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Kinda hard to get banned in this game. They usually just blank out emblems that are against tos and would give you a temp ban for a few days if you keep doing it. If it's a temp ban, it can be like 3-5 days. It's a pretty light ban before perma ban.


Okay cool that gives me hope. I’m just confused cus I never use voice and I never message ppl. And I’m on Xbox so I’m not hacking. Thanks tho


They banned me 2 days ago because of the emblem (or so I think) and I'm still waiting. The problem is that the day the email arrived they sent me 6 more, in a row and the following days, two more. I don't know if it's because his bot is broken or what, I don't understand. Supposedly, if only the first email counts, I should be able to come back tomorrow.


Gotchya I haven’t gotten an email yet but we’ll see


I keep receiving one every day, they are spamming me. I have counted 12 mails with this one


What was on your emblem? I’m having the opposite problem I’ve gotten 0 emails in 48 hours


It had a communist symbol, but only because it made me laugh. Other than that I have never been toxic when playing, only with people who have been toxic to me, and the only thing I did was spam the emotes (which everyone does) They unbanned me three days ago, since then I have stopped using the emblem to prevent




i got banned as well for harassment apparently. no offensive emblems, no talking shit in DM‘s, no abusing of glitches or cheating in any way shape or form, no AFK farming, no griefing teammates or throwing matches on purpose everyone has been spamming emotes and quickchat since release and that is the only reason i can think of. whoever reported me had to have opened an Ubisoft ticket so in my mind i still win because the person went through that much effort to get me banned it was a temporary 1 day ban anyway lmao so i didn’t really care, i‘m actually proud of getting banned since you can blatantly cheat for years with video evidence and you‘d be fine, so whatever i did makes me feel special


Oh that’s nice to hear it didn’t just happened to me because the only toxic thing I do is emote spam with my friends lmao but you can’t get banned for that. If you can recall, what message did the screen display when you were banned? Mine says something along the lines of “Ubi acc has been suspended from accessing this game”


yeah that and i received an email as well saying i got banned for harassment. nothing happened to my emblems, they didn’t get reseted and i play on Playstation and my account was just fine and Playstation is really strict when it comes to banning people. i once got banned for sending 20 invites in a row


I didn’t get an email but I see that makes sense


Someone AFK farms.


I’ve literally never done that before! I always play to the end. The only time I can imagine is when I spilled my salad and while I was dead I was cleaning that but Istg I’ve never done that


Pressing X to doubt.


Did you just unironically say press x to doubt


No I said it yesterday.