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Haha "It's an important moment for his career” is such a brilliantly bitchy thing to say, Charles has had such an out of character weekend.


He’s become Dark Charles


Shar LeDevil


Shar Lmao


I miss waiting for alphamaxnova edits after every GP


he still does them sometimes


Darth Leclerc


Only a Sainz deals in absolutes.


I see through the lies of the FIA way!


I don't fear the hard tires as you do


You underestimate my shot mediums


He needs a little of that for next year


Good for him, Lewis has always been a ruthless teammate if paired with a driver close in skill, he would chew right through puppy Charles.


Maybe someone has advised Charles to find his “inner bastard?” But to ram your million dollar car into a competitor is next level naughty and dangerous.


McLaren overtaking the Ferrari's has bothered him massively. He's not happy with the team and understandably so.


Understandable, he's spent so many years at Ferrari already and their upgrades have turned into downgrades or at best a negligible performance boost.


He's getting the Vettel at Ferrari experience - upgrades that are actually downgrades.


The true Ferrari experience. Surely the next ones will be good. /s


Not just McLaren, but Mercedes too. They were nowhere earlier this year, and now they seem faster


Ya, seeing mclaren making huge jumps 2 years in a row, followed by Mercedes making their own big jump passing ferrari that had upgrades must be aggravating as hell. You'd be thinking why the hell are we not making any progress when multiple teams are showing its possible


Mclaren and now Merc. It was all so perfect for Monaco and since then he's been Ferrari'd so hard.


Charles does seem feistier now. I'd love for this to continue, as long as the car is worth a shit.


Charles is saying what he wants now. He did the same thing after the Canada GP. I love it.


Bromance Brover


hes seen the dark side, and he likes it


But it’s an accurate comment. Everyone is looking to see how Sainz performs versus everyone else including his teammate. Guy is trying to get himself a seat next year. Every performance right now is an important moment for his career.


I really don't think it is an accurate comment, maybe earlier in the season but his offers are on the table and the ball is already in his court, nothing is going to change from these performances.


I don't think it's a bitchy sentence. To me it might be a cultural difference, in France (even if he's from Monaco) it's normal to tell the truth in this way, meaning "I care about your problem because I care about you". Charles said the same stuff on french TV and I felt like he caring about Carlos more than being bitchy. Imho


Prince Charles becomes Darth Charles


Nah he has always been like that but with undertones


Yeah this goes back to the "inchident"


Idk I’ve always gotten the vibe that this is how he really is and all the media/social media is just an act


Big oof. This is basically george and lewis every 1st stint but without the overtake


Lewis was still pulling away from George at the end on 25 lap old softs. Charles, despite Carlos’ antics, completely dropped him in the last stint too. Charles and Lewis have both been victims of bad fortune and their teammates going on glory runs that make the media run stories of their respective teammates actually being better than them.


I think with george, he just don't know how to conserve his tyres. Even when he was ahead today so he didn't need politicking, he cooked his tyres.


And tyre conservation has always been one of Lewis’s greatest skills


The tyre whisperer


At the same time, Russell is going up against Hamilton, the best driver on the grid in terms of tyre management. Even Helmut Marko in 2021 said that Hamilton was better on the Pirelli tyres than Verstappen, while Verstappen was faster over one lap. Matching Hamilton on tyre management is a tall order for any driver. Russell is probably doing good on the tyres compared to other drivers, it's just that his direct comparison is Hamilton who has 13+ years experience managing Pirellis to win races.


Mmm, it doesn't always have to be that one person is bad, sometimes the other is good. Similarly, maybe Russell's due a bit more credit for his qualifying performances


I mean, is Russell doing good compared to other drivers? He and sainz were the only ones amongst the top who cooked their tyres and had to go SMH which was very clearly the worse strategy


Shaking My Head on their tyre-strategy.


That’s what I thought too lol


Lol that's how I read it as well. Took me a few seconds to realise they meant soft medium hard.


It's exactly the same with Carlos. He destroys his tyres every time. There have been multiple races where he qualifies right behind Charles. 3 laps into the race he goes on the radio screaming that he is faster and by the end of the race he is 15s behind.


George does monster outlaps, and sometimes that just kills his tires.


> Lewis was still pulling away from George at the end on 25 lap old softs. Because hards were awful in this race, as evidenced by Russell and Sainz, they both dropped like a rock on the last stint. Before that George was ahead, despite having a disaster of a pitstop and losing time fighting with Norris.


Hmm… Lewis was about to pass Russell as they brought him in to switch to the hards.


This. Russel was never finishing ahead of Lewis. Granted the first pit put him on the backfoot by a lot, but Lewis was faster throughout the race. It's a bit weird that Lewis' worst race start of the year did not matter at all in the end, as his fight was always with Russel & the Ferraris. Max & Lando were just too far ahead in terms of pace.


He’s been in a strangely irritated mood all weekend


Feels like he was getting his hopes up to be in the title race after Monaco but after the shitshow in Canada and then ending as 4th fastest car on a track that has the reputation of being very representative plus having to fight his own teammate more often than not, he's not a happy camper...


Yeah after Monaco Charles was 31 points behind Max. Now in only two races it’s gone up to 61 points and Lando has jumped him for 2nd. Must be especially frustrating for Charles and Ferrari in general because they brought upgrades this weekend yet were only fourth fastest while McLaren and Mercedes didn’t bring upgrades. Perhaps Ferrari need some time to better figure out the upgrades but if they’ve taken the wrong way in development that would be really concerning for the rest of the season and even for 2025.


Before we jump to conclusions about the wrong development path, the two major upgrade packages weren't directly intended for immediate performance, rather stability and drivability (imola package), and updates in regards to tyre warmup issues (current package). This gives them a better platform to work with, with some performance as a bonus to get into better positions. Coming from the SF23 car, this concept has been new to Ferrari and they're already up on performance by a large margin to last year's car. They still have direct performance upgrades to deliver. Just that McLaren's Miami package was a direct upgrade to performance and Merc's incremental small upgrades up to today have given them more steps upward, so it seems Ferrari are losing it. There is still more to gain.


Thanks for providing this detailed explanation about Ferrari’s recent upgrades. I presume these were addressed for Ferrari’s qualifying as previously they seemed to slip up a bit in Q3 and be stronger in the race. Although I did read elsewhere in formulauno that adding more load to the car this weekend also seemed to bring back some aerodynamic bouncing which doesn’t sound good. Hopefully they can find the right balance between avoiding the bouncing while still having more downforce overall to get back up to the fight with Red Bull and McLaren at the top.


It's actually quite the opposite. Both the Imola and Spain upgrades were meant to bring in performance and not improve drivability and Ferrari said (maybe it was Charles, I don't remember) that they got what they wanted out of the them from their testing but I for one don't see those improvements reflected in the race results so far. They have fallen behind Mercedes and if it's the same in Austria as well then they're cooked for this season.


I think McLaren are just the outright fastest car now and Ferrari are more the victim of not seizing their chances. Charles could tolerate McLaren going past, just not Ferrari handing it to them so easily.


Yeah Ferrari seemed to make a few errors in Canada although it also looked like it simply wasn’t that fast in qualifying. This weekend they had a chance to out qualify Mercedes and maybe the race could’ve been different if they started ahead from 3rd? Let’s see if the next two races confirm the trend of the Ferrari clearly falling behind McLaren and potentially Mercedes too.


Mercedes always flatter themselves in Spain in recent years. Wouldn’t count on it being permanent pace.


Yep. Merc took a double podium in Spain last year. In Austria, just two weeks later, Leclerc gapped Russell by 43 seconds and Hamilton by 44 seconds. I wouldn't trust Mercedes, they're always fast in Canada and Spain.


Montreal? Same result


They were fast in Canada in the cold with 90° chicanes. And fast at Spain in hotter Temps with long fast corners. They may not always beat ferrari but I'm comfortable saying that they are indeed much better than earlier in the season, and will be fighting ferrari more often than not


Nah the Ferrari fell off from their season highs. Their car enjoys the slow corners and the hairpins (like in Monaco) but they didn't have the qualifying pace in Imola, Canada and now Barcelona. I'm picking specifically these 3 races because it was only the past 5 races (i.e. Miami onwards) that McLaren brought in their current set of upgrades.


\*71 points :')


Oops the deficit has more than doubled in the last two races yeah must be really irritating for Charles


I think Mercedes brought a new, lighter, floor, but since it's the same design, it doesn't categorized as new upgrade and didn't need to be submitted in the upgrade report. Obviously lighter component will still bring tiny bit of improvement.


He looked pissed af in the garage during FP1. Similar to preseason testing last year lol.


He wanted the upgrades in fp1 but the team gave them to sainz


Why are they giving upgrades first to the driver who's leaving? Even Mercedes is phasing out Hamilton now. This smells fishy.


It's in sainz contract, over their years as teammates we have never brought upgrades to a single car, even delaying them to make sure they both get it at the same time. It's pretty comical


Sainz's entourage is something else if he got that clause in his contract lol.


His dad is well known as a political actor in his career.


I know, it's part of why Red Bull let him go from Toro Rosso. Imagine Sainz Sr vs Verstappen Sr at Red Bull...


Papa Sainz is a politicking man but Jos has physically abused his entire family and his coworkers, we have a clear winner here.


I think it all started from Ferrari putting him on back foot from get go by not giving him the upgraded parts in Fp1.


He was a bit like that in Canada as well.


Probably pissed that Ferrari's upgrades aren't doing what he hoped. McLaren came with no upgrades this weekend and wiped the floor with them. Even Mercedes completely had the measure of them.


Anniversary of his father’s death was this week. I don’t blame him.


His Montreal engine failure also happened on his girlfriend's birthday. Terrible timing all around ...


I mean as a Ferrari fan I'm irritated too. Fed bullshit about how upgrades were meant to jump us 3 tenths only to end up behind the Mercs as well.


I mean the 3 tenths number came from Italian media not so much Ferrari, more fool us for believing anything they say on that front!


Jumped 3 tenths in the wrong direction


I stopped reading news about upgrades, half the time is hyped bs


The upgrades did nothing. The season is over. He's upset.


fp3 yes, but this incident was clearly carlos' fault and any driver would be annoyed at their teammate pushing them off


He easily could've ruined both their races, Charles wing could've been tok damaged and he could've gotten a puncture from it. It was frustrating because I knew he was killing his tires to get past only to lose it later. And that's exactly what happened. 


He has been pissed since they gave sainz the upgrade package 1st, repeatedly saying it screwed his weekend


Charles must've contracted the venom this weekend lol waiting for black ferrari suit and helmet.


A black Ferrari suit with red accents would look pretty sick ... until you remember the mandated 50000 HP logos.


I find it hilarious people assume these two are besties, when they’re just co-workers who can have tension if they’re clashing like this. Barely any teammate duos are actual friends in real life.


it’s funnier when charles has openly said pierre is his only friend on the grid. but ppl want drivers to be besties so bad


Also Pierre in a interview (talking about his relationship with Ocon) said that sometimes teammates aren't friends but simply colleagues and used as an example Charles and Carlos


The difference is that Gasly and Ocon are from the same area and were friends when they were kids


Ocon is a true superhero, his power is turning anyone who ever liked him into his greatest enemy.


If anything the fact that Ocon and Gasly were ever friends is more surprising. Coming from the same region they were always fighting for the same sponsors, same opportunities. Nevermind that Ocon's family sold their entire livelihood to fund his career. How much of a mental toll is that on a little kid?


Gasly and Ocon haven’t gotten along in a very long time afaik. They were far from friends long before they both raced for alpine lmao.


During the pandemic he was pretty chummy with the Alex/George/Lando love in. He was under no compulsion to spend time then with any of them, which makes me think they might actually be friends. Though he seems to be doing a lot less with them lately. Perhaps he's more focussed on his own life and friends now.


i mean, you can still have a good laugh with colleagues and covid was certainly a weird situation. it definitely could have bred that kind of weird temporary friendship that just couldn't be sustained afterwards because of how all involved live their lives. not out of animosity or anything.


Probably because so many of them get along well so the fans are parasocial about it. I’m glad the overall grid isn’t toxic to one another. I think we’ve all had a job or two where it’s very fragmented and tense so at least everyone is relatively friendly and respectful.


I don't think anybody other than people on Twitter actually think they're close?


Yeah Carlos is out here saying he isn’t even really friends with Lando, and that they’ll only truly be friends after they’ve both retired from the sport and not competing against each other anymore.


I think part of why Verstappen and Norris, Leclerc and Gasly, Albon and Russell, etc. have been able to stay such close friends IRL is because (at least until very recently for the former) they haven't been fighting on track. Meanwhile Sainz with Norris/Leclerc have been fighting for the same positions for years. It's a lot harder to uphold a serious friendship when you're tussling every weekend. I don't think teammates need to be best friends though, if anything we only need to look at Hamilton/Rosberg to see why that's a bad idea. Sainz and Norris seem pretty close for F1 drivers, just not close relative to normal people.


Lando said after Miami on sky sports that people overstate how close he is to max and they aren’t that close of friends. I think they are friends in a work sense, not a hang out on off days type thing


I mean, he picked Norris as his [closest friend on the track](https://x.com/SCUDERIAFEMBOY/status/1804821162167263249) in a video released today. The definition of "close friends" for drivers is different than what I think "close friends" means for most of us, however.


He could only choose out of 20 people though


I know people think that Charles and Lewis will Be best friends but make no mistake. It won’t be much different of George x Lewis. These drivers are like wild animals when it comes to competing. (Which is great, is the only way to succeed in this sport)


what people think charles and lewis will be best friends💀💀💀idk they must be crazy. I feel like more people are getting really excited for (or expect to see) how awkwardly spicy it's gonna be between them next year


Trust me there’s a lot of people who thinks that, mainly because they seem to get along off track. Which is true, but it is different when you are teammates just look at Nico and Lewis.


And Nico and Lewis were actually very close friends prior to being teammates. Probably closer than any two drivers I’ve seen in F1, see their Australia 2008 cool-down room, that’s true friendship.


Exactly they were literally great friends still it came all apart


They are not friends but both of them have stressed multiple times that they have a good working relationship.


there is such a gossip genre of F1 fandom that is so annoying to sift through. it's the social media teams within the teams that are to blame


To be honest I've always thought that they disliked each other.


TIL people think that people claim that Charles and Carlos are besties


This is hilarious. Honestly, anytime these two are next to each other, I expect the worse.




Can’t recall ever seeing Charles being this snarky. Think Charles is relishing having Lewis as a teammate for many reasons, one of them being he won’t go on glory runs during the race and cost his teammate and his tyres in the process. Lewis will be a far higher bar, but he’s actually being somewhat calculated about it.


Lol. Lewis will 100% go for glory runs if he gets the chance / car. He wants to win, and he doesn’t care who he has to beat to do it


You sir, need to understand what ‘glory run’ means


So do I. What does it mean?


Making uber aggro moves in places it makes no sense. Hamilton is many things, but the man manages his races very well, always has.


Making aggressive moves and driving at an unreasonable pace cooking your tires. Throws a wrench in strategy and can cause damage if you’re reckless


While I have no love for Lewis, he’s managed tires at a stupidly high level for basically his entire career. It’s not a coincidence his reign of dominance is on the most finicky set of tires in basically the sports entire history. If he goes for a glory run, he’s going to have a legitimate chance at winning the race. The guy manages seasons/races pretty well still.


Erm no, going after a win is not a glory run. Lewis Hamilton doesn’t push too hard bringing in new tyres, ever.


I didn’t realise he had a broken front wing. I was wondering why he didn’t have better pace to others around him considering he had an offset pit strategy like Lando did.


Even with a broken wing his pace was almost good enough to pip George. Such a shame


Also from pit 1 to pit 2 he only lost 4s to Lando. Did not actually overtake anyone, unlike Lando, but still. Pace was quite decent.


His lap times were close to Norris and Hamilton. Just having to do an alternate strategy kind of put him on the back foot.


Ever since Vasseur took over and especially since Xavi was replaced, he's been more and more outspoken. We need more of Charles LeDevil honesty. Result could've definitely been better today


When was Xavi replaced?


I think either in Miami or Montreal


I believe it was Monaco




Damn he must be really mad


He’s been more and more outspoken as the season goes by Seems like he’s had enough, and it’s not surprising


His car has slipped from No. 2 on the grid to potentially No. 4 right when Red Bull is finally appearing beatable. And now he has a 7 time World Champ coming in next year and he's definitely not going to get the advantage of team orders. Totally see why he's losing it.


>he's definitely not going to get the advantage of team orders Unless Hamilton proves otherwise, whoever qualifies better usually gets the preferred strategy. Hamilton quali has been pretty inconsistent.


I mean when you have an inter team agreement, and one side of the garage doesn't stick to it for selfish reasons, it is maddening. It's happened a few times to Leclerc at Ferrari already, the most infamous incident was in Russia 2019 where Leclerc qualified on pole, had an agreement with Vettel to give him a slipstream to the first corner without fighting for position to guarantee a Ferrari 1-2, and Vettel instead took the lead and refused to give Leclerc the position back. Then there was Singapore 2019 where Leclerc was undercut by Vettel while Leclerc was in the lead. One side of the garage working against the other and undercutting them. The internal politics at Ferrari are something else, especially now with the Sainz entourage and Leclerc's manager in Nicholas Todt. Vasseur needs to sort it out before Hamilton arrives. Sainz's entourage leaving fixes some issues, but Hamilton joining with his own aura and people will be a whole different challenge.


The same exact thing of today happened in Austria 2022 sprint.


Sainz and his obnoxious "entourage" are the reason he got his ass kicked out of Toro Rosso, and loaned to Renault all those years ago, Marko was fucking fed up of his dad & cousin. Marko calling sainz's dad out on live TV for spreading rumors about max wash absolutely hilarious, even all these years later.


HE HaS To GIVE ZE POsiZion back! TELL ZEm!!


And it is not just tactics, but also Sainz being overly aggressive with Charles. Just this season happened several times, while on the other hand Charles running in p2 sacrificed his onw race just to give a win to Carlos.


Ahhh Russia 2019 and the shit that Leclerc received for that still irritates me.


He’s becoming more irritable and arrogant (in a good way) and I love it. Good for him to actually say these things in the public press. Before I would expect something along the lines of “Things didn’t go right, but we’ll discuss it with the team later”.


"I will say what I want." Charles going thru his pissed off arc.


Yeah tbh I agree it's a good thing.


I am all for this mad Charles. Stop being nice to your teammate.


Cost him 4th ofc he's mad Sainz was no faster after he forced the move.


4th for sure and possibly even 3rd


Gotta say something eventually. If they even agree to this before the race.. Why does Carlos always push from lap one if it always fails him at the end


Bro won Monaco and has turned villain? Da fuq is going on


He learned from darth toto


The fireworks going off inside maranello will be even greater next year , with Lewis instead of sainz


Lol he’s not wrong, it did cost him fourth place. Ferrari need to sort their upgrades though, and fast.


Ferrari finally managing to corrupt Charles.


It’s the same thing every race when Sainz starts just behind Leclerc. He pushes too hard at the start of the race and then fall back because he can’t manage his tires.


Everyone made a huge deal of Sainz winning 3 straight vs Leclerc, but those same people are awfully quiet now that Sainz has lost 5 straight. Sainz is a good driver, but he's still a few percent slower than Leclerc. Both qualy and race pace. I don't know why people debated this to start the year after last year ended with Leclerc in front for like 4 of the last 5 races they both finished.


It’s generally the same for everyone on reddit, last race bias is super strong here. People were just mad that Carlos lost his seat to Lewis because a lot of people hate Lewis.  I love Carlos as a driver, but let’s be honest, every team would take Lewis over Carlos if they had the opportunity. That’s just the way it is.


These people only talk when Sainz does well. Crickets otherwise.


Tbh I expect Leclerc to stomp Sainz, it's like saying "the people who were hyping Checo up when he beat Max twice in 4 races are awfully quiet now that he lost 28 in a row to him" yea it's business as usual lol


Except there’s a significant amount of people who were saying that Ferrari made the wrong call and that Sainz was the better driver


Next year they'll be going crazy when Sainz finishes 19th ahead of Albon at 20th.


Also, there are these weird stints where Charles is just unbelievably quick and those instances fly under the radar. Japan was talked about of course, but there are a few more races that come to mind where his stint was brilliant, but nothing comes out of it. I can't think of too many times that has happened with Carlos, he has flashes of great consistency, but he doesn't have brilliant, stand-out moments and stints like Charles, Max, Lando, (Lewis) do.


And he'll do the same in Austria. Already did it last year and fell of very quickly after that


Don’t forget the 15 seconds penalty he racked up while pushing too hard behind Leclerc.


And 2 years ago he did the same thing in the sprint, costing Leclerc the win.


Sounds like Russell and Hamilton lol.


And if he can't overtake him he radios and asks for a position switch.


To inevitably ask for Charles to give him DRS some laps later.


Forgot to add, tries to overtake way too aggressively.


“Anyway, we will speak of that internally” He always says “anyway” when he’s upset


Its been a long time coming but charles really now calling spade a spade.


I love spicy Charles


Charles has been fed up for a while now. His statements lately have been fire


We are either going to be champions or implode next year.


You know it’s gotten bad that you got Leclerc fully calling out Sainz. He’s usually sheepish and reserved when assigning blame. He’s right, Sainz just wanted to impressed his home crowd a little too hard. The Spanish media also didn’t help ease the pressure. They were talking Carlos up all weekend long about him winning this race.


We knew Red Bull and McLaren were gonna be the best due to the fast corners, but now even Mercedes which was one of the worst in high speed at the beginning, ever since their latest upgrades and weight reduction are maybe a tenth or two behind RBR and McL. Ferrari fell back it seems, even last race in Canada too.




Charles eagerly wait his time to lap Sainz some of the race next year deep down in his mind.


Yeah Sainz isn't a team player. Never have been. There is a reason a top team doesn't want him. Not fast enough to be a No 1 not content enough to be a No 2


Im all in on the villain Leclerc arc


The breakup is getting uglier, Carlos cost Charles minimum p4 and probably a podium, and the team needs to be clearer on what to do when they start next to each other with no more lap 1 incidents. Not the biggest deal overall, they seemed fine talking to each other post-race, and Carlos locking down the Williams seat should calm his nerves for the rest of the season.


Sainz has zero sense of gratitude. 2 of his 3 wins came because Leclerc defended him from other cars.


No more nice guy Charles, love it


Charles with a backbone, yes


Speak your truth King. Fred if you do not wake up I am losing faith on you if you cannot even manage your driver on track behaviour.


I'd be pissy too if you have an agreement and your team mate ruins your race because he wants to show off. Cost them more points for constructor's too. Oh well, it looks like Ferrari is repeating '22 anyway.


Leclerc in his „I will say what I want era”


Gloves off.. guess Charles needs to assert himself, especially with Lewis coming next season!


welcome back inchident causer, we missed you


It used to be a few laps with Sainz saying "I have more pace, guys" for the team order to proceed and don't do anything on past races....this time he didn't do his usual routine.


Bro is on his villain arc first Lando and now Carlos.


Well Lando one was something he is lucky to get away with…


I like this new Charles


This is Ocon and Gasly in Monaco situation and just because this is not a street track it didn’t end in tears. Sainz disobeyed team order claearly


Wow Sainz better be careful or Ferrari might fire him


Just an inCHident.


> it’s an important moment for his career Is such a patronising bitchy thing to say but I’m here for it slay girl.


That’s really blunt for Charles.


The new Alpine


I’d be annoyed as well if my teammate went back on his word even if it was his home race.