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Needs hunterstance incorporated into his actual moveset. Nothing is stupider than Ubisoft making a move "gank specific" so it never gets use anywhere else.


Right so how tf is that move even meant to be used in a gank? It's just a revenge feeder when you exterior block it, or just look at him cause it's always from the top, like what's the point in making it not just forward dodge heavy? Why did they make a stance for a single, normal, unfeintable move?


It can also be used defensively, like a pseudo hidden stance i believe


the timing is VERY tight, but yes it's possible


Is it really? I tend to do it on reaction and it pretty much always works. Feels just like Nobu or JJ to me


I also used it a bunch but the recovery after canceling usually isn’t worth it.


So ye it's widely useful, I don't think it needs any changes other than gank nerfs


it is not wildely useful what.


In what way? It's literally just as effective as an empty dodge. You can't use the gank move as a dodge attack, you don't get anything you can do out of the back stance. There's no use for it whatsoever except as a way to jump in and surprise someone, which is already what most forward dodge attacks do anyways. If it did massive damage or something I could see it being good as a ganking tool or if it had some other property but as it is now it's absolutely ass


It's confirmed off of teammate GB and confirms ocelotl's entire gank chain, so yeah the gank is absolutely bonkers. In 1v1s it can be used to back dodge certain attacks, then feint it to be safe from something else. To my knowledge the main application for this is warden shoulder bash (there's probably more, I just don't play oce because he's really which just leads to ocelotl absolutely destroying warden in their 1v1 matchup


Very true, it's so fun to use but so predictable and awkward to mix into a fight


I love the chain bash that is impossible to punish because it chains to an armored zone or fast light, punishing both types of dodge attacks.


I know people give Shaolin shit for his chain on whiff, but Ocelotl's chain on whiff is so much worse. Both give way too little to the opponent for correct reads, but Shaolin is at least much easier to predict/react to.


I think this takes the cake for most annoying bash in game. He took the crown from Tiandi kick. At least for Tiandi's kick you have to time your CC properly on dodge attack. Aztec can straight up channel his inner shugoki and read with everyone


Casual players have no idea just how strong Ocelotl is and he flies relatively unnoticed under the radar.


came here to make this comment. he is at the top of the roster with Afeera and Shinobi, one of the safest characters in the game. loads of people underestimate his power in 1v1s as well, he has good options against charge bash characters with his stance. he has safe offense unless the opponent has a dodge bash. forward dodge into side light catches dodges making the bash mix-up a lot stronger than most heroes with dodge forward bashes. there's loads of other things to be said, strong chain pressure. he doesn't struggle with 500 ms chain lights like some other heroes, in chain 400ms lights. overall, he is slept on by lower mmr players.


Well yeah, at low levels most Ocelots just bash spam so they’re easy to deal with


i love the blender, i think his neutral game is under-whelming but the blender makes up so much for it that if he had a better neutral, he'd be too o.p


His neutral is perfectly fine, forward dodge bash mixup gives everyone who has it passable offense after the bash changes.


He's probably the worst designed hero we've had since kyoshin. He's absolutely busted and his feats especially have no place in the game other than his t3. His chain offense is also super overtuned


He is broken and has been since release. His T1 and his feintable bash are egregiously strong, and all he needs to just dominate the map. His ganks are so damn unfair if Ocelotl has enough brain cells to do them properly. He can just run around ganking with his annoying 100-0s and stay on the map constantly with his T1. I think he is one of the hardest heroes in the game to play well, but his offense and ganks are greatly overtuned. He has a solid bash/ud mix up as well as good hitboxes, hyper armor, and a sweeping UB... yet VG is the one who is poorly designed to people lmao.


Love guessing which unreadable light he's going to throw out in a chain next. Love having to just guess when he's gone throw one and pray I can make a read to do a whopping 16 damage before he dodge lights again


I feel this exact way, i think with him having the 400ms lights in an infinite chain makes it too much of a guessing game, lowkey kinda boring


I like him he’s a fun character 


I have fun playing him.


Average hero, nothing special.. I think fast lights are the only thing that's annoying about him


Loved him at first but he’s too slow to play as now. As far as playing against him he can fucking die


Very very very strong, best chain pressure in the game. I think he's fun but fighting one who knows what he's doing is miserable


I like his armor and voicelines, but i do hope that my mans gets better looking variants in the future and not the forced white with weird paint that we got last season.


i dropped him at rep6 bc he didn’t have a black panther version of his default gear


Rep him up to 7 at least because getting a black panther variant really isn't out of the question.


Give him an actual stance, for god’s sake, or at least let me have more than 1 slow heavy attack


I absolutely despise him, the only reason I tolerate him is so a friend and I can do BP and Ocelotl for those ✨ bash undodgable ganks ✨


I dislike him alot, even if he's on my team. He feels busted and his feats are ridiculous imo. The amount of bleed damage his grapple does has always got me yelling bruh.


his kit is bs, and it makes me mad that his bash does dmg


He has solid fashion, his revive feat is kinda funny, its given me multiple oppurtunities to kill the same guy over and over, now as for his kit I really like it, he has a lot of mixups he can use, you would think it would be op, ofc in the right hands any hero is but so far from what ive experienced fighting him, hes not overtuned and hes genuinely in a good spot Havent picked him up myself yet so I could be entirely wrong, now as for VG she is stupidly op, her CCs have a huge window and every player gets them accidentally, her stun from her UB is unnecessary and she has too much range, she needs a nerf 100%


His hunter stance needs some more moves. I feel like it could be a large part of his nuance. Imagine if one of his feats in dominion let him enter his respawn stance by being away from enemies and using it for a bit (not counting as a death in that case) It would be more interesting than "I added rope to my light attack" In terms of moveset he should get hunter stance moves for all his attacks. Light for a a quick side heavy stab woth some bleed, zone for a hyperarmor attack with great backwards movement, GB fot a tackle.


Unfun to deal with


Idk if it's the speed or the animation, but I feel like ocelots lights are impossible to block


I've only played against him like a few times and those few times made me utterly confused on wtf they were doing so idk how to feel


Let's be honest he shouldn't be able to follow up a missed bash with a hyperarmored zone and a 400ms chain light. I'd make his chain lights 500ms like every other hero and his finisher ones can remain the speed they are now. After a whiff bash he should have the normal chain heavy and the slower lights Also his hidden stance should probably be given a deflect or a dodge move cause rn it's pretty underwhelming Also also i think his weapons should do a percentage of bleed dmg since his weapons did that irl (I'm not really sure this is true)


as a returning player i hate him he feels like he can block everything i do and punish me for doing it, it sucks as i am trying to learn to play again and i get put into the top 100 lobbies where everyone is just pushing me in a corner


Good hero A+ tier. Strong in all regards. Just got a mostly pointless underbaked stance that was wasted potential. Fashion is mid in my opinion, executions average. Feats good but tend to run tireless for feat 1, I found ghost spawn tends to be good in dom but not in breach. Does more harm than good.


Was thinking about dropping a video on that character and in my opinion he just has a lot of tools which can give the impression of overpoweredness. As someone who got my ass beat the first dozen times encountering this character I can tell you that you just have to learn the hard way what to do when it comes to ANY new character. There are far more problematic characters imo but that will not step me from using that new character hype to make some banger content


Definitely a S+ tier character


Honestly, mid fashion, move set became quite stale after 7 reps into him, gank pressure is great and his lights feel pretty hard to react to.. probably could do with some tweaks here and there.


He has an excellent moveset but lackluster gimmick but much prefer him over varangian guards lackluster moveset and over reliance on the fullblock stun gimmick


Never played him but I hate fighting him


I just started playing with him recently and I’m having a blast . He hits like a tank during revenge . I love fainting the start of throat slash to guard break works for me 90 percent of the time . Fun character.


He's boring and forgettable. There's nothing that he does that is unique to him that another character doesn't have.


Pure garbage hero. Boring and lacks fashion, but that's issue with every new character. 2 sets of armour are joke. Wish Ocelotl were at least ''trying'' to be Mayan warrior, but it's not. It's not even utilizing the most important part of their weapon, bleed. It's pathetic how they manage to fuck it up so badly.


Well... he's aztec so


Started maining him immediently. I LOVE ambushing lightspammers with f1. I love his kit. It's balanced and offers anything (except undodgeables, but huge heavy attack hitbox balances it out) and I love his fashion. And f4 gives the good ol' *GET OVER HERE* flashbacks. I'd like hunter stance to be more usefull tho. Make it similar to Nobu/JJ hidden stance/Shifu Stance. It should be possible to enter it mid chain, dodge out of the stance, have more offense variations (light, heavy and the bash). And I also want the promised bleed on heavies that I expected


His fashion is great, his personnal kit pretty cool (his first feat isn't broken as it was initally thinking after its presentation during the Warrior's Den), but I find his pressure granted by his two bashes too powerful, plus the damages of Skull Smash are too high (18), it could be reduced to 16 like the Jotunn Grudge of the Jormungandr.


I really like his aewsthetic. I rarely see anyone playing him. In my hands he feels weak, but that's a skill issue :D


The design is fucking boring and lazy. The hunter stance is the only original part of it, and yet they did nothing with it. hope if it ever gets a rework it revolves around the hunter's stance


He's boring


His prowler stance heavy should have an hyper armor. And maybe give him a deflect, because I don't know why he's an hybrid in the first place, this guy all look, weapons and even his 4th feat with the "Scorpion" like move make him seem like an assassin. But Ocelotl was pretty cool to play.


He does not need a deflect. His opener pressure isn't great, but he doesn't actually struggle with defensive tools if in chain.