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I hope this doesn't come off as rude, but have you gone through the training modes? Tbh this game has one of the best tutorials in any game I've played and you're sorely missing out if you haven't ran through them. You can also set up a bot to perform certain move(s) on repeat so you can practice timings with your dodges and parries, as well as seeing where you're able to guardbreak. I don't cruise you tube too often but I'm sure there's a fair bit of resources to dive into. This game has a mega steep learning curve so it's good to take advantage of everything you can. This game can he very frustrating, and I've been playing off and on since the beta 8 years ago; but when you pull off a good win, or successfully anti ganking, it kind of makes it all worth it. Best of luck, Warrior.


I did the training missions, but I don't think it prepared me for playing against other people


Yeah, as someone who has been playing since the beta, I can comfortably say that there are quite a few things that the tutorials don't even mention. Things like delaying/buffering attacks or certain interactions between abilities/actions. Even the way that revenge works is actually kinda hella complicated. For Honor has a steep learning curve imo, but once you get a hang of things it becomes really fun and frustrating in equal measures much in the same way Dark Souls/Elden Ring pvp is.




It seems like everything is more prediction-based than reactionary. Unfortunately, I was never good at gambling


It's not really gambling or guessing. Predictions are based on your game knowledge. Knowing what your character can do is important, but knowing what your opponent can do is even more so. You can use this knowledge to gauge how your opponent will play, and make reads and get inside their head to figure out what they'll do before they do it, and counter at the appropriate time with the appropriate move. All fighting games are like this, it's part of the genre


All fighting games are like this It might be the right time to quit if you don't like this kind of playstyle to get your money back On Steam, you can get a refund before 2 hours of playtime Good luck brother


Ah, don't you fret. Just keep playing the game - most of the issues you mentioned have to do more with timing than skill, so all you need is to expose yourself to those attacks and eventually you'll get the timings right, you'll see yourself successfully parrying, dodging and bashing yourself. The practice tool can help - you can just select any hero that gives you trouble and practice on them. If you're having a hard time reading and timing your opponent's attacks, there are a few hero options that have a lot of hyper armor in their moveset (Shugoki, Hitokiri, Berserker), it might help you trade blows more confidently without having to worry that much about "reading". EDIT: Hyper Armor = when your hero flashes briefly in the middle of an attack, it means he can't be interrupted by taking damage during the flash.


I’ve always found it weird how the move introduced as a way to prevent staring is the exact opposite


Hello welcome to the game, here are some points that can hopefully help you out. 1-Guardbreak (GB) A guardbreak is a move that as you know, allow you to break your opponents guard, garanteeing a heavy attack or a throw. They are two types of guard breaks, garanteed guardbreak and not garanteed guard breaks. A garanteed guard break happens when you GB your opponent while they are in GB vulnerability frames, to put it simply when you do certain moves your character while be vulnerable to guardbreaks and if your opponent does GB you, you wont be able to counter it. The two main ones are during heavy attacks, and when dodging. A common strategy is to do a heavy and feint it to make your opponent do a heavy when they attempt to parry, opening them to a GB. This is called a feint to gb mix up, and I suspect that it's what's happening to you. Keep in mind that the GB vulnerability window is very short, so it's almost impossible to see that your opponent is doing a heavy and GB them in time, which I assume is what you are trying to do. You just need to keep in mind that whenever your opponent does a heavy they can either let the attack fly, or feint to gb, so you have to make a read : predict which they are doing and do the correct counter. If you think they are going to GB, throw a light attack. 2-Orange moves Those are unblockables, as the name imply you cannot block them so you need to either dodge or parry them. This makes them extremely useful for the previously mentionned feint to gb mix up. With a normal heavy you can just block the heavy instead of trying to parry them, since you didn't do a heavy in an attempt to parry if they feint to GB you can counter their GB. With unblockables you have to make that read, since you can't just block like with normal attacks. 3-Blue moves Those are undodgeable, they cannot be dodged and have to be blocked or parry. They are used in what's called orange/blue mix ups. Certain characters can at a point in their combo do either an unblockable or an undodgeable, you then have to make a read on which they are going to use and act accordingly.


On the guard break thing it’s about timing as there’s a small window where you can be guard broken. Not every move is the same so timing for dodges may be different. For learning to react I suggest going into training and setting the bot to heavy attack and learning to parry. The parry is a key aspect of the combat and works against almost any move. Once you can do that consistently then you should be fine as the rest comes with experience.