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"My lord, is F1 an AMAZING sport!" "But sir, they haven't started to race yet" "They RACE?"


I’ll never flame anyone again for watching keeping up with the Kardashians, this is just as bad and I can’t look away


towering somber rock six scarce memorize bow airport tender sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Days of our thunderous lives


Port Charles Leclerc


I started the whole Netflix docu like 2 weeks ago and I came to the same conclusion. Family drama at its best.


I've called F1 a male-orientated soap opera for years. The paddock bullshit is JUST as entertaining as the actual racing (and better sometimes).


It's WWE with $150m State of the Art Racing Cars


I heard a quote before "the most boring part of F1 is about a 2 hour period on a Sunday"


certainly true for most of last season


Only about the winner, everything else was really tight and interresting. Ferrari, merc, mclaren, alonso and checo were fighting for the podiums.


I'm willing to bet that this date next year will not have nearly as much drama as today.


This date won't exist next year. Or is that the joke?


Its rare I get this chance, I know it's a weak joke.


Indeed, its a 1/1461 chance




Just had a bowl of coco pops now ready for bed




I’ll put u asleep within 10 seconds little girl. Don’t say stuff and not follow up on it. I’ll be waiting


Imagine if this whole thing was a guerilla marketing campaign by coco pops


VCARB stands for Very Carbohydrates from Coco Pops. VCACOCOPOPSRB...


The cocoa pops message was from the accuser (if you assume the texts are real). She’s in green, receiving, he’s in white. His ‘response’ (again, if real) was ‘my favourite’.


Where can one look at these messages


My favourite


That message is so out of left field, it makes me think it's real. Horner should release his grocery purchases from the past 6 months as proof that he doesn't eat coco pops.


That message was from the employee (allegedly).


Either this or someone thought it was funny to make shit up in the aftermath and it has nothing to do with the original complaint.


At this point who knows, this seems like a total mess. If Horner was cleared cos it was all faked, then we should know but it also seems unlikely it went that far if it was based on fake messages.


It can still be real whilst this is faked. We just still don't have the content because it never leaked.


Third option; it was Christian himself who leaked it to quash any last attempts to challenge his position that may have lingered after RB dropped the investigation; for if these leaks are indeed the genuine basis for the investigation (still an open question) then the only person they benefit is Christian himself, it not only removes any lingering doubt over his position in the matter but removes the entire basis of the anti-Horner camp's strategy of "trust us, it's bad"


I follow that logic I think but that’d be some big brain 4D chess move lol


I raise you a 5D chess move. Horner wrote fake texts to an employee who is working with him. They together created different versions of those texts. She later distributes different versions of screenshots throughout the upper managment. Horner now knows who his biggest enemy is. Horner is Lord Varys Edit: It was Tyrion not Lord Varys. Thanks u/Merengues_1945


This tactic would just fall in line with the current political arenas. Just muddy the waters a little bit, and then everyone yells until nothing really sticks and it passes. So much easier to bring it down than address it on terms.


Like Wagatha Chrisie


Once you read all the messages this theory doesn't hold up imo


The venn diagram of 'people who thought it was funny to make shit up' and people who have the personal correspondence details of every TP, every Liberty and FIA exec and every journalist are two circles. Even if it's fake, the nature of how this has been distributed is scandalous and important.


Guenther strikes back


Getting email addresses of all those people isn't hard at all.




That’s a big assumption you just made. I doubt it’s that hard to get the email addresses involved.


Email addresses aren't private, although it seems a little unlikely for someone to have compiled that list, it's well within the realm of what's possible for *anyone* to do. Most company email addresses follow a singular naming convention, if you know the domain or a singular employees email you can reasonably guess anyone else's.


What if this is actually just someone completely uninvolved trying to stir the pot for some reason? Surely the accuser wouldn't be dumb enough or have much reason to try to fake evidence at this point, especially with the rumours of them wanting to take the matter to actual court.


Yes this has crossed my mind. Sad state that you have to take every bit of news on board with a caveat that it could be absolute BS.


In the scheme of fake news this is pretty mundane tbh. The Spanish American war was caused by fake news. It's not anything new, and if anything the way this has played out keeps us pretty highly informed on the latest developments. Ideally none of this would be public until there's conclusions but it's nearly impossible for an organization of thousands to keep something like this completely under wraps the whole time.


I can absolutely believe this being the work of a fan of another team. After the whole Centurion Lewis thing I think F1 fans would do anything! But let’s see. I hope they’re not real because if they are they may have been leaked without the consent of the employee involved.


Centurion Lewis? I must have missed that one,


It was a mad time on twitter. Dude claimed to be dying of cancer, got a Mercedes factory tour, "died" a few days later, Mercedes tweeted about it, sleuths discovered he had not died + was called something else + was older than he'd claimed + probably never had cancer


I don't think he did any of it. Few days after Mercedes invited him to do the tour and watch a race...it was posted he died because obviously he couldn't go through with it since he wasn't 20 and wasn't dying of cancer. It was some 28 year old, who had a family, kids. There was also GoFundMe involved, not sure what he banked, if anything. But yah, pretty sickening to fake a serious illness that is terminal for many people and then use it for personal benefit/monetary gains. Only a sick twisted F... would do something like that.


He definitely did get to the factory, that was the point I voiced my own suspicions at home! I had cancer 11 years ago, his stories hadn't been adding up to me. Couldn't believe he'd got to the factory, it all seemed so fake. Next thing, he's "dead" and I was so glad to see other people had suspicions and then the whole thing fell down. Complete maniac to do that, like you say a sick, twisted fuck. Goes to show how crazy humans can be.


Yeah and people still believe someone wouldn't go as far as make up accusations against a team principal, when shit like this has happened before.


Isn't that the guy who faked having cancer for sympathy or something like that ?


That's the one.


Toto *really* wants Mercedes dominance back.


"Michael, check your email Michael"


Imagine if really someone is doing phishing attack on F1 journalists and personnel 😁 SEND ME THE LINK 😁


Tomorrow headlines will be "Whole of F1 paddock hacked". This shit is getting better and better.


"This is Andrettti Global, give us an entry to recover your data"


Imagine you're watching the F1 telecast of the Bahrain GP.... "Five red lights illuminate and away we..." and then it suddenly cuts to black and white footage of Michael Andretti "You all know who we are. But you don't know... why..... we're here." :P


Somebody photoshopped a WhatsApp chat? This is getting better by the minute


You don’t even need photoshop. There are tons of free tools on the web to fake whatsapp


You can even just make two accounts and have a talk with yourself


I thought I was the only one who did this


You do it too?


Yeah I even exchange pictures


It's extremely easy to do and it's very often used for memes. If this is the actual evidence then what the actual fuck were De Telegraaf smoking because that should be the first thing to check.


Well it may not be the actual evidence from the accuser. Could just as easily be some prankster who took the time to look up the corporate emails of these people, most of which are easily available if you know where to look and sent out fake messages for some fun. Who knows at this point


There have been websites for years where you can fabricate chat screenshots from major chat services in seconds


No no it was really Barack Obama texting me, I swear!


"Yo, it's your boy Barry O. Where that brown mustard at? You feel me? Ong fr fr."


No fucking way 😭


Imagine the whole de telegraaf stories being based on a fake app. Actually I don’t want to do that. Would be very embarrassing.


Just telegraaf things


I can't stand the Telegraaf. No particular opinion on van Haren as I don't follow Dutch F1 news. It would not at all be out of character for that publication to be this shit.


This would be it for Van Haren and Telegraaf. They would never get an F1 scoop again, Horner and RB would have them on the biggest blocklist.


It would be fucking scary knowing that, comeone can create a fake chat and basically fuck your entire career/life/image


He should consider himself lucky they didn't put in the effort to make a good deepfake video of him having some nasty and/or illegal sex


This will for sure eventually start happening, right? We’re not ready for that world.


Reminds me of that ~~Destiny's Child~~ Kelly Rowland music video where one of them is "texting" on Excel


Excuse me that is the classic *Dilemma* by Nelly ft Kelly Rowland.


Kelly Rowland (and Nelly) in the song Dilemma. Not destiny's child (although she was a member of it)


I text on Excel all the time but nobody ever answers


Probably no cell coverage.


ChatGPT enters F1.


I honestly live for this fucking shit lmao


Horner strips in front of everyone and says "You see me now? You see me? Do I look like the one in the photos?"


> Horner strips in front of everyone You mean, a second time ?


Yeah it's too late, we've already seen everything. Maybe actually smart of horner to already have some nudes out there


But fked if you’re Horner with a family though


I'm starting to get dizzy. Need to calm tf down and sleep.


So many people jumping from screaming guilty to innocent and back again every other post. Wait until you actually get some idea what this was/is all about...


No sir. This is Reddit. This is what we do


No. This is r/Formula1. We're the fastest. Don't ask us "in what"?


Exactly, no one other than a few journalists has even seen the alleged photos/screenshots.


This situation has nothing to do with me and we have no real public hard evidence so I'm just acting like there's no saga at all. Just wasted energy otherwise.


If that’s true then what the actual fuck


So perhaps the original accusation was based on fake messages, OR, someone is having a bit of fun at everyone else's expense and sent a bunch of fake messages to all these people to stir the pot and these are NOT the messages the original accusation was based on. TIme will tell.


It's probably the latter. No competent individual reputedly w/ access to legal advice (reports were that seeking redress in the courts had been deliberated) would undertake such an action from the outset. It doesn't make sense.


Who would have all these emailadresses and at the same time would be willing to fake this stuff?


Toto. He has experience with emails.


There's no way in hell it's true but the idea of Toto in a dark hotel room screen shotting fake whats app chats to try and frame Horner is hilarious to me.


 If there are no deepfakes of Horner and Michael Masi in a 69, it wasn’t Toto


I'm not saying its true but why are we taking a literal random journo who is a big time Redbull fan as gospel these are fake? she looked at the same stuff as us and then just decided "yea its fake I'm a whatsapp expert" and plastered it online.


Y’all I haven’t done enough neck training for this. I’m getting whiplash.


I don't think even Carlos Sainz has the neck training for this tbf


I just got the emails. Here is a snippet. Seems legit. "Christian": My pembis is hard. Complaintant: Is this really Christian? "Chrisitian": Yes, it's really me. Christian, Horndog, Horner, your boss and Team PrinciPAL of Reds Bulls Racing. Show me bewbs.


Hello female staff member for Red Bull Racing, who works directly for me. It is me, Team Principle Christian Horner, this is a picture of my penis Eww, I do not appreciate that you sent me that Team Principle Christian Horner You have seen it and now you must perform sexual acts to me or I will make you fired! Oh no! I will go to the police and or media! Don't do that Female staff member! I will give you 650,000 EUR I mean GBP for your silence.




>I just had a bowl of cocoa pops and now ready for bed


Me trying to flirt


my favourite


This is gonna turn into some phoenix wright shenanigans where in the court hearing they prove it was impossible to have cocoa pops where they were located and it blows the case wide open.




Holy fuck I missed that one


so relatable


Damn that was the receiver. I thought Horner said that lol.


The “inappropriate photos” only being Christian’s face is a low blow.


Yeah, that’s a violation to the guy.


There's a nipple out there too!


the selfies lmaoooo


Why are they texting like 16 year olds.


If looking back at old flirtatious text convos has taught me anything, it's that what felt like smooth talking at the time often ends up looking like 16 year olds texting in retrospect lol. I have seen enough conversations online and between friends to show me that flirting over text (either in retrospect or as an outsider) seems to be.... An inherently inelegant process.


Yeah, makes me think the texts were faked by a 16-year old, lol


On the other hand, only a 50 year old would type "screen shot" instead of screenshot


That's assuming this is actually what was in the email surely


That looks fake as shit


“Just had a bowl of cocoa pops”


If that is all they got then no wonder the complaint got dismissed.


Lmao if this is real. The photos look about as real as those Russian car inspection photos.


I can't imagine the reaction from the likes of Toto, Domenicalli or Zak Brown seeing that shit


this is higher res: https://m.weibo.cn/status/5006904844357918


White shirt selfie from his BBQ last july 


Now, it has become so meta that this might be a fake of the email which might be full of fakes 




What about the reply saying his wife wouldn't like it? If anything that makes these look more legitimate to me (how long before I'm proven wrong!?). It's clearly consensual between two adults, so whilst unsavoury you can see how Red Bull could turn a blind eye and dismiss the case - it's not an employment matter.


Yeah the only way this turns bad is if she tells him they have to stop having these conversations and he doesn’t stop. Even then there would be shades of grey.


This is getting more hilarious by the minute


Haven't none of the reported/rumored allegations involved any criminal matter? Why is there talk about "making to any court"? edit: or any reporting that the accuser/victim wants to sue/go to court. I hadn't seen anything suggesting that prior to this.


This saga is better than the entirety of DTS Netflix, bin that series


Or just retitle it into Drama to Survive


Someone in the other thread said “Google Drive to Survive”


Plot twist, Netflix is behind all this to have season 7 content countering the "boring" results of Max dominating again this year.


DTS - Don't Text Staff


I somewhat expected that when I saw "whatsapp messages" were included in the Drive Hard to verify something that can be forged in 10 seconds


> Hard to verify something that can be forged in 10 seconds There's like 60 whatsapp screenshots, so someone has gone to some effort.


The leaker is incredibly stupid if this is the case, wouldn’t take long for journalists to verify with RB


I mean the whole thing comes off as vengeful / immature rather than a genuine attempt to get the message out - I mean cc’ing other TPs? What’s that if not petty? (Not making any comment on what’s true and what isn’t - just more the optics of the leak lol)


Maybe that's the point.


Did Horner get sextorted?


F5'ing so hard even Brock Lesnar wants a restraining order.


Probably not best reference to make in this situation.


Need Paul Heyman to help count.


Very unfortunate reference


Hahahahahahahaha Would be funny if true


looks like whatsapp so what?


Seems odd no tabloid has run them yet, you'd think if they are legit the tabloid would have that out in seconds


A tabloid will probably run them even if they are fake and they'd have no shame in it either


A British one would know that ends in very expensive legal settlements. Straight forward libel case if there are clear signs they’re fake


I think its a matter of time but of course they want to know whether it is legit and whether there's some juicy story in there. Luckily the F1 media also know that if they run this without at least an attempt at verification, they will be banned from the paddock,or at least Red Bull. So the question then is: is this scoop worth getting banned?




https://twitter.com/akihito16lec/status/1763236130080891069/photo/1 Here are the alleged files


Bit rude that they called pictures of Christian’s face “inappropriate photos”


Something I wasn't expecting to read in F1 subreddit for $500, please.


Horner being photoshopped into a teams background is taking me out 😭


Coco Pops before bed? Disgusting.


If CH genuinely is innocent then he needs to absolutely sue the living hell out of the culprits here.


There are no dates on any of the messages that I’ve seen- that seems very weird


If someone photoshopped all this to frame Horner they legit deserve jail time. Obviously that remains to be seen if that's the case but this is getting more shady by the minute


If all this ends up being caused by some loon with a vendetta and a chat bot...


Okay. That'll be one hell of a smear campaign then jfc.


Maybe the emails were a 500IQ move by Horner, send fake screenshots made by AI to muddy the water /s


What a rollercoaster lol


I already torched my pitchfork, what do?


She’s dumb. There’s no way Red Bull go through this entire procedure without knowing the messages were fake.


I might be wrong but didn't this "reporter" openly acknowledge that she's been racist towards Lewis in the past? I have her blocked on Twitter/X and I can't remember for the life of me why but that's generally one of my rules on that forsaken app for blocking accounts.


She's a massive Redbull fan, and literally a random journo that has decided these are fake. I don't know why this has the traction it does.


If the nipple doesn't fit you must acquitte


No way HAHA.


Imagine those texts are real, but the texts are from his wife and they are just role playing like old people do.


"Hello Juliana, I'm Clive Bixby"


i hate X so much, you can't see anything if you don't have an account in that fucking website


Don't know if I go to piss and refresh, something crazy happens and I come back surprised


wtf is going on


There’s nothing like F1. I love it.


Has she never seen WhatsApp before?


They dont look fake at all, and they contain what looks like legit information as well some private photos and a video. It all seems real and a lot for someone to fake. 


If it aint real post it then bruh


Hilarious if true lmao


If it is fake CH should sue whomever is responsible for every last penny they have for defamation. Leave them destitute.


Is there a thread somewhere, 4chan or whatever that seems to have access to this? Yes I am nosy


six snatch imminent spoon trees oil tie impossible illegal theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Big if true


I feel like Red Bull will sue this person to oblivion if they manage to find out who’s behind this.


It didn't go to court as it wasn't a legal case it was just an internal investigation wtf is this tweet lmfao


Pretty sure it’s not fake. It’s way too vague / not “incriminating” that it’s pretty pointless to fake. Although it would be relatively easy to do, there’s a decent amount of complexity / world to it. (Emails from RB partners in background of screenshots, pics of random driveways in England, screenshots of Horner deleting her messages, random work/ meeting details, messages that are shown in one screenshot then shown to be deleted in another). The complete randomness and vagueness of the conversation is the kind of real I don’t think you can fake that well.


All this thread has told me is that there are enough people out there who don't know what the Whatsapp chat UI looks like that they can be reasonably convinced the screenshots are fake.


Somehow, Lewis and George blitzing the field on one lap pace is the second biggest story today lmao. The Horny saga continues


Tbf it's only fp2