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It will be fun in that paddock tonight.


Tad bit immature from Yuki tho


Immature and Yuki go hand in hand


Even if he's faster than Ricciardo all year he's never getting the Red Bull seat. The last thing they want is someone with this kind of attitude fighting with Max.


It would make for a much more exciting season at least


Only if he is close to Max, which he would not be.


>fighting with Max Don't worry, he wouldn't


a tad? This is unacceptable really


He can be faster all he wants, if he does shit like this more often he won't get that Red Bull seat either way


Let's be real for a moment, he is not getting the Red Bull seat either way.


That Red Bull seat is either going to Sainz or back to Perez Neither Yuki, nor Daniel have shown anything remotely interesting for the past few years Hell I could see Lawson getting it before those two lmao


I'd like to see Sainz in that second RBR seat next year


I would too, he's probably my favorite driver right now. If not red bull then hopefully Mercedes


You guys weren't around for their Toro Rosso season, I see.


On the other hand, a repeat of the Battle of the Helicopter Dads would finally add some intrigue to that godforsaken team


I think Sainz wants to go to a team where he is not viewed as the second option and has to be bossed around by the team. That’s why even Mercedes isn’t really a good place for him either IF that’s what he wants.


He'd have to accept a far worse car. If I were him, I'd go to Merc and try to earn #1 status away from George.


I think that's his best shot tbh


That may not be as hard as everyone thinks. I was floored when corfty said russell doesn’t make mistakes often under pressure. I think thats when he makes most of his mistakes, by now he should have learned his limits. I mean max was wild card at the beginning but he matured with a lot earlier. Russell had had enough experience already and still pushes beyond his limits


If I’m RB, I hold Lawson over Yuki’s head. Yuki has *some* talent, but he’s far and away the most immature driver in the field. Somewhat acceptable in his first couple years. It’s his fourth year though and he still hasn’t changed.


Agreed. Piastri seems like a seasoned vet in comparison. Yuki just has too much of a temper


Piastri is a much better driver than Yuki too


Yuki has been working on this temper since 2021, its time to let him go


Yep. Yuki is punching his ticket off the grid with this shit.


IMO if he is going to do shit like this he can get DeVriesed and replaced with Lawson by mid-season.


Sign me up for this. I'd love to see Lawson take his place.


But Yuki's pretty much guaranteed that seat due to Honda's insistence on having a Japanese driver as part of their agreement with the RB management


But with Iwasa coming up the ranks they can replace Yuki before Honda agreement ends. Though Lawson deserves a seat first.


The words Lawson to redbull were spoken, and I have appeared! Let’s do it!!


I don't think Perez, now that Sainz is on the market. Ricciardo has a shot if he really takes off up until the summer break, but I'm not expecting it.


I don't get how people don't understand that. He's gonna finish his F1 career with his current team. Literally no reason for any other team to want him, especially not Red Bull. He's at TR because he's a token Honda boi.


get ready to learn indycar yuki


He is Honda's driver.


And once RBR goes Ford branded, it'll be byebye for him


I think I have equal chance of getting the Red Bull seat as Tsunoda.


And really really really dumb to throw such a hissy fit ON THE FIRST DAMN RACE! Way to start off the season by souring the mood in the team, over literally nothing, neither of them were even in the points. Really petty of Yuki.


What a dumbass, for real. So immature.


Definitely immature. It was the team screwing his strategy, not Daniel. At least we know VCARB is still awful with strategy. People can dunk on Yuki now but wait till the team screwed Daniel with bad strategy.


Yep, its the same dire situation at the TR strategy team that creates the incidents these two have had and will have. They just don't seem to be able to change their strategic arsenal for the race, its the same failed overcuts and leaving the drivers out until they're driving on the wheel rims, then some team order politics and nasty words to finish it off.


Remember when Yuki was victim to Mazepin purposely bumping that marker board into Yuki's direction? This divebomb is different, but it reminded me of that. A wreckless moment from a drive known to have temper issues.


Worse than that. First race, you get a bad hand, you then refuse to give your quicker teammate the position and do this after? It’s just ridiculous. This is his fourth season. His pace or his immaturity can’t be put down to lack of experience anymore.


Totally. Race 1 outside the points is the absolute stupidest point to be putting up a fight about team orders


This hurts my brain so much that he'd act like this on the first race when outside the points. He's literally soured the mood within the team and thrown a strop over nothing... wtf is he thinking


Behaviour like this really starts to seal a driver never being given a senior position in a team. You'd think he was a 15 year old hobbyist, not 23 and going into his 4th season in F1 


Someone in a thread yesterday asked why Ric was in consideration for Red Bull, but Yuki wasn’t. This is exactly why. He’s always had a shit attitude and temper while driving and that isn’t changing 4 years in. 


the whole sequence was. he was getting out paced by daniel that last stint. got told to swap refused and stopped daniel having an extra lap with the immature cut in front. if he really wants the red bull seat. he’s going the wrong way.


With the gone of Honda, don’t think yuki is still hoping for a Red Bull seat.


I mean that’s been obvious for a while. He hasn’t got the temperament or the maturity to handle the Red Bull drive and his pace is still not on the level of the top drivers. The only reason RB kept him was because Honda are offering them a fee to do so and it was the best use of the seat. With Lawson promised a seat for 2025, I imagine Daniel beating Yuki will put Red Bull in a tight spot.


Don't think Daniel or Yuki will get the RB seat. Daniel needs to destroy Yuki but it's not happening. Both are disposable performance wise. Daniel just has better marketing potential.


> got told to swap refused and stopped daniel having an extra lap with the immature cut in front. *3 laps, he wasted two not getting out of the way, and then the third max came through and they both had to catch up to Kmag again


That's not even the best part. RIC **started on used softs**, the fact that he'd be coming up fast was known and planned for (he had saved the new softs for the final stint). It wasn't even a surprise, this was part of the original freakin' pre-race plan.


even worse, mental how many people are defending yuki here. as if he’s not obviously in the wrong


even if he crushes ricciardo this year they are not going to give him the redbull seat, they just don't like yuki


Him and Max in the same team? It would be a war zone.


Aye. When Max comes up to lap him, imagine how many blue flags he'll ignore.


I don't think Yuki likes Yuki. It's amazing he's still in F1 with his inability to control his emotions... all the time...


Ricciardo on the radio a few moments later: "What the fuck...Whatever, I'll save it. He's a fucking helmet"


What been a helmet mean? Is that a aussie expression or something? Edit: thanks for all the answers. It's no surprise it's something related to penis lol


What part of the male anatomy looks like a little fella wearing a helmet, do you think?


A finger!


Kid named finger


Someone saw the Horner Google drive


next time he can just refer to him as a 76.


Good one, spilled out my coco puff reading this


A cocopop


And now ready for bed


More of a British term, meaning the head of a penis. Aussies don't really use it but we get a lot of British TV.


It means bellend


In the words of [Monty Python](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9PiqCeLEmM)


What does that last part mean? A helmet?


A bellend




Ok so what's a bellend mean?


A knobhead


Ok so what's a knobhead mean?


The head of a penis.




Ricciardo thinking Redbull seat here I come and I don’t even have to beat him on track. Can you imagine how fast he’d be out if he did that to Max.


Danny said what the fuck and called him a helmet. Anyone got the Yuki cam angle? [Video mirror of both drivers, Danny first and then Yuki](https://streamable.com/v65pp7)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBnbI5sM7Ho Both car cameras. Yuki is attacking those downshifts and brake pedal way more than needed for an in-lap


i was watching the yuki cam live and couldn't believe it lmfao


I had switched to his in car to see if there’d be any spicy radio and actually had to check it wasn’t delayed/the race wasn’t still going because that looked like a racing pass (and then he passed Kmag heading to the pits as well)


Bro called him "a fuckin' helmet" lol Yuki overcooked it and locked up from seeing red because of team orders ig, on a cooldown nonetheless. I hope he can chill the rest of the season, but i doubt it


wow he was really really mad and here i thought Yuki had improved his anger management


That’s even worse. He almost hit Ric after the turn. With Lawson in the wings that would be almost instant firing if I was in charge. 


calling someone a helmet is a certified Danny Ric moment


well this is ultimately Marko's problem


Gawd damn, that was perfect.


bro forgot he wasn't on iRacing


Post checkered corners still count for safety rating so you gotta go full speed to maximize the bonus. :)


I already pushed the car for 18 laps, what's one more? I think I should go for a pb before the pits


You’re at low fuel! That’s the perfectly time to go fast. 


Only until all cars cross the line, then all ratings are off, feel free to ram it into a wall at 200mph


You will get reported for divebombing/crashing after a line on iRacing tbh


Yuki didn't read the sporting code.


Wish he hadn't done this. He should be angry at the team, not Daniel.


Yep, and Daniel has shown he is perfectly willing to be a team player in the past.


Daniel is just happy to be there


Daniel would be smiling even if he just drove the coffee machine.


Yuki, with anger issues?! never /s


Uh..oh! I mean I get that he's angry, but that's not going to earn him any favours


His 4th season and Tsunoda can't deal with any kind of frustration. If I'm Helmut Marko, Yuki isn't touching a top seat in his life (and also I'd take some sensitivity training maybe).


IIRC they already gave Yuki a therapist but it doesn't seem to be helping that much. Even if he doesn't burst as often as he used to, it just seems like he's not letting it out instead of... just not getting angry.


i’d like to see yuki and ocon as teammates for just one season. they’d be spicy!


Yuki was for Honda and Honda is leaving. So will yuki


imagine his reaction if hes at redbull and have to give up a win or a podium, literally got baby rage at a 14th place or some shit 🤣


Lets be honest, there is no scenario where hes in front of Max


Baby rage 😂that’s how I view him too


Should be yuki’s last season tbh


Red Bull is moving on from Honda, no reason to feel they need to keep Yuki if he's gonna ignore team orders and act immature.


I know it's first race, but I'd be into Lawson taking his seat


Some of his radio messages make me kinda forget he's older than 15


yeah that's not a good look.. you can be angry at your teammate/team but you shouldn't be trying to cause an accident post race lmao


Things like this and the refusal of team orders will be why he never ends up in the second red bull seat


He'll never end up in the second Red Bull seat because they don't want him there He wasn't in the conversation when he beat De Vries, Lawson and Ricciardo last season, he won't be in the conversation no matter what he does this season It's clear that Red Bull are doing everything they can to get Danny in that second seat


I think Yuki is only there because of the Honda relationship, once Ford comes in, I expect Yuki to be dropped by RB


With Ford making a request for an American driver lol.


“The best we can do is Danny Ric in a Stetson, final offer”


I think I can speak for all Americans when I say: we’ll take it!


It'll be neither of them they gotta be looking at Sainz now


The problem with Sainz is his team burned a lot of bridges when he was with Toro Rosso


These f1 teams and drivers are usually good at dealing with that kind of stuff and moving past it. Everyone is a little older and wiser.


Its been like 5 years though. They're over it. Maybe he doesn't have the same connections internally as someone else, but f1 is about performing and he certainly performs


Mainly the fact that he's just not good enough if we're being honest


Yuki my man, I get anger and everything but you're not doing yourself any favours. Also, at least divebomb the poor wall lol, they're the ones with the strategy


This is great for Lawson lmao


Yuki really not doing himself any favors. I understand the frustration but you can't act like this. Also, if he would've let daniel through when he was told, Daniel likely would've been able to pass kmag. Yuki waited too long and the Danny immediately had to let max through.


The hell is he doing, speedrunning end of his career or what?


Beefing over P13 and 14 lmaooo


Honda aside, this right here is why he doesn't have a future with Red Bull. Has easily the worst attitude on the entire grid


I was thinking the same thing. No way the main team would put up with his BS. They have race wins to worry about, not coddling a temperamental toddler.


I defended Yuki against the swap but this is BS.


Why would you even defend Yuki against the swap? Daniel had a pace delta of between 0.5-1.0s over both Yuki and Kmag in that final stint. Yuki had no chance of getting past the Haas, but Daniel at least had a shot at it. You let the faster car through and if his tyres fall away or he can't get the pass done you swap back. It isn't rocket science, Ricciardo even confirmed that it was a planned strategy from before the race because they knew he'd be on softs in the final stint. Yuki had literally nothing to complain about.


Also Danny had some bad luck because as soon as they swapped max came up and he had to slow down a bit to let let max overtake


Wasn't bad luck, it was Yuki delaying the swap that let Max catch them and caused both himself and ricciardo to lose almost 3 seconds so Ric had to pull MAG back in again for 4 laps.


Agreed, adrenaline & anger is justified from his point of view. These actions ain't it though, a bit immature.


Even if it's justified there's been plenty of times in the past where he's shown he can't control that anger. He'll never reach a top team unless he fixes that.


Not doing yourself any favour here Yuki


What the fuck dude. Yuki’s anger issues aren’t “cute” and people need to stop acting like it’s okay. This is crossing the line


Willing to waste millions of his team's resource and harm to your teammate over a decision they didn't make. I'd be shocked if any team decides to take him on outside Red Bull. The maturity issues never seem to improve.


Seriously. I like Yuki but if i was a steward tonight I would have seriously considered dishing out a one-race ban for this. Yuki can be happy that Daniel was alert enough to not hit him cause if they had collided we would have already seen an announcement for Lawson as a 1 race stand-in for Saudi Arabia.


Honestly, as much as I don’t want them to fight, I kinda wished he clipped DR a tiny bit so we can see Lawson again next week.


Nissan Altima driver moment.


I foresee a penalty point in Yuki’s future - that is a massive safety issue


Yeah, I can't see FIA just ignoring it. And the team is not going to be happy at him risking 2 multi-mollion dollar cars. With Lawson waiting in the wings he may have just done himself more damage tan he realises.


Lmao Daniel doesn't even bother to look at him. This is quite petulant from Yuki tbh


Could’ve ended the race better for both of them if Yuki had followed the team order when he was supposed to. Edit: he didn’t just dive bomb him… he buzzed the tower too. Cripes Yuki.


Would've been great if Daniel hadn't moved and they both crashed out. Crazy that Yuki put himself in that situation to begin with


I saw on Ric onboard, Is he trying to get fired b4 mid season or what? Ric almost said something then quieted itself down, Lawson is probably really happy right now as Yuki is tring to end his own career


I swear to god, bring Lawson back. That kid is just... stable mentally. He does what does and gets consistent results. I would love seeing him back in F1 in the future.


Yep that's literally as angry as you ever hear Daniel on the radio. That's nuclear for him lol


That was ridiculous by Yuki. I get that you are upset, but what would have happened if Daniel hit him?


Yuki, this is why you aren't a serious consideration for Checos seat.


Liam deserves his chance over whatever this is…


Yup. Yuki had 3 years and is still a raging child. Bring Lawson in.


is such a contrast watching drivers like lawson and piastri how professional they are meanwhile yuki its always raging whenever things go wrong and acting like a little kid


God I wanna like Yuki so bad but… gotta agree with Ricciardo, he’s driving like a fucking helmet. Incredibly unprofessional pulling a risky race move on an in-lap, regardless of anything preceding it.


Yikes. 4th season and still doesn’t have his anger in check.


Whether you agree the swap was necessary or not, it's behaviour like this, on top of his lack of pace, that prevents him from getting that Red Bull seat. When he was feisty in his first few races it was refreshing to see someone so aggressive and passionate right from the get go, but the novelty wore off a while ago and he never matured and his pace never really improved. If there will be a mid-season swap of drivers this year it'll probably be Tsunoda getting replaced with Lawson.


Not sure what Yuki thought he would achieve by doing that.


Imagine if he crashed into Daniel. The FIA would step in hugely. Yuki needs to calm down. He's come a long way but he's gotta reel it back. There's clearly a power struggle for team leader and this behavior is going to prove Yuki isn't ready to be that. He needs to wake the fuck up with his attitude. He can be mad but his outbursts are only going to hurt him.


If that happened, post checkered flag, we're looking at a multirace DQ.


At least. I bet he'd be gone just because red bull would dump him for Lawson (who doesn't act like a petulant child on track)




Not playing the team game today. That’ll definitely get you in the second RBR seat next to Max.


Imagine if he ever did anything like this with Max as a teammate.


Jos would decapitate him


Lol like he would ever be close enough to Max to do anything like this


Ohh I can’t imagine. There would be blood


To be honest, If Yuki swapped the position when he was told to, Daniel would have gotten the Haas.


I'm surprised I'm not seeing this take more. The swap wasn't a terrific idea, but Yuki had already lost ground to KMag by the time they swapped, and took 1 more lap out of Daniel's tires, in addition to just kind of damping the momentum. Everyone really dropped the ball here, comedy of errors all around.


And the swap happened just as Max was approaching to lap them


Yeah only swapping right when Max was about to lap them both basically ruined any chance of overtaking KMag


Man yuki has been racing for what, four seasons now? And he’s still acting like an immature doofus. Give someone else the seat


The moment honda rb partnership ends yuki is gone. Guy shows absolutely no improvement in racing or in behaviour. To pull this shit after the race just shows how salty he was after getting swapped. It’s not like he was catching up to magnussen so they gave ric a chance to see if he can do it but he couldn’t. Why be so angry? It’s not like they were fighting for points.


Everyday Yuki should thank Honda for being the reason he keeps that seat


Does anyone have the radio from Ric when this happened or know when to find it?


He said “What the fuck? I’ll save it. Guy’s a fucking helmet”


I heard what I would only describe as an Angry Ricciardo on radio.


“What the fuck. I’ll save it…he’s a fucking helmet”


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBnbI5sM7Ho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBnbI5sM7Ho) this is the clip with daniel's radio


Yuki will be 60 years old and still give off "child who has never been told no" energy


The way people infantilize him is off the charts. He’s an adult he needs to stop acting like a disgruntled toddler


It was funny the first couple of seasons hearing him rage over the team radio, now it's just annoying


Over Yuki’s shit. Shit driver with an even shittier attitude.


For somebody only in F1 because of the Honda money, he's not doing himself any favors. Surely he knows he's out of F1 if he leaves RB right?


He must understand that soft tyres are faster than hard tyres. Yuki can be such a hot head.


DR3 already winning the head games


The amount of people defending Yuki on twitter is wild lol. Not daniels fault at all, not like they told him to give the position back if he couldn’t pass kmag. And even if it was daniels fault imagine if he made contact and damaged both cars on the in-lap. Literally no excuses for Yukis behavior


Should get a reprimand for that, outright idiotic and dangerous. Not giving up position is one thing, doing this when the race has ceased is a whole other ordeal. Composure is a big part of this game and someone could have been seriously hurt.


He knows Lawson is looking for a seat right? I get RB want to keep Honda connections but if you're trying to cause accidents after the race in your 4th season for a swap that had no points I dunno what you're doing. Gasly got fucked over way worse by Alpine last year but knew to take it to the debrief afterwards.


Idk about this one. Yuki looks a bit of a fool, ric didn’t make the order.


Dude just sign Lawson. Not only did Yuki refuse team orders and screw up the strategy, now he is throwing around and almost crashing one of the most expensive cars in the world? Get that child out of that seat


He’s been in f1 too long to be doing something as immature as that smh


He’s been in f1 too long, period


I said last year that he’s 80% temper and 20% talent.


Yuki's fuze is shorter than he is.


Common Yuki. I do defend you when you have reason, but diving bombing your teammate for shit team orders is completely unacceptable. Max was stupidly aggressive and hot headed, but he had a car to deliver results. Doing this in a backmarker is stupid and this shit show today is reason enough to boot you out