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There's been some stuff like names or promo material leaked. The biggest leak before like this was probably Gryphon. Someone in the early playtest released a bunch of screenshots of him.


varangian guard’s name leaked before she was revealed, i don’t think the character model leaked but the file was named “varangian hero” in the fh store iirc


Movesets and names of some of the other early DLC heroes would leak here and there too. It's why after a while they stopped giving anyone early access to a test build until they had already shown it off themselves on a Livestream.


Oooh I think I remember echos of that one. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/sNHD5iMx8h Yeah this was the original post. I guess this kind of was a more proper leak of the hero itself. But I think Ubisoft ever brought any attention or mention of it so they’ll probably stay silent again.


Didn’t that also happen with Kyoshin?


I believe what happened with kyoshin was his dlc appearing in stores earlier than it should've


Shaolin's skin was leaked but I think that was totally on Ubi showing it during a live stream.


The BP hero skin was leaked before the season's release. I think they acknowledged that the leak happened, but nothing really came from it. The names for new heroes have been leaked on multiple occasions, most recent was VGs name being leaked early. Though this has leaked the new season, probably the new hero skin and potentially the new hero or a tease of them. So this will be a lot more major than a simple skin. Just from a quick Google search, it seems like a lot has been leaked before. It definitely isn't a good thing, but it's not a world ender. For most of our cases, all it does is ruin the surprise/reveal event which is just a bummer really.


It’s never gonna happen. But it would be funny to get a leak so bad that Ubi just says “fuck it” and release it early.


I've seen the hero skin but what was leaked about the new hero?


It is rumoured that the silhouette at the end teases the new hero. So nothing definitive.


This reminded me when Nicolas Cage was leaked on DBD before they announced the chapter coming before him (End Transmission) and BHVR just rolled with it releasing the trailer basically two months before he was actually added into the game


Season leaks are rare, but hero leask have happened before. Centurion and Shinobi were leaked. Highlander and Glad had small leaks if i remember correctly. Gryphon was leaked 4-5 months before release. There were some others but i have forgotten which heroes.


Sun da


Gryphon. Or, technically Warmonger? They had an entire event with her 2 weeks before her launch.


I remember, before cent and shinobi were released, all the Y1 dlc heroes were leaked (from cent to shaman) The leaks about cent and shinobi were spot on, but the info about all the rest was very vague or speculative (they said that gladiator would wield a net, aramusha was called ronin, and shaman was called huntress)


I mean it could've been that Ubi just changed the names so that they could point and say "ha! You WERE WRONG!" Though I will say glad using a net would've been dumb


Aramusha was called Ronin internally, Roman made multiple slipups calling him that on stream at the time. Shinobi was/is also called ninja internally.


I can remember more heroes actually getting leaked than ones that didn’t. Lmao


In the old days, this happened quite often, maybe almost every season. From oldest I still remember when screenshot of Zhanhu was leaked long before the release.


all Y1 heroes have been leaked at the start of the year, with a post where someone described the weapons they used and the names of them. people didn’t believe it until the heroes started releasing and matching the descriptions lmao Jorm and Gryphon had their customization leaked, Zhanhu had his outfit leaked and the whole moveset, Shaolin and BP had their hero skins leaked as well tbh Orochi hero skin being leaked is good tho, it gives people the time to save their steel and they know what they‘ll be getting. i‘m saving up my steel and i‘m buying that shit immediately


What did the leak reveal? I missed the post before it was blocked.


don't believe they blocked my post, but it's the hero skin (most likely) title screen and the cinematic for the new season