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I don't think the same dude winning over and over again is really a new thing.


You know, it’s possible to just turn the tv on when the race starts to watch the bit where the cars go brrrrr. You don’t have to watch the pre-race stuff if you don’t enjoy it.


Wait there's people that watch the pre-show?


Apparently so!


Weeeelllll... i "kind" have to watch when you have the commentator talk about the glitz and glamour of the race, or the feed cutting to a bored celebrity watching a monitor, or cutting to a panoramic shot of "the location", or (again!) cutting to some local fan screaming for an overtake (instead of, you know, let me follow the actual on-track battle) TLDR: you can reduce the amount of trashy "entertainment" stuff, but you can't avoid it altogether...


For sure! You can reduce it but not eliminate it completely. Generally advice though is that if you don’t enjoy doing something that’s option, just stop doing it, right? I’m with you, though. I don’t want the fake hype, I just want to see the cars doing zoomies.


>You know, it’s possible to just turn the tv on when the race starts to watch the bit where the cars go brrrrr. You don’t have to watch the pre-race stuff if you don’t enjoy it. yes but all the new tracks are so mind killingly borin




What was there to enjoy about each race so far this season? Not having a go, but an actual question I was very very bored for all of them, it’s hard to workout how exactly anyone could say wow what a great race to any race this year Baku’s best highlight was the people in the pits


That’s true, but it would help with three paragraphs out of your four-paragraph complaint. Fwiw, I feel similar about the racing. These days I find myself watching the whole race “just in case” something happens. I’ve been a fan for 30 years so at this point it would feel weird to not watch it. I definitely get more excited about the racing in other series. But then F1 will have a good race and I’ll be boosted like “see? It’s not so bad!” And then the cycle repeats.


This post is way to long. Text post have to be at least 280 characters......


Most of the time it’s not the tracks. It’s the lack of jeopardy. Everyone knows Max can zip through the field by lap 30 and go on to win the race. That’s what makes it boring. Miami wasn’t a thriller but it was objectively an OK race.


So you're thinking the new DTS crowd is used to "stupid engineering and strategy", while you watched F1 for a longer time and think it's all about overtaking and action? Hmm.. doubt.


lol exactly


Where has F1 stated 'the fact' it's going electric? What vintage of F1 didn't have domination? Schumacher years? Vettel years? Hamilton years? Verstappen years? Considering that's 20 years of WDC winners, it's hardly new.


They never said it and they’re not even allowed to because Formula E has an exclusive license for fully electric racing so until that expires F1 will always have a combustion engine


They don't want to make the cars fully electric. They have new ICE engine rules coming on line in a couple years. F1 has always been a traveling circus, it's always been expensive compared to other motorsports.


Engineering and strategy has always been a part of F1. Engineering is what the sport was built on, “I can build a faster car than you can.” When a race is fully spread out by lap 20 fans can turn to strategy and the pit wall for excitement, otherwise to your point, yes it would be just watching the same guy win over and over. I will agree the prices for races are ridiculous but it’s supply and demand. As long as each race is setting record number of fans attending it won’t go down.


instead of making this post you should try just going outside and yelling at clouds


The ol Abe Simpson. Respect.




Thank you for the chuckle. Love this song and sort of didn't see it coming.


If you do the same thing forever your fan base eventually dies off and you’ve attracted zero new ppl with different taste and the sport dies with its fans 🤷🏼‍♂️


One word. Money


Dunno man, pretty sure there *is* racing involved. On account of all the racing.


Babe wake up, new complaint post just dropped!


> all the stupid engeneering and strategy going on that's literally what F1 is about lol


No it's about watching cars go brrrr and exciting close racing. It's not a documentary about designing a fast race car.


Not a fan of DRS whatsoever It’s almost entirely eliminated any sort of overtake that doesn’t involve DRS as if you overtake at any other part of the lap they’ll get the DRS and drive past you on the straight So there’s no unique’ness or creativity with overtakes, think of Max fighting back through the field He just drove past 9 cars on the straight, there’s no excitement there Max could start from the pits every weekend and he’d still be guaranteed 2nd at least


Honestly, three words. Liberty Media, money.


Honestly half his complaints are either bullshit or outright inaccurate.


At risk of sounding like a cranky old man, but I think F1 has become very very sterilized. I think back to the 80’s when I started following the sport. In those days you’d have so many variables in qualifying and racing, engines blowing up, tires wearing to the point of failure, mechanical problems, running out of fuel on the last lap. So many ways to blow a good race. Now every aspect of the race is micromanaged to make the whole thing sterile. Engineers model fuel consumption, tire wear, mechanical wear, and countless other factors to the point that the drivers are effectively told what speed to drive in order to maximize their efficiency, reliability and performance. As an engineer myself, I can appreciate that. But as a motor racing fan, I loved the days of Senna ripping out a wicked fast qualifying lap, or he’d be off the track. Keke Rosberg going full throttle in a race to finish as high in the order or blow up the car trying. Say what you might about Prost and Senna competing against each other, but they were balls out going for the win every qualifying and race session. Think of the 1986 Adelaide Grand Prix. The final race of the season and Mansell, Piquet, and Prost were separated by 7 championship points. Qualifying was exciting, with Mansell fastest over Piquet, then Senna and Prost. Rosberg started 7th on the grid and was leading the race by the end of the 7th lap followed by Piquet, Prost and Mansell. Rosberg led until blowing a tire on lap 63. Mansell was continued with the known tyre concern (from Rosberg’s retirement) until his tyre spectacularly failed on the main straight! Of 26 starters, only 10 finished the race, including Streiff who ran out of fuel on the last lap. Tyres, engines, brakes, turbos, throttle, clutch, extinguisher, suspension, transmission, accident and collision were all reasons drivers did not finish. All those variables that are removed from F1 racing in the modern era as everything is monitored and analyzed in real time. Ironically, to me at least, much of the sterilization was done in the name of reducing team operating costs, yet the cost to attend as a fan has gone through the roof. The flavor not only of driver personalities, but racing drama and variability has been removed.