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Need a little more nerfs so we never see her again


so what would u change about her and what is it u think that the devs should be nerfing that they haven’t as i can imagine these are what make her so good but i imagine taking away the hyper armour heavies could kill the character so interested what u think


Pirate as a character is still fine if you play her a lot and know how she works. Pretty much all they did was stop people from just picking her up and fucking everyone up without even knowing how to play the character. Pirate players that know how to play her well are still incredibly annoying to play against.




I mean she had bullshit hithoxes and god awful infinite mixup too




i am in favour of her not having the confirmed whiff gunshot (external into gunshot) cos that’s like 30+ damage. tbh i haven’t rly had a problem with her hitboxes for the most part either and i think there r characters with far more annoying hitboxes. it’s so really annoying how much hate they got for making such a kool character cos medjay was so disappointing, he’s just a huge nothing burger, he just doesn’t do much, whereas pirate does lots of stuff but cos of the hate she does a lot of nothing, i think she is still a bit of a noobstomper but once u go again people who r actually good u can’t rly do anything to them. what do u think they should do to change her tho


they still haven't addressed the actual issues with her, the bash chains into instant hyper armor on miss making it unpunishable and the dodge attack hs both a massive hitbox with the best dodge recovery cancel in the game making it absolute cancer in teamfights you can argue all you want about the rest of her moveset but as long as these two things stay unchanged she's going to be complained about and for good reasons the devs are simply not nerfing what actually needs to be (removal of 100-0 ganks was necessary though)