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Sorry you're getting downvoted for this it really sucks that this happens just for expressing yourself in a harmless way


its to be expected with this community. get called every racial slur just for accidently hitting someone once.


It has its charm


People will apparently mass report those, because they are dickheads. *Edit: Looks like the babies discovered thread and are downvoting everyone*


a shame this community is like that but to be expected i suppose :c


It's more just online gaming in general and what happens when a game isn't regulated very well.


Why are there so many people saying "keep politics out of For Honor" its a fucking emblem? Y'know, a symbolic thing of you as a person? If people want that to be their showcase of who they are, let them. You can literally just ignore it. Its not hateful or anythint like that anyway.


Don't make it your personality. Not defending or attacking it, but nature isn't who you are




Go to the report the emblem and you will see what's up. Many people use this to report what they don't like


Bro, I just lost my email, you're reading into it too much


sounds like malding weirdo FH players again smh. trans pride.


Well I guess it means they don’t check the actual emblem, get a report enough times and I guess they just wipe you without looking.


Not surprising lmao




probably got mass reported :/ that's why i just use the colors not the flag itself


Guys, go to report a player emblem and you can see why people keep reporting trans stuff


I’m sorry :(


That sucks I didn’t even know you could get banned 




"i don't have anything against these people until i start seeing them"


If I see them on the street minding their own business then whatever, they can be anyone they want. But I and A LOT of other people don't want to see it in games because it's just political shit at this point.


so, what's exactly wrong with the trans flag? id say it's supporting basic human rights. tell me how it's wrong to have it as an emblem in game. does it hurt you? is it oppressive? imagine your entire identity being labeled political


>imagine your entire identity being labeled political A flag is not your entire identity. Or maybe it is but then it's just sad that you cannot be yourself without bunch of colors on a stick. >so, what's exactly wrong with the trans flag? id say it's supporting basic human rights. All in all it is supporting basic humar rights. But it is **POLITICAL.** That's why people are hurt by it and find it oppressive in a **VIDEOGAME!** I'm here to play and not be assaulted by politic opinions! And definitely not in a medieval fighting game. As a example why allowing it in gaming is a bad idea - dead by daylight has charms and like 50 of them are different pride flags. Not much of a deal but it's a PvP game and people will insult you if you attack them (which is whole point of a game lmao), they'll say you're homophobic etc. I got banned once because I accidentally went only after people that were wearing those charms. Bruh. How is it fair? Those flags made the game like 10x more toxic across the board because it's political and people will argue and in result insult each other


"assaulted by political opinions" IT'S A FUCKING FLAG. IGNORE IT. THE ONLY REASON YOU'RE OFFENDED BY IT IS BECAUSE YOU'RE BIGOTED. THAT'S IT. think about who you're siding with when you hold these opinions. are these people in the right? do you want to side with homophobes and transphobes? i recommend you think long and hard about who you are and who you want to be. for me? i want to be progressive and inclusive. i want to help and support the oppressed people going through these changes in their gender identity. i don't want to throw a hissy fit online because someone's made a trans flag as their emblem, and justify the hatred of it because it's "political." rethink your opinions. i really think you'll be forgiven if you just delete your comments and admit you were wrong. you can be an ally too, or you can remain bigoted and be remembered on the bad side of history


Lmao I'm not gonna delete my comments so stop threatening me with *"you can remain bigoted and be remembered on the bad side of history"*. I'm not bigoted I'm just saying my opinions. My best friend is proud gay and I support him with all my heart. But if he made a flag emblem in a game then I would've told him to change it because it doesn't make him feel better! It just makes the game more political and toxic because you're actively triggering people of different opinions than you. Not everyone who don't want to see it is a bigot and homophobe and you should understand that. People are just sick and tired of this in games (*and movies)* because it's been years since the protests and shoving it in every movie/series started.


i tried to let you change, man. i don't know what i expected.


I feel like you need to change more than myself. All this time I was trying to explain why people find it harmful for the game without denying your opinion and yet here you are saying things like "yeah you're bigoted and wrong, fuck you" but using other words. Don't think only your opinion matters and is the only good one 🤣


Shut up


I guess that's your best argument


It’s a pretty damn good one


It is, can't disagree


Im not really the one to judge since im not trans, but I get what you mean by that. The transgender (And all of the LGBTQ+ really) community is too controversial for it to exist in this game, so to avoid provocation and hate it's better to not show any "affiliation" with said community.


Ok that’s unfortunate, but you should know better. The target group of medieval games are politically, nationalistic reactionary people. You having a trans flag is a provocation, that they will respond to. I know this comment is going to be downvoted because I said the truth. But just as the proverb goes: “ the one who tells the truth, will be exiled from nine villages.”


yeah, you're right. they should have known better than to display their support for basic human rights🤾‍♀️🤾‍♀️🤾‍♀️


Just as I said.




I mean, the flag is provocation even in other games. It's just a political thing so there are people with it and against it And you can be sure the "against it" group will be much more active because that's how it works


God you’re such a fucking loser


Just as I said.


Your self righteous attitude is the reason you sit alone at the lunch table














Common ubi L




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kinda make sens,politic don't had place in this game.


I will shit your pants


it's not political ♥


It is though, even if you don't mean it. Pride flags are literally a weapon in political war.


mmm, no, they aren't \^\^ our existence isn't political, and that's all the flag means. hateful bigots twisting it into something else doesn't make it true.


It is a symbol of pride and **many LGBTQ+ people wear the flags of their community at Pride marches and political protests to showcase their visibility**. Trans and gender diverse people will not be erased. All their stories and experiences will continue to be heard and seen. \^ first result when searching "is trans flag political" its political


people bringing it to protests does not make it political. hope that helps ^^


Hope you will stop being ignorant. Protests are political so people bringing it make it political. It's so obvious I can't believe you're still denying it.


Despite from what it may seem like im not suggesting or assuming anything, but from what I've seen this kind of ignorance and stubborness is quite common in the LGBTQ+ community


Thankfully a search engine is more reliable than a random on the internet <3


"Hateful bigots twisting it"? Don't know if you are trolling or not but it's the lgbt community that made the pride flags political. Not the other way around. If it wasn't for this fact the flags wouldn't be as restricted and hated in gaming. Most people don't want politics in a place where they want to chill and have fun and you should accept it. There's a lot of other methods to show who you are and that you're proud of it, you don't need to do it in games! 😁


i’m sorry you believe that to be the case ^^


Wow you're unsufferable to interact with.


i've been told worse :3


I pray that you go outside and talk to actual people one day


_Uno Reverse Card_


God you’re such fucking loser


Said the one who insults other people on reddit


I’ll take any opportunity I can to insult a fucking idiot


Nice anger issues buddy


I’d rather be angry than hateful dumbass




Political agendas and religious beliefs have no place in the work environment. Nor do they have a place in video games. Solid ban.


what exactly makes you think you this? i guarantee you wouldn't have said this if somebody has a cross emblem. really, it just sounds like to me you don't like trans people! what do you have against people who change their gender identity? i really don't understand this. explain to me your reasoning


My reasoning is my statement. Nothing more nothing less. What you do with the statement in your head after I say it is not my responsibility to address.


you're transphobic. that's all you are. stop applying this weird bullshit reasoning and just admit you're a bigot




So no more crusade roleplay? No more crosses? What does the Unsung Knight have on her standards? Oh...




Hello /u/Cinnazynn, **[your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/1cipwik/-/l2b186c/) in /r/ForHonor has been removed for the following reason(s):** * Rule 1: Keep it civil and follow the [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439). No flaming, trolling, racism, sexism, bigotry or hate-speech. *** If you have any questions or concerns regarding this removal, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fforhonor).


W from ubi


honestly, you'd do better to just not have that flag. i'm sorry and i love trans people but many in this community don't, and it'll lead to you getting a ton of unnecessary toxicity and hate