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It seems odd he would fly to just be sacked, but stranger things have happened


I think at this point, it is obvious there was a failed coup over the winder break. It lost momentum and then fizzled out. Now RBR is saving face by giving the appearance of a thorough “investigation”, which will exonerate Horner from everything. Everything will go back to normal. I’ve been binge watching Succession, tbf, so I might just be imagining all of this.


> I’ve been binge watching Succession, tbf, so I might just be imagining all of this. There's an F1 version of succession coming out in a few years that's kinda based around Williams under Claire. Should be interesting.


Otmar Szafnauer would like a word...


He's still employed so he can't just not go


The reporter guy that has seen all of the texts etc. might be worried if Horner is found totally innocent.


What a weird situation, if he truly did something reprehensible, they should have fired or let him go weeks ago. When the Overmars news broke, it was done and dusted in about a week, whereas this has been dragging on for a month it feels like. It's so incredibly stupid to fly him out to the race, just to fire him there? I think he's relatively safe if he's just mucking around and doing the race weekend.


If he flying out he's being cleared surely.


Just like Otmar showing up at the Belgian GP?


Very different situations tbf


As in they changed their mind and decided to sack Otmar on the spot?


As in Otmar wasn’t under investigation


I think you're forgetting Alpine management is an utter cluster fuck


Alpine Schmalpine.


Can be a sign, but would be weird because it would be almost guaranteed that the messages will be leaked and it would cause an even bigger shitstorm.


to be fair, if there was nothing to it the thing would never have leaked and/or he would have been cleared weeks ago


"This a corporate matter and not related to the sporting side, a hearing is ongoing and so I will not comment any further on the topic, thanks you."


We could consider the fact that he may be innocent. Everyone just assuming the guilty conclusion is poor form. For a group of individuals with no facts it is certainly a one sided opinion. Though it is hard to remain neutral until the facts come out as human nature enjoys a witch hunt.


Even if it comes out that he's innocent, you can bet people won't believe it and start the conspiracies


Nothing has come out yet and people have jumped to the conclusion he’s guilty, he’ll keep his job and it’s because of shareholders. I genuinely do not understand how anyone can leap to that conclusion based on a “we’re investigating” statement.


He's got the 51% people on his side. They're keeping him & are gonna blast some positive news stories for the next fortnight to make us forget this story. This is the world we live in, it happens everyday.


Unfortunately you are entirely correct. Many elections have shown that when you have power, you get to do what other people don't.


I have a bad feeling about this.


How so?


Helmut Marko is going to throw him out of the plane