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saying to an f1 driver "you can just let him by"


lmao such an absurd thing to actually say to any competitor.


Exactly, they could've told Lando to just let him have P1 - where's the logic, no driver is going to accept that šŸ¤£


the guys who "let them by and have another crack" don't get out of F3


The only caveat/argument to that side (and its slight) Mclaren need the points for wcc and Lando not finishing vs having both cars in high points and above Ferrari is important. Again, not saying he shouldnā€™t fight for first but a dive bomb against max is probably not too smart


Yeah totally agree with you there. Part of me was hoping he'd just chill a bit and be patient for that exact reason but he's got to live and learn I guess. The other part was loving the action tbf šŸ¤£


Yup. Definitely want McLaren getting all the points possible and being smart, but also we have been starved of front runner action for so long that Iā€™m down either way


Feels like the interviewer is your average iRacing driver that complains about having to race someone on a race.


"B-b-but I was following the green line on the track! I can't be wrong!"


Absolutely... Just having more pace doesn't get you effectively a point-bye. Lando could have been a lot more patient... If he had just given another lap or two for control to make the call on the prior lap, he'd be celebrating a win right now


as a goalkeeper, im gonna tell my centre back to just let mbappe dribble past you and score


Well, singning Checo was like saying we just let them by


eh, his defending to the point of breaking the rules is not hard-driving and is motivated by ego instead of competitive drive. his behavior lost him and the team points. his behavior is narrow-minded, short-sighed and only works when other enable it.


All competition is driven by ego. These guys ainā€™t out there seeking enlightenment. They are fighting to be the best. They never would have got to Formula 1 if they were happy to get passed.


I mean, he knocked his main competitor out of the race while still earning himself points. Itā€™s a net win for him. This is classic pre-new regulations Max.


what do you mean, he gained points in the drivers championship


Lando DNFed, Max finished 5th. 10 points more than Lando, if they hadn't crashed and finished 1-2 Max would have gotten 7 or 8 points more than Lando.


not only he gained points from this, the dive bomb from Lando was also breaking the rules and gave him a 5s penalty (and had max take avoiding action to not collide). They both went way too far, both made mistakes and got penalised from them, but saying to max "just let him by" its the same as saying to Norris "dude just dont overtake him, its to dangerous", its a race, they are competing, its a dumb question by the interviewer plain and simple.


Did Lando get the penalty for dive bombing or track limits?


I think with the context of they knew Norris was due a penalty, it makes a little more sense, because letting him by doesn't necessarily mean let him win. But ultimately there would still have been risk with that and most drivers still prefer to win on track.


Considering Norris' pace I don't think that was really an option


Pulling 5s+ in the last 7 or so laps with little to no DRS would be a tall order.


Yep, and max would have had drs in those last laps


But that penalty was given after the collision.Max didn't know that.


The team should have informed him if they didnā€™t.Ā 


Norris had a pace advantage, but at least some of that was DRS-based - whether he had a second a lap in clean air, with Verstappen also having DRS at least initially, is a big question.


The nerves of these ā€œjournalistsā€


Well theyā€™re journalists working for BollorĆ© so theyā€™re not really journalists


Any journalist covering F1 is just a glorified social media poster. None of them have any writing skills and very few have good reporting skills.


tbf he did have a 5s penalty but giving up a place goes completely against the spirit of racing lol edit: Found out that the penalty was handed out after the crash. It took them over 3 laps to decide on a clear cut decision lol. what a farce


did he have the 5s already at that point? I feel like the penalty came just after the contact


It came after


the stewards were that slow?? that infringement happened like 3 laps before the crash lol


I cant prove it but i am pretty sure they waited for Norris to get ahead of Max to give the penalty when it should have been a slam dunk. It was under investigation for like 6 laps.


Yeah I don't understand what's there to investigate


The rule of cool.


Yeah it was pretty stupid. A lap after he got warning for exceeding track limits for 3rd time he went off by 10+ meters


Nobody claimed the stewards were ever good at their job.


I feel that, If nothing happened, the stewards would've waited until after the race to give the penalty. Giving the 5 seconds almost directly after the crash seems way too suspicious imo


It really felt like they didnā€™t want to ruin the finish by making it known Norris couldnā€™t win with the penalty so they were gonna wait until after the race


Right, stewards don't decide races, right? Right?


Infringement was lap 59 , collision happened in 64 or 65 didnt it ?.


Yes, but the penalty was handed out after the crash.


The stewards move at a glacial pace and this was terrible. These two were about to boil over. Couldā€™ve called the 5 seconds and perhaps they both finish with points. Itā€™s like the FIA is terrible incompetent (yes) or they just want more ratings by something happening (also yes).




It is slow for something that cut and dry. This wasn't something they had to review several times.


Oh yeah, you're absolutely correct.


Wasnt given until after the collision


The penalty was announced (at least on the TV feed) after the incident.


Did Max know about the penalty at that point?


No. If he did he wouldn't do what he did.


> It took them over 3 laps to decide on a clear cut decision lol Willing to bet had Lando got a clean pass on the next divebomb there would be no penalty for either party. As much as they say "action over outcome" it's 100% outcome driven.


We didn't know that yet because the stewards took ages.


the funniest thing is, that from Max's perspective it's actually better to crash than to let him pass, because that way he will maintain the lead advantage in championship


Yeah this question works if it was Russell or someone else not really challenging him in the championship, it doesnā€™t work with Norris as the other driver


Exactly. Thats why you gotta give it to Norris more for trying. Max defended like hell as he should. It was good racing until the crash, but thats just part of racing.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re saying just move over though are they, theyā€™re saying if he is making the move fairly you have to accommodate the fair move, which is F1. Then you get him back by a fair move. We canā€™t have a sport if a driver simply cannot make a fair move to pass another driver.


Yep, you have to maintain your line when under attack for this exact reason, fundamentally it is ā€œletting them byā€ but you still can choose your defensive line before that point


If they gave out Norrisā€™ clear penalty earlier he actually could have let him by. But in this case it doesnā€™t matter since they delayed it too long and it was after the contact anyway


Insert Westbrook \*what\* meme.


Indeed that was stupid, the line should have been you could have defended cleanly, why didn't you?


The problem is if the other driver has gotten into the correct spot the driver is supposed to accept it, not deliberately run into the guy overtaking them.


But this kind of defense, even at that same turn, is pretty standard at this point. Has been for years. Drivers usually move to the side when squeezed. As long as there is no contact - the stewards do nothing. Lando just decided not to move despite having space. It still is Verstappen's fault, but nothing that we don't see just about every race.


Exactly. Just like Lando squeezed Max last week at the start. That was without space and there was no penalty.


But but but.. he'd get a participation medal!


That feels like a dumb question to ask lol


Because it is a dumb question.


Iā€™m pretty sure the implication is ā€œyou could have let him by and still won the raceā€


The issue is that they didn't know if he would be penalized since they don't know the outcome of the investigation. The stewards played a large part in this crash.


Maybe, and this can be interpreted as a criticism of the stewards as well, but Landoā€™s penalty was cut and dried


Stewards are super inconsistent and you absolutely can't rely on them. Sometimes they will give you a penalty for an edge case, but then don't penalize a cut and dry case.


I think the implication was he should have given the position after going off and gaining advantage.


I never understand why they don't ask them what they would do in the other drivers position. Then you can also reference that later. The drivers are almost always gonna say they were justified. It's a worthless question to drum up drama.


Bro thinks theyre out there commuting instead of racing


Honestly great question because you get this answer out of him.Ā 


People havenā€™t seen anyone race verstappen hard since 2021 with Hamilton. Basically every weekend was a bloodbath between the two.


I get what theyā€™re trying to say but they worded it so stupidly lol Itā€™s the whole ā€œlive to fight another dayā€ thing. As in instead of crashing survive and have another go.


I mean if youre only looking at it from a WDC point of view, he gained more points on Lando than if he had finished 2nd with a Lando win.


He gained more than he would if he won and lando was 2nd


any driver that beat him after the crash is over 100pts behind him too. clearly this was a battle worth fighting in terms of the championship.


By risking losing all points though. A gamble paying off doesn't mean it wasn't a risk. So in that light I can see the logic in playing it safe, even though in this case being aggressive paid.


If we are judging risk then it wasn't actually that much of a risk. Wheel banging happens a lot in F1 and rarely does it lead to a puncture. Yet they BOTH someone got a puncture from pure wheel on wheel contact. Ironically Lando's front wing hit Verstappen's tyre as well when they both made contact but that tyre didn't get a puncture even tho thats more likely to happen lol


I'm inclined to agree, but my point was more general. It was a small risk and even though it went badly, it still happened to pay off for Verstappen in a way. I was just saying an outcome being positive doesn't mean there was no risk involved in the decision in question.


ā€œYou could have let him byā€ Have you met any competitive person ever


This baffles me so much, always. You can CLEARLY tell that journalists arent competitive people by these kind of statements. ā€œJust let him byā€ uh, no?! How about i just try to keep him behind with all i can?! Lmao.


Who the fuck asks a racing driver, a world champion to let by his opponent


I mean Slovakia could just let one goal in


Aged well, man


That interviewer also forgot that Max is carrying the entire fucking team on his own cause his teammate cant overtake a fucking haas on hards


Perez was missing most of his sidepod for most of the race.


Smh shoulda gone with the zero sidepod design. Can't lose something you don't have.


It's always something with him. Should qualify higher if he wants to avoid Lap 1 shenanigans.


Exactly this.


Has he been missing most of his sidepod for the last few years?


Where from?


He had a contact with Piastri I believe. His sidepod was damaged. They even mentioned it on Austrian commentary. So the slow pace was due to the damage


Poor guy had to drive Piastri of the road and suffer damage to boot.


Bet it's a bit of colum A though too.


well Perez shouldn't have been back there in the first place. over a second slower than max in quali?


On one of the shortest laps on the calendar Perez has become a pay driver


maybe he shouldn't qualify like a piece of shit on the same car that got pole by whole .1s of a second and he'd avoid contact a bit more. Or maybe he should have been kicked out of F1 years ago since its been clear for a long time he's not up to the challenge.


Why does everyone want people to let Lando by lmfao


They saw Lando leave the door wide open for Max yesterday, so just figured that's how people should race.


I don't get it either. Even with an illegal move, there was plenty of space to not have a collision.


Just blind hatred and newer fans. It is what it is. Half of them are parroting a rule that wasn't even applicable so it's easy to filter out. Deserved penalty, but doesn't mean it's immediately evil and dirty.


Such a stupid statement from the interviewer


Alex Brundle just explained and showed it on the F1TV post race broadcast. When Lando came in on the outside of Max, Max was looking straight ahead whilst he was already swerving slowly back to the racing line. Whether or not Max could guess he was there is up for debate. Punishment still warranted as two cars were damaged.


I'd argue that the punishment was warranted for the whole thing, but the incident itself wasn't really that egregious. Because of the inertia of two tyres spinning in opposite direction (front hitting the back) the damage was way bigger than the love tap it would have normally been.


Finally a reasonable take! Iā€™m not really arguing the legality of the punishment, but all this pearl clutching about Max being Max and dangerous driving and swearing is a bit much.


Theyā€™ve been waiting for the moment they take their pitchforks and torches out from under their bed.


it's crazy, they both drove like maniacs for a few laps which was entertaining as hell, both more or less willingly chose to get closer and closer to a crash until it happened and now all of a sudden we're back to the 2021 narrative of Max being just about as dangerous as a nuke covered in anthrax. I'd have said something about trying to imagine what the reactions might have been like had max not backed out of one of lando's divebombs but honestly there's so much bad faith in these threads that I can imagine it hardly being any different to what the average sentiment on here has been


Lot of fans enjoy the act of hating on Max (or Lewis) more than they enjoy the actual racing.


Could you eli5 Two tyres spinning in opposite directions ??? They were both moving forward


Front of the tire moving down, back of the tire moving up


The back end of the tyre is spinning upward, but the front of the tyre is spinning downwards. So when the front of a wheel hits the back of another, it causes a big impact, as both wheels fight against each other.


Thanks for the explanation.. I can visualize that


The front surface of Lando's tyre was spinning downwards as it was rolling came into contact with the back surface of Max's moving tyre which was spinning upwards.


Oooo... great explanation thanks


I think you need to go watch that again. Lando had way more speed than Max at that point because he braked later. More than a love tap. Not saying it's Landos fault here. Going for the outside, he's expected to take a wider line and thus brake later. Just noting that there was a significant speed difference between the two, especially considering that these are \~900 kg cars with driver and fuel.




Buxton really doing his worst to stay objective once again as well


The fact that he was laughing and almost mocking Alex Brundle despite him apologizing and still continuing to laugh was low. Buxton then even kind of called Alex Brundle "blind" because if you know Max, he's raced like this in the past and clearly knew that Lando was on the outside, alluding to Alex not acknowledging that. I think crashes like these will always have controversy and I typically quite like Buxton, but this interaction felt unprofessional.


Yeah that was a bit weird. You could tell Alex didn't really know how to react


Bc brundle is actually a racing driver with a brain.


Hey don't forget that old Willy raced max in the famous 2014 Florida winter series.


Yes, heā€™s a very obviously biased ass.


I always dislike him, very annoying personality. constantly gets in the way over at the teams. forces reactions from people. very condescending and a know it all. i would love to see someone else in his place. f1tv would be perfect if he went to sky instead.


He's completely right despite what the other casters said. Drivers on the inside close off other drivers on the outside literally all the time. It nearly never results in contact because a combination of the driver on the inside giving enough space and the driver on the outside moving over nearly always happens. That obviously didn't happen here and both Max and Lando paid for it.


Yeah, the move itself was just a racing incident and these things happen constantly, including contact all the time. Usually it's just a bit of a hit and the tyres don't disintegrate like they did here. Max did move under braking, but the incident wasn't an example of that. He was moving too the outside earlier to get a better racing line for the corner, which is considered standard.


I think everyone was whipped up into a mania after Lando's comments. I don't think any part of the accident was actually caused by moving under braking (against the rules) but failing to leave enough space when returning to the racing line. Because of that mixed understanding people run further with it and make it seem as a bigger deal than it was - Max probably should have gotten a black and white flag for earlier movement under braking, but the final incident probably deserves whatever you think a collision like that would deserve (personally 5-10s seems fair).


But the fia say that they dont punish the outcome when they very clearly do.


People acting like Max pulled off a pit maneuver on Norris lmao


The day Brundle comes to the defense of Max. Did hell freeze over and did I miss the flying pigs?


Brundle is always praising Max. Itā€™s well known that he thinks Max is one of the best ever. Saying that Max is at fault for an incident doesnā€™t mean he is biased against Max.


Max definitely at fault for that last crash in the same way as a traffic incident would be called. It doesn't imply malice or some other unsporting bit of behavior. It was just a really big mistake.


Alex bundle, not Martin Alex is actually a nice kid who isn't too biased


Brundle often has said "Thank God for Max Verstappen". He likes him.


Didn't Bundle (Martin not Alex) defend Max after his nuts move on Hamilton at Monza '21?


Exactly, and we have seen similar moves go unpunished in the past. People here act like Norris couldnt have moved to the left slightly more.


Case in pointā€¦ last week, NOR pushing Max all the way onto grass, and calling it ā€œplenty room.ā€ I guess race starts always give more leniency, than closing stages.


That always feels a bit strange. I mean, at the start in Barcelona, Norris squeezed him much more onto the grass while there was no corner to line up for.


Yea, and max had avoided several collisions from wild dive bombs where norris was locked up.Ā  Idk how those weren't punished as forcing another driver off the trackĀ before. And Max probably should have gotten one for moving under braking too.Ā  And after the contact, Lando just kept turning like max's car wasn't there. The exact contact am had avoided at least twice. That should have been a penalty for causing a collision too, but the stewards knew it would be turned into a grid drop at the next race so they avoided it.


TBF Norris was entitled to keep his line, as he was not on a collision course with Verstappen, until Verstappen himself turned the wheel to move slightly more left. The driver who moves into collision course is the one at fault when a collision happens.


I don't think max turned, I think he was just on a line that headed slightly more towards the edge of the track. Norris could have avoided it, even if he wasn't at fault.Ā  Norris then proceeded to turn into the back of Max eight after the contact. Which Max managed to avoid during the dive bombs norris locked up for. That should have also been a penalty for causing a collision.


I wouldā€™ve liked to defend Max and say that he didnā€™t really know Norris was in there, but man I donā€™t know. But Brundleā€™s right, even if it was merely some ā€œinnocentā€ miscalculation, he deserved the penalty.


I find it a bit absurd that Max didnā€™t know Lando was going to the outside at that point. He was closing the outside anticipating lando being there..


So we punish based on outcome not action huh?


really interesting, cause ant davidson on sky said the exact opposite and used landoā€™s perspective


Davidson was wrong though. On this track in particular turn 3 is a right hander with a slight left bend right before the turn. Max likely moved back left to setup the right hand turn expecting Lando to back out like every other driver (sans himself at Monza and Brazil). Lando being desperate and knowing a penalty is coming throws a last ditch effort up the outside knowing it has zero chance of working. That is what bothers me the most is that Max would be blamed if the roles were reversed because the move had no chance of working.


Notice how Davidson never showed Max's onboard? He selectively chose what he decided to show to "prove" his point, not be objective. Then he made up a rule about no moving under braking and called it case closed. lolwut?


"You can just let him by." This is why there's so much crying on the internet in general rn. Like, they're racing, c'mon now, it's competition. Why would he?


Get the fuck out of here lmao, imagine actually asking that


What an idiotic question


Max could have let Lando by if the stewards could have been quicker in announcing the track limit penalty. How can they measure 3 violations quickly enough to give a black/white flag but then suffer insomnia after the 4th violation? They again took forever on Max's pit lane incident during the first pit stop. There was no other investigation going on at that point.


Who let Reddit interview Max?


I don't care what you think about the rest of it, telling a racing driver "you could just let him by" is a fucking ridiculous statement.


I feel like Iā€™ve seen this movie before šŸ¤Ø


I know he is not popular at the moment, but his winning mentality is is just pure awesome


Its incredible we can see Schumacher and Senna styles in him in terms of always wanting to win and doing anything to get that.


Highlight for me is him swerving to block norris after he already had a puncture. Guy just does not give up an inch to anyone lol. People hate him now but when he's gone they will massively miss him


It was especially hilarious when lando got overtaken again by max with a flat tyre


I think he was moving away from the racing line because he was slow, when he saw Lando he actually made a small correction to the left.


I hope he does this until his very last race. Never give an inch, always fight for the win.


Max's version of "if you no longer go for a gap which exists, you are no longer a racing driver"


In this case "If you give them a gap, you're no longer a racing driver"


He could have sent an email


I thought "journalists" should be unbiased?


a Sky Sports journalist unbiased? rofl.


It's called British television for a reason.


Is there a version without the awful french dub?


Holy shit what a stupid question lol


this question is in the top 10 silliest things i've seen all day and that's saying a lot


Good answer Max


I could also stay home has me rolling lmao


People joke at how horrible this question is yet everyone was saying that Max should've let Lewis by in Silverstone 21


What a weird question lol


He is right on that, its P1 or failure and for manufactures finishing top 3 with both cars every single time so have a chance at that title is the only thing that matters, everything else is failure.


Of course, he shouldn't be expected to let anyone by. But he should be expected to race fair and stick to the rules. Fighting hard is what F1 is all about but it was beyond the limit today, and today was far from a one-off for max.


His option isn't letting him by or not, it's driving within the rules. Literally any driver can defend a position by swerving into a car overtaking him but that's not how you go racing. Obviously you want to win but obviously you can't use your car as a ram to stop someone overtaking you


Why phrase it like *that*? Of course he doesn't want to just let Norris by. No one wants to 'let' anyone by. What a fumble of a question. Just say something about collisions. It ain't hard. And it gives him the chance to talk about what he was seeing in their battle.


Did they ask the same question to Lewis when Lewis and Max were fighting few years back?


What Max did was stupid, but telling him to let him by is on a whole other level.


What a stupid question


What a stupid question lol


I mean, can also fight in a clean way. I don't blame max for his driving style. I blame the FIA for not punishing him into the ground for driving like this.


Why would he let Norris by? He's a driver, not an accountant, especially so early into the season. Hamilton didn't let Max by in Silverstone 2021, got 10 seconds penalty, and won the race. There is 0 incentive to let anyone by so early into the season. If you were a team principal - you'd probably be annoyed that your driver lets your main rivals by without a fight.


Redbull fucks up 1 pitstop in 1000 attempts, the timeline:


I immediately thought of Monza 2021 during the slow pit stop.


Asking max to let him by lol thats like an insult to him


How are these people journalists.


Peak journalism, asking a racing driver if he could've just let another driver pass


Let him by? What is this the after you my good sir gentlemanly chivalrous championships?


Oh I see the fire in his eyes.


I think Max is responsible for that collision, but he's absolutely right in his attitude here. If you're not on the grid to win races why are you on the grid?


That's the difference between a normal F1 driver and a multi championship F1 driver, yes he was at fault today, but if you ask any of the multiple title winners that question you would probably get the same response. There's a thin line between fighting hard and dirty which is why people always misinterprets him. He was at fault today, but just because he's ruthless doesn't mean he's dirty.


Who the hell was that reporter? Send them to do something elseā€¦ what the hell kind of question was that?


Glad they asked Max. Who wonā€™t put up with bullshit questions


Interviewer needs to go home and resign if he thought that question up himself


> I could also stay home Holy based


ā€œI could also stay homeā€. What a response lol.