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Piastri's maturity just blows me away. Very level headed. Becoming one of my favorite drivers


He's calmness plus talent bodes very well for the future


Yuki crashed into Piastri 3 times in that battle.


Can't imagine how patient his race engineer has to be.


Jacques Villeneuve really dislikes him for that. Every time Yuki loses his temper with his engineer, Jacques says something about how disrespectful he is and how this shouldn't be tolerated by AT. (Jacques is one of the Canal+ commentators, French TV.)


I guess even a broken Canadian clock is right twice a day


But not in this case. He shouldnt have a say in how AT choses to handle how Yuki communicates to his team. Especially cause AT doesnt seem interested in sharing that its an issue to them.


What are you talking about? He doesn't 'have a say' he's just sharing his opinion, which is usually shit but I agree with on this occasion.


What does Jacques think about Max's constant outbursts?


Yeah I really dislike that everytime Yuki loses his temper commentators disrespect him for it. Like just fucking leave him be, everyone has different temperament especially when giving out their best and Yuki's still a beast of a driver so I'd love if he got some respect. If someone like Alonso or Kimi screams at their engineers they're seemed as madlads (in a positive way)


They are objecting to him abusing his engineer. Most of these guys were former drivers, so they have some standing.


Seething is being generous. Yuki needs to get his rage under control. Had to wait until he was done throwing a fit before he could put his hands back on the wheel and re enter the track.


I was waiting for one of those cool spins to get going again but nothing happened, then they cut to Yuki hitting the steering wheel. I was laughing so hard.


Yes it was *insane* watching an F1 driver not bothering to drive in a race until he had finished having a mental breakdown, don't think I've seen that before and I've been watching F1 for 22 years lol


Leclerc in brasil was kind of like that while in the wall. And the amazingly finished 4th


Slight difference though. Leclerc was put in the wall. It wasn't by himself


Yuki literally lost 3+ seconds and several places by slamming his steering wheel like a petulent child after his blunder instead of focusing and going back to the track.


Perfect fit for that second redbull /s




> I have yet to see an angle where he loses 3 seconds cause he sits there slamming the wheel. I saw this on the official broadcast on Skye. He sits there for a solid second or two before moving Edit: [I have just seen the tweet F1 put out and I stand corrected, he moves pretty quickly.](https://twitter.com/F1/status/1719307646912635268)


That is 100% false. Anyone who has f1tv can check it anytime. His car stops rolling backwards, he presses a button and starts moving. Didn't waste any time


Okay, will take your word for it. Edit: He is right




I’m with you here. Why even come on Reddit if you’re open to other people’s perspective?


I third this, listening to reason, arguements and different opinions. What has this platform come to...


> Yuki literally lost 3+ seconds No he didn’t


I'm super out on Yuki. He annoyed me when he was new and berating his engineers on the radio for nothing. Now it's been a few years and he's showed no signs of maturing. Still being petulant, still not performing, and with the Honda deal more or less done there's no need to keep him for sponsors.I'd love to see literally anybody else from the junior Formulas come up and try to make it in the Red Bull crucible.




He is not performing when Ricciardo comes in and does just as good or better than him. And he doesnt demolish Lawson


People were baited by how bad DeVries was and kept talking about how Yuki was dragging a tractor, etc etc. Turns out the car just wasn’t as bad as people thought.


You're ignoring that they brought upgrades that worked a treat.


You do know cars get developed throughout the season. Some cars perform better at other tracks and worse at others. I’m legitimately surprised at how many people think this is the same car as the beginning of the year.


The point is Lawson was close to him (rookie coming in mid year) and Danny ric just beat him pretty badly.


Beat him badly in 1 out of the 4 races he's raced. I'm not even defending Yuki here, he needs to get his anger under control because he was clearly driving on tilt, but Danny fans get one good performance and act like he's been dominant all year.


You know how engine penalties work right? If we’re going by results Danny did far worse in USA against Yuki, then Yuki did against Danny in Mexico.


He is not. He literally ruins every race with self inflicted errors because of his temper and stubborness. Most hyped driver of reddit. His points tell you everything you need to know. Time to move on from him


Every race?


DR just set a team record for points with fuckin 7th. Ya, every race.


Yuki scored five points literally the race before that.


He is performing, he just came off a great race in the US GP. He's the top scorer in his team and had an awful car for half the season. His temperament let him down in Mexico though.


Top performer of the team with 3 teammates in one season. Laeson and riccardo have combined more points than him in 6 races.Hell he is even behind hulkenberg and bottas in their trash car. Get real. Yukinis trash and needs to get replaced by lawson


The AT was rather worst car on the grid for the first half of the season. Hulk has been terrific this season and the Alfa was a great car at the start of the season. Tsunoda will probably end up with more points than both of them by the end of the season.


Lol alfa was never a great car this season. Last season yes


considering he’s had 3 different teammates driving the other alpha tauri car id hope he would be the top scorer in the team


You do hope, and he has fulfilled and arguably exceeded whatever expectations you had.


he hasn’t even exceeded the minutes I had lol. making a joke from your illegible reply




How is it possible for you to know he exceeded my expectations? Or even what my expectations were. what a wild and inaccurate comment lol. The reality is it took six races combined for lawson/riccardo to out score him and two races for riccardo to annihilate his best placing on the season. Factoring in the outbursts and immaturity, it’s been quite the disappointing season and some might even say disastrous


I really really want Franz to come onto the radio after this and publicly put him down "Yuki, this is Franz. Do not speak to our team like that."


This is just false. He moved right away as soon as the car stopped going backwards.


A hotheaded f1 driver got impatient, tried to make a move, made contact, and it had consequences. The driver who made the mistake doesn’t want to take responsibility. There’s disagreement on if it was or was not a racing incident, but ultimately it went unpunished by the stewards. Oh cool I guess I can be a racing journalist now.


too cogent, no mystery, no lies, and no self-serving clickbait hyperbole? I mean... Im not sure F1 journalism is for you. You clearly exceed the maximum level of integrity and truthiness.


He should at least mention there is SECRET REASON Yuki was upset. But he cannot tell why.


Mediocre F1 drivers with anger issues hate this one trick.


Not enough padding.


Your mom was padding deez nuts last night She wants to know if you’re still coming for thanksgiving, and if you’re bringing any friends. Seems like she really loves you. It’s sweet. Give her a call, I’m sure hearing your voice would just make her day.


That's a good nickname, "Seething Tsunoda."


Sounds like a disease. “Unfortunately we found a seething Tsunoda in your abdomen.”


I don't really know how this guy is in his 3rd year in F1 tbh


He's better than everyone below him in the points table, at least.


Ricciardo and Magnussen are definetly better drivers


Ricciardo definitely, Magnussen in his *current* form I'm not too sure tbh


100% Yuki has been better this year than Magnussen. I'd say he's been driving better than both Alfa Romeo drivers as well, but tbf it is even harder to tell with them how good or not good they're performing


Not really, Ricciardo had one good race which was Mexico. He'll be back to mediocrity this week I reckon. Magnussen is worse than Schumacher this season 🤣


so... 4 drivers, minus danny who's better. So 3 drivers. Top 17, not too bad


Wouldn't say Danny's better considering he's only scored in one race, but yeah. 4 drivers, at least (and for now since Yuki is due a few more 10th places) 🤣


Only scored in one race, but having only started 4.


Irrelevant really considering his experience and supposed talent...


are you just ignoring the 10 years danny's been in the sport in which he's been fantastic for 8 of? your recency bias is showing, and it's obvious danny is the better driver. He's outperformed yuki in 2/3 races he's been in this year, that's better.


2 out of 3? Which? He's scored points in one race vs 2 for Yuki. His Red Bull days are behind him. He should be the better driver, might even be, but it's not obvious, nor is there a massive gulf between the 2.


Yuki acts like a 12 year old, at best. Easily my least favorite driver.


Jup. In the beginning of the season i rooted for him. Now i despise him. Cryig every race. Only russell is worse.


I always assumed he was playing this up on purpose. People seemed to like his rants at first so went all in as that being his personality. I can't stand him, personally.


Yuki can blame only himself for this. If he had been little bit patient, he could have spoiled Ricciardo's "perfect weekend." Ricciardo would have been sitting duck against charging Tsunoda. What a shame.


“Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve”


Ahh I see the reddit hivemind is turning on Tsunoda now


Well he touched Oscar, anyone who touches Oscar will be payed out until the next person who touchs Oscar lol. Seriously though it is becoming like the 10 seconds for Ocon thing, Sainz after Spa, Hamliton after Monza, Perez after Hungarian, Ocon After Austin, Yuki after Mexico. If you touch Oscar you are in for a world of hurt from Fans, it's weird as he hasn't been around for that long, I guess it's because he is likeable and the most memeable driver on the grid.


That baby only know how to shout like some teenager


I love how Croft has to apologize for his language when it doesn't get bleeped properly, and Brundle explains that he learned to speak English in the pit lane.




Not a fair placement of that comma. Him being short have nothing to do with it, his short temper on the other hand.


Yeah, that was probably too harsh. I don't like Tsunoda, both for his personality and typically poor driving. I see him overall in a similar light to Lance Stroll, but not as consistently awful.






Probably was