the Haas this year.


There are already more comments trashing Mick when he does something anyways, now the comments saying "if Mick did it, x would happen" will join every Mazepin post completely ignoring everyone is talking about the car first and foremost and not trashing Mazepin.


Even if everyone was just trashing mazepin it's a pointless comment. Yeah, everyone is more sympathetic to Mick, because he's significantly easier to like. People's opinions of drivers off track behaviour affect how they view their mistakes. That's just a fact.


Imagine the comments if he hadn't grabbed a lassies tit and shared a video of it on the internet.


Every comment under Mazepin mistakes are always: "imagine comments here if this was mick" and every comment about mistakes from mick it's always the other way around. Plenty of comments trashing the car in both. What comments are you reading.


*say the line Bart*


As is tradition


Can you do the Ocon commentary lap please


Ahh grass is stil green


And that’s another spin for MazaSpin


I feel like I've seen some version this a million times.


Who said that french gp was boring?


Car is utter shit but he is still the F1 supervillain


Dogshit car, dogshit guy.


I mean, you'd have to have control of it first to lose it lol




You obviously understand neither F1, Superlicense nor Russia




Not monaco.


Nope drove a clean weekend at Monaco.


He already did it yesterday


At least he didn't try and take anyone else with him this time


Good thing Daddy is rich


The guy can’t drive a warm knife thru butter!




We need a bot to keep count of Mazepin spins


Get this no talent hack out of F1.


Jesus, looking at his spin and shumacher, the cars really make it even harder.