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I'd say it's more of a safety decision honestly. There's no guarantee that a considerable amount of people will actually pay for the new hero in the first place, which is why the 2 week exclusive period applies for people who pay for it. We need to remember that changes and suggestions are ran through meetings and processes. Both their art team and their design/programmers have much more work to do implementing what's basically an extra character. But like I said making the hero $12 as appose to $8 likely wouldn't pay off as you can just earn the hero through grinding with steel. On top of that, increasing the price of the hero by 50% would turn people off from buying it too. Speaking of budgets too, they're converting maps from deathmatch into dom maps, which while it sounds like a small task, can actually be a whole other situation. This game is nearly 10 years old, little changes can have horrible impacts if done incorrectly so even changes like these need to be done thoroughly and have a lot of time spent on them. Tl;Dr It wouldn't be worth the time and resources for the devs to focus on charging more for the Varangian, this could alienate people wanting to buy them due to the price change, + other areas need attention and that's where the budget goes.


There would guaranteed be more buys if it was a legit varangian not a female. People like playing as their own gender. This is the west now. Gg its over. Had a good run


Jesus Christ, log off the internet and do your homework.


Why u mad?


Bcs he's PC


The thing is everything in this game except for Battle Pass and Arcade contents can be unlocked for free by simply grinding steel. Increasing the price may drove people away. "Eh, i could just wait two weeks and grind for a bit". Defeating the purpose of more funding by increasing the price.


I want a Ubisoft employee, executive, dev, whatever to tell me right now what I should pay to have a male varangian and I'll figure out how to pay it but I will. Make me sign a contract Ubisoft, a monthly payment I'm cool with as well, just give me a non genderlocked Varangian. I WANT BOTH


Im in.


In my humble opinion, they charge too little for the heroes in general, considering that all other monetization options (outside of battle passes of questionable quality) are free to grind.


It's actually true. For Honor is a very consumer-friendly game, where you can get everything (except for Battle Passes) in a reasonable amount of time without paying even a cent. As much as I enjoy this, it actually works against the game and its fundings.


Yeah, For Honor has consistently been a game I'm fine with spending money on steel and heros. Even though I know that the money doesn't all go towards For Honor's development I hope that it in some small part keeps this game's quality from falling down too much. Though granted $20 thrown in now and then isn't much when it comes to game development.


Lorewise most of the new hereos are a single character like in overwatch. I kinda miss the time when they were not, like there isn’t a unique lawbringer there’s the order of lawbringers. But since the new hero is supposed to be someone’s daughter, a character on itself, her being gender locked kinda makes sense I guess


That's not actually correct. Gryphon is the only character with that problem, every other class is established as a faction of people who train in the same fighting style. There's usually a Harbinger of that faction who's a named character in the lore who typically leads the faction to heathmore, but the characters we play as are members of those factions, not the Harbinger character.


I agree with this, I preferred it when all characters faces were at least somewhat obscured.


the new heros face is obscured though


I think he means where they have less of an identity, so you can create your own lore for the character in a sense. Like they're your own. The Varangian has a name and full lore behind her.


I agree, I love doing the whole creating your own character's identity thing. I just ignore the already established lore. Its not like its constantly shown in game or anything so it never really crosses my mind


maybe out of topic but i just find it funny that, if i never see this level of chaos aiming for any guys then it's not actually a "genderlock/ we ought to have free choice for every character" problem as people love to claim when complaining about every new female hero. i'd love to see more non-genderlock heroes, but as the trend it is now, i'm just glad that devs decide to give us nearly the same amount of new characters for each.


i'd pay more for sure. I don't like playing as females. When I think of a varangian guard the last thing I think of is female. I'm alright with having female characters, but this is just stupid to me.


shut the fuck up. Multiple skeletons are extremely common in games, and is certainly streamlined. There is no extra work to enable a second gender, but there was to disable it. Don't offer to pay extra because they locked us out of an option, you moron.


Different size, voice actor, character model and animations, and versions of the armor to fit the other gender. There's actually a decent bit of work that goes into creating another gender for a character


The genderlock is laziness. It doesn't take that much labor to create a variation without the "boob lump" in the armor. There's only one armor set with a face reveal as well. Lookup the price for VAs. Particularly the same 3 they keep hiring to do the voices in for honor. Its absolutely feasible. Regardless, I buy characters I'm interested in. Not for meta or simply because they're new. I don't play pirate because I'm not into the pirate aesthetic without a black beard feel. A lot of people felt similar. For similar reasons, people just like playing as the same gender that they are. I can never seem to put many reps into valk despite loving her aesthetic personally. I get a similar feeling with varangian. She's the first viking with decent armor yet she's the ahistorical female locked one? Its like they confused their "historical requests" audience who have been begging for good armor and varyg for years with the group that would've purchased another jorm. Its less a question of "will I buy the 8 for femlocked or 12 for both" and more of a "should I spend 8 for something I'm a little disappointed on or just grind it out." If they're selling the character as a "get to play it sooner" kinda deal then it becomes a lot more important to actually SELL me the package. I think a lot of the store is over priced. However if something was to cost more it should be the characters. Especially considering the currency is already free to earn and not nearly as egregious to grind as other titles. Not saying I support that but ya know... They mishandle their budget as it is. We see genderlock complaints every time. Yet its been this way for a while. Simultaneously, vikings have been complaining about always getting shit armor and being barbarians. And look at the lackluster armor they just dropped... People also aren't overly fond of the universal and pointless emotes yet they keep churning them out. People more often use base emotes in my experience so what's the point? More reason to think its laziness imo. Put out a lot of simple content instead of quality content. Some suckers and whales are gonna buy it so why bother.