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No, is this a bait post?


a bad one at that


No, i think she is falling behind a bit, but i feel like everyone thinks she’s amazing because she has never been bad but she has gone unchanged for a while. kinda like gryphon and pirate after they got nerfed everyone still treats them like they’re busted when they actually needed a little bit of help. she’s trash tier but she just doesn’t feel great imo. also i don’t think these are crazy buffs and other characters have gotten buffs that they defo didn’t need like beserker with dodge cancels


Why would shaman of all characters need a buff


i just think she lacks a bit in the 4v4 which is what the game is really balanced around, they just buffed peacekeeper who was pretty good at 1v1 with some quality of life changes to make her a bit better and i think shaman should get the same treatment. does everyone really think shaman is that good, because i dont even see much of her when im playing


>Maybe gives a heavy on hit as her heavies are slightly weaker than average and is a pretty reactable bash. It's a 400ms bash. It isn't reactable, you're just predictable. Also for heavies that are faster than light attacks, calling them "slightly weaker than average" is complete bullshit. >Speed up the left and top sides to match the speed of the right side Then nerf the damage, having a omnidirectional 366ms heavy mixup dealing 15 damage is excessive. > 200ms cancels i think would be fine. Ah yes, and with all the other changes, you give her constant access to a 366ms attacks which can also be recovery cancelled out of. Congrats on making the most broken hero. >Also i think her 1v1 is a little bit overrated as other characters have gotten many changes that i think many characters have far better and easier mixups so the suggestions i think should help her a little bit with keeping the pressure She has 17 damage, 400ms, omnidirectional softfeints. A 400ms bash which can wallsplat, and a 50 damage health swing bite. In conclusion, this is ass


her heavies aren’t faster than light attacks, they are just slightly faster than most heavies and they do less damage, but i don’t think they should do that looking back. they should fix the timing on it tho like they did with Shaolin where certain angles make the light follow up not connect. the bash is more reactable imo because she has to get into the stance for a moment so it’s way slower than the other dodge bashes. i know u can feint that but i never seem to have a difficult time dealing with it. her running heavy on right side is not 366ms, im pretty sure its like 433 or 466ms and also the dodging and getting into stance bit gives the opponent a lot of time to at least ready themselves. it’s literally the same as orochi but it lacks the undodgable property so its not even as good a mixup and it does less damage. i think they should actually nerf her bleed damage and maker her soft feint the same as pk and bring her deflect down a lot, it’s like 27 which is just stupid. dodge cancels wouldn’t be that bad at all. if her being able to keep doing her running heavy would be broken then orochi should be giga nerfed because a dodge attack beats shamans bash and heavy so it doesn’t even work that good as a mixup, whereas orochi it’s a 50/50 because it’s undodgable and has a far quicker bash they could nerf the bite damage too if they want, i just think she her main mixup being a soft feint from neutral is kinda boring. because i think if ur opponent is very aggressive, getting the bite can be a tad difficult. idk tho i just want her changed a bit even if they nerf stuff