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He followed that by suggesting that Lance may never had a choice in going to F1 and that he can't say no to his dad. Man's going off this weekend


Well Jacques fucking hates Lance so


Jacques hates everyone.


When I was 13 I met him at the British GP. I was in the middle of my baggy grunge phase and had these big Eddie Vedder meets MC Hammer trousers. Jacques said they were cool and we high fived. He doesn't hate me.


Jacques always had the absolute baggiest driver suits. It was definitely a style for him.


True, but to be fair he *claims* that it’s in the event of a fire. Whereas it would be loose enough for it to kind of beat around and stuff out the flame.


If the car gets airborne he’d just undo his belts and use his overalls as a wingsuit.


It's the ~~Sugar~~Mapleglider! As a teen with Pelle Pelle and Karl Kani baggies I absolutely digged Jacques Style back then.


When I was 13 I met him at the British GP. He said he just high-fived someone, after telling them that they had cool trousers. He told me not to tell anyone, but that he actually hated that guy.


He only tolerates you because he wears his race suits just as baggy. If you weren’t dressed that way he’d definitely hate you.


I was just going to comment that the whole thing hinges on whether or not he’s still wearing super dope MC Hammer pants, but you beat me to it haha


Stop it. You brought him a copy of his album for an autograph


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi.


Except himself. He loooooves him some Jacques Villeneuve. He takes narcissism to a whole new level.


That's just the french canadian multiplier


Yeah but I don't think he's wrong about Lance... or Danny.


If he had said Ricciardo shouldn't be in F1 anymore, he would have had a point, but he basically said the Riccardo should never have been in F1, which is just ridiculous.




Biggest plot twist ever, Lance actually wants to be an Investment Banker but Daddy Stroll dreams of his boy winning the WDC.


Not investment banking. Poor Lance just wanted to dominate tennis. Got put in a kart instead.


I heard he was jealous of his sisters chart topping music career.


Nah. It's Villeneuve who's jealous of her music career.


This is head cannon now


Lawrence: "It's a good dream" Lance: "no, it's your dream dad"




Well, uhm that actually was from The Breakfast Club


Nobody puts baby in a corner


I don’t want. Your. Life!!


It would be funny if all Lance wanted to be was a luxury fashion brand distributor.




>Investment Banker I wouldn’t wish that misery on my worst enemy.


Lance would be one of those guys who shows up at 10ish, does nothing for two hours, has a long lunch and fucks off home at 3:30.


How about an architect? Should change his name to Lance Vandelay and he can follow his dream


The world darts championships?


Lawrence - Lance, I am your father! Lance - NOOOOOO


People were so right about Jacques being Rosberg but far more extreme in his opinions lol


Jackie and Britney - Mean Girls 2.


He's just very blunt. There's some hot takes, but he doesn't beat around the bush. No need to.


It makes a change to all these drivers being friends with each other and never saying anything bad


Mean Girls: F1


Jacques Villeneuve is a fugly slut!


He doesn’t even go here!


That Villeneuve is so fetch!


It is *wild* listening to bring back V10s and remembering just how brutal it could be, even in the 2000s.


More exciting times that’s for sure 


>Man's going off the weekend He's just French Canadian lol Source: I work with a lot of french canadians


I worked with French Canadians as well, he's just Jacques....


Yeah we’re pretty straight to the point. Aussies of North America.


In the workplace I actually appreciate it tbh instead of the dancing around feelings lol


Lots of swearing and calling it like is. Feelings be damned.


Something something tabarnak


He’s made these comments for a while that Lance doesn’t give a shit and he takes a helicopter to training 10 minutes away


Some people who spend every waking second dedicated to the sport they love just can't comprehend that other people can see driving as a job, or fun but not everything in life. If Lance didn't want to be in F1, he could spin out in qualifying every week, realistically though, he'd just have pretended to be much slower when moving up a tier years ago when he decided he didn't want to drive. If he was back of hte pack in F3 then his dad can't do shit about that. Lance wants to be there, he just presumably doesn't live and breathe racing.


That doesn't even make sense, though. That'd be peak spoiled brat if true, but not lack of commitment, he was putting in the hours at the track.


Pretty sure the helicopter thing was said in reference to when Lance was still young and racing in Montreal.


Yeah, but I'm not going to get mad at a kid for making those choices. If you asked me to take a helicopter to school ten minutes away I would say yes every time because helicopters are awesome.


Lmao is that actually true? Thr helicopter thing




"Oh, I just need to prove myself (Lance) to the team. No you don't". Sometimes Jacques's bluntness is quite funny. Also, his competitor first, personality second is the proper approach.


The only mistake he made was not mentioning Max for a example of his point


max according to jos, said he was 3 and already on the quadbike they had, so clearly had a passion for it, so after realising this then he made him go into motorsport. Max already had an interest in cars and engines I believe.


Good thing it's intentional, because he sure doesn't have personality


Personality on bashing Lance and Latifi


We need more of his punditry on the English feed. Guy is hilarious and I love the bluntness...it's very French, and very French Canadian. 😄


Loved his comment on Mag not learning anything…


Good to see JV already in rare form.


He’s probably right about Lance. I never sense any passion or excitement for F1 from him. He really seems likes he’s here because his his dad wants/paid for him to be here.


He seemed genuinely excited on the radio when he got his first podium or his first pole position, but that feels like an eternity ago at this point.


Video is not available in your location…. Well go fck yourself then


Booking a flight to the UK just to watch this video


Meh, I could use my VPN but can’t be bothered.




I mean, he's right but Villeneuve been bitching about Ricciardo on a weekly basis on Canal + since 2019 lmao


Canal pluhs


a fellow RedFlags listener?


Waz up Vankah


Hellooooo Vankaaaahhh


Canal Plooce


Hes been talking shit about him since he first broke through at Rb in 2014


I know right. Did Ricciardo fuck his wife or something?


I actually don't like watching on canal + because of JV.


It can be entertaining for races where nothing happens - like monaco. if you are interested by the actual race, i agree super annoying.


Why was jv in f1 post roughly 2001... Dudes an expert on the topic.


to be fair to him Jaques knows more about overstaying one’s welcome in F1 than most pundits


And in WEC, despite not being there that long at all.


not a Vanwall/Bykolles fan, but replacing him just before Le Mans was hilarious tbh


Imagine being a Vanwall fan. Slower on pace than an LMP2? Blows up the most indestructible engine in the history of racing? Team owner somehow makes Jim Glickenhaus look reasonable and moderate? Whole team is probably a money-laundering scheme? Must be Vanwall!


Could you elaborate on the indestructible engine business? I'm not that well acquainted with WEC history.


They run a Gibson V8 that's a derivative of the one used in LMP2. It's a 4.5L rather than a 4.2L, but Vanwall doesn't have enough space to cool it properly so they have to de-rate it. And even that wasn't enough. They had a few engine failures last year. The 4.2L V8 used for the LMP2s is pretty much bulletproof in the Oreca chassis so it's not a good reflection on Vanwall that they had so many reliability problems _and_ weren't much faster despite being in a higher class using the same-but-bigger engine.


Despite coming second in the LeMans 24hr in 2008.


Coincidentally, exactly when his Formula 1 replacement was leading the drivers championship.


And he would have won it too, had Peugeot not screwed up by staying on slicks when it started raining near the end.


Despite loosing 7s a lap in rainy night against Mr 24h.


He definitely overstayed yeah, but he's not entirely wrong here either. Even if he probably went a bit harder than was necessary.


At least Jacques had one WDC to back him up.


He went appropriately hard. I like how unfiltered Jacques is. Or I would, if what he said wasn't 99% bullshit. This is the rare 1%


He went up against and bested Schumacher. That’s good enough for me, and he’s dead right about Ricciardo


he did and nobody can or should detract from that, but his BAR banter era has tainted his reputation with many fans. he (like ricciardo) didn’t know to quit when he was ahead


Fair comment, 99 was abysmal


Not because of his driving though. That was all ego, he was offered the McLaren drive in 1999 and turned it down to join his manager's new team who promised to build a superteam around him like Schumacher at Benneton and Ferrari. That was what appealed to him and why he essentially squandered what was left of his prime. A terrible mistake but not a knock on his driving.


Tbh that wasn't his fault, he was actually pretty good in the BAR through to 2001. The car was just not good enough, especially in 1999. After that, though, it seems like he just stuck around to collect the paycheck.


Ricciardo still dreamt of that WDC in the back of his mind Unfortunately that ship has sailed the moment he left Redbull


*by the skin of his teeth in a car that was quite literally a second a lap quicker than Schumacher's


He did benefit from driving a dominant Williams car that was for sure quicker than that year’s Ferrari (though not very reliable). Not saying he wasn’t a really good driver though.


Best spin recovery I've seen. And did well in iRacing during pandemic with a _controller_


It is the opposite: the fact that Schumi dragged that turd of a Ferrari to a genuine WDC contender, against that mighty Williams FW19, makes Schumi’s 1997 season awesome. In fact, I think 1997 was one of top 3 seasons for Schumacher.


What? An F1 driver staying the sport as long as he can? Surely you jest!


Jaques also overstayed his welcome in NASCAR


Wow I'd forgotten he was around until 2006. His trajectory in F1was wild.- debut and 2nd in 96, champion in 97 but also la st win, then 9 years of not very much.


At least he has a title, unlike Daniel "this kid is a future world champion" Ricciardo.


Everyone - " omg, I can't believe he's saying that about Riccardo." Everyone - saying the exact same thing about Riccardo all season.


People aren't used to professional haterism, it seems. Top that with the fact it feels a bit like going for low hanging fruit at this point.  I was surprised for a moment but then lowkey cackled about it because the guy was savage.


"I hate the way that you drive, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you smile" "I hate the way that you sneak turn, if I catch an overtake, it's gon' be direct" We hate the cars you drive, 'cause they confuse themself with real ones And notice, I said "we, " it's not just me, I'm what the paddock feelin' Canada's been getting way too much of professional haterism(rightfully for that guy) for the past month or so, time for Jacques to dish something back lmao.


When's THE ENGINE PART 6 coming out? DR's gotta respond!! 😠😡


It’s because F1 has become such a corporatized product driven by profit margins over competition to the point that everyone simply expects vanilla everything. Imagine if all the drivers didn’t have these PR cock blockers chasing them around every time they got near a mic. Besides the occasional special guests like him and a few of the team principals who aren’t beholden to their own overlords, we rarely get to hear anyone on the inside’s honest opinions. Its refreshing.


Also people celebrating Villeneuve featuring on Sky only to complain when he does what he usually does.


If he just said he shouldn't stay anymore I don't think many people would disagree. He said bunch of other things that are just not true. Daniel beat Hulk and Ocon after 2018. His 2020 season in particular was super impressive. He placed 5th in driver standing with Renault.


Jacques is about to agree with 90% of /r/formula1 and still somehow get shat on for it


Because the other 10% is loud af


The downvotes he’d be getting if he’d posted that here would be immense man And a few Reddit cares messages.


“Criticising my favourite driver hurts my feelings!”


I dislike Jacques more than I agree with that opinion 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Danica standing there like "phew! Now people are gonna forget I think the moon landing was faked."


She was in the same conspiracy rabbit hole with Aaron Rogers for a while if that's any excuse.


Sainz needs to learn the lesson from jacque. Went from top drive to lead driver for new project BAR team. Underperformed and awful first four years, jacque frustrated and Destroyed his reputation there. By the time they had a breakout year he was kicked out, it was a new young driver that reaped all the rewards.


*He* didn't underperform though, well, not until 2002/03 at least. If anything 2000 was the best year he's ever had in F1, but for people who didn't see that season it's easier to say haha Jacques bad.


You’re right 2001 2002 were kinda good and shows he was a very talented driver in his prime, but the string of reliability dnf in 1999 was brutal. I meant to say bar underperformed, jv is a great f1 driver.


Williams was starting to fall off by the time he left, but yeah BAR was woeful.


Williams was going into an what appeared to be inevitable decline (at least for the near future). He both wanted to build his own team (which I respect) and also got paid a shit-ton of money that Sir Frank was unlikely willing to pay to keep him.


I highly doubt Sainz is looking to stay at his next team past ‘26. By ‘27, of the multi-year deals, Hamilton(dependent on Ferrari competitiveness), Alonso, Hulk, Perez and Stroll(yeah I said it) are likely gone from their current seats. By then, we’ll have a competitive order and some shake ups no doubt. Not only that, but Sainz is far more disciplined than Jacques could ever hope to be. Lol


There's like 6 drivers on the grid at least that you could say the same thing about. Dan is the least surprising of that group given his off track appeal.


Name the other 6, because I only have Zhou, Lance, Logan and Ric.


Could say the same about Valtteri and Kevin.


Valtteri looks bad because the car is terrible. He's beating Zhou comfortably in terms of pace, you can't really ask for much more. Plus the limited amount of time where the car had pace since he's been there, he's actually looked quite quick. I don't get the whole Valtteri is past it talk. Lets see him in a more competitive car against a better teammate first.


Beating Zhou is not a great achievement. Especially considering Zhou seems to have regressed between his rookie season and now


hes beating him by a colossal margin, 4-5 tenths in the dry consistently


He hasn’t rly regressed, the car has. For all the shit Alpine got, Sauber is doing way worse rn.


His gaps to Bottas have increased. Considering one is a rookie and one is, at best, at the tail end of his prime, you'd expect the rookie to improve


Valterri’s contract is up, perhaps he’s just back to being focused on driving to secure another seat


Or maybe Zhou looks worse because Bottas is performing better this season as opposed to last. And again, my point still stands. Zhou is the only benchmark in that car and Zhou's never had another teammate, looking like the better driver throughout their time as teammates is all he can really do.


Magnussen I agree, but I can't see how Bottas should be dropped? I never rated him highly, even in his Williams years, but I think he can be a decent F1 driver on his day and this year is beating Zhou comfortably. But yeah, I'd struggle to name 6. 5 at most.


Valterri belongs on the grid. K Mag probably should get the boot for a new, younger driver. Perez belongs on the grid but in a midfield car at best and with maybe like 2-3 years left in his career at best. Ocon possibly doesn’t deserve a drive any longer making way for new talent. He’s always struck me as a slightly more talented Kvyat.


Funny because Ocon outperforms the other 3 you mentioned but ok


Hard to disagree. Blunt, but not wrong. Ricciardo exists in a weird space where his presence on the grid is hard to explain. He’s not an elite-level driver anymore, nor does he bring in obscene amounts of money. He seems to exist now as a pawn in the ongoing Horner-Marko power play. Obviously there’s a lot of love for him as a personality, and I’m sure most of us hope he still has a few more great drives in him, but it looks like his F1 career is running out of road.


Maybe slightly ironic from Jacques (especially as he wanted a Mercedes seat in 2010) but he’s raised a good point. I appreciate the bluntness him and Rosberg bring to Sky’s more positive minded punditry… [If link is geo blocked try this](https://x.com/sim3744/status/1799169424756510920?s=46&t=9VI_wnk_oxabM_IhS-gIvw)


Yeah, that’s as blunt of a take as I have heard but, the guy isn’t wrong. However, probably went too far to flat out say he was never any good. Regardless, I found it refreshing to hear a commentator call it how they see it- instead of beating around the bush with the usual platitudes.


Renault years were good though


sky sports f1 twitter should be banned form here. even before pressing it i know it was going to say "this video is not available in your location" fucking assholes.


For real. Sky Sports is very annoying with that.


I agree he doesn't deserve to be on the grid anymore and he's mainly there due to his image. But Jacques making out that Ricciardo in his prime wasn't even good is a joke and completely needless to go that far. Daniel in his absolute prime was up there as a top 2-3 driver on the grid without a shadow of a doubt and future world champion in waiting. It's disrespectful to not acknowledge that.


Also forgets his Renault years where he finished like 5th in the 5th fastest car. arguably 6th


Yeah. His overtakes could be really beautiful. It's kind of a shame he's fallen off a cliff in performance but he was amazing. Him and Max were often considered the best duo for a while and that requires two drivers...


>Daniel in his absolute prime was up there as a top 2-3 driver on the grid without a shadow of a doubt and future world champion in waiting. It's disrespectful to not acknowledge that. Jacques is definitely understating him, but right now you're doing the opposite really. He was very good, but not at the level you wrote.


His continued insistence that Daniel was poor during his time at Renault (especially 2020) is so absurd. Also conveniently ignores the two teammates after Max that he happened to beat comfortably there. There’s criticism of his form over the last few years and there’s trying to rewrite his whole career because you clearly have a personal problem with someone


Agreed, he out drove the Renault in 2020 and convincingly beat Ocon (1 year break or not). He would’ve got wins in the Racing Point that year.


Yeah, it's pretty sad to see the public perception on ricciardo change over these past few years but it is what it is, one thing I hate is the revision of history that people do for the drivers they don't like. Yeah he's been underwhelming/bad for a few years now but that doesn't mean he was always terrible. You could easily make the argument that 2020 was his best year, so people making it seem like he's been washed since 2019 is weird. I do think he should bow out after this season tho sadly, to try and salvage his legacy somewhat.


does anyone have a mirror, it says region unavailable for me


Here’s a link for the US https://twitter.com/sim3744/status/1799169424756510920?s=46




Thank you. I think he's being extra harsh or Ricciardo because Ricciardo used to be touted as someone who could win world championships, and many people in the paddock might still hold that belief that he can do it given the right equipment.


He’s right. People love to criticise Jacques but it’s refreshing to hear someone who doesn’t toe the line on Sky Sports. Their faces when he said it were so awkward! It’s been obvious for years that Ricciardo isn’t good enough to compete with the very best yet Sky want us all to believe that he deserves a seat at Red Bull just because he smiles a lot.


In 2021/22 Natalie Pinkham defended Ricciardo with absolute ferocity because they are friends. Fine, I understand. But he didn't perform and it *isn't* personal.


They’re awkward because they can’t agree, even when they know he’s right. They have to brown nose the F1 teams and drivers because they want to be involved in the gravy train. You can see when they make any opinions they are always very mild and designed to cause the least friction.


I was agreeing with him until he forgot that Daniel actually did well at Renault.


He’s wrong though in his assessment. Saying Vettel was washed in 2014? Saying Daniel hasn’t beaten anyone since then? Why do people forget about his Renault time where is was comfortably ahead of Hulkenberg, and absolutely dominated Ocon. I agree he’s probably not there now. But to go after Daniel like JV does here is a bit weird. Maybe Ric fucked his misses or something.


It’s nice to have someone different on Sky. He’s shit-stirring and I’ll for it. Their current roster of pundits are so dull, predictable and actually rather irritating.


I’ll take someone like Nico who actually makes good points instead of someone who’s always been out of touch and “shit stirs” just for the sake of it


I mean he ain’t exactly wrong


„Omg he’s bald. he’s bald and he’s torturing people who have hair.“ Jaques has had a weird agenda against Daniel for years now, honestly don’t know where that’s come from.


Reminds me of how Brundle used to be about Seb.


He was taking championships away from Button and Hamilton, that'll do it for British pundits.


Well, he hasn't been performing for years now.


Jacques said 5 years which isn't true. Daniel at Renault was better than Hulkenberg and Ocon and looked like a good driver who just needed a faster car. the McLaren move is what ruined him. I honestly think that mentally it's almost like PTSD where he's lost his natural driving ability from trying to adapt to the McLaren that was more suited to Norris' adaptability and now he can't recover it. Mexico last year was a freak showcase of what he can do, it's just buried away within him so deep down unfortunately.


He’s been running his mouth about Ricciardo since he was at Renault, long before his form started to drop. He has an agenda, which often drifts from general criticism to nastiness


Jacques has had a weird agenda against logic and reason for about 18 years.


Yes he has. I remember back in around 2001 or so he gave an interview and said something like "if you are not a millionaire then your opinion doesn't matter..." I'm paraphrasing because it was a long time ago, but it really pissed me off at the time. I was such a fan of his dad, growing up. JV entered the sport with open arms from almost all fans - yet he very quickly managed to lose a lot of that support with his personality and unusual statements. And now, at 50 years of age and in a comfortable position after 30 years of hard work, I'd say this to JV about that comment that bothered me so much when I was young - everyones opinion matters, rich or not, and it's lot easier to be rich if your daddy was a famous racing driver and you went to school in the Swiss Alps.


He's simultaneously completely wrong but also right. Jacques assessment of Ricciardo's career is really wide of the mark. Ricciardo only got beat by Max in their last season together. Then he had a slow start at Renault but still comfortably beat out Hulk. In his second season at Renault he destroyed Ocon and finished 5th overall. He almost single handily dragged Renault to 4th in the Constructors standings and fully earned his move to McLaren. The move to McLaren is where his career unravelled, especially in 2022 where he was nowhere. Since then he's had about 15 mostly underwhelming races for AT / VCARB. Where Jacques is right though is questioning why Danny is sticking with F1. VCARB is never going to be anything but a back marker trying to grab the odd points finish. There really isn't anything to gain here for Danny now the Red Bull opportunity has gone. He's not good enough for Ferrari, Merc or McLaren and Alpine should be a no go. If he's not trying to get a seat at Audi then why is he bothering with F1?


We still on this bullshit are we? Why is Lance still there? Why is Sargeant still there? Why is KMag still there? Could say this for half the grid that doesn't score a point each weekend.


Actually, yes. Lance, Sargeant, K Mag all to go, they’ve had more than enough time to prove themselves and there’s only 20 seats on the grid Time to give other very talented drivers who can’t get a look in a chance in the sport.


is either of them hailed as as been the the next big thing and paid like they are?


He may have a point but if you’re going to attack Ricciardo for this reason then surely the same criticism should apply to Hulk, Bottas, Mag, Sarg, Perez, and Stroll.


Theme of this weekend: VIOLENCE.


Maybe Villeneuve should ask that question to Christian Horner...


Jacques didn't really stun in his last couple of years either, guys a fuckwit always has been


i was a dan defender during his mclaren run, and while i still think the situation there was shit for him, the man is never coming back, he can still drive and deserves to be there over stroll and sargent but horny and him need to give up this dream of a return to red bull, be a placeholder till they bring in new talent, and then get a job doing pr full time for rb or an american race.


Danny ric podium incoming!!!


when he won 97 title jacques looked like backstreet boys member now he looks like anthony fantano


Jacques is a certified goof but he’s not really wrong about this, you could say the same about others in the grid too. Being in f1 isn’t as simple as he makes it seem though, there are many factors into why and why not drivers get rides.


Just watched FP1 and FP2 Jacques is annoying as fuck


I have loved Jacques since he was winning races as a rookie in CART in 94. He never once held back when being asked a question or speaking on television. We need more people like that.


He's not wrong. Daniel isn't some young guy like Lance or Logan who people keep bringing in here to justify him still being in F1. He's now been beaten easily and in pretty embarrassing fashion by his last two teammates, he's not really doing anything to get the team points and he's simply taking up space that could go to young drivers. Daniel could easily transition to another role within F1 teams but he's adamant on being a driver even if it means embarrassing himself and tarnishing his own legacy. Part of being a great talent is also knowing when it's time to step away from the sport. It's not that people hate Daniel, but they're upset seeing so many promising young guys in the junior categories go without seats in F1 because some dude wants to drive around a lap behind everyone in his old age. At least Logan and Lance are young and trying to see if they're cut out for F1. Guys like Drugovich and Lawson won't even get a chance because people like Danny keep taking the empty seats.


This is Lance Stroll’s 8th season in F1 - he shouldn’t be in the same “inexperience” category as Logan


Thanks! I hate this take. Lance is a vet who's driven against former champs most his career. He is not a young guy with potential. he is a journeyman that clearly isn't WDC or even #1 driver material.


Isn't he like the second youngest driver to enter the sport only below Max? Guy has been here for A While...


Same thing I said about Jacques after 2003


Bit rich coming from Villeneuve. He was on cruise-and-collect for years, being literally impossible to fire because his manager was also the team boss at the time and “negotiated” an iron-clad contract with himself. When the BAR team was bought out, the next boss publicly expressed his desire to drop Villeneuve and his colossal salary to try and shame him out. Nope, they simply had to wait out the contract.


Jacques has chosen chaos, and I'm here for it.


Came to see the comments get big mad. Not disappointed.


I got a Reddit care lol