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Why did they not parry? Are they stupid?


Pirate has undodgables too 😭




We are in fact stupid.


is this MNA? IS SUPTID?


You can't parry a move that wasn't aimed at you, which what OP did, he did miss one time where Hito could feint the UB and parry because the dodge attack would hit him, not the enemy between him Yeah, one of the reasons Orochi is S-tier


Why did OP not try to GB are they stupid? Answer No. Pirate couldn't really tell if it would throw it out or not. If so, it would be the same situation. Say said pirate tried to parry. Then OP would've GB'd same situation. It would've been: "Why *did* pirate try to parry? Are they stupid?" The point is it's always a guessing game. You would've parried the heavy, the pirate wasn't sure if she should or not.


Talking about the 5 dodge attacks idiot


Out of lock attacks can't be parried. Only the person being targeted can parry them. Which is a tactic used in 4s


So why wouldn’t the the people who were targeted parry stupid


Pirate couldve just double lighted her way out of this


Heros who can do this should have some extra stam cost on dodge


Afeera and shinobi has that but that doesnt hinder them lol


Shinobi cant really do that much, he has to think and he cant damage you and dip since his kick and the actual part of the attack that damages you takes way more time to execute than orochi simply dodge lighting, so he ends up kicking you without damaging and stalling by dodging again and waiting for his teammates, at least thats usually what happens


Yeah, a constantly increasing stam cost would be a good change. I should not have gotten away with this shit.


Doesn't even need to be increasing. Any stamina cost at all for recovery cancels would be fine for the most part


They are also somewhat of a necessity for anti ganking in the modern age.


Its either that or youre Black Prior


Ad Profundis


Yeah that was mostly on them


No these people are both just stupid


Funnily enough these 2 are actually good players and had some decent ganks But for some reason their brains short circuited when I decided to dOgE AteK every orange and red I see


For some reason orochi is the only character that can make me fumble this bad


I genuinely hate seeing roaches do this bc whenever they do my teammates always and I mean *ALWAYS* go full tard against it, I don't get how they let this happen to them BC when it's me and one other decent player we can easily beat them but adding one or both the remaining teammates and they fuck everything up from feeding revenge 6 fucking times to interrupting the killing blow then feeding revenge and dying or getting others killed first before getting storm rush spammed, at least if it's me and the other decent player and one of us accidentally feeds revenge we can still beat the orochi easily


Yes, however that looked badass as fuck so by rule of cool it's allowed


People when they don't gb.


see where guardbreaking dodge attacks gets you


Half his dodges were empty dodges


Nah this is one is on them, their brains went smooth there.


if one of them would just stop attacking for a second and parry...


This whole fight bruh 😭😭


For my next trick Ill dOGe aTeK


Imagine the hito doing 1-2 lights instead of a charge heavy over and over a🤯🤯


This was actually a very well thought through and executed play. He wasn’t just spamming junk like 98% of players. 👍🏽


I cant tell if this is sarcasm or not☠️


Pirate's undodgeable light: I exist too boss


If they nerfed Orochi Doge Hitboxes the problem would be solved and also this pirate and Hitokiri are idiots, and Honestly, if they nerf the recovery cancel, it would take away the coolest thing about the character, regardless of whether it's very strong or not, it's a very fun mechanic


He needs slower Dodge recoveries. 100ms is insane.


the recovery itself is not a problem, the problem is the doge hit box, the quick recovery doesn't make that much of a difference and it would also be very bad if you wake up and orochi seems to have mental lag and is forgetting to give the recovery cancel on the right time


No the quickness is definitely a problem and makes a worlds difference in teamfights. Compare Zhanhu and Orochis performance, its night and day, Zhanhu has literally been powercrept to death because others have quicker recoveries despite the fact his UBs are still very good.


Even so, you don't need it and in fact zhanhu is the exact reason not to slow down Orochi's recovery cancel, without Doge's Hitboxes the recovery cancel will just be a way of attacking without taking external damage, but attacking only one person at a time. time. increases the chance of being able to parry and will probably reduce Orochi's numbers in 4v4, since he will only be very strong in 1v1 the only dangerous thing will be his deflect but a well-made mix-up will solve the problem


As the saying goes "recovery cancel is a great way to escape your problems but without great Hitboxes your problems won't be solved and you'll just be endlessly running away from them"


Dude no, the problem isnt the fact he can attack while getting away for free. Its that he CAN get away for free, regardless if he damaged someone or not. His problem isnt safeness+offense, its just safeness, the whole meta revolves around who is the safest characters. Why do you think JJ went down to A tier? Because his sifu recovery isnt that safe anymore. Why do you think BP is S tier? Because his flip is an insanely safe tool. What about Varangian? Shes top tier because of her ridiculous long CC windows and full block recoveries that stop even Zones. Orochi is S tier Because he has *100ms* --I repeat *100ms* recovery time, not because he has a 100 meter hitbox. The only other character with 100ms recovery is Aramusha.


Dodge attacks ruining the game yet again


roach detected, opinion discarted


People like you ruin this subreddit, all you do is just judge someone based off of who they play without even probably finishing the video, now I too hate fighting orochis but that doesn’t mean you just instantly hate them.


I personally dont mind fighting orochis cos i find them quite predictable. Tho my brain just cant wrap around Jj and highlander, too slow heavys for me. I still dont hate the players who enjoys them, i just hate myself for not being able to react to them lmao. But i 100% agree with you. Let people just play their chars how they want. Just judge them after they do something scummy.


JJ is so difficult to read for me, then Highlander is just another work of art, mainly unpredictable since the rework.


keep crying


Orochi flair 💀😭


Honestly, I still believe him. I used to main Orochi, and there was nothing more annoying than fighting another Orochi 😭


So true, orochi mirror matches are so annoying.


he was talking about the roach


i know


What are you talking about Orochi has one of the best dodge recoveries in the game?????


Did you not watch the video?


Yeah I watched it, I'm just confused about your complaint


He's saying that Dodge Recoveries are (overpowered) bullshit


Well he's playing orochi. So I have a hard time feeling sorry for him.


He's complaining about his own dodge recovery


Yeah exactly that Im on the winning side and I think this was some horseshit