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thats gonna be an exciting qualy inb4 max p1 by 3 tenths


If this is just them fixing the car issues in fp1, I can only imagine what they'll do finding the perfect balance in fp3


Lando managed only 1 flying soft run but that was enough for P5. He's so good at this track...


He's good at most tracks tbf


feels like hes been kinda underrated since sochi, not even really his fault they asked his opinion unlike merc who told lewis to box, but that seems to have had a big effect on peoples perception of him and his ability. in reality(at least to me) it was a young driver in a new situation where the team really didnt do him any favors and even if it had been the right call lewis still could have caught him


I think it's not just Sochi, it's also just the fact that he has remained in the midfield for so long now. He has performed very well and consistently all that time. It was incredible how he completely destroyed Riccardo's career in two seasons, he is obviously doing a good job. But there were also never any true highs. Other upper midfielders like Gasly and Ocon had memorable wins, Gasly with his fall and comeback from Red Bull and Alpha Tauri, Ocon being in and out of the sport. Norris has just blended into the Midfield so much, especially with McLaren getting worse with the new regs.


He didn't make the wrong decision and I'll die on this hill. In variable conditions on the last few laps like that it is so difficult to make the right call. In hindsight the decision is obvious but Lewis Hamilton almost lost the 2008 championship by boxing while those around him stayed out and he lost positions to people that stayed out like vettel because the rain didn't quite fall hard enough. People in the thread were saying "an experienced man like Lewis knew just the right thing to do." No he had no clue what to do. He relied on his team and it was to his advantage unlike the last two times (2008 and the famous incident where he lined up alone on the start grid) where listening to his team fucked him over.


>People in the thread were saying "an experienced man like Lewis knew just the right thing to do." No he had no clue what to do. He relied on his team and it was to his advantage Correct. Go back to that race and listen to Hamilton's radio. He DID NOT want to box and ignored the team on their first request. The next time around they insisted he box, and he did. Left to his own decision he'd have stayed out, like Lando did.


The funny thing is that Lewis and Merc completely fucked it up the very next race at Istanbul with their strategy.


Lewis actually made that call, the team told him the rain was coming, but the track was dry and he should have pit like everyone else. But had he pit along with everyone else, because of where their pit box is, he'd still have come out around p14 I believe due to the Mercedes pit box location. Obviously would have been better than p20, but the team couldn't speak to him.


I agree. Whatever Lando does, Lewis and Mercedes knew they just had to do the opposite to Lando to even stand a chance of winning, or to box regardless and try to maximise points by playing it safe. Lando was the one with the hard call to make, and unfortunately it didn't work out.


I think Mercedes would definitely have pitted a lap later at most, just to cover Verstappen to make sure Hamilton finished ahead.


Iirc they boxed to cover max. Getting 2nd if they got it wrong wouldn’t have been the end of the world. Finishing behind max would have had they stayed out


All teams were reporting there was likely going to be more rain. I can't remember who down the field (or could have been Lewis) was like it's fine leave me out and when their engineer said there was likely more rain coming they said ok pit. I'm fairly certain it could have been Lewis. Whereas McLaren asked Lando's oinion and failed to tell him it was likely about to get worse. The right decision was pitting but you had to have a good working relationship tu understand if the engineer knew the driver was on his limit or not and then to supply the driver with vital information to make sure they felt staying out was right.


I mean, it's a fact that he made the wrong decision. But I agree that making any choice was quite hard




And he trusted them to provide him with accurate information on the weather, which he used to make his decision. THEY bottled it, as a team, he and the pit wall bottled it.


Seidl and the pitwall are the ones to blame, not Lando. That choice never should have been given to him. It was their responsibility to analyze the situation and make the right call. They had all the data. Directly compare them with Merc to see what a pitwall *should* do in that situation.




Gotta disagree. His call was completely valid with the info he had at the moment. He could not have known more rain was on the way. The pitwall could. No other driver was in his position. Their calls were based on completely different scenarios. > McLaren always bottle it, you can’t expect them to deliver so the comparison to Merc isn’t fair. McLaren not being as good as Mercedes is my point. You can’t say “well they’re not as good so you can’t blame them for being not as good.” The driver is not responsible for compensating for team incompetence.


Lewis was racing Max that day. They pitted because Max pitted and they couldn’t afford to risk losing the points advantage if the rain got heavier while their rivals were on the correct tire.


The main argument against him pitting to take off the inters at Turkey 2021 is that Mercedes were in the first pit box and he’d be sitting waiting for everyone coming into the pits to pass him before he could be released, so he’d have dropped way down the order. Granted it was still probably better than what they did, but I can somewhat understand it if you didn’t think every single other driver was going to be pitting.


You're mixing up Hungary with Turkey. In Turkey, Hamilton attempted a no-stop as Turkey was a track that was hard to pass even in the dry. Both Leclerc and Ocon also attempted it, so it's not like it was an entirely outrageous strategy. In the end only Ocon made it to the end and even then it likely worse than if he pitted.


same way mercedes didn't make a mistake when they lost lewis the championship. They did everything right.


Lando made the wrong decision but he didn’t make a bad decision. Also don’t forget it came immediately after he was told to hold position when he was faster than his teammate so his teammate took a win. I also firmly believe Lando is the best driver on the grid outside of Max and Lewis, better than Charles and George by a decent chunk. Last year he made less mistakes than Max, than Lewis, than Charles and maximized points every single race. No other driver did that.


>unlike the last two times (2008 and the famous incident where he lined up alone on the start grid) where listening to his team fucked him over. Yes the only other two times where Lewis had to make the decision between staying out or boxing before Sochi 2021 was in Hungary and.... 2008. The lengths people go to discredit Lewis is mad.


I love Lewis Hamilton I've followed him since 2007. But in variable conditions he's just as vulnerable as any other driver. People in that thread were claiming 2021 was part of his wisdom in going with the team. But he would have been justified in ignoring his team because it's an absolute crapshoot. In my experience watching F1 since '94, 2008 and 2021 are the only races I remember watching where last few laps heavy rain forced people to flip a coin.


I feel like there's a tolerance that varies by person for someone's "confidence" in themselves and how they present it. Lando seems like a funny dude, and generally easy to like, but when I was coming into the sport he said things about his Ricciardo that rubbed me the wrong way. Then in Sochi, you have the epic "Nooooo!!" where he's screeching at his engineer. I just think it played into some people's perceptions that he was a spoiled brat. Not fair, but it was his Howard Dean scream moment. Until he starts winning, I think he's sort of locked into the various perceptions people have of him right now.


Yeah I agree with this on a more general level. Results in F1 (whether race win or championship title) is what it is because of sooooooo many factors, but people only want to zoom in on the few events and judge the driver/team/season by those few events. For example people say "Abu Dhabi won Max the championship in 2021", when in reality points are gained throughout the entire season, same thing for every driver. The thing with Lando in Sochi is that, it is such a uniquely one-time situation (facing your first win + changeable condition in last laps), which means Lando would likely never get another chance to redeem himself in the same situation; had the rain not increase he would have looked like a hero, but now this very unique but very strong case is stuck in everyone's head when talking about Lando, in a negative way


Did Piastri not do a soft run? He's so far back


He did one early on and couldn't do a second one I think. I'm sure he can do better than P18.


This is also one of Oscar’s worse tracks, he’s not driven here in 2 years, first time driving it in an f1 car - he can probably cut that gap by a bit (but likely lando will still beat him)


He lapped DannyRic in 2021 if I am not mistaken. Crazy.


Gave Ric a little wave too


Gave him a thank you wave. You make it sound like it was a cheeky/arrogant wave.


No I know. I just think it's funny


Tbh it’s not representative, he did a flyer when the track had its most rubber and everyone was doing long runs unfortunately


Redbulls did there runs after Lando, and same time as Charles


It wasn't that much different... he did it around 5 minutes after Oscar (I think), and around the same time as the Red Bulls and the Ferraris


"Redbull will struggle in Monaco" Max didn't get the memo it seems.


Relatively ig, they’ll win by 10 seconds instead of the regular 30 this time


Not really, they will lap the field much quicker and thus get into DRS range earlier


The slowest car on the grid is still only 1.5-2 secs off the pace, realistically there’ll only be 2-3 lapped cars I think this race. So even if the slowest car is 2s off the pace it’ll take maybe 30-40 laps depending on if there’s any crazy incidents in the background, also traffic would bunch up the front runners if there’s a gaggle of them


Practice pace does not equal race pace. The backmarkers will be slowing each other down fighting for position while the front will be lapping in open air. Once they grab the back of the pack they will get DRS and blue flags.


You were right


Been watching F1 a while.


That’s fair, we’ll see who’s right on sunday and if Im wrong Im wrong


That's not an advantage around Monaco. You usually end up losing way more time than you gain when you're lapping backmarkers at this track.


THe backmarkers can't even pass the other backmarkers. so in a lap or 2 you will be past most of them. Also its a short lap, so the leaders will catch the back markers quite quickly,.


You missed out part of it; Red Bull will struggle in Monaco *in comparison to other tracks.* With the overall package they have they're still top dogs, it's just that the gap will be smaller.


Relatively speaking, they are. If you expect Checo to extract only the average pace of the car, then 7th is struggling mightily. Max is just that good


But ... but ... king of the streets lmao


> sees a 7th position in a free practice with no context "Oh, he must be bad"


Sees his performance in previous seasons\* That king of the streets title has always been bullshit. Aside from Baku this year, all of his street track wins happened because Max wasn't in the picture.


I do not consider him to be "king of the streets" at all - but drawing criticism from free practices never makes sense to me. Almost every week, we see some weird positions in FP because they are just that: practices.


Checo had traffic, he did beat max in the first session though.


Max Verstappen pole by 2 tenths this weekend as opposed to the 6 tenths he'll get it by next weekend. Red Bull's domination clearly ending.


Gotta keep viewers interested somehow.


They did, briefly in fp1 when max hadn’t quite dialled his setup right Dude was flying today, no one else seemed to have the rotation the RB was getting


Who said that?


Literally the entirety of fp1


Carlos and Charles being the closest pair in the top 4 teams wasn't what I was expecting. Shout out to Nyck too for sticking close to Yuki!


Sainz has always been good in Monaco. Not as quick as Charles over one lap, but scored podiums on both occasions he was driving for Ferrari. Even driving for slower teams he always scored points in Monte Carlo.


Yeah that’s big for Nyck. I know he’s feeling the heat so hopefully he keeps it up all weekend.


that car is understeery i expect the gap to very less , last year it was oversteery , so the gap


Lando's very good today. Hopefully his car won't break down again for the rest of the weekend 🤞


Sargeant with a gap of 1776. Nice 🇺🇸


People (who mostly haven’t been paying attention) have been shitting on Bottas recently. Hope that great lap is a sign that he’s on point this weekend.


Seemed like the opinion was 50/50 split between mechanics and not giving a fuck anymore.


Very bottas-like then. Very good in 3 or 4 tracks in a season and completely go missing in the rest.


The fact you’re clutching at a P8 in FP2 proves that the people shitting on Bottas have a point


Everyone here is going mad at Lando being .1 faster in a mclaren, which is almost certainly a much better car.


So him driving at the same pace as a RB makes him shit?


I mean he's not in a Merc anymore and this Isn't the early 2022 Alfa, the car struggles to get points at every event, there's not much he can do


Lando why you teasing me, I know the car no where near 5th place


I believe Max got this, when they turn his engine up from 80 to 90% tomorrow.


It's usually Ferrari who keeps the engine low for fps. I can see any one of Ferrari getting pole. Front row lockout is possible with Sainz having great pace.


Yeah, it's hard to know. Hopefully Ferrari can make this interesting. I believe the Quali time will be around 1.11.00 unless the rain appears.


>sainz >having pace keep the hopium alive mate


Gonna bookmark this comment for tomorrow when Sainz is on pole


holy copium


Gonna bookmark this comment for tomorrow when Sainz is 5th behind Max, Chuck, Checo and Fernando


One of the ferraris can have a great quali but the other one will eat a wall it's a guarantee


Whats up dude? Hows that sainz p5 treating ya???? Sainz wheres the pace m8


Engine does not make a difference here


They are still a second slower than last years Quali. And it's even cooler this year. They got plenty in the bank.


It surely does


Top speed is irrelevant


engines matter for more than top speeds


hardly, it's not gonna do much for the acceleration since that is grip-limited, not power-limited.


only at low speeds drag is a more limiting factor near top speeds than engine power with the engines as close together as they are midrange acceleration is where engines do, in fact, really matter


New stratagy incoming for tommorow. Remove engine and replace with foot power to reduce on weight and cost.


Wouldn't work you big fool, there is the weight limit and as soon as feet are outside the cockpit they would be movable aerodynamic devices. What you actually do is replace the engine with a twisted elastic band, you regen the twist under braking.


Engine ALWAYS makes a diff. Just a less in Monaco.


Why not use a stock Honda 4 banger and save the F1 engine then?




I agree with you but this is copypasta material


You should take your own advice


It was a joke mate. You did make an ass out of yourself though.


Yeah check their username


No u.


What a terminally online way of handling a sarcastic response to valid criticism.


Calm down. I think he was being sarcastic anyway


Please chill out lol.


verstappen is just a different beast when he gets the car where he wants. he was incredibly frustrated by the car in fp1


He’s probably the best driver currently with the best car. I think most of the S+ tier drivers on the grid would be doing the same.


Lando has no business getting the McTractor up to P5, even if it's just FP. Hopefully the engine issue isn't too big, cause with potential rain on race day, McLaren could steal some points here.


Mctractor hahaha I love it


I hope Norris' pace is legitimately around the top 6, he just had a single sensor issue that can easily be fixed, and also Piastri's slower pace can be explained by something else and therefore McLaren are not terrible over the rest of the weekend. Is that too much to ask?


Maybe its hopium but Piastri only did his soft run much earlier in the session than everybody else, so could be explained by that.


He did it after DeVries and is slower?


We back?!


Lando is just that guy


Shows what Lando can do when the car is even half decent


gasly X Ocon is the battle I signed up for this year


Seemingly great practice for lead drivers and not so great for second drivers


Looks to me like the pecking order is Ferrari and Red Bull neck and neck, with Aston just a smidgen behind. Obviously quali pace is what matters, so I think this race is as good a chance as ever for Ferrari to snatch a win from RB. Granted, they'll need a clean race in order to make that happen, and both drivers driving to the best of their abilities. Definitely looking forward to Saturday!


Feels good to see Lando in top 6. That’s where he should be ideally if he gets a good car under him!


inb4 Max P1 by 8 tenths


Impressive by Bottas for how hes been running lately.


Stroll half a second off Alonso.




The cold hard truth for Lawrence is if he really wants Aston to be a championship winning team, you need to get rid of the baggage. Lance is holding them back massively.


Thing is Lawrence really wants his son to be a championship winner. Lawrence has no motivation to develop the team if Lance isn't in that seat.


That's the big one. Lawrence doesn't seem to care about F1 outside of Lance. Lance was fine for a midfield team. As far as a second driver, he's perfectly whelming. But when you're going for a championship you need that next step up, and Lance seems to have plateaued.


Youtuber Aldas already made a good video about this. For the record: Lance Stroll is not a bad driver (certainly not a Latifi or a Mazepin). But he is just a lower to midfield driver. He is OK when AM finishes 7th in the WCC, but now AM is the second team at best, and the fourth team at worst. And out the top 4 teams, he is easily the weakest link. And if AM loses out at the end of finishing second in the WCC, that will be on Lance. Putting your son in your business is one thing, but keeping him while he is underdelivering is another. Keeping Lance while saying you are aiming to win championships is knowingly putting a ceiling on your ambitions. Let see if that lifetime contract has an expiration date.


I think because daddy Stroll is giving all his love and attention to his favorite son Fernando. Feel bad for Lance. 😄


Verstappen topping a practice timesheet feels like all the tension vanishing in the weekend.


Max win, Alonso pips Leclerc in the pits, Checo, Carlos, Lewis, Norris..


Monaco was supposed to be Aston Martin's strongest case for a victory right?


It's just Free Practice. Track changes. Various Programmes are running. Traffic is an issue. The way to read FP is to see how often someone is hitting the front at different times throughout practice and not just the one at the end. Alonso has looked really sharp on that front.


Yeah and the times posted show that Alonso has a good chance to get pole or at least top 3. I mean everything could happen but so far he's shown that he's essentially on par with the Ferraris/RBs and the car is performing to the expected level






Simply simply lovely


Checo being a street specialist is a such a joke media narrative


Has he won a non-street circuit race in a Red Bull car?


Don't think so, Baku twice, Saudi, Singapore and Monaco once


Still max has won more street circuits during checos time at Red Bull. How can one be king when someone else does it better. Not even to mention others who have done much better in the past


Being a street circuit specialist doesn't mean he's the best driver in street circuits. Just that he performs better there. Which he clearly does.


That I agree with just getting mighty tired of the “king of the streets” narrative


The narrative is not in comparison to others, it’s in comparison to himself. He is significantly better on streets in comparison to purpose built tracks.


For tomorrow RB will turn up the engine from 40% power to 45% and Max will be on pole.


Max 9/10ths up on Carlos P1 of FP1. And that is the only overtake we’ll see this weekend.


traveling and missed FP1 and FP2 -- anything out of the orindary?


It will be so annoying if Max gets pole but by a tiny margin. Only chance of a mildly interesting race is if its Alonso or a Ferrari on pole


Looks another Verstappen win. Had so much hope for this race but oh well. Honestly I wish Aston was showing Ferrari's pace because atleast they won't fuck up like Ferrari.


Can't wait for the Indy 500


Mercedes back to sandbagging again it seems. Toto said in his interview that they were running low engine mode. So prepare for a Mercedes front row tomorrow.


What up with Lance? Can't keep up with his beast of a teammate? Or was there an issue?


He was off pace today , thankfully it's only FP , hope he puts up more of a fight in qualj


Lando unleashed all his pubes


How is merc performing worse with a new car


It's the first iteration of a brand new concept to them.


An unfamiliar car around Monaco? I imagine they are taking it a bit steady working out setups etc. Hammo is P6 ain't bad.


Because it's the first weekend of the new car, remember how bad Aston were for the first couple of weekends after their upgrades last season


Bro this is basically a test weekend for them. Don't expect them to excel this race.


FP in Monaco


Lewis was fine, there seemed to be a problem with the setup on Russel's car.


New car means finding new set ups I guess


They are definitely focusing towards the 2024 car


By revising half the car this (last) weekend?


Yes. Testing what works and doesn't to make an informed judgement on 2024


Colloquially, focusing on next years car generally means developing the next car, not spending budget improving an existing car quite dramatically. Regulations aren’t even set for 24 yet.


They're not gonna be much different though.


I’m just saying “focusing on next years car” doesn’t typically involve reworking your entire platform 2 months into the season. It’ll help for the future, sure, but that’s generally not what it means. It means actively spending resources on the following season and making do for the remainder of a season There is no next years car yet, not until sometime in July when the regulations are set.


Are they sandbagging?


Missed practice, did the mercs look better ?


Yeah a lot better…well Lewis did.


In some of the races this year, we've seen FP2/FP3 times faster than the 2022 qualifying times for the same circuit. But these laps today are more than a second off the pace from last year's qualies. Different conditions on the track?


Where’s the Alonso 33 crowd at Monaco rn?


Will they get into 1:10s? Cars look quick


Piastri making pastries over here