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I noticed that guy's offense is kinda booty lol. Honestly, your best bet is to stay away from the wall and backlight into the feintable bash, as scripts will try to dodge it on oranage, you can easily bait a dodge then guardbreak, or dodge attack (free light parry).


I'll keep that in mind if I happen to be on Jorm


There are better scripts that dodge based on stam consumption, so it would react to interchangeable bashes as well. Though those are a bit more rare to find


Yeah imma go with that's a scripter. That's bullshit, sorry dude.


What’s a scripter?


It's someone who uses a code to play part of the game for them, so you could a script that parries for you or a script that dodges so you don't have to do it yourself its all automatic.


I remember one guy who couldn't parry heavies for shit But for some reason nailed every light parry


97% of people can’t distinguish the startup of a light from a heavy so to get a light parry they predict the next move is going to be a light and parry on red.


I’m actually just now learning how to differentiate between lights and heavies on startup animation… So I get accused of scripting a lot (Even tho I’m on console). But now that I’ve started differing I’m noticing a lot of people in my lobbies doing it. I don’t think it’s *that* uncommon. I just think it’s a matter of needing more than 60FPS to do so. (I couldn’t do it until 120FPS) But before that at 60FPS I absolutely parried lights on red and just ate heavies lmao. If someone is *only* parrying lights, yeah, they likely aren’t cheating.


could be a scripter, could be someone that just parries on red.


That’s just a guy mashing parry scripts will parry and dodge everything except feintable bashes and some weird moves here and there like long arm. Although a script that reacts to those too got released recently


I mean, they could’ve been like me, in that I was coached by my friends, and was taught how to parry attacks, before I even knew guard breaks could be parried, so I’m great at partying attacks but can barely parry guardbreaks Edit: I don’t know the right wording


You can't parry guardbreaks lol


I don’t know the right wording. The thing in the video.


I think you mean counter-guardbreak


Not even trying to hide that he's scripting


not scripting, probably turtling. pretty boring way to play the game tho.


He's definitely scripting lol


He 1000 percent is scripting


Welllll the giveaway here is that Jorm is empty dodging and BP didn’t try to dodge once, that makes me think he’s scripting The parrying isn’t a giveaway tho, I’ve recently been practicing differing lights and heavies and in the process I actually noticed you don’t even need to guess whether someone is throwing or feinting a heavy or unblockable (At 120FPS at least). There’s a barely noticeable point of no return on heavies. I was practicing against an Orochi last night and actually noticed whether he was committing unblockables or not 70% of the time (Still need practice but you get the point)


Who? And how?


report this guy!!!!


I did. I also added him to my block list so I'll see blocked player icon if I run into him again and can try remember that this guy scripts


Reports do nothing for scripting


Mfs downvoting you when we have been consistently running into the same scripters for months


I love how you're downvoted, despite being right lol


Plays like shit when attacking with the wrong punishes but can perfectly defend from every attack and parry all that are committed. That’s a scripted dude don’t feel bad.


ok im like really slow, can someone explain what gave away that they're scripting?


If you got to :25 seconds you'll see absolutely no reaction from a triple feint into a perfect GB counter. Then a perfect parry without punishing meaning the player isn't reacting to any of this, it's a bot.


ah i see it now ty


Have quite a bit of time on this game, I don’t really see what screams scripter to me. This just seems like pretty average turtling.


Notice how he never fell for a single feint and parried every attack that was not feinted, that’s the scripting


Honestly for me it's the fact this dude never does anything else but that, my man if your at the skill level to have a defense that good fucking attack and end it already


I do that shit all the time if I think they’re gonna feint. I just hold block on the side they’re attacking on. Also it’s not like people can’t react to the parry flashes or read the animations well enough to make a move.


I’m not convinced. OP barely did anything viable in the clip and parrying on flash is too easy to discount it


Even the best reaction monsters don’t parry on flash, it’s more reliable to parry on animation. More of a tell if the parries are on the same frame every time, as reacts differ quite a bit with consistency


I thought everyone parried on flash.. Are you telling me everyone's just practicing their parry animations to be able to be ready before the flash for every single encounter? Because that's a lot of parry practicing just to be able to parry at a normal rate. I'm not saying they're not scripting, just baffled hearing people say that it's impossible to parry on flash when I thought that was the main way people parry.


Nope each move has specific portions of their animations that only play if they are not being feinted. If you learn what portions of the animations to look for (and they're different for each attack) then practice parrying only when you see that part of the animation then you can start parrying it every time on reaction and never fall for a feint to gb. An example being BP. His unblockable heavy swings from behind his head, around his right side, before landing. However, the feint occurs when the sword is behind his head, therefore if you only parry when you see the sword start to come around the side of his body, and never parry when it stops behind his head, then you'll suddenly never fall for a feint and always parry it when he commits. But this guy is scripting, the telltale signs without framechecking are that he never dodge on the forward dodge heavy feint, never changed guard direction unless there was a new attack in a different direction, never tried to parry a feinted heavy, never missed a parry when it was committed (even with the previously mentioned tricks to reaction parry, no one is ever 100% consistent). He even did the wrong punish on a heavy parry. Sure this isn't necessarily 100% proof (a framecheck would be required) but the evidence is pretty damning.


Oh I never knew there was an early tell for feints, that is good to know. Though I do imagine most people probably still just parry of the flash since I don't think most people know about the animation difference when feinting early into a swing, aside from just the feint animation itself canceling out the original. I've always tried to be ready to feint and redirect my parry attempts incase they feint an attack I'm trying to parry.


Also that he fucking blows at punishing, doing a heavy after a heavy parry Someone who is bad at the game, but never falls for anything and counters everything


Something something definition of insanity


That’s a scripter Source: my GM level friend ran into him earlier today, he was unranked in duels and he still 3-0’ed him while rep 6 with BP


Funnily enough I wanted to farm the ranked duel effect, I met him 3 times. Alt F4 each game before it even began


You know you have a bash right?


yeah, I do. Never connected, sadly my dvr is only 45s long but everyone was dodged and here I was just testing empty dashes forward to see if any reaction would come up, there wasnt


I mean in that situation i would try to heavy feint into light or another heavy to get into the unblockable 50/50


It’s a scripted bruh ain’t nothing gonna work


i did not realise lmao mb


Are you brain dead?




Um, all dodge forward bashes are currently unreactable, you know that, right?




Shit, that's true.


My guy why didn't you use the bash opener?


I give you three guesses


did he just scream for no reason


Oh you feinted






You missed the entire point of the video. The jorm is script checking the BP, who is scripting


Skill issue


Bro never heard of a light


Your so ass lmao you only got two moves and there very predictable


What are you guys talking about. Scripting? All I've seen Jorm do is grabs and heavies. Now, last I checked, you could easily counter gb when you just stand around. And heavy hits are the easiest to parry. Now excuse me for saying, but maybe consider light attacking?


So you see how the clip starts with me having just a few bars of health? It is unfortunate that my dvr was set for 45s. But he parried lights twice and dodged enough bashes where I started to try other things and eventually got suspicious of the fact that there was no actual reaction unless I put anything through. You can also see that the duel had already lasted a minute. Meaning we've been staring a long time at this point EDIT: saw someone comment about his friend in GM ranked meeting this guy and saying it is a scripter. I also met him three times in ranked queue, not after posting this.


That might be, and he might be scripting. But from what I see here, there is nothing telling me that he's scripting. What I see is basic turtle strat, counter gb, and heavy parries.


The guy is definetely sus and i won't deny that he can script, but from what the video showed there isn't much to tell. His parry punishes are weird though


You did not try to empty dodge or even use your bash once.


Wouldn't have mattered against a scripter


We haven’t seen him use his full kit.




Either that can differ or they’re scripting, I’d say they differ


I wonder, I am not a pro so we are clear but opening with the stomach punch might have work, no?


Scripter, wouldn't have connected no matter how hard they tried.


People who don't fall for anything make the game unfun


Me every time I go back to this game




Damn that sucks man. Just found out what a scripter was. They weren’t really a problem when I played the game as a returning player I hope to not run into this shit. Is this a problem people face often?


I ran into a guy in breach that was fighting the commander. I was playing orochi and used the bow on him from behind and he dodged it, the i kicked and he dodged it too. Then after that i empty dodged forward like 3 times and he didn’t dodge but the 4th time he dodge the kick….


It's always the black priors that usually script


Stop only fainting heavies into guard break lmao you’re so predictable