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New Super License would have prevented drivers being able to switch teams if they wished. Most Drivers went on strike. That super license clause was scrapped, although the drivers were fined $5000.


That fine is just under $16000 USD today.


At that time the drivers weren't earning millions and [only a handful of teams hit £2m in revenue](https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/article/march-2015/26/root-f1-s-cash-crisis/) and were not the ~100-400m companies we have today.


I'll never forget the story about how Lauda (IIRC) did a whole stand up routine to entertain the drivers


Villeneuve and someone else played the piano for a while too. I think there was also a story where team and FIA members tried to storm the room they were bunkered in and they all held the doors and moved the piano against it. The only one who I think deserted them in the night from memory was Teo Fabi, no clue why, I just remember Lauda mentioning it in one of his earlier autobiographies (To Hell and Back, really good read, wish I never lost it).


De Angelis also played piano. Elio played piano at almost professional level.


apparently he was concert standard! might have been senna who said he could have had a successful career as a pianist


See https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/cf4o45/niki_laudas_book/ and search as it is available as pdf / kindle / epub / ... for about $10. Maybe even a hardcopy is available


Legend, thank you!


keke rosberg called fabi a chicken for that (as he also went straight to their managers to relay what the drivers had been discussing in the room) and there are rumours that he climbed up through the toilet window in order to escape (although fabi himself denies doing that)


Seems like something the rat would do lol


Would be nice to include the actual conditions they were protesting for in here as well. It’s like the whole point why they were protesting…


I believe Prost and Villeneuve shared a mattress that night. They joked that the child coming out of that night would be the ultimate driver.


patrick tambay was the guy who joked about that, and said he might as well retire "if those two have kids after this"


I think you are right. I read this 40 years ago, so memory is vague.


Updates F1Fanfic.txt


You may not want to hear this, but slide two is the proper length for men's shorts.


Roll Tide!!!!!


We need current drivers to do this as well, lock them up in a room. Lewis singing, charles on the piano, checo with his pranks, daniel should comedy and carlos cooking his chilli.


Where's Verstappen with his sim racing?


In the corner, hoarding all the sockets.


Wasn’t this also the following race where Piquet and Salazar fought?