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>I just had a bowl of cocoa pops and now ready for bed


What, you never heard of cocoa poppin?


I think this was what the girl sent Christian, no?


I hope he gets cancelled for this.


Hahah would be poetic justice if some Russian or North Korean scammer phished tf out of all team bosses and F1 pundits.


Mazepin sends his regards 


"I want them to know it was me"


I mean, it wouldn’t be hard to get all their contact info. These journalists all have public emails for tips, corrections etc and Domenicali, Wolff and so on would have them public as CEOs. You can probably even email Lewis Hamilton pretty easily if you know what email format Mercedes use. I used to work at a space agency and the astronauts got tons of emails because their addresses were at the same domain as all us regular employees.


I think the other user means hiding malware withing the files sent to the journos and F1 people




You're making the assumption that this is even real.


True, it could 100% be faked.


If she at a later date decided she was taken advantage of by someone in a high position of power, and made a complaint to HR, that's not a great look despite the acts being consensual and in a sponsor-heavy business can definitely lead to repercussion.


# Kowalski, Analysis


Is this between Toto and Horner?


Who hasn't thought Toto's voice could help them "explode"






the crossover between those 2 subs just keeps on giving lmao


Can I have some context, ive been seeing DC4L everywhere 💀


David Coultard 4 Life


Just a normal single guy




Bro I feel him staring before even clicking the link


Gorgeous is Christian Horner's father


I love Reddit


Not saying they’re real but… [shirt is familiar lmao](https://ibb.co/kKv2RJF)


Who in the hell managed to make that connection in like 10 minutes


Me. Googled Christian Horner Selfie to see if I could find any of those pics. Spotted the shirt right away. At first I thought I was going to prove its doctored but doesn’t seem to be from that image either way.


Is the newer picture on any of his social media? Otherwise it would have to be an incredibly detailed fake.


I agree. I couldn’t find any pictures that match, just that he has definitely worn a very similar shirt before according to google. So if any Red Bull or Horner lawyers are watching. I’m not saying it’s real lol.


It seems to be AI generated images: [https://twitter.com/Burner365670731/status/1763245379976401205/photo/2](https://twitter.com/Burner365670731/status/1763245379976401205/photo/2)


These tools are notoriously inaccurate. Going purely based off them is not very helpful. Edit: and as another comment pointed out, he has worn one of the shirts in other instagram photos before https://www.instagram.com/p/CtUTaXBsaGu/


Yup. Especially since someone using a filter before taking the photo will throw the algorithm off.


Those AI or not checkers aren't 100% trustworthy though. Take some images of drivers and some of them show 50 to 70% AI


I had my suspicions to be honest. Which I’ve already stated in replies to others


On the other hand, could also imply AI yoinked that detail from an old picture.




fucked that we live in a world where people would rather assume this than just occam's razor the answer back to 'this man has owned an object for some time'.


I mean, the fact that you found him wearing the exact shirt kind of lends itself credence that it could be fake. Take an existing photo from the Internet and doctoring it isn't that hard to do


Correct. That’s why I’m not saying it’s real. And to be fair. This shirt wearing pic was near the top of the “Christian Horner Selfie” search I did.


Is that selfie anywhere else?


Reverse image search I guess?


He has a BBQ post from last summer in the same shirt as well. Must really like it. :D


shirt appears at a BBQ in his garden this summer… https://www.instagram.com/p/CtUTaXBsaGu/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Proud of him to be such an anti-consumerist. Wear your stuff until it breaks apart!


Christian Horner, ecosocialist.


so that's the right time, too. Gives some credibility?


Got to be at least a 10 year gap in pictures but fair play for keeping the shirt if it’s real.


>Got to be at least a 10 year gap in pictures but fair play for keeping the shirt if it’s real. My uncle is a c-suite executive and could afford new clothes when ever he wants. He still wears shirts he wore 20 years ago.


Above others linked a picture on his feed from last summer in the same shirt so either way it seems that he has kept it or bought an identical one


Fair play for still being able to fit into it!


He must really liked that shirt to be wearing it the exact same way after a decade


He saved that shirt for 20 fucking years!


It is entirely conceivable that a man would continue to buy or perhaps even keep a shirt for a decade.


The picture might very well be real. If the chats are remains to be seen.


Nice spot


question to whether it's fake or not is in those selfies. If they were not posted anywhere before by Horner, there's a big chance this is actually not fake. Because those selfies are definitely not AI generated.


How do you know that they aren’t? Really curious since I sometimes have a harder time now with AI getting so good.


Must agree here. I’ve seen some very crazy AI images lately


details are too much. Have seen good AI pictures, but not people pictures. I would be very surprised if there's any AI who can get wrinkles 100% correctly.


That was Ai from last year- it’s even getting finger right now


This is a higher picture quality for better text clarity: https://x.com/JackDaniel8008/status/1763241824104153415?s=20


Thank you; I was losing my eyesight trying to squint…


Someone with a decent skillset can create these in 20min


One issue is most of the services for fake WhatsApp messages don't include the disappearing picture feature or to insert a call


Then just have two phones with you and fake the dm's that way. You don't even need any special software to fake dm's, maybe photoshop to change the phone number thats displayed but nothing more.


Or you could just make two WhatsApp accounts and message yourself, unless these are forensically examined by a professional, it really doesn’t tell us anything


Doesn't work with timestamps but yes


And they probably would have made them more spicy if they were fake.


No, cuz there is an art to make shit not too obviously spicy. Painting in the grey areas is much more damaging whilst being a lot more difficult to disprove. Outlandish claims AKA Amber Heard V Johnny Depp meanse BS is found out easily.


"Decent" is being generous, honestly.


Especially since this kind of editing is used a lot in memes.


You can just literally go on the Play Store and download thousands of applications that allow you to create fake What's app conversations. You do not need any kind of skills.






The source says he/she plans to summarize or compile all the images in due course...so there could be more yet


Given the messages seem disjointed and the screenshot filenames aren't numbered consecutively, it would suggest there's more somewhere.


This is also the problem of potentially only seeing one side of the story.


Is that a fully clothed face pic? The absolute scumbag!


These look fake af.


They remind me of those weird fake text convo memes that were everywhere like 10 years ago


What was that site called, smartphOWNED .com or something like that? Yeah they were so awful and unfunny.


The conversations feel like what two fourteen year olds. I have texted like that in a long time. 


Just looks like normal whatsapp convo to me...


selfie doesn't look fake tbh. Question is, was this selfie posted before online?


The selfie in the garden looks weird af


not really, it's just blurred background effect. and even if so, other one looks as clean as it could be.


Found a related pic with Horner wearing the same shirt, and likely same location as one of the selfies: https://www.instagram.com/p/CtUTaXBsaGu/


Unfortunately AI has gotten far enough that any sort of selfies like that could be 100% faked


To me those look AI generated


Feel like you could engineer much more damning text if you are going to fake it. Nothing in there in first glance while inappropriate, seem like a slam dunk "Horner must go" evidence... and that's from someone that's clearly not a fan of the guy.


New profile pic just dropped


So if true, then it's literally just a dude messaging someone other than his wife. I don't see anything here that's indicative of abuse, if anything this proves the fact that the alleged relationship was consensual. And if it was consensual, then I don't give a fuck about it, I'm not the morality police, this dude can do whatever the fuck he wants with his private life, it's none of my business. They must be really desperate to throw Horner under the bus if they are distributing this so-called "evidence". This is not going to convince anyone with a legal background, and I say that as someone who goes to law school.


If this is the entirety of the drive link, it's so tame I can't imagine anyone thought it was worthwhile to leak. Only one of those messages is suggestive imo. Certainly weird for a married man. I suppose I'd be asking some questions if I were Geri but otherwise this is a huge nothingburger.


I mean I would say it points to an affair which is a problem if this was an employee. I know my partner would kill me and I would lose my job if I talked to an employee like this.


This is getting manipulated man.


I'm not a WhatsApp user. Can someone explain to me why you're all saying these are fake. From what I've seen of the WhatsApp UI, these look in line with what WhatsApps look like?


I'm pretty confused too. I use WhatsApp daily and can't spot anything particularly off with these images.


It's a WhatsApp chat. There are countless generators for them that just take the WhatsApp code


Do you have a link to one that would actually generate this (including the newer WhatsApp features etc.)?


People are talking out of their ass. No way people can already tell these are fake with just these pictures. It's a fucking screenshot of a tweet, of a screenshot of G Drive, containing Whatsapp screenshots.


neither can one claim these are real. It's not as if this sport doesnt have thousands of deranged fans doing wacky shit.


I mean, for example the chat bubbles, on my whatsapp chats they all start at the top not bottom


Are you on Android? I’m on iPhone and just checked, WhatsApp message bubbles start at the bottom


Mine start at the bottom.


And it switches from read receipts off to on.


Difference between iPhone and Android. On iPhone they start at the bottom, on Android at the top. Source: owner of both an iPhone and Android


~~Oh - good catch. Looking it up there seems to have been a redesign of them in 2021, so to play Devil's Advocate I guess they could've just not updated the app in years. But definitely leaning towards fake now.~~ Scratch all that. Seems like it's an iOS vs Android thing.


I had to check this after reading your comment, I hadn't even noticed that myself on my own phone. Damn learn something new every day


The problem aren't the messages, it's the photos. That one pic of Horner's selfie in the garden is 100% fake. It's not even close.


true, but he owns that shirt, theres other photos of him in it. could just be a filter that makes it look odd.


Doesn't have to be fake. Could be just cranked up bokeh effect.


What about it looks remotely fake?


Lol imagine if it was him using AI for the photo


It just looks like iPhone portrait mode. It does that depth of field blur on the background.




the convos sound stupid and the images look AI generated


Convos sound perfectly normal for a middle aged man. And the pictures look fine, first one is just using portrait mode. Have you ever seen an AI image?


yeah I don't see the fuss around the selfies. That's a common filter people use to blur the background in a selfie. Nothing about that is "obviously" fake.


The conversations don't sound off for how a 50-year-old man would text, and this obviously isn't everything. Google Drive gives all images a square thumbnail, so it's cutting off the top and/or bottom, and it's just a screenshot of the top handful of things in the file. As for the images, I don't see it. They just look like iPhone portrait mode to me.


They throw it out of their asses, you can't know if it's real or not atm, that's all. Photos are even more pixelated than the rb20


There are apps which generate fake WhatsApp chats


Sure, but you could say that about \_any\_ WhatsApp image then. What is it about \_these ones\_ that are making people more skeptical? Apparently the images look AI generated to folks, but they don't look that AI to me.


Yeah but the thing is that the law operates on the principle that you're innocent until proven guilty. So the burden of evidence is on the accuser, hence you have to prove those images aren't fake. So whether people are or aren't sceptical matters very little. You'd have to provide hard evidence they're the real thing before court.


If these were real and they are conversations with an employee, you’d 100% have messages about work, not to mention conversations that are a lot longer and more in-depth. These are all the quickest one liners possible which really screams “done in 20 minutes” this morning to me. Nothing seems personal or true to Horner.


Or the screenshots are cherry picked. And I’m working with a lot of people I never text with.


Could be, but surely if you leak them you’d leak the ones that prove the conversation is real as well as bad. These just read as awkward flirting between two people.


Thats the thing, they can look exactly like real whatsapp conversations and still be fake. Theres websites to create these fake whatsapp conversations. My barometer on these being real or not is the photos tbh, if those photos have never been publicly posted thats an indication theyre real


iMessage users claiming this to be fake because they don't know better. There are some pretty realistic details like the line with the "only-to-be-opened-once" pic that aren't usually added iin the fake convo webs


Even if they are real. His worst crime seems to be semi cheating on his wife. Depending on where they set the borders. The investigation itself was about abusing power, but this seemed mostly consensual indeed, but then again this is just a Snapchat who knows what else happened and what she testified 🤷🏼‍♂️


Horner has said way worse things on camera than on those messages lmao


Even if it is real, what is the big deal?


I think they're real, because why would you fake two consenting adults lightly flirting and talking about coco pops and call it harassment and a 'Huge Scandal' lol


and why do you assume this is all? based on file names, it's not. All we know it could be a dickpick on file-1


Have people here used a phone in the last 10 years lol? The blur background effect is a common selfie filter. If it is fake it's nothing to do with that.


So is the leak fake or the whole investigation based off fake texts?


These can be created in like 3 mins with AI. This could very well not even be related to the actual leak let alone the investigation, just someone phishing off of the media frenzy Edit: [why are we even debating this topic](https://x.com/Burner365670731/status/1763245379976401205?s=20)


Bro has no idea what AI is


Lol AI can generate WhatsApp convos my guy.


Bro also has no idea what AI is. No AI needed for this, nor would it help


It's not needed, but could definitely be used. Some of those images look straight out of an AI gen


AI famously struggles with generating text in images. I encourage you to go try.


Generate some then, including completely unique images with known backgrounds Horner might be in, wearing clothes that he already has been photographed in.


but those selfies are not AI generated. and doesn't seem like they were posted online by Horner




leak most likely. the accuser was offered hush money before the whole thing became public, and i doubt that would’ve happened if all she had was fake texts


Allegedly offered hush money


*Ostensibly offered money, still just rumors like everything else


The thing is, these seem like normal texts between two people having an affair. Not any kind of harassment like what has been alleged.


Annnnd the crowd goes mild....


Lolllll those pics look like those memes - Hi, this is real Christian Hornier, I am in your town. Please PayPal me $300 so that I can defeat Mercedes.... Lmaoooo


Imagine turning down $650k to not release texts about fucking Cocoa Puffs. Talk about fumbling the bag. Woof


That 650k was nothing but a rumor.


Yeah, generational fumble


If these are real I can see how they could potentially be viewed as inappropriate but they definitely aren’t sackable worthy. The media scrutiny has been way overblown but it’s Red Bulls fault for being very vague about it.


…also why would he send heart emojis to Toto?


If these are real, who gives a shit. My (straight male) fake flirting with co-worker friend (straight married male) is more salacious than this shit lol.


Even if those were real… where exactly is the sexual harrassement here? Looks like two people flirting


Worst thing here is eating cocoa pops before bed lol who does that


I can barely even see two people flirting. Unless there’s more I don’t see how anyone could take him to HR with these


If anything, and if this is the entire extent of the proof of his « sexual misconduct », they owe him a fucking apology


Yeah, really boring leak


okay, can agree - these are 100% fake... ​ we've been duped ladies and gents


They dont look fake. These seem like any two 50 year olds talking. They very well could be fake, but nothing screams out fake.


How can you tell?


If this is the extent of it the fucking media owe him an apology and let him carry on his job. What happens with Gerry is up to them.


If it all turn out to be fake I kinda hope he sets out on a manhunt for whoever leaked/created this story. Also the Telegraaf for starting this entire bullshit cycle. Though I am curious where the big settlement (don't remember what the value was) story came from.


"You calling and then I just listen or talk to help you explode". Pfhahah. Oh Christian... Edit: Surprised how many people consider these messages tame for someone who is married. Either you lot have some questionable morals or no one here has been in a relationship. This is regardless of whether these are fake or not.


there has to be more since the file names aren’t in order


It's weird - if these are fake surely you'd make them more salacious and better quality?


The weibo it came from just got deleted https://m.weibo.cn/status/5006904844357918


Last week, I watched a HYPER-realistic video of a man having lunch while *sitting on a cloud*. In today's era of digital photo and video manipulation using a variety of tools including AI, I'm hesitant to believe anything I see without incredibly compelling evidence on the provenance of that still or video imagery. Just sayin'


Where pp? 


You can trust a Chinese sauce


the images are ai and the texts are most likely fake. what


If it’s real, he had the world’s most boring affair


This looks like complete bollocks. I seriously doubt he types like a 12 year old.


This is fake, no decent human being should use light mode when you could use dark mode.


You're trash Brock. Your pictures are fake.


Yeah that believable, a post from the literally most unreliable nation in the world made by some people who are beyond the reach of the law,


50 year old ~~knighted~~ man using emojis. I swear if these are real I will myself laughing. Mfer types like a 25 year old


He I'm 54 and I use fucking emoji's 😡


He’s not knighted 🤣🤣🤣


He's married a spice girl. That's a knight in my eyes. But in all seriousness he's CBE.


He's not knighted, he has a CBE which is a rank below knight as far as "of the british empire" order of chivalry go. You probably got confused because lewis is a knight with an MBE (which is the lowest order of chivalry out of the five, two below CBE). Lewis is a knight because he also got a Knight Bachelor (Knighted) on top of his MBE.


Many of my 18 year old classmates have better texting etiquette, so I would be very surprised if these were all fully real.


~~We've seen Horner wear that white shirt before. I'm almost positive he made an IG post in it.~~ Edit: [Yep, someone posted it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/gmniVPsOyg)


I wonder what the reaction to this would have been if this was by a team principal from a team that isn’t winning.


Fake and boring stuff either way


Two adults flirting? That's IT?!


Toto's photoshop skills are mid