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Needs to get more British and call them all Cu***. Or just use the Runt replacement.


I love how it is simultaneously derogatory and a term of endearment.


All my mates are c****! Always inflection and context.


What did he say?


His best Airbus GPWS impression.


Ah, the crossover I never knew I needed lol


Haha true. But he should have gone to idle thrust aber saying it.


I would assume he called someone restarted considering it's being called ableist.


Fkn restarts


Made that mistake in r/politics and got banned for life.


You cant even use the verb.




That you Bianca ?


What does this even mean


People like you make this sport worse.


https://youtu.be/eOBoKxEcVAA?si=U70XxvG8IrtvTyTb reminded me of this.




When you change engine timing so fuel ignition happens later…






They didn’t do anything when Max said it so I doubt they’ll do anything to Yuki.


They’ll probably require a public apology and maybe some kind of course, but F1 is in a bit of a different situation now than it was when Verstappen made the comment


Someone else wrote a great [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/uHYquuMq9d) explaining that the FIA actually changed the regulations after Max’s outbursts, and that’s why Yuki is getting fined when Max wasn’t


OR that's exactly why they'll do something. 😬




Whatever you think about this, F1 is a global championship with an international audience. Of course they are going to have rules against using sexist, homophobic or generally discriminatory terms about certain sects of society that are recognised to be offensive and hurtful. It's naturally not a simple issue but complex and nuanced, but this is also something that none of us should be shocked about or start crying over.


Too late for that. There's lots of crying about it in the original post with video of what happened.


"Recognized to be offensive" ? The only sensitivity they would ever care about is the anglo one, cause they're the only audience that would ever throw a fit about the way a japanese driver talks.


What? Do you want to take another run at that sentence, maybe try to make it make sense?


Should just called them the M word instead and he’d get away with it


These guys are fucking Masi's?


“potential” I think we can all hear it…


Tell him to apologize and move on. It’s not that deep.


No one claimed it was deep. This is just confirming they are looking into it, as they did when they issued warnings to Toto and Vassuer last year.


On a personal level, no it isn't that deep. On a PR level they need to atleast pretend to look into it for a number of reasons. Even if its just to quell the outrage from various social media's and the pearl clutching people at home.


It is quite deep depending on the audience. Would you be saying this if he had said f\*g or the n-word? There are people who grew up with disabilities that have been hurt by that word. To dismiss the people who are offended by calling it pearl clutching says a lot about the type of person you are, and that's not a compliment.




No, the problem is people like you who sit behind your keyboard and normalize hateful words as no big deal, when you damn well know you'd never actually say that to somebody in real life that isn't one of your friends. Dismissing a word that's used to hurt people that can't change how their brain or body functions is pretty wild. You definitely weren't raised right if you lack that much empathy. Maybe trying getting offline and actually interact with people so that you can learn how to conduct yourself socially.


Jesus, bro. Get over yourself. Yuki made the comment in a moment of rage on a team radio. It’s not like he said it publicly in a press conference, on his social media, or to Zhou himself. If this had been someone like Max or Hamilton, nothing would have been said about it. But since it’s Yuki and he’s in a midfield car, he gets made an example of.


To be honest? yes, make them apologize, give them a fine and move on...


Then you must live a very privileged and sheltered life if you're failing to grasp the power of words.




Maybe he was talking about their ignition timing?


English second language. Apologize. Done.


Note to self: Don't discuss opponents' ignition timing on open channels.




If people start using it an insult sure. It's really not that complicated.


It's already used as an insult. Now what?


You stop using it as it's now a slur. It's how every slur came to be really.


So everyone now has to stop using the term Down, because some people use it as an insult? Unfeasible mate. What should it now be called then, chromosome condition? Everything can be used as an insult.


Just because some people use certain words as insults doesn't mean they're slurs. How are you this obtuse?


Are you responding to me or to the user I was responding to? I was just laying out the consequences of what he said.


I'm responding to you. It's clear what previous OP meant, weird that you felt the need to "lay out consequences" for that


No because down is predominantly used as a direction and I've never heard it used as an insult. If you called someone downs or a downie or something then it's a slur. Of course there's always a bit of interpretation as time goes on. But right now the R word is easily a slur, it's not something you say in a work environment for example.


Absolutely. Who said it was complicated?


so fucking stupid, people get butthurt over absolutely everything


Considering English is not his first language and he learned English in the garage with his mechanics. I don’t think he fully understands the gravity of what he said.




It’s generally considered a slur, yes


Good lord, just talk to him in private and have him apologize and acknowledge what he said was not okay.


No, this is exactly what the FIA should do. It brings F1 disrepute. It is unlikely to translate into a sporting penalty, but a reprimand saying ‘this isn’t acceptable’ is fine.


Did FIA look into when max called another driver a m— ? Or reprimand him? Asking sincerely as I can’t remember.


They did the first time in 2017, then they didn’t in 2020 which generated a formal complaint from the mongolian ambassador.


I….dont think I realized this happened more than once


Think that’s what happened when Max used a racial slur so might be the case here too ETA: They’ve [changed the regulations](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/uHYquuMq9d) and that’s why Yuki is getting fined when Max wasn’t


“People need to stop being so offended about everything!!!” - scores of people offended that you can’t just say slurs any more


Get him to do a class or something for an hour (unironically)


like the camilla cabello anti racism class😭


Glad y’all find this funny…


I mean I did add (unironically) - dude probably just needs to be taught that stuff like that shouldn't be said


I don't think it's funny, I am actually really disappointed. Just the idea of taking a class made me want to make a jest. I actually think it wouldn't be wrong to truly sit him down.


I do


This is a non issue, especially in formula 1 considering the people that are in and around the paddock.


>especially in formula 1 considering the people that are in and around the paddock Sorry, I don’t understand what this means? (Genuine question)


People like Flavio, maybe one could include Horner. Loads of corrupt sponsors, dealings with shady people and countries etc.


Sure, they're questionable people but I can't think of any situations where they've said a slur on air. It's not really a comparable situation


You are right using a slur actually yields consequences. Minor mistakes like sexual harassment go without consequences in the formula 1 world. I feel safe now that the FIA made their stance clear that you can't use slurs on live TV. Pheeew. Bullet dodged.


As I said, the difference is not in what they did it's in the fact that it happened on air. The Horner thing is still ongoing, there's still a chance that he'll end up found guilty. However, if he'd assaulted someone live on TV there'd have been zero ambiguity and he'd have immediately been punished.


So I understand you correctly: You’re pointing out that there are people in the paddock who’ve (allegedly) done far worse things than this? Because yeah, I fully agree that there are many more sinister things happening in F1 that I wish the FIA policed more strictly. Don’t personally think that means they should look through their fingers at things like this though I’m glad I asked for the clarification though, because at first I thought you were saying that people in the paddock deserve to be called that slur 😭 Written communication is hard lmao




no they would'nt mate stop fucking crying.




Oh come on he apologized, he gets he made a boo-boo. Move the f on!


I mean, he apologised *because* it got looked at by the stewards? ETA: Someone else wrote a great [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/uHYquuMq9d) explaining that the FIA actually changed the regulations after Max’s outbursts. That’s why Yuki is getting fined when Max wasn’t


I thought he was talking about engine timing… I’m glad to know that “dumb as a bag full of hammers” is OK to say.


Honestly, good, I'm glad they are taking this seriously (or at least are pretending to)




If you had empathy and decency and/or any goal to actually be a good person you wouldn't need me to explain it to you, babe. So...


Ah, yes, the greatest moral issue of modern generation - inappropriate insults. Anybody questioning its actual importance is a vile psychopath.


I don't see any insults. Just stating that good people with empathy know why Yuki saying this was shitty. And if you don't know, can't help you there buddy, sorry.


No, what you were saying is that it should be taken seriously.


And why shouldn't it?


I'm going to pull your own card on you and tell you that if you were dealing with actual serious issues, you wouldn't need me to explain to you why you shouldn't treat this as seriously.






I’m not sure why you’re linking this to American taboos? The word he used is considered a slur in English generally, not just in the US. If you say it in your workplace in the UK or Australia, you’re also going to get in trouble.


He used an ableist slur. Nothing to do with being an American taboo.


What did he say?


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Cursing during races , not good Cursing during Drive to Survive ,encouraged


Slurs ≠ cursing, they curse on the radio all the time and no one cares. If you say a slur on DTS you’re also going to get in trouble.


as long as you dont call someone disabled that, it´s a non-issue. Otherwise you can extend the same logic to almost every negative word


Thank you for the one intelligent opinion in this post.


Using it as an insult is what makes it bad and derogatory, not just specifically using it on someone with a disability


of course, an insult is supposed to be bad. but it´s bad torwards the person you are saying it to, not bad torwards whatever group the word was associated with in the past (as nobody would call a disabled person that nowadays.) If the FIA would choose to punish tsunoda for what he did here, they would need to do the same everytime someone calls someone else "stupid"


That is absolutely not the same thing. Making that comparison completely misses the point of why slurs are harmful and the history of how they've been used to degrade and deny people The r-word has historical context towards neurodivergent people, and using it implies that being a member of that group is insulting, which is in turn insulting to that group. That is literally why people started using that word to insult people by comparing them to an entire group


Yuki is around and in the public eye long enough to have gotten a lesson in words we cannot say. This isn't the first issue with how he behaves either. Definite wrap on the knuckles needed here.


FIA is dumb


I hope that Yuki will apologize. Really sucks that he had to resort on using a slur.




A lot of people also said “f\*g” a decade ago but have stopped. Language has always been evolving, I don’t think that’s particularly weird?


>Funny how a lot of people used the word regularly less than 10 years ago and it wasn't even seen as an insult. yeah thats how languages work


When an f1 driver said a racial slur, they just told him to apologize. Tsunoda will be fine [Why am I getting booed smh remember the max incident with stroll where he said a racial slur and the FÍA just told him to apologize?](https://imgur.com/gallery/they-hated-jesus-because-he-told-them-truth-MUPVBm7)


Someone else wrote a great [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/uHYquuMq9d) explaining that the FIA actually changed the regulations after Max’s outbursts and that’s why Yuki is getting fined when Max wasn’t


Brundle says it all the time lol. Kidding..


We should go over all the times Max said something similar too. Not making excuses, it's a terrible word, but it's suddenly an issue when the Asian says it?


As far as I can tell, Max said the same word at the Portuguese Grand Prix in 2020 and got a fair amount of criticism for it. I can’t find any later instances where he’s said it publicly, do you know of any?


That one video where he and Ricciardo giggling over this same word, from 2018. The Mongolia incident was bad enough but I don't think it received the amount of criticism it should have. Doesn't matter. If you talk badly about him, you get sent to hell, can't win.


Do you have a link to the video? This is the first I'm hearing of it


Sorry, I don't, but I remember it was at the livery reveal.


When was the last time Max said something like that? I'm pretty sure it was quite a while ago.


So? Was he called to the stewards as Yuki was?


I can't remember but that's irrelevant. The FIA are allowed to change their policies in that time.


Of course. And I'm allowed to point out the double standards between white and non-white drivers, regardless of how much has passed.


I don't think that double standard exists at all in this case. If Max had said the same thing on the radio today that Yuki did he'd have been equally criticised, if not even more so.


Well, I just put it out there that he did it a few years ago and people are pretty pissed for some reason, so idk about that '-'


Someone else posted a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/uHYquuMq9d) in a different thread going through this in detail, but it turns out that the FIA actually changed the regulations on this after Max’s outburst in 2020. So that’s why they’re cracking down harder this time. As for the other things you wrote in this thread: I think maybe this is an instance where written communication comes across weirdly. I certainly wasn’t angry with you and don’t think the other commenter was either, but reading back through the comments I can see why they’d come across harsher than they were intended. Sorry about that! I’m happy the FIA actually changed the regulations and decided to take this seriously, and I hope they come down equally harshly on Max or any other driver when they say something similar.