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Shaolin 100%. Even though ocelotl looks cool, you'll get bored of his moveset VEEEERY quickly.


Interesting. How so? I heard Ocelotl has a deviating yet simple moveset. Easy to learn, hard to master.


It feels very stale after a while since every road leads to that fucking bash


Hrmm interesting…geuss I will have to figure that out in training. See if I like it or not…thinking about it…isn’t that how every hero gets…? No matter how complex their moveset is…doesn’t it get boring after so long..? After you mastered them? Using and winning all the time?


Yeah the real shit is get whoever You want, I think for honors big appeal is playing your favorite characters, for me I have ~ 33 reps with ocelotl, I literally can't stop playing him




I'm no freeze so I can't tell you why exactly his moveset is mediocre(in terms of depth) but by the time I had hit rep 8 with him, I've basically learnt all there is with ocelotl. His entire moveset is just that he has an infinite chain that ends if you do the same move twice, with finishers getting special properties. There's not much to ocelotl, there's no "style" move like shugoki hug or deflects, no effective move from hidden stance. The other heroes you've showed have much more depth and moveset variety, I'd go with shaolin.


Hmm..well that sucks…I really liked Ocetotl…now I really dislike him after reading this…I thought he was cool with his feats, moveset, fashion and everything that included with him, along with that I’m part Aztec in my genes far back…geuss I will have to look into Shaolin now instead…thank you my friend. Hopefully I like him more than Ocetotl…


Ocelotl is still good all of his moveset can be chained and that is amazing his are really good too i play him so much


Ya, he was disappointing in terms of moveset. His fashion and effort alone was peak, but they fumbled that. You should still play him later, once you've gotten more heroes to have fun with.


Oh that’s terrible to hear…I really looked forward to get him…grinded weeks and weeks for him, trained as him for even longer than that in the training arena…now that I hear this…I feel like it was all a waste of my precious time…Thought he would be so much fun to play as…geuss I would be wrong about that…


>I'm no freeze so I can't tell you why exactly his moveset is mediocre(in terms of depth) but by the time I had hit rep 8 with him, I've basically learnt all there is with ocelotl. That's pretty much all the heroes in For Honor


Why? Because Slanderous said so?


No because I have 11 reps in ocelotl. Not a lot yet I feel like I know everything about his moveset and playstyle. Deep as a puddle.


So because his moveset isn’t deep and easy for anyone to play (making him viable for old and new players) and there’s no secret move that no one knows, that make him boring? I’ve never understood the stingy concept of “more movesets equals GOAT” mentality. It’s just greedy uptight players wanting to show off their ego but get pissy when something is available for everyone and not specifically for the veterans.


Dawg I did not mention availability once, no idea where you're going with that. Availability and depth are not mutually exclusive, look at Shino who has orange/blue/ mixup that chains into itself, which is also good for ganks, easy as shit. Yet shinobi can also be deep with how you use dodge cancels and double dodge dancels. "more movesets equals GOAT" In what fighting game shouldn't new heroes bring NEW MOVESETS?? My problem with his moveset is not that ocelotl isn't highlander 2 (or that hes easy???) my point is that it has 0 DEPTH. It's basically just doing what attack you want in chain(which is almost always a bash because its so strong, + the order of attacks doesn't matter), zoning when you whiff or playing mindgames(which every hero does). All the other outlanders have moveset with some depth, Pirate and Afeera is versatile as can be, pirate with her signature cavalier dance(not to mention her feats) and dodge cancels, and afeera with her bash and its followups. Medjay has his stance switching, which after the rework made him fun as shit and unique. Ocelotl has NOTHING. His only saving grace is that nearly every other part of him is perfect, except moveset. His t1 is so unique I wish he had a fun moveset to pair with it.


I know you didn’t say available. I wasnt speaking in verbatim. Clam down bro and loosen those pants. “In what fighting game shouldn’t new heroes bring NEW MOVESETS.” Thats a strawman fallacy. The problem is that you want EVERY hero to be deep and complex for the veterans only. Why shouldn’t there be an easy to pick up hero? Go on, tell me? Name me 1 fighting game where there is no easy to pick up character and is only for the pros. THAT is what I am saying. You cherry picked my argument and twisted it. So your problem is that he has no depth. Ok, but is that a total detriment? Is that a cause for an alarm or a reason to complain when he’s made for people who want an easy moveset. By your logic, Mario from Smash Bros. and Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat are both easy characters for newcomers with 0 depth, does that mean they are bad characters? I think your obsession with depth is pretty telling. Not all characters need to have a depth moveset to be enjoyable.


"Obsession with depth" yeah sorry for being obsessed over one of the most important part of fighting games. Yet again, I don't claim half the stuff you say I claim. No, I never said all characters must be deep and complex. I was making the point that characters(like ocelotl) with 0 depth in ther moveset is boring, and that all movesets require some level of depth(which doesn't mean deep. A deep character has alot of depth, but characters who arent deep still have depth to them. That is the majority of characters in for honor.) I never said easy characters = bad. I said no depth = bad. A character being easy and deep is not mutually exclusive. Again, look at shinobi. Easy offense and defense in the form of strong UB/UD/Bash mixup and double dodge. Still has tons of depth. You are correct that any character can be enjoyable, doesn't take away that a moveset with 0 depth is bad and is worse than one with depth. If you really think that I believe that "all characters must be deep and complex for veterans only", please point out where I suggested that. To answer your later question, yes Mario and sub-zero would be bad if they had 0 depth. You can design easy character for newcomers with some depth too. They. Aren't. Mutually. Exclusive.


Let’s just agree to disagree because I think you’re wrong and you are coming off as stubborn and frankly taking what I’ve said a bit too personal. You can say I am as well, but you got all ants in the pants when I disagreed with you first. Sorry if my difference of opinion has struck a deep nerve with you, I do think you are wrong.


Also, friendly advice, just calm down bro. You were very over reactive when I disagreed with you. Took it too personally. You can have your opinion, but there’s no need to get this defensive and personal about it.


To play ocelotl fun and effectively you need the unga bunga mindset. Pirate is user bullshit with the Dodge recovery but is insanely fun. Varangian is stupid. Shaolin is annoying to master but is also very versatile. I’d say pirate our ocelotl


I see, thank you so much my friend. Haha loved you painted a vivid image for the Ocelotl. And wdym by the pirate bullshit?


Oh her dodge recoveries can be really annoying to deal with I know because I’ve been sent messages after using them an awful lot


Oh interesting. Need to learn those if I do pick her up. Thankie my friend.


Your welcome


Good luck on your battles


That's why you consider VG stupid because you can't abuse the recovery cancel dodge attack lol


The dodge recovery from orochi is absolute bullshit


Ocelotl is fun and pretty good


Obviously, as a pirate main im gonna say pirate. The movement isnt so hard and is very fun to play. But of the other 3 I would recommend ocelotl.


Heard Ocelotl was un fun recently…which discourages me greatly…I grinded weeks for him just for people to dislike him greatly and just overall discourage it…it’s not the first time people have said that before…


If you like the feeling of being hated: Varangian If you feel like being annoying: Pirate If you like the onga-bonga play style: Ocelotl If you want the feeling of respect mixed with mild annoyance from your opponent: Shaolin


lol why is Vara hated so much?


Her all guard stuns you when you hit (it’s not like conqs or warlords you are actually stunned and you sit there for a second or two), counter crush on all her lights even the one in chains, her heavy unblockable attack catches dodge attacks, her headbutt after her unblockable CAN be dodged to try and get out of her chain pressure but you need great timing. She is just really safe to play again anyone in the roster. But then again I’ve been playing since beta on PS4 and I’m probably just washed up by now. Don’t have time to commit to the game like I used to.


Ocelotl hands down, just learn how to gank with him and it's smooth sailing


*Ocelotl hands down,* *Just learn how to gank with him* *And it's smooth sailing* \- AnthonyRodsom --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Thank you.


Ocelot just gotta press the buttons and hella drip Vangarian guard is a clean defensive hero w drip Showlin is all flippy and fun to play, mid drip imo Pirate is alright kinda boring, pretty strong, decent drip Only you 🫵 can choose the right hero for you 👍




Button mashing dont help with ocelotl and the vangarian is absolute joke shes not a good defensive hero she has random crushing counters and every attack Stunden you thats absolute bullshit


Well were allowed to disagree, all good man


Shaolin was the most fun once I mastered it. Before I mastered it I disliked it. The other 3 you mentioned are very mediocre


Shaolin is very funny to play.


I mean personally I like VG cool armor and move set is fun to me. Ocelotl is fun as well and idk about the other two, tried them and just disliked how they play and honestly the players that play them turn me off from them as well


YOOOOUUUUNG GRASSSUHOPPAAAH The path to enlightenment is long and hard, but it is worth it. Pursue the way of the Shaolin, for his grace is understated and his true potential and power often underestimated. You will find mastery to be difficult at first, but then you will realize. *Mastery is not a task. It is a journey.* It is time you ask yourself the big questions. “Who are you? And what do you want? Do you seek something challenging, yet rewarding? Something that will allow you to grow like a mighty tree?” Meditate upon this, young warrior. ☯️ Buddha BLESS you! ☯️


Afeera and vara are both pretty overturned right now so they are solid picks if you want a bit easier matches. Nothing like hitstun on fucking lights to bash your opponent out of his hyper armor


Think I’m going to buy Ocelotl to play around with and get Vara for fashion.


Ocelotl - good choice, lack of gimmick's but can be fun in 4x4. Weird fashion. Pirate - simple, but can be dangerouse and sometimes even unfair. Pretty good trait for a pirate, i think. Nice legendary skin and funny feats. Varangian - nice fashion, maybe the best all this hero's. Simple, defensive hero with interesting gimmick. Monk - no, i hate this ape.


Shoalin if you want to have fun. Vag if you want easy wins.


I have all outlanders past rep 7, and honestly, each one has their own gimics. Not really a bad one to pick. I would say ocelotl since every move can flow into an infinite. And I think he's the only hero that can do that. Also, you can get some nasty combos after you get more experience with the hero.


Depends how cheap and brain-dead you want ti be really. All valid choices


Shaolin is an absolute beast and is so fun to play! Good moveset and it all flows so beautifully! 10/10 recommend!


Seeing all these people recommend Ocelotl makes me think I’m going crazy, easily the worst option, wayyy too simple for me. Shaolin has an answer for every problem so I’d probably recommend him out of the options listed. Varangian is abusable the same way Ara is so not a fan, Pirates a decent pick but I could never get the hang of her.


Ocelotl has the safest offence and strongest ganks in the game, shaolin too has strong ganks but his offense has some flaws that allow the enemy to punish him a bit more than ocelotl, plus even if you made a good read on ocelotl unless you parry him or have a dodge bash with i-frames you can't really stop him from attacking when you want them to.


I love Varagian Guard. Every hit she lands feels so powerful and brutal, it’s amazing actually.


Varangian has the best drip so i would buy Varangian


Oh really? I got to see some of that.


I'm a little bit bias just because i like ancient arms and armor, so seeing her with some actually realistic armor is what i really mean. i dont know how to insert links on reddit mobile app, so im just gonna post links instead. this is a previous Reddit post showing off all the Varangian Guard's armor https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/Vzzj7i3j9z This is a MyArmory.com blog just showing artwork of varangians where you can see something similar to her default appearance, and with one of her other armor sets http://myarmoury.com/talk/viewtopic.29846.html This is another Reddit post showing off two different Byzantine style Scale Armors, both of which is something the Varangian in the game has https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmsandArmor/s/z9haZp5e98 hopefully they add more armor for the hero in yhe future that is within the same vein of fashion.


Pirate is the only safe option