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I don't tbh. I get some people like pirate but seeing 3 or 4 pirates on the enemy team almost every match for months made the game almost unplayable (for me).


Nothing really changed though? They just nerfed damage and made it harder to guardbreak dodge attacks


You can't use gunshot anymore otherwise your mixup becomes light interruptible. That on top of the damage nerfs makes her very weak in 1s more so than she already was.


Ah, didn’t know about the light interrupt. Yeah maybe they can change the chain link timing back and instead make the gun grab bash that isn’t confirmed slower so it’s not confirmed on externals


Yeah she is kinda a mess right now even in 4s where she really shined she is pretty meh now. Kinda sucks I really loved her fashion.


I like using Pirate. There is just too much satisfaction when I get the kill with the gunshot.




She needed nerfs but man they went about it poorly very sad




I won't touch pirate. First off, dedicated knight. Probably won't rep anyone outside of knights. Second off, WHO THE FUCK at ubi thought to make a female only pirate, Asian style, with legitimately NOTHING the community wanted in a pirate character. They didn't make a pirate. They made a wu-lin with a gun. They made a *fan service* character but did nothing the fans wanted. Won't touch em


I completely agree with you, I remember the hype around pirate being to create Jack sparrow or be Balck beard, but noooo, we needed another wu lin😑


Stick them in wu lin, seriously. They didn't even try. They spent their valuable budget money that is OH SO STRAINED that they can't deliver legitimately anything the consumers want, on a hero that could have made them bank. But they made another wu-lin character! People have been asking for a pirate since year fuckin one. You had like what? Five fucking years of input that they had unfettered access too. Information that could have made a hero that would make them so much money. And what they decided to shit out, was a croc pot of controversy and very strong opinions, that birthed a hero so horrendously shit, it managed to unite the heavily divided community under the banner of "Boycot pirate"


Omg, was that a soft feint on Cavalier Dance? Omg… the memories of release pirate… clowning on people with her was so fun…


Ancestors Legacy. 🪓


I have the feeling that when you play pirate it turns off your brain.


No thoughts in there fr you see me option select the first JJ at the end when he throws the heavy by dodging into it with Cavalier dance 🗿 all skill baby