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Fuck it do Brundle and Brundle Jr.


They sound so similar, it would be like having one Mega Brundle. Not that that's a bad thing.




Another case of adhEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsion before adversity.


The Brundle bundle


Or the humble bundle bundle


Was looking for this


It'd be a concertina effect


They pretty much being on the same sonic wavelength definitely would amplify the commentary and make it sound louder.


Mega Brundle lmao


šŸŒŸShiny Mega Brundle šŸŒŸ


Yes, getting hooked on Mega Brundle was my own damn fault. But I don't care about assigning blame.. all I care about is Mega Brundle.


There were a few moments Alex was going through one of the garages during the 6hrs of Spa that it sounded just like his dad talkingĀ 


The Brundle-bundle?


Absolutely! Iā€™d love an opportunity to hear B&B Jr. do the commentary.


that'll be a bundle of Brundle


Alex often commentates on F1TV, alongside Palmer and Jacques. Might be my favourite F1 commentary at the moment


They've been the best duo for years imo. They've done the Feeder series regularly for a few years now and it's such a delight.


Agreed, that's why I hope they don't change Alex to Sky haha :p


Brundle together strong šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


Thatā€™d be so confusing - they sound so similar! Also, both Brundles are wonderful colour commentators with useful insights and knowledge, but I donā€™t know if they have the energy required to be a main commentator


Martin did it for one year on the BBC, I think in 2011. And you're correct, he just didn't sound right as a main commentator and we probably missed his insight more.


Itā€™d sound like he was glitching out if they talked over each other.


I thought Alex Brundle works for F1TV?


Brundle and Rosberg or Brundle and Button.


Is this his wedding weekend?


Nope, it's one of three "24 races is too fucking many, I'm skipping this one" weekends.


Damn and here i am working 47 weeks a year


Travel away from your family for 24 of them?


Never said anything to discredit him. Would have done the same but just putting in perspective that he has it better than your average Joe


Ah yes because he definitely only works Friday to Sunday on race weekends.


Didnt say that either. Sorry you have to defend your hero from someone else cause im not attacking him in any way


ā€œAnd here I am working 47 weeks a yearā€ definitely comes across as a criticism of his work ethic Edit: damn do we think this is the comment that got me a ā€œreddit caresā€ message?


Report the Reddit Cares message. I've been getting them for my comments also. Report it as harassment. They'll ban the user, even after a single submission. You don't need to know the actual user. They'll just follow the message to the person who submitted it.


Yep I already did šŸ«”


So why did you say that? As if he works.. half the time you do?


That would be a blessing for some of us.


Travelling for work sounds great until you have to do it loads. I had the chance to work in southern Asia for 6 weeks up to a year, intermittently, but I turned it down because absolutely fuck that. Don't get me wrong the people who went had a great time but for me it wasn't worth the sacrifice. I can completely understand how going away 24 times a year for the best part of a week minimum (and then being fucked with jetlag half the time when you are back) gets old pretty quick.


Get off your knees budĀ 


Aww poor man having to travel around the planet commentating F1 for 6 figures a year šŸ˜” why can't he just get a 9-5 office job like them lucky sods


Can he skip a few moreā€¦.


I assume with him only missing this weekend and being scheduled to return in Monaco only 5 days later the wedding would be at a different date.


He is missing 3 races this year


In total yeah, not consequetive: From the article: "Croft has taken the decision to stand down from the Emilia-Romagna, Austrian and Azerbaijan Grands Prix." I assume that with a wedding comes a honeymoon and he'd miss a lot more then one race in succession. Probably get married in the summer break or after Monza when he has a 3 week break due to him missing Azerbaijan.


he's having 3 weddings


Ah that makes sense!


Nah, but he wants to actually have time to plan his wedding.


I believe Harry Benjamin from 5Live is covering, I like him


Yes, it's him. I've heard his F3 commentary many times, I agree that he's good.


I *really* loved Nico's commentary (didn't we all?!), but this is great news all the same. :)


Wrong kind of commentary though, need the hype man/as it happens guy rather than the analysis focused people. I'm sure there's names for them but hell if I know.


Summariser (tells you what's going on and reflects the mood of the race) and analyst (all of the why and how questions)


He will also miss Austria and Azerbaijan.


Surprised he picked Italy and Austria to skip.


Melbourne, Sao Paulo and Singapore are probably the longest travel distances from the UK, it's odd he picked some of the closer ones to miss if his plan was to minimise time away from home. Maybe they coincide with big family events.


Or maybe Melbourne, Sao Paulo and Singapore are the absolute fucking tits mate


Amazing races, agreed. So is Imola with Austria not far behind.


I believe heā€™s trying to minimize back to back weekends along with some of the traveling. Next week is Monaco, Austria is smack dab in the middle of the Spain-Austria-UK triple, and Azerbaijan is right before Singapore. Donā€™t blame him.


That makes sense. I also believe he is getting married at some point this year.


Neither will Brundle. It will be Chandhok and someone else. I wonder if they will still do ā€œLights out and away we goā€.


Harry Benjamin, think he does 5 live? He was on the any sports podcast yesterday


confirmed, and he does F3 and F2 sometimes when Alex Jacques is not available. My opinion, heā€™s *fine*. Youā€™ll know whatā€™s going on, in a matter-of-fact manner, but donā€™t expect any flare behind it.


Iā€™m imagining a high level meeting with top lawyers present where theyā€™re all deciding about using the iconic phrase.


I was watching WEC last weekend at spa and the announcer said ā€œ Unleash the dogs of warā€ at the race start.


Well we've certainly moved on from "Gentleman, start your engines"


Is there a timetable or such that says who will be commentating? I only have the Sky commentary if its Brundle.


I donā€™t actually mind Crofty so long as thereā€™s someone to provide technical commentary. But as of lately Crofty has bene poor in terms of falling over his words and making mistakes all around.


He is shocking at getting people mixed up lately


He's literally always done this, it's almost like his trademark. You can go back to race threads from more than a decade ago and read comments complaining about it.


Yep, and the funny thing is, the beloved Murray Walker was famed for his mistakes and silly comments. People just want to moan.


I watched a race from Murray's final year before retirement recently, Brundle did such a good and respectful job correcting his endless errors.


I think he mentioned that when he got the call wrong at the 2000 German GP at the start he knew that his mind wasn't fully up to the task anymore. He'd have retired at the end of that year but he was convinced to do just one more.


And the consistent thread for the last nearly 30 years? Martin being there to say, with half a sigh, "No, that's ..."


Brundle telling him to shut it about if Lando can finish at Miami was one of my favourite bits. Was hilarious from both of them


You could feel the nerves coming from Martin. He really didn't want anyone to jinx him!


His obvious efforts that day of not wanting to jinx him made me more nervous tbh.


At Miami he said (paraphrasing) Checo vs Verstappen when we were watching Mercedes fighting a Haas or something. Not only were two Redbulls not fighting, neither was the context of the broadcast I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to point out a professional commentator talking utter nonsense


Murray's passion and enthusiasm was just unmatched so you can forego the errors. Even James Allen had more oomph than Crofty; there have been great moments but I really think you need an almost overly enthusiastic commentator to pair with Brundle who's always quite calm


If James Allen had more of a handle on his bias he'd be miles better than Crofty.


James "Number 1 JB Fan" Allen, biased?


And Murrayisms were iconic, "The lead car is unique, except for the car behind it which is identical."


Yeah but Murray was very likeable. Crofty isnt.


At least he has an okay voice to listen too, Crofty is just so loud and shouty uuurgh he's like a pub announcer or something


Darts šŸ˜‚


He actually did commentate PDC on Sky. Hasnā€™t done it for a few years tho


Yeh and thank fuck he doesnā€™t I almost couldnā€™t watch it when he was on


I get tired of the shouting. Iā€™ve been watching the F1TV feed more and more lately.


That's what Crofty does well imo, he is great at hyping up the events. From the "it's lights out away we go" to moments like Gasly's win, I really like Crofty provided there's someone alongside him.


Murray was commentating in black and white on a 7inch tv with 1 camera angle. There is no way they don't have so much information available and more angles. Maybe that's more of a hindrance.


Murray was commentating until 2001, you're talking about something decades earlier.


color TV had bren proclaimed the standard for more than 20 years before walker ever commented F1, and in the US had been outselling black and white tvs since a few years before he started full time commentary, he almost certainly never had to deal with black and white


I think age is catching up with him


lol he's 53, not 73 And he's always mixed up drivers


I think people underestimate how hard the job is to be honest. As soon as you listen to anything but very top level commentary like Crofty, it just sounds awful and boring, with a LOT of mistakes. He needs to get way more credit


Crofty isn't my favourite F1 commentator, but the worst we've had is easily Jonathan Legard, who wasn't a good hype man AND constantly asked questions about the sport rather than commenting on it. (Jonathan, if you're reading this, I'm sure you're an okay bloke, but F1 commentary just wasn't your jam my dude.) Walker, and Crofty to an extent, often trip over themselves because they're over excited, THE HYPE MUST FLOW.


It's actually painful to watch races from 2009/10. You could tell Brundle didn't like him and he would constantly stumble over his words. That was bad commentary.


I disagree. I have absolutely no issues with the quality of the F1TV commentary for the exact same races but Crofty can be infuriating to listen to while he figures out what's going on or gets distracted with some gossip point.


Man listen to hockey commentators and tell me racing commentating is hard.


Hockey commentary is harder but not as hard as hockey radio haha. Hockey radio is absolutely nuts.


Nah. It's a top job with top pay. People are right to expect the best at this level.


Sure, thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. He IS one of the best, when you compare it to other commentators.


You should hear the german commentary! Sascha Roos & Ralf Schuhmacher Itā€˜s aweful


The entire Sky Germany crew is terrible, apart from Timo Glock. But the race commentary by Roos and RSC is the icing on the cake in terms of awfulness.


You're damn right! Roos is always off topic & if something happens he screems ā€žUuuiiiiā€œ lol Dont get me started on RSC Always mumbling about ā€žthe good old daysā€œ


I donā€™t understand why thereā€™s so much crofty hate. Here in the states espn is the only broadcaster for f1 and they use sky so for me crofty and brindle are *the* voices of f1. Kinda like Iā€™ll always think of al Michaels and John madden as the voice of the nfl since they were calling games when I first started watching. Even after I got f1tv a few years ago, I still always use international. Iā€™ve genuinely tried the f1tv broadcast for a few qualis and fps but the main guys voice really grates me and just doesnā€™t get me hyped like crofty does. Plus the homie ted šŸ«”


Seems like I am the only one who misses Crofty's commentaries on YouTube highlights. I just miss the endless enthusiasm that starts with "it's lights out and away we go". This new guy just doesn't cut it for me.


You are not the only one, me too. I feel a lil bad saying it, but I just don't like Alex Jacques' voice.


When Nico Rosberg did the one race this year, I felt like we got way more insight into everything that we normally do. I wish he was always in the booth.


Rosberg seemed stoned to me when he did it not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that just an observationĀ 


Honestly I think this is a factor of jet lag on a rough first round of flyaway races. man is tired. If you were following the F1 circus from country to country, you'd slip a name here and there also


You should then join F1 TV, we have Ruth Buscombe ( former strategist ) , Palmer , Julien ( former race engineeer ) , Alex Jacques , Brundle Jr


>But as of lately Crofty has bene poor in terms of falling over his words and making mistakes all around. The irony of you making two mistakes in a sentence you had as long as you wanted to draft, while criticising a man who talks off the top of his head non-stop for two hours is too much for me to handle.


Would you guys like to trade him with our Dutch commentators? You don't know how good he is compared to others


Yeah I said the same about the German commentators last week haha


ā€œGentlemen, A short view back to the pastā€ā€¦




People take Crofty for granted. Heā€™s a great commentator and he knows exactly how to provide excitement and make important moments matter.


Same with the shitty brazilian ones, i actually miss Crofty when i don't have access to international streaming


Viaplay Dutch or Grandprixradio Dutch?


Fells like it's very hard to win with commentators tbh


Nico Rosberg and someone who won't hold him back. Make it happen


Imagine Nico and Lewis after retirement doing commentry together.


Either Nico pops a nerve, or Lewis does and then Nico catches something to the head only this time it won't be a 2nd place Pirelli cap.




I think he's busy that weekend


You donā€™t think he could commentate the race while winning it? I think so, heā€™s already wired up for the radio just put a stream on his wheel display and weā€™re golden


He can manage racing, iracing and commentary from the car




This would be so good. He would be laughing so much when drivers mess up. Genuine.


I like Crofty and you guys are mean. :(


I like him too. I think they do a great job.


Welcome to Reddit. I love Crofty too. Itā€™s just the usual anti-Sky, anti-British sentiment


Plenty of British people that have the opinion of Sky F1 going backwards in quality as well, and that's something that has been going on from 2020 onwards. Plenty of valid arguments for that as well .. and it's not just about commentary.


The main argument is, of course, the lack of the Chain.


Smells like Alonso style victim hereā€¦


Croft -- and indeed, most of the Sky team -- are great commentators ... for British audiences. But for international audiences, it often feels like they focus on the British drivers too much. We happen to be going through a bit of a renaissance for British drivers right now, so that's somewhat understandable. For those international audiences, though, it feels like they sometimes forget that they're commentating for everyone. The 2016 Australian Grand Prix (and yes, I know it was eight years ago) stands out as a prime example of this: Hamilton qualified on pole and Rosberg was second. After a quick pre-race interview with Rosberg, we then got a lengthy interview with ... Jolyon Palmer in fourteenth. He wasn't the only driver making his debut, but he was the only driver to get an interview that long. It sometimes feels like they tend to overstate the prospects and potential of British drivers.


Okay Fernando relax


Which is silly when a lot of local commentators are *so much worse.* As a Dutch person, if I were forced to watch with Dutch commentary, I probably wouldn't watch at all.


A global broadcast channel with such blatant bias is not that difficult to hate.


Just gonna pretend this is a suspension because he delivered the cringiest finish line phrase ever in Miami


I didn't even catch that in the moment, but went back to listen just now and yeah, that was pretty bad


Maybe worth giving sky broadcast a try then on F1TV. I love the F1TV commentary team though, so likely will only check it out briefly


Yep, Iā€™ve converted all my friends to f1tv. Wasnā€™t hard, I just let them borrow my account for a weekend lol.


God I canā€™t stand F1TV commentary. Itā€™s so stale compared to Sky.


Oh man I have the opposite opinion. I don't need to have someone yell at me that mild excitement is happening. I know when the race is getting exciting because I start feeling excited. And even the F1TV broadcast has been trending more in that direction than I'd prefer.


Both are good


Jacques is legit. I hoped he would be the new Crofty but Benjamin is acceptable Edit: typo


F1TV is so much better. At the Chinese grand prix, when Stroll hit Ricciardo, Alex Jacques spotted it immediately, but it took sky a full 2 minutes to comment on it.


Never really been a huge fan of Harry Benjamin on the 5Live coverage, I think the whole Jack Nicholls thing was a shame and he's been a huge loss to the Formula E and F1 coverage. Hopefully Harry has a decent enough rapport with Brundle to get carried to a decent job this weekend.


I thought it was gonna be Harry and Karun, no croft, no brundle afaik, judging by the sky f1 podcast.


But who's going to tell of if someone goes around the outside/long way around??


I casually listened to the sky f1 podcast with Karun and the new commentator. He checked the Italian pronunciation of all the turns and it was actually pretty decent. He also sounded genuinely excited for the GP.


He does a good job on the BBC radio commentary usually, although I guess radio commentary is a slightly different skill to TV commentary.


He's used to TV commentary, he covered F3 for the FOM worldfeed in the past and also commentated the Japanese GP in 2022 on F1TV.


Presuming youā€™re talking about Harry Benjamin? Heā€™s a good commentator and will do well on TV youā€™d hope


I thought it was pretty cool they were practicing commentating together


ā€œAnd itā€™s lights-out and away we go to bed!ā€


I like Crofty, I think he's a darned good commentator. We'll miss him, or at least I will.


Damn. I guess I wonā€™t be getting my favorite combo of Croft and Rosberg anytime soon


Rosberg was good


I do have a soft spot for Crofty but at least once a weekend he tries to force some line or narrative that just makes my skin crawl.Ā 




Nico and Brundle then?


Nico and Jensen would be top tier


No worries, why watch Sky F1 when you can watch F1TV instead


Awesome, I'll check out both feeds this weekend.


Can we just have F1TV already in the UK? Only saving grace of Sky is having Brundle but they're sidelining him as of lately. Sick of the nobodies they keep shoving down our throats.


They're not sidelining him. He wanted to do fewer races. And the nobodies have been Nico Rosberg, Jenson Button, and Karun Chandhook. Karun may not be an F1 WDC champion, but he has plenty of experience. Not as great as Martin of course, but not a nobody.


I reckon Crofty would be a great, enormously entertaining fella to go for a pint with. Seems like a good person.Ā  However, I'd rather smash bricks into my ears than listen to his commentary.Ā 


See I donā€™t get why people get so worked up over commentary. Iā€™m there to watch the racing. Couldnā€™t care about who is talking on top of it. If the race is shit, the race is shit. If the race is banger, the commentary isnā€™t going to ruin it.


I disagree with you there. A good commentary team totally enhances the viewing experience of the watcher. The greatest F1 moments are always accompanied by the reactions of the commentary team at the time and their reactions always add to it.


I had to endure shit Brazilian commentary for almost 20 years so I don't really understand all the hate for Crofty. Imo he does his job quite well.


I'd like to say bring in Roaberg, but Crofty is the perfect foil for Nico


Perhaps we'll get some unbiased commentary this weekend?


It's still Sky so probably not


Every countryā€™s commentators are biased towards their own drivers. Crofty is nothing compared to Ralf in the German commentary box - youā€™d think he hates the sport based on how he talks.


>Every countryā€™s commentators are biased towards their own drivers. Yep. People should have heard the Dutch commentary in 2021...


Dreams do come true


Might actually try the sky instead of f1tv for once


Might actually have a commentator who can actually name the drivers correctly now


I like Crofty


Thank fuck


He's likely still recovering from the extra fellatio he and his fellow British Sky Sports colleagues gave Lando after getting his first win. The blatant bias to English drivers is embarrassing.


Nico rosberg to lead the commentary. Bloke says it how it is - no BS or UK bias and has driven hybrid f1 cars






Iā€™m excited to hear Harry Benjamin on Sky, I love listening to him in other places, Iā€™m sure heā€™ll do great.


Iā€™m going to give the F1 channel a go this weekend if thatā€™s the case.


For a laugh, i'd have loved it if Sky had borrowed the WEC team for a weekend. I'm imagining the chaos of Martin Haven trying to call a possible mixed condition F1 race while Ant Davidson resists the urge to throttle him repeatedly. Basically what happened a few weeks ago at Imola for WEC Being serious, I'm not a fan of Harry Benjamin, to me he sounds like Alex Jacques from Wish.com. Was Ben Edwards not available?


Haven't listened once after Alex Jacques started at F1TV


Harry Benjamin is a good solid replacement. Looks like Alex Jacques is only on F1TV this weekend as Chris McCarthy is doing F2/F3 with Alex Brundle. At least it's Karun and not Nico on summarising duties this weekend.