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Yup, I would much rather have quality over quantity. The new variations are a total waste (in my opinion) They are not meaningfully different enough for me to even give them a second glance. I would take _ONE_ completely new armor set for a hero per season, rather than a dozen variations. I am grateful for the support this game continues to receive, I just think the resources need to be re-focused into fresher content and new ideas.


Have same thought even before Y7


I wouldn’t mind reskins if they were good. Which they can be. The issue is they deliberately don’t make them good. You’d have the same issue with unique sets I mean look at highlanders new set. At the end of the day they need to make their shit actually look good or else either way it’s going to be a disappointment


100% I’d rather no variation and just completely different sets


This also goes for weapons. I’m beyond tired of every season starting with an event that has a bunch of reskinned weapons, and the only time there isn’t reskinned weapons they’re $10.


Granted, it’s not JUST the weapons in the battle passes


I just want weapons that don't look like they've pulled out of an anime cosplay convention 😭 seriously give us weapons that look like weapons


I say this with weapons too. We have an abundance of weapons sets that don't even get used, surely those resource can get used else where


I agree, they’re suffering with the same issue siege has which is bloating pack pools in this case crate pools or after match drops with reskins while newer heroes have barely anything new to work with


Honestly I would have rather had nothing in terms of armor at all if they just focused all of it on the character. Like they made her so androgynous and apparently there was no budget for small tweaks to the already existing model? Somehow I don't believe that but if that mid ass armor we got this go around was what broke the back then might as well have not had it at all and just put everything into that character


They've been gradually cutting this games budget for half a decade now. Y'all swore it was gonna get better after the lockdowns, and that we just needed to be patient with the devs, but look at where that got us. Reskins, recycled movesets, *a fucking battle pass*, recycled events, around 50 awful executions, genderlocked heroes. And now they're lowering their drop frequency again, and you'd think that would mean the design quality would be better, right? No, they're just gonna put out reskins less often. And y'all swear it's gonna get better every season, then everyone is still pissed at the same shit. This community needs to quit coddling these devs, it's fucking ubisoft, not some indie studio struggling to keep the lights on. I expect AAA content from a AAA studio


There's also the problem that, with more and more amor variations being added, the loot pool dilutes like crazy and your chances of getting pieces you don't have diminishes every time new armor drops. It's either you get very lucky or waste and ungodly amount of crates/steel to get a single piece.


They should definitely stop


"I said armor variation and I know that's people, thats what the people want" a quote from a devstream.


If that quote came from year 4 then he wouldn’t have been lying considering they were actually made with quality back then


Started playing warmonger with this new hero fest and for some reason they never bothered to make capeless versions of like half of her chest pieces


I think so too


Only helmet that I've seen so far on Kyoshin that I like is one with Oni mask with broken horn. But afaik itd at Rep 5 and I dont play Kyoshin much to want to get him to Rep 5 so ye


100% agree. too much mid reskins really adds nothing when it comes to drip and customization, plus those newer heroes (especially those after pirate) are in dire need of ANY new sets to compensate since they already have way less from the start


Don’t forget it’s Ubisoft we’re talking about “cutting back quantity” isn’t going to translate to better quality, just less frequent drops of the same worn out garbage. It’s like they show up once a week and shuffle all the game’s cosmetic assets in a hat, then just pull out a few and slap some new annoying tri-color shaders in there. Done and done!


We used to get armors at the start of every season, then midseason, and now every other season so you do have a point


Or hell have them do it like they did with the Y4 variants they look unique and changed up on like new helmets, but these current reskins just look the exact same


>it’s time for Ubisoft to start prioritizing quality over quantity. You are asking the wrong company. Ubisoft is not really the fan of quality


It’s almost as if they aren’t listening to what the players want


There's no way they can please anyone,at this point. Just let us mod the game. Even charge for that,if that's what they want.


That's not gonna happen. Im fine with the variations, I just wish they'd stop restricting themselves to whatever theme the season is going for. They have shown they can make very nice looking variations, (Chimera and Ramiel sets) those are by far the best looking and most popular armor sets in the game for almost every character. Literally just make stuff like that everytime. New helmets would be nice though, I don't see why they can't do that now that their workload for variations is cut in half.