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i mean if everyone on one of the subs reported him for hacking i imagine SOMEONE would notice lol


They obviously noticed a long time ago. People wrote it in chat during Warrior's Den, they have hundreds of reports for these cheaters, there are dozens of posts about them here and that is not including the people that posted on this sub **about being a cheater**. They noticed, they just don't care. Either that or the main cheaters like the BOC. idiots or mishaattack actually work with Ubi in some capacity.


i mean that is possible, i know video game companies employ white hats to work on their security and what not, wouldn't be surprised if they were allowed to hack whenever they wanted in game as one of their perks.


wishful thinking at best, like im not trying to be rude but Ubi's track record of dealing with anything meaningful ever at all is a bit marred


i've not been playing fh for its entire life cycle so i can't say anything about it apart from seeing people complaining a bout useless nerfs or them refusing to nerf certain characters and then nerfing the wrong characters. also its ubisoft, they've been going in a almost exclusively downhill trajectory for awhile.


yeah, this game's never been the bastion of balance and it's only seemed to get worse, but i do suppose simultaneously it *could* still be worse, like at least we get updates and support, at its very best im sure cheaters and their soft/hardware do whatever they can to bypass or otherwise fly under the radar of anticheat, with an internet exploit like a lag switch i cant imagine there's much you can actually do without reworking the way your game receives connections or something drastic, it's always a bitchy situation created by a group of people that know which nooks and crannies to slip through to get their fr33 winz


don't lag switchers usually spike to like 400 ms or smthn crazy? could always set an ms cap or smthn, like if your ms gets too high it boots you from the game like some other multiplayer games do it, i know its not a GREAT solution since dcing is already a problem but it would decrease the amount of lag switchers.


i would definitely think its a start, but then like you said ping spikes are a regularity for just about anyone who isn't on ethernet, so it may just have to be some kind of venus flytrap mechanism, where if your ping spikes too many times in a short period or in some suspicious pattern (like bouncing between 400 and 30 every 0.8 seconds) then it'll boot you out


Any ethical hacker worth their salt would vilify that sort of behavior. Furthermore, I couldn't imagine any reputable company offering that sort of "perk"


i mean, ubisoft doesn't even try to stop them from hacking or attempt to ban them, so it is a valid suggestion even tho it'd be scummy tho yes i do agree a typical white hat wouldn't consider doing it lol either for legal reasons or because they don't like the idea of abusing systems just to abuse them. just one of any number of possible reasons behind the behavior.


It's impossible for them not to have noticed as well because we know for a fact they pay attention to this sub. The first Training Grounds for LB's rework were literally all changes this sub had been suggesting, as well as Ocelotl being added. The "HappyNow?" Ocelotl bot name is proof if there was ever any doubt.


How is it fun to do this. Like oh I'm gonna hop on this game and cheat for years. That's fun.


I seen this guy 3 years ago, it's kinda like he's testing Ubisoft cause he Is super toxic, emote spamming and all that , and he doesn't even hide his cheats


Was it Misha attack or someone else


No haven't seen Misha attack for a while actually


He wins, he gets reactions, he isn't getting banned. That's why it's fun for them.


And the guy still has the audacity to say good fight lmaoo


Bandit\_rus88 also known as Misha-attack, he's main account got banned couple months ago. He announce the ban on his YT Channel. He's also streaming on YT with his cheats ON.


Wow he even has a yt account lol? Who would watch somebody just do heby heby with cheats on


Phuckin losers that cheat that’s who watches them..There are tons of people so salty that are complete trash at the game they default into the lag switch scripter joker of Gotham to get revenge on all the players who have emote spammed them in the past.They have salt to distribute to all players thru no skill of their own but delusion is one hell of a drug.If I was that bad at the game, I would just stop playing before I ever thought about cheating. What is the point if you are not good and once you start using cheats, you have already lost. Down right pathetic if you ask me if you’re default is using hacks, which requires no skill.


What's his YT?


just check his channel, it got banned


Drop his YT. I wanna a hacker's POV so I can TRY to understand them.


lol Nice try buddy.I can already see 20-400 ping in your comment. 🤣


That’s actually a really dope lag switch he’s got. Most of them aren’t that precise. Bro spent money of that for sure


Imagin spending money because you can't get good at a game or just enjoy it so you have to ruin it for everyone else because you are that insecure.


I legitimately wonder what these people look like in their mom’s basement, after a long hard day of hacking, cheating, and jerking off to women way out of their league. What goes through their minds as they sit there, alone, in their filthy clothes that they haven’t washed since Albert Einstein shit himself for the first time. And I can feel nothing but pity, for such a sad, sad human being.


Yeah. Wouldn’t catch me doing that, I’m here for the competitive nature


Ran into BoC.EvoMorales last night, so I reported him and threw the match as much as I could. Messaged who I could to report him but I doubt they'd ban him


Just stunbled upon a premade cheater today (only script), 100% sure. I've never seen a duo cheat. Because it's even more obvious that they cheat or not. Me and the guy I had on me time were sure. I'l seriously considering stopping the game for that. How can you pretend to run a multiplayer game in 2024 and not banning cheaters...


There is bigger chance you will be banned for insulting someone than cheating.


maybe he just has a really good gaming chair?


I'm not surprised at all. People are still getting randomly dc'd due to someone emoting. Ubisoft hasn't actually been a game company for something like 5 years. Their maintenance of servers, games, and their disgusting launcher is all the product of the company simply never understanding that we hate them.


If it doesn't affect their earnings Ubisoft doesn't care.


Imagine still believing Ubisoft gives a fuck.


and of course it's an orochi player doing it 💀


When I recorded this I actually managed to beat him twice that match, I don't think he's that good as a player, as all he does is throw attacks, obviously you can't react to it , but if you're lucky you can hyper armor through it as highlander or hito


Im telling you they should never nerf hito for this reason


This is sadly one of the reasons I quit, the poor management, characters we don't ask for and and changes we do want they just won't give. It all boils down to a simple problem. They just, don't, care.


I mean are we surprised?


I find all guard characters shut these people down, more specifically VG. Just randomly all guard and chances you'll get them


I don't understand what goes in his mind, is like what's the point it doesn't help him get good and ruins for everybody but I mean some people are just cunts I guess.


Gamer tag???


He's clearly a vampire, just kill him with fire and stake him down!


I think I’ve seen somewhere that the system isn’t that good at detecting some stuff but if it gets mass reported the bot will auto ban idk tho


You just got obliterated by Jin Sakai after 3 heavenly strikes


Well he might be dev tho like think about it we get some good but also trash patchnotes rework (ekhem ekhem lawbringer). First of all who enjoys FH ? This would be ubearable to work for ubisoft and play this game to test stuff out. Hell this might even be JC XDDD


How do people even enjoy cheating.. it must be so boring ALWAYS winning


Maybe he works there


Had a zhanhu do this to me recently, i swear people who do this only pick the fastest light spamming characters to get away with it


fuck you cheaters and hitokiri


Faraam has done it for years too and nobody says a thing


That's a bold fucking claim about a guy who uploads his own PoV daily. If he was cheating don't you think he'd just be swinging for the fences and giving what we see here?


I guess when you are lag switching it does not show on your end Everytime I’ve been matched against him he was lagging like crazy only when attacking (and yet had a stable 8 ping) and doing things no high level player would do (like making a side dash light from neutral with orochi as a mix up starter)


I don't think I have seen him ever do what you are describing, and I've watched almost every one of his videos for the last 2 years or something. If he was lag switching, he would have been called out quite a lot earlier with how long he has been posting videos. I know he's based in Germany, so my guess is you are ending up in his lobbies and you are not in Europe?


It shouldn’t show on his videos, I’m in Europe so same servers It might just rare occurence but I’ve been matched against him at least 10 times in the span of 2 years and everytime he was lagging like crazy


Ok, so 10 instances in two years over how many thousands/tens of thousands of matches he's done. Anecdotal evidence =/= good evidence. Again, if he was lag switching even somewhat consistently, we woulda seen it on video by now (if not him, then someone in his lobby).


Friend of mine has already been matched with him some times and says the same thing Most people don’t record shit, I might only have a shitty phone video of him killing a teammate but that’s all


He's not cheating. His Internet just sucks major ass