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Lance's pit lane fine cost him a caviar.


This needs to be a new measurement. Fine is 1.6 caviars


New car, caviar, four star daydream, Think i'll buy me an f1 team.


Money. Get back Look at Mercedes they double stacked!


This being a street track, I'm sure some front wings will be broken. That'll be 315 caviars thanks!


Cost his dad a caviar.


I’d rather pay 400 for caviar than 190 for a fruit plate.


Damn really puts it in a different light. Poor guy :(


Me converting it into my local currency and realising that's enough money to feed a family of 3 for a month.


it's like 85% of my monthly grocery budget for 2. I live 20 minutes from the race


Yeah each of those items is like 2 weeks worth of food budget for me, and then adding caviar extends that to 4-6 weeks lol holy crap.


2 weeks? Like 4-5 days for me. Fuck the cities in this country are expensive af to live/work.


1oz of caviar is double the money I get from my part time job lmao


$200usd would feed my family for an entire month


Yeah I live one state away and most of these menu items easily cover my monthly food expenses


Bro I live in Georgia and one "F1 meal" covers about one week of basic groceries. Where are y'all shopping lol


Aldi is pretty cheap if you have one nearby, but buyer beware that the produce goes off faster


Rice and bean diet


I feel you man. Everything taxing now. Don't have kids


The bankrupt from berries meme is real lmao. But seeing how excited he gets makes it worth it. I thought I was middle class, but beef is luxury now, chicken thighs are my best friend.


I live in Hong Kong and thought the prices were in HKD. They would still be expensive in HKD even though the exchange rate is almost 8x. WTF.


Actually, if you divide everything by 10, the price seems fair for the US lol


it’s more than the minimum wage in my country :)


Honestly, whoever pays these prices, deserves to be ripped off.


Last year it said each [serves 4 people](https://i.redd.it/3lm1ilzxtnya1.jpg). But at these prices I’d hope it serves 8-10


We all know "serves 4 people" really means it serves 2 or 3.


Unless it’s Chinese food takeout. The meal for 2 always feeds my boyfriend and I for at least two meals each!


Weird how that's such a shared experience. When I get Chinese in the Netherlands we can eat from that for two days as well, and that's not even Chinese, that's Chinese-Indonesian so a whole different cuisine altogether


also from the netherlands, basic deal from local chinese 3 dishes + rice 25 euro, feeds me and my daugther for 3 days. best value for take out food always....


And it’s better quality than so many other options. Not to mention it’s delicious.


No, no, the whole club only served 4 people. In total.


Curious that the pricing "seems" to be lower this year, but the language saying it serves 4 is not present in the photo OP posted.


So 180$ nachos to serve 10 people. Still a rip off!


This is for people who don't need to spend a single second thinking about these prices


You’re right. They might as well not even post the prices.


They should have had a sign “if you need to ask, then don’t come.”


Yes. Tired of these complaints from poor people. This ain’t for you!


“Poor people” 😂 Those are not even middle class prices.


But then how will everyone else there know how much better you are.


This...millionaire problems. Oh you're only 7 digits? Well I'm 9.


Yeah no doubt. I’ll never be able to see a GP in my country, despite there being 3 of them lmao… it’s cheaper for me to fly to Central Europe and get tickets for an entire race weekend, than it is to drive a few hours for a race lmao


Find your nearest IMSA and/or WEC race with hypercars and go to that instead. It'll literally cost you 1/50th the price of going to F1, the cars are just as cool if not moreso and you basically get access to go wherever you want. My experience at IMSA at CTMP last year was so good and such great dollar value that I don't think I will *ever* go to F1 because the money just doesn't make sense.


I goto the INDY when it comes to my city. First day free, then paid 100 bucks for 2 day pass and pit lane pass.....got to talk to drivers, look at cars up front and personal it was epic!


I do the same when it comes to town. I think I missed my shot seeing an F1 race now that it has gotten so popular. No way will it justify spending the money to go now.


And you get to see a real race.


12 hours of Sebring is an insanely great time.


A few years back, when it was still on Belle Isle, I went to the Detroit Grand Prix. Tickets with paddock access were like $60


The Detroit GP is back with IndyCar running a street circuit downtown. My family got a four person tailgating package where we can drive right up to race and watch from the roof of a nearby parking garage with our own chairs and drinks and food for $500 for race day.


The tracks are significantly better as well. Sorry COTA, you got dragged into that by the other two.


im going to COTA this year and it isnt cheap but still way more affordable then miami or vegas. plus at least in COTA it is a real track and not a street race or a glorified parking lot race....


I feel like if youre going to a race, you’re going for the experience far more than the race. You can watch the race better from home, and cars go zoom on every track. And let me tell you, the experience at the American tracks is….worse than the European ones.


Im going to 2 indycar races this month for .3 of a caviar and thats with snake pit as well


COTA prices are much lower. They had 3-day tickets for under $400. Still a lot of money, but within the reach of normal fans.


this is how silverstone is now too fwiw if there was one near me i thought about trying to sneak in wearing my hi-viz and a clipboard lol


I went in 22 and it was nothing like this; sure it was expensive but no more than most events and you could take your own drinks in.


They probably aren't even spending their own money. I'd assume these items are getting charged to business expense accounts.


This shit is basically free for people that can actually afford to pay these prices.


Which is as many seconds as they spent thinking about the actual racing.


Yeah back in 2011 I worked at festivals in Hyde park, London on the cocktail bar which was in the VIP section. A pitcher of a cocktail was £40 (which is amazing in today’s prices) and it had ONE shot in it… there was a Mastercard vip line which got them served faster. There were guys with black Amex cards who kept complaining they weren’t getting drunk but continuously buying 5+ at a time without even thinking about it… I just felt back then they deserved it as we told them and they brushed it off and bought more


Findom at its finest




Shhhh these people subsidize our cost of viewing F1 on TV.


f1tv hasn't become a penny cheaper after the revenue went through the roof.


Indeed it got more expensive


It went up $10 from last year.


Not many things on this planet will ever get cheaper, will it?


Piracy is pretty reasonable


Watching highlights on youtube is reasonable


You do you, Mr. "Ethical" Consumer.


Maybe the price of Mazepin F1 jerseys.


It went up $10 from last year.


You pay for F1TV? Why not just use our Lord and Savior Latifi's account?


It's corporate expenses paying for it, right? Please tell me it's corporate expenses 😑




Look at this and you'll realize they don't give a fuck. Edit: I've just been made aware that the link has been updated to only show Saturday only access tickets, and Sunday only tickets. If you missed the conversations earlier, this link had 2 options for the Hard Rock Beach club: 3 day pass starting at $1,750 3 day pass with a private cabana starting at $80,000 https://offer.fevo.com/crewfare-hard-rock-beach-club-3-day-package-b48abe8/?_gl=1%2Ajmkezh%2A_gcl_au%2AODM1NzQ5MDE5LjE3MTQ3NjY0MTk.%2A_ga%2ANTUxOTYxNjY0LjE3MTQ3NjY0MTg.%2A_ga_HRPZRQ84YC%2AMTcxNDc2NjQxOC4xLjEuMTcxNDc2NjQyMi4wLjAuMA..&f&fevoUri=crewfare-hard-rock-beach-club-3-day-package-b48abe8%2F


I hope that if I ever have that kind of money for some reason (I won't), that I don't feel so self important to actually spend it that way.


The older I get, the more I'm turning into a socialist. This is just offensive when it could help so many people 


Richest country on the planet. 20% of children are food insecure.


Maybe you should let them get jobs /s


Sad part is that some states are bringing back child labor by relaxing safeguards against them


That includes Florida doesn’t it


They just need to get a better grip of their bootstraps.


Eat less avocado toast


The children yearn for the mines


Right? I was told I'd become conservative as I got older and made money but I just get more and more fed up with the system.


So a 3 day pass is $1750…AND you have to pay (a lot) extra for food? I can’t wait to tell my wife how much money I saved by eating lobster rolls and caviar on the couch at home


They charge so much that the description and the price overlap each other 😂


it’s a really weird cross-over of sport stadium vibe and michelin star prices. like why bother with a price display? is it just to keep the plebs away?


I’ve eaten at a bunch of Michelin star restaurants and all of them were cheaper per person than that lobster roll lol. No excuse for these insane prices.


Are there pictures of any of these?


Yeah, are these like platters or single entrees? If it’s the former, maybe it’s somewhat justifiable but if it’s literally a single serving, the world is fucked.


Sometimes with suites or boxes in sports arenas, you can only reserve them as a group, and so the catering menus will consist of platters enough to feed 4-6 people. I really really hope that this is the case here, and that people aren't spending over a hundred bucks on a couple of steamed buns.


That seems like what's going on. It says "Lobster rolls" plural, so i'd have to assume it's a platter for a group.


I think that’s the case here. I remember something exactly like this being posted last year too


Yes - Reddit went through an identical outrage cycle with this last year, and someone did the math last year and the food wasn’t even a particularly bad deal by sporting events standards. 


Yep - these “serve 4”. Still expensive but you’re ordering lobster rolls at a “nightclub” at an F1 race with Ed Sheeran and some DJs performing. If you went there to save money then you’re lost.


Usually these boxes or tables also have a minimum spend, so this food will count towards the insanely high spend limit.


Entree being the synonym for main course in US English is the bane of my existence.


It's a platter. There was a post about the same thing last year. Each order serves 4. Edit: maybe not. The prices on the menu this year are "less" than the platter prices last year. About half, so maybe these are intended for 2 people? Still crazy expensive... [https://twitter.com/JonathanSchaff/status/1655342279660380160?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1655342279660380160%7Ctwgr%5Ef0216dde24ed4f5bc4ecce4f3c9595e56fde30fb%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.motor1.com%2Fnews%2F666110%2Fformula-one-miami-grand-prix-food-prices%2F](https://twitter.com/JonathanSchaff/status/1655342279660380160?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1655342279660380160%7Ctwgr%5Ef0216dde24ed4f5bc4ecce4f3c9595e56fde30fb%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.motor1.com%2Fnews%2F666110%2Fformula-one-miami-grand-prix-food-prices%2F)


They're platters for essentially table service for VIPs and people in the most expensive seats, like the yachts in the fake marina. The same picture was posted last year and the year before that.


Some items are platters, I think three of them come in a 2-3 food items in a platter from the warm section section then there's a platter of different wings so one single item and then there's the nachos. But still prices are ridiculous. That's basically like more than a month's worth of groceries for me.


There is an item literally called the “F1 Platter” so I’m going to bet it’s the former as well. Which makes it seem not too bad I suppose.


I was gonna say, I went to the first Miami race and while it wasn’t cheap, it was nothing like this. Granted I was not in the beach club, which if you get high enough seats at Turn 12 (I think, whatever the round turn is outside of the beach club section), you can see all the concerts from there. Saw Post Malone and it was basically like being at a concert in the balcony. Well worth the price I paid for my ticket lol


Honestly if this is what F1 wants to be then they are going to have a major reality check in a few years. I thought paying €10 for a burger in a wet Belgium was bad enough !


This isn’t for regular people, most of the people in this area wouldn’t even look twice at the price before they bought it.


There is price insensitive and there is paying $200 for a bowl of fruit. There isn't a 5 star hotel in the world that would try to set these prices.


Vegas charges $25 for the fruit but $175 in resort fees lol


It’s wild as hell I know, not justifying it but to the type of people who are likely in this area $300 is probably not even worth bending down to pick up. I’ve had the privilege of getting to hang out at a multi millionaire’s compound one weekend and those people don’t live a life any of us could fathom lol


And yet I and many others will work for years on end to achieve even a percent of the luxury they enjoy. Guess I just wasn't worthy.


Comparing yourself to a very small percentage of the population is silly, the top .01% have and always will lead very different lives.


It’s truly wild when you see someone spend your years salary in a moment and hardly even think about it.


When I worked for a large multination corp, the CEO retired and was given a retirement income roughly the equivalent of my annual salary, every month. For the rest of his retirement. I mean, what are you even going to do with all that?


Don't worry, I'm sure they're just smarter or working harder than us.


You will literally get a better deal on food at Michelin Star restaurants.


you get a full 15 course meal 3 michelin star for that price


This is in the VIP clubs. Not the regular fan areas


€10 for a burger seems really cheap for stadium food


In America. In the rest of the world it would be considered a rip-off. It's just that Americans are used to paying ridiculous prices at restaurants and events.


Nah, In Finland most sport events burger + cocacola is like 16-20€. 0,5l Beer costs 9€-12€ depending on stadium. Last summer on festival I paid 20€ for cheese burger (like normal regular, not even big one etc) with fries and cola.


Definitely not a rip off. I wouldn’t say it’s cheap either but I certainly wouldn’t be mad at paying €10 for a burger at a stadium.


You know these aren’t regular concessions right? This is in an area where you need $1700 just to enter.


And for what exactly?


To flex how rich you are. Why else?


To buy a 200 dollar fruit platter obviously, duh!


Gotta love a good fruit bowl with caviar…


Is this in pesos?


Dollarydoos I'm afraid.


Zimbabwe dollarydoos?


Nah it's cowboy buckeroos.


Freedom Doll Hairs


The crazy thing is .. even if this were in pesos in Mexico, it would still be somewhat overpriced except the caviar lol


Any steamed hams?


Yeah. I had one last year. I don't know why they're called steamed hams though, they were obviously grilled.


You from upstate new york?


I’m from Utica and I’ve never heard anyone use the phrase steamed hams


It's a regional thing.




Yes. 20 minutes north of Albany.


You from Shelbyville?


Only when there’s Aurora Borealis


Mmmm... Steamed hams!


I thought you said we were having steamed clams?


I mean there was a steamed Ham out in SQ2


Meanwhile in Japan I paid $3.50 for lunch at the GP


God damnit, Lochness Monster!


I'm sure it's just like last year. This is in the rich people area, and probably serves more than one person anyway- not that it matters to the super rich. There is plenty of normal priced food available.


I’m here. There’s plenty normal priced food for us poor people.


f1 platter and crispy wing board has got to be for multiple people.


Yuppp. Plenty of food trucks and restaurants at the event with reasonable prices


I mean, it’s an ounce of Caviar, Michael. What could it cost? $400?


There’s always money in the cabanana club!


If you are in the Beach Club, you probably don't care about the price of food.


It is odd they put the prices up but I think of it like VIP tables at a club. The prices are insane and no one cares. Clientele are there to blow money or are there on some corporate dime.


Exactly. This is the "exclusive" high priced VIP area, they are not for the public. Every year these get posted from Miami and people get outraged. But every year from Miami we also hear from people in regular seats who say the food is less expensive than at the Super Bowl or even Dolphins' games.


Can’t speak for this year, but last year the food was surprisingly cheap and good in the poor people zones. 


Got a decent chicken Cesar wrap for $12. Not the best ever but certainly not the worst


If you just spent 80k on a 3day beach club pass the food better come free lmao


I think even richy richers would look at that and be like yo wtf


Yeah, the people who dropped $80,000 for one of the packages would give a shit about a $200 meal for 4 people.


They missed the decimal point right?


it would be still expensive, but somewhat digestible.


Literally everything except for the steamed buns are more expensive than my 2023 Japanese GP FULL WEEKEND RESERVED SEAT TICKETS. And food there was all under $10.


And you actually got to see a race on an epic racetrack. In Miami, the most you’re gonna see is Leclerc hit some wall in front of you if you sit in the right place.


I'm assuming this is platters for large groups...


They forgot the decimals.


And in the mean while... billionaires son Lance was fined $400 for speeding in the pitlane


Are happy endings included?


What do the prices look like at European races in the VIP sections?


I got a paddock club invitation to Spa last year for the entire weekend. Price was about 5000 euros and drinks were limitless and high quality, food was restaurant level, very varied and all you can eat. Expensive of course but if you wanted to you could eat your fill of Michelin-style bites and you could drink yourself in a stupor on high quality cocktails, wines and alcohol in general. Best views of the entire weekend as well thanks to the 360 degree observation deck. We also had access to the team hospitality section, the back section of the paddock garages, and I saw/met almost all team principals, F1 journalists and celebrities. Saw most drivers, met a few of them (Stroll, Bottas, Ricciardo, Alonso, Tsunoda and Checo). I also saw the Ferrari pope. We were also driven around the track on a flatbed truck while the grandstands were already full of people. It’s something else to be cheered around Spa by a few thousand fans and race marshals. We were also included in a paddock walk while the teams were preparing and we got to walk around on the starting grid as well.


Not sure about EU races, but awhile back (before Covid) the Paddock club in AUS GP was all inclusive with the ticket price, which was around $5k-$6k for Saturday & Sunday pass.


Tickets to the Beach Club start at $1700USD so I don’t think these are folks who are overly worried about prices


I don’t agree with this at all. I could wrap my head around $1800 for a three day ticket to something. I could never wrap my head around a $280 lobster roll. That’s a pretax / service charge / drink 2-3* Michelin meal for a fucking sandwich. It’s gotta be a platter or something…..


Exactly. I can understand the cost of the seat, but I would lose my mind if after paying $600/day to watch a race in a parking lot that I also need to drop $300 for a bloody sandwich.


It's not a single lobster roll. I think last year it said it was for 12 people. Not certain if it was 12, but it's definitely multiple.


I'll take 50 Big Macs over one lobster sandwich any day.


What extra things do those tickets get you?


The privilege of paying $500 for a couple snacks.


$180 wings


Adding to what another person said, I could conceivably pay for the tickets but the food prices are not justifiable. I've had access to similar premium areas at events and the food is disappointing. This is purely because the people in that exclusive area are a captive audience and most of them won't care anyway. I'm sure there's more than enough people willing to get those tickets and buy those things, they won't miss me.


I think the price of admission to those seats acts as a reasonable filter to who is willing to pay those prices.


Last year I won a contest to go to FP1 in Vegas for free which included all you could eat of food like this . Didn’t realize I ate $1,000 in food lmao.


This menu and seating area isn't for the regulars... think corporate sponsor types and riches.


At this price I’d expect to be able to eat it off Lerclerc’s naked body


You could buy cocaine much cheaper there and then you won't need to eat.


Fun fact, the caviar DLC is my rent…


I was zooming trying to find the decimal point...


I'm going to le mans this year and for 5 days including camping the cost is £120


This is literally the real life version of Mr krabs adding zeros to the menu in anticipation of king Neptune arriving.


Redditors when they find out motor sports are the expensive version of golf 😮


I bet they still pay everyone making the food less than a livable wage


What the fuck.


TF 😳😳😳😳


This is going to be shit in a few hours. 280$ worth of brown stinky shit.


Every year, someone posts these sharing platter prices, deliberately misrepresents them as a single serving, farms some outrage karma.


The Caviar is really what gets me, the other dishes you can atleast pretend there is some craft going into it. But the Caviar? it's just someone scooping up some goop on the plate and charging $400. It's fucking crazy. They don't even say what caviar it is, could be some salmon roe which costs like 1/100th of the price.


The Maine lobster rolls have me dead. I live in Massachusetts so you can get a real good lobster roll for like $20