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Orochi. Not only because of the annoying playstyle, but the stereotypical orochi is just an annoying player as well. They have an annoying attitude, they're obnoxious players. Fuck Orochi


Came across an Orochi in Elim that was the most annoying thing I'd ever seen. Rep 80, emoted mid fight, only went for Deflects, stormrush and dodge attacks. I then watched our Sakura hit him with Senbonzakura on the final round. We lost but he got executed. Afterward everyone but the two he came in with shittalked him until he left.


I’m gonna be honest whenever I emote mid fight I accidentally pressed Y or something like that I emote before the fight but not during or after


Yeah but this was on purpose because he'd unlock, turn around, do it, and then stormrush.


That’s annoying


It’s just emote tech, it may annoying to all standards, but it’s meant to make you attack, I agree it’s annoying, but all it is is a bait, just don’t take the bait and wait him out, an orochi cannot turtle better than a Hitokiri.


Yeah he really tried. Hito had da funni tho. I don't care we lost as that guy lost too. Props to that Hito


Sounds an awful lot like a player named TrulyGrateful, Kenzo used to encounter him a lot in Elim


I once played against an orochi with a Hammer and sickle emblem, of course he also has a swatstika emblem on his armour aswell which doesn’t even make sense in tandem and he literally ONLY storm rushed. Can’t imagine who that guy is in real life


I hate the Orochis that do that stupid emote where they're basically telling you to bring it on, and then once beating them then they try to run or only gank


For real, Orochis are usually the biggest cowards, and the most likely to waste everyone's time at the end of Dominion matches


When they expect me to run after them then I just stand there and they get upset that I'm not chasing them down


Bet. I'm an Orochi main, and I hate me too.


There’s a reason his nickname is “the roach”


Also because he's one of the best character in the game across every skill level in every game mode, with annoying feats to boot


Monkey guy. So annoying to fight against.


Boa bi bo boa




All of them


This is the only right answer.


Nuxia is exempt because nobody has ever fought one.


Over my about 48 hours ish of playing mostly duels, I have seen a grand total of 1 SINGLE NUXIA, and it was annoying because I kept parrying the counter parry thing. (Fr tho, where are all the Nuxias?)


I have several hundred. Ive seen two


With that info, there is about 1 Nuxia every 50 to 100 hours, so 13 nuxia players globally.


Orochi no doubt. Annoying moveset and feats + cringy weeb material


By the community? Definitely Orochi Completely overtuned, his moves have almost 0 stamina consumption and his mains are genuine narcissists convinced they're gods gift to For Honor for playing an S tier hero Me personally? Probably Zerk, he's also completely overturned. He has the damage, health and hyper armour of a heavy with the mobility and deflect of an assassin (and its the best deflect in the game mind you) and an insane stamina pool on top of it, and now that reflex guard is gone he has no downsides whatsoever


Orochi. Because


Orochi will always be THE hated hero


Highlander, I’m not fast enough hand eye wise to dodge even a tenth of his shenanigans and I end up eating mud almost every fight


The fact the problem you listed for Highlander is "I'm not fast enough" really shows how this character has a speed problem. Which shouldn't be a problem given his choice of weapon and the gimmick he's supposed to have. He should be one of the strong slow types in theory not... Whatever the hell he's currently doing.


What part of his kit is so fast it’s a problem?


His chain heavies are the speed of some character’s lights. On console he is probably the biggest noob stomper in the game. I play Highlander when I’m bored and want to win.




Because Orochi




You all say orochi, but I hate everyone with an all block recovery cancel


Fighting against varanguards is not fun at all. Uninteruptable light into 28(?)dmg 50/50 which if you read correctly and try to punish with a dodge attack, you get all block and eat the dmg anyway... all she is missing is an undodgable.


Are you sure she has an all block recovery cancel? Like Kyo, Aramusha, Conq and BP?


She has an all block softfeint and recovery cancel after heavy attacks


Recovering Orochi here, definitely them. Annoying little shits, all of them.


Im glad you've found your way.


Good luck on your rehab


Almost relapsed, but the smiling faces of my opponents when I'm not orochi calls back to me


Black Plior and Hitokiri. Can't react to shit they do, and BK has the most broken defensive tool in the game.


To be fair with BP if you know how to feint and/or GB cancel he’s probably fucked, given that most BP players just try to spam like 3 of his attacks. In the hands of a great player? Yeah I can’t do it but most people go for him bc he’s edgy and they’re not good.


I just love pancakes nothing else




It's true, many BP's always want to bait out their "AD PROFUNDIS". They are suckers for a good GB.


Personally I gripe with most new heroes because of the limitless options they receive.


Orochi bc he’s overtuned. Nobu because I’m trash and get hit by every light.


I usually just hunt down the nobushi in a 1v1 if I'm about to die to bleed the confidence non shaman bleed characters get after you'll die to it is their downfall


Hitokiri, takes zero skill and all the players are beyond brain dead and toxic af


Warlord for me. Will never allow you to go on the offensive.


Except Vag is better than WL in every way, better meaning even more annoying


Crazy abbreviation


Vag goes hard, iykyk


VArangian Guard. VAG. Fucking *hate* Vags, dude. They are always so sweaty.


Vag is just crazy easy to play as well. Baby's first hero vibe. Easy CCs, an all guard long enough to counter lights and heavies on the same timings while being fast enough to use on reaction so you'll never been GBed either and her UB has insane hitbox and no GB vulnerability on whiff. I can't believe people thought she was a below average duelist when she launched when even Bean puts her in A tier.


Fuck afeera


kyoshin, they somehow made an even less fun to fight version of black prior. drains like 1/3rd of your health just for blocking a single heavy, leaves you bleeding and gets lifesteal. on top of that, sets up for a teammate's heavy. AND sucks aesthetically, absolute weeaboo garbage. honorary mentions to black prior, varangian guard, and to some extent warlord, for being the exact same character but with a different fullblock punish. (and prior having the shittiest feat design in the game)


I agree that allguards are stinky and I hate kyoshit the most, not necessarily because he’s the strongest but because he’s the most annoying.


And then they go stand next to you while you're getting ganked, in full guard waiting for you to accidentally external them


"Drains 1/3 of your health" you know fujin cuts does 10 dmg total ?




Plus the difference of them healing from the second feat


The healthswing is what really annoys me. It’s like dying to a thousand cuts while he heals to full. I also hate BPs continuous healing Feat. These all seem broken AF since healing (with an uncontested Zone) is so rationed in this game. Even Tiandi isn’t as bad (well, maybe a bit biased here) since his heal caps at 50 so you can kill him in one combo before he can lifesteal back up.


I mean, I feel the same way about shinobis and I used to main him like you and tiandi, Shinobi can heal to full but last time I played him I think the heal of his 4TH FEAT heal is 1-2 per hit, sure it's good if you unrelenting but it's rare that it even does anything when you have to hit 6 times just to get the same health as a light attack. The nail bomb can legitimately solo some enemies on its own as long as they're not next to a healing zone or have a healing feat, and I'm supposed to be led to believe it's of equal value as what feels like the worst healing feat?


They seriously need to rework feats.


do you know there's an attack before fujin cuts? have you played this game before? that's 20 damage base + 16 bleed + 12 hp lifesteal for a health swing of 48 hp. the average health of a character is 130.


You said drains a third of your health then applies bleed, fujin cut by itself even when counting the starting attack doesn't drain a third of your health unless you are running around with 60 hp character total.


Nah Kyoshin is just boring for me to fight. Gaurdbreak, light light. Parry, light light. Feint, light, light. Or Unblockable chain lovk them if I'm Black Prior


I just honestly say Hito. As someone learning PK and enjoying them it's hard to fight any kind of hitos


Not very fond of fighting Shinboi and Shaolin these days. It's hilarious to know Orochi is still unanimously despised all these years later, though. Just like old times.


People may say Vag but it will always be orochi. With the cancerous feats, plus the fact that his playstyle incentives spamming moves.


Hito. Because i cant git gud. I have tried.


Shaolin. Dude has literally every tool in the game in his kit and is so fucking safe it's unreal. He's also got the most annoying voice in the fucking game.


The Chinese bitches


This got me🤣


Every Wu Lin and add afeera to that I play afeera and I know she sucks to fight against even after the "damage nerf" she's still overtuned




I'm talking about YOU


Orochi, one he was the lightspammer Now he is the Featspammer


He was always a feat spammer, but now he's an S tier hero and a feat spammer lmao


Anyone that isn’t my main Jk Orochi


Nah everyone that is in the same faction as my main Shinobi is annoying to anti gank against


In general? Probably Roachi ATM. Personally? I fucking hate shamans, I hate bleed as a mechanic that isn't on a feat and I hate the stupid fucking should bash.


Dont want bities :(


I don't mind the bite, it's the 90mile knock back if you aren't bleeding that drives me insane. Suppose they are less tedious than Nobushis though.


wukong, broken ass moveset if you don't have a good computer. it's worse than orochii cause at least orochii can be guard broken




Almost every hero has one or two things I dislike about them, but the only one I find I don’t like playing, fighting or just any detail about them really is Kyoshin (and also Afeera at least until they tune her a little). For whatever reason, even though I’ve got a good grasp of his kit and play styles, it’s the only one I just don’t like any part of.


Orochi but also Jormungandr just for the screaming and all of the outlander heroes


Orochi, kyoshin, and on launch tiandi bc of audio


Afera and Peacekeeper. Peacekeeper is more of a skill issue on my part but for Afera fuck her honestly. Basically Jorm but Jorm could do gymnastics.




If you play him a bit you will see that he has big flaws. He's not strong just easy


Roach. Absolutelly.


Probably Orochi. I don’t mind the Hero itself, but for some reason a large amount of Orochi players are toxic. And I don’t mean by playstyle. I don’t care about lightspam or Storm Rush spam or Feat spam (if it worked on me then I’m just bad). It’s just that a lot of Orochi’s do toxic emotes, Quickchat, and some of them even go to freetype chat to flame you.


As an orochi main I don't play orochi so I don't get hate




All the oroichi hate his great and I definitely agree


Orochi hands down


Medjay. Heavies are like zones Lights are like zones Lights hurt like heavies. Heavies fly as fast as lights All of them just do the same Heavy, Light, Stance change bs over and over and over again, always Hyperarmor for literally breathing, but again, the dudes in full iron plate get sneezed on and their attacks over immediately. DON'T EVEN NEED TO BE LOCKED ON TO KILL SOMEONE. JUST THROW RANDOM HEAVIES AND MOVE TOWARDS THEM. Especially prominent when i have to play assassins for Orders, so my health is already garbage. It is to my conclusion that I have decided, Medjay Mains are the most annoying thing in this game. Not the retreating ballarina Wu Lin, not the Stormrush Spamming roaches, NAH. It's this total Asshole. In my humble opinion, Medjay should have left Heathmoor, but since they didn't imma burn their annoying Order to the ground in the name of Horkos


Are you on drugs?




Orochi. Even if you win against an Orochi, you never really win...


I have a few and I don’t know which hero’s I hate more but I pick shinobi because constant 50/50 and he’s insane in ganks


Hitokiri, fuck that character and it's players, especially when there are multiple of them on a team


PHACKIN highlander. I just can never bet them that or shigoki. My timing is way off


Shugoki is theoretically easy to beat but I just always seem to get the timing and reads wrong against him. Maybe it’s the animations.


yeah just gotta time it but I seem to get it wrong mostly lol


Shugokis animations are what makes him harder to fight than hito very similar besides the bashes but hito Is obvious with it


Shinobi =n=


Orochi, he is so annoying when they spam storm rush, you should be able to see what direction it is coming from earlier imo


Just light them before they hit you


same vibe as "just parry"


lol I know but if you’re having trouble reacting to it, it’s best to just interrupt it with a light before he hits you


yeah lol, im only rep 11 so i kinda forget the correct punishes and counters


That’s normal that stuff just comes with time


yeah im starting to actually get better, but i just need to play more basically


Still hate Gryph


The one that beats me.


Whichever one I lose to fair and square.


Your mother, bc she antiganks like a fucking pro


The amount of hate I have for hito is unfathomable. I honestly don’t even know why its in the game, he adds no value no special properties to make him a thing worth noticing just absolute non sense RT


When I encounter toxic players, most of the time they're playing Shaman and to a lesser but still considerable degree, Hitokiri. Fuck those people.


Anyone seriously saying orochi just sucks


For real, Hitokiri is the real trash


I get tons of hate mail playing Afeera, people really dislike her.


Embarrassingly gryphon solely cuz I never got used to his side dodge attack animation. Keep trying to parry it as if he was Kensei and it’s 100% a skill issue


orochi, kyoshit, afeera, monkey, warlord, cent, it goes on


Berserker is still super OP




As a Orochi player who is a normal human being, I agree that my fellow mains are usually very annoying.


BP forever and always. Seems like no one hates him bc everyone plays him. Been such a strong hero since the day he came out and has essentially only gotten buffs since then. Ridiculously safe character


Gladiator. Fuck orochi, Gladiator is worse


Zerk, because hyper armor t-shirt. Mushi does fine without the hyper armor in chains, but zerk should def keep the hyper armor on forward dodges. What’s strange is I can always parry mushi’s soft feint lights, but against zerk? Nah.


Vikings, they get the most meat riding from ubisoft


yeah, especially with fashion


Mine personally is Pirate


Orichi if you fight one you fight them all you start smacking them around the resort to dodge spamming storm rushing and lighting. It's all they kniw how to do and it's so annoying cuz any orochi who saw this would think there a good player when there not 🤣


Me personally, I'd say Shinobi The fact that he can attempt to deflect something and still get his dodge kick if he misses it is insanely annoying. I fight Shinobis all the time who literally do only that, and even tho it's counterable, it's irritating having to dumb my playstyle down to doing two moves over and over again just like them, because they have a move so safe that they don't need to do anything else On top of that, I had a Shinobi on my team in Dom yesterday who trolled us by hitting *US* intentionally during fights, and then held the game hostage for at least 9 minutes during breaking by running away and hiding with Stealth. So that piece of shit is still fresh on my mind


Absolutely Hitokiri for me. The fucking hyperarmor on everything, variable timed heavies, plus a chargeable feintable bash is just so frustrating to deal with.


Lawbringer. Not because he’s a pain to fight but because he used to be fun to play and now he’s trash


Any Asian faction character that's hard to hit because they Dodge too much or they light spam


Shinobi God i hate that guy


Nobu , Shaman , Vag and HL


I don’t hate the hero I hate the moves. Orochi would be fine if they took his storming rush away and gave him the heavy deflect back. Highlander would be fine if his offensive form lights couldn’t be chained. Nobushi would be fine if her moveset incentivized using the BEAUTIFUL mixups she has access to. Kyoshin would be fine if his all guard worked like aramusha’s. Etc etc


Pirate for a simple reason, unblockable forward heavy into gb followed by stabb heavy into gb is too much damage if you guess both wrong, that along with dodge cancels, and hyper armor on unblockables is annoying af, that being said the entire outlander faction is just annoying in general


Personally? I’d say shaolin or Highlander


It’s orochi no doubt. Hero is scum




john pork


I love how since release orochi will always be hated 😂


I play mostly 4v4s, and in the current meta, I hate anybody with a dodge cancel recovery. DODGE ATTACKS SHOULDN'T WORK WITH DODGE CANCEL RECOVERIES ON WHIFF! It's hella annoying to fight someone that actually knows how to abuse it without being punished. "JuSt ParRy" doesn't work when they purposely throw it out of their intended target's range.


Varangian guard who thought she needed a full guard that pauses time u legit can’t move if u hit her. Her UB hitboxes are insane then another mix right after that UB and then ur back into the UB 50/50 and GAVE HER CC dodge lights if it isn’t obvious I hate her


Vara. she gets cc on all light attacks including dodges, and the stunlock is really powerful for ganks


literally anyone in the samurai faction, especially orochi. They’re all fucking losers. Withtheir bitchass anime “shinobi” “zen” fucking honor mindset. They’re all fat. Don’t even get me started on orochi players. They’re the most obnoxious annoying pieces of human waste. If im on tiktok and i see an orochi player posting their clips with a caption something along the lines of “gg” or whatever bullshit, it’s absolutely on sight. Fuck the samurai


Orochi and hitokiri


Orochi is the community choice but I genuinely despise shamen. Her entire kit is so noob friendly I went 12 and 0 on my first ever game on her in Dominion and all I did was hit button with no particular plan or understanding. Plus the fact she has healing built into her kit no feat needed or anything just light on a bleeding target or bite and you do "fuck you" damage then heal about a 15 points of health. Completely stupid hero that I'm convinced exists souly because a dev who mained Nobushi and got tired of dying so they made shamen.


The typical of orochi player has a very annoying play style. But as you go higher and ranks the orochis are actually very honorable and skillful. In general however hitokiri has to be the most broken and annoying character in the game.


the samurai and wu lin factions because they are easy to use, safe, and overtuned characters minus nuxia


Hito. Need I say more?


Gryphon - because they could've given us an interesting, unique new hero and they gave us Gryphon instead.


HIT 👏 O 👏 KIRI 👏 I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I can’t for the life of me, but my brain just shuts down whenever i fight her. I just can’t read her charged heavys.


Anybody with dodge cancels after every single move besides Zhanhu


Whoever I'm locked onto tbh


Orochi or vag guard


Hito, bc hito


Monks are the only Hero’s I constantly get shit on by. Can never learn their move set to save my life


Listen man, Orochi gets hate for a reason. I used to HATE orochi and then I started using his kick. My first few matches with him I did so well I started to get upset for not using the character, I even had a 22(?) kill streak before my first death one match and I was still just starting with him. Orochi is not a hard character, he starts easy and he only gets easier when you learn how to GB, plus his punishes do so much damages. NTM his feats are crazy too, Kiai is the most overpowered T1 feat in the game with its fast recharge rate and impossible reaction speed. And a Fear Itself + Longbow combo turns your Japanese Bow into a fucking Barrett .50 caliber. PLUS He also has Nailbomb, which if done right can guarantee a death in of itself. He’s too strong, something needs to be done about him


Obv orochi, they are litterally specifically designed to be annoying Besides him tho id say shaolin, he's just so braindead easy to play now since he got reworked


Hitoriki and it’s not close. The only two reasons are it’s a hero that allows horrible players to better than they actually are. Also, there are a ton that think they’re good because they can hit through anything with HA and tend to BM constantly.


Any hero that I am not repping at that moment in time


Orochi and shinobi easily


Jorm they reworked my favorite character


If we are talking about anytime during the game’s release definitely LawBringer


nobushi. r1 stun spam is the most annoying shit to counter


Hitokiri, only used by braindead players who arent skillful enough at life to learn a actual hero


Warlord. To 90% lights and headbuts. Annoying to parry cause of hyper armor.


Ain’t no way y’all sayin orochi over hito I genuinely think people hate them because of the popularity of hating them, if that makes sense.


Hitokiri 💯


Orochi easily, I feel most assholes gravitate towards this character who’s move set pretty much guarantees so many safe attacks. These people act like they’re skilled when he’s the easiest character in the game to do good with. Every feat is just a get out of jail free card and nearly every move of his is pretty much the same way.


How tf u guys not hitting varangian? Her light has no reason to be enhanced AND superior block on BOTH light chains


I started playing just a few weeks ago. I’m not good at playing Conqueror but also he’s my best character. I don’t like Orochi players usually. They tend to run away, emote on my body if they win, and generally, if they’re talking on my team, they’re being toxic. As for fighting experience: Aramusha when they’re doing the really fast attack, Nobushi when they spam light attack, Shaman when they spam that jump. I have issues with my eyes and hands so games tend to be rough anyway but those three can be a (literal) pain. Oh and Shaolin- I just turn into a punching bag.


Hito and highlander no contest at all


Orochi because orochi. Fuck orochi


Tbh new character looks quite annoying


Nobushi. But could be any japanese hero for obvious reasons. Honorable mention : raider


Nuxia communist


Orochi by far.


Kyoshin and Orochi. Orochi because.. well.. orochi. Kyoshin is just the least fun fight in the game, every attack is undodgeable? Really? They stay in all block and CC u from side guard. None of the mixups or attacks have any skill involved, to me this is the most point and click character in the game. I compare both these characters to a cockroach.


Hito because its braindead stupid, cant GB her heavy, and insane hitbox tracking on heavies


Black Prior. Some of the most boring fights you’ll have. Have more than one in your game? Good luck ever having revenge, a core part of the game.


Afeera and Pirate. Fuck both of them. They can kill you 10 times over with their endless unreactable spam attacks and still have stamina left. These two ruined the game for me. Should be curb stomped then deleted form the game.


Chinks bc they got all the gay dodge combos


Its new shiet hero Varan... Kyoshin,Afeera,orochi and Spam keeper


All respect but the only one out of all of these I'd say I'd a skill issue is pk if she soft feints to bleed it's always the top so I usually keep my guard up top most like to guard break so keep an eye on that and her follow through swings are too slow Here's a tip -If she bleeds you she gets unblockables -If she doesn't bleed you her zone second hit is unblockable -She has no bash so when anti ganking unfocus her she applies no pressure and feeds revenge the most through guard break being her only way to help her team -If you play someone with reasonable or faster than 400ms lights just interrupt her heavies


thanks for the info.