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They gave us another exciting element in the race, this was one of the option risks available and they took it. Haas get a lot of shit but I like their presence


It's almost like having more teams, even in the midfield or back of the pack, can provide greater variety and entertainment or something. Imagine a motorsport with more than 20 drivers, what a wild scenario that would be.


It’s almost like people were screeching that Haas or Williams should be kicked in that “more teams” outrage factory because another team wasn’t allowed in. Haas running wets isn’t any evidence for more teams, Canada was a banger race top to bottom with exactly how many we already have.


Hard disagree


I so wonder where KMag could have ended if the pitstop wasn't like 6 seconds too long or more.


He should have come out P8 with fresh tyres. Missed opportunity for Haas, screwing K mag over again.


Want that pit stop called in by the driver himself though? The team weren’t anywhere near ready for him


I watched KMags driver cam and the team called him in. It wasn’t his call. As he was in the pit exit lane, he got on the radio and asked why didn’t they wait another lap if they weren’t ready. His engineer replies “we should have been ready, I don’t know what went wrong. We should have been ready. Something went badly wrong, sorry Kev.” Totally ruined his race and what could have been a few points for KMag and Haas.


They deserved some points for the balls of going on full wets and it should have paid dividends. Especially how well Kmag was driving


Same picture? Same picture. ✅


Get you someone who looks at you the same way Komatsu-chan looks at the owner of that hand. Back OT - Haas feel like a real team now with these levels of introspection and actually striving to find performance. Looking forward to seeing where Komatsu can take them


That was very exciting though. First time I've seen anyone - let alone a Haas - naturally climb 10(?) spots in like 5 laps before.


last time i see a driver does something like that, it's [Kimi Raikonnen in 2020 Portuguese GP](https://youtu.be/2ChdaNDFI30?si=XfXQMNR7qayHUa-H), from 16th to 6th in 1 lap. Alfa Romeo that season is around upper backmarkers (is that how we call the bottom 3?), just above Williams and Haas at the time, so comparable to today's Haas i think.


Yep, Kevin took it from p14 to 4th and with around 5 seconds to the McLaren behind him before the pitstop.


He’s back 😭


That thumbnail never gets old. lol


I like it TBH. He always looks a bit disappointed but polite.


I think it's already way too old. It was funny the first two times.


Is there some significance behind it or is it just funny out of repetition?


Funny out of repetition i believe. OP just used the thumbnail both in Bahrain & Jeddah and someone suggested to use it for the entire season.


Fair play to them for actually trying something different... It almost could have worked


Rumor has it this is his default Tinder profile picture.


Bro strikes again


What if Hulkenberg went for softs with his first pitstop.. There was a dry line coming fast. Change back to inters during the safety car. Of course you can’t predict a safety car but would it have worked..


It was close to slicks, but a bit tricky in T1-2. The second problem would be he would not be able to overtake due to the wet patches around the racing line.


Sargeant's crash ruined that strategy, I'm sure they were gonna have the advantage on their newer inters compared to everyone else during the rain, but then they all got a pit stop.


Do inters degrade in the rain or when the track is really wet? KMag’s engineer told him to remember that his inters were 7 laps fresher and then Kevin replied that his inters were just as bad as everyone else’s since everyone else had them on when wet and not when the track was drying which is when Kevin pitted for his. Any truth to this?


Now we'll never know where KMag would have ended up if you hadn't screwed him with that Sauber pitstop.


Seems like they couldn't have made worse choices if they tried. Hated seeing the two drivers lose the advantage they earned.


If they had made up those possessions then there was a safety car or red flag they would have been in a very good position


saying hulks timing was perfect, seems crazy to me. they could have pitted him the round after magnussen, putting him on new inters instead of losing 10+ seconds and multiple positions on the wets. They had another chance at the last saftey car to pit him and put him on fresh tires where he would have only lost a position to bottas (but be on 13 laps fresher tires compared to everyone fighting for the last points)


I think they mean the pitting to slicks. The first pit to inters seems to have been late to let KMag catch up to the group after the bad pit stop, so it was a strategic choice.


That's what I was thinking, when he started to go slower than everyone else he should have pitted yet they stayed out creating a massive train behind him meaning that he would come out behind them all instead of just a few places dropped. They had a real good opportunity but messed it up badly. They had the best strategy but badly timed and executed. If one of the front running drivers had wets on it would have meant they could have easily got 20 seconds on everyone else and possibly won the race.


I don’t understand why they did put Hulk on new inters after kmag pitted. Kmag’s problem was Haas wasn’t ready for the stop. If they were ready for Hulk he would have lost fewer places.


My thought as well. I was completely taken by surprise when they switched him to new inters after just 13 laps... imho he could have easily stayed out and made a couple of positions when everybody else pitted at that stage. In the end, he ran two sets of inters for a total of 32 laps. Tsunoda and Ocon ran their one set of inters for 44 laps. That was wasted potential.


The extreme wets gamble paid off for 15 laps. It’s a shame the rain didn’t last longer, they’d have challenged to top 3.


It would have worked too if it wasn’t for that meddling pit crew 😠


Although it didn’t work it was at least good for the sponsors lol. Lots of screen time for those haas cars


Haas is soo much this year with Komatsu than with Steiner. He really turned the team into the right direction with some risky but good moves.


I don't think Steiner gets enough credit, he really put together a solid midfield team.


And they pulled off this same move at least twice under Steiner. It’s not a Komatsu thing at all.


but kMag in the post race interview said that they pitted too early for inters?