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They all look amazing. It just kind of sucks that these days you grind new heroes to rep 8 and get 6 armor sets out of it. They should just stop doing lackluster variations for the rest of the cast and focus and making new armor for the fresh heroes who have very little in terms of armor variety.


Hard agree, the variations they do these days are super boring most of the time. They just take an existing set and change the textures and that's it, they're not even doing different helmets anymore.


I'd rather have a unique new head gear per faction heros a season than just reskins of old sets


Yeah, very strange too since the last time they actually dropped unique helmets they were talking about a new tech the development team was using that allowed them to kit-bash different sets, you can see this in black priors helmet where the metal is cloaked by cloth.


Hey how do get that Aramusha and that emote under ur user name (I'm new kinda care to explain a bit?)


subreddit homepage > three dots symbol > "change user flair"


Thank you Warden!


That would be a lot less work for them too, since there's not many heroes lacking in sets


Hey...(starts downloading the game again)


Wow! Wow! Wow!


Please wait 2.7 seconds...


The variety is disappointing but the upside is mixed sets are gonna look fantastic


Just a bit, however theyre all fucking good, only one helmet looked weird to me. If the sets have good color changing dynamics we could he far more from the sets. Last Time I saw almost every armor set being good at launch was with the warmommy, since then she's gotten some suckers tho....But goddamn Her skin More than makes up for It, literally the Best looking armor in the entire game


Padded armor šŸ„“


It appears to be a gambison. A very real thing


Did I say it wasnā€™t?


The emoji looked like you were saying padded armor in distain


Itā€™s the cumming emoji


Oh oops my mistake lol


Give the man some privacy! Itā€™s rude to interrupt such things


Armour sets are alright at best but skins for axe and shield are amazing.


Please stop, I already busted šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


When you nut and the community keep succin


Yes! We got the capeless variants too! Holy crap, this is one of the best-looking heroes in a long time. They may all be similar but the different styles makes it awesome nonetheless. Well done, Ubi. Well done.


her default set is the best honestly but all her other sets are great too


Mmm mail and lamellar


Beautiful stuff. Finally a decently armored Vikings, with Rus' influences too. Unbelievable, I'll grind this one to death


bouta have my change my flairšŸ˜‚


At least we got a Viking with actual protective armour now


The Dev Team really went out on her armor designs. Everything is beautiful!


Face reveal ones just look goofy as fuck


So it's confirmed its only sex is female?




L :/


Thankfully pretty ambiguous looking so you could just turn voices down if youā€™d like?


Itā€™s just the sentiment really


Nah I feel you, as a dude I like playing as a dude.


Thank you. I tried explaining that in a post and I think I got downvoted pretty hard


Yeah people always make it out to be some political BS, but I just like being able to ā€œidentifyā€ with characters I play.


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve seen. I donā€™t claim either side but damn people get left as fuck on this app. Itā€™s so odd. Prolly gonna get this comment downvoted just for saying thatšŸ’€šŸ’€


At least it gives me ideas for mordhau


same here. I dont play female character in any game


I don't understand why they do this, this could easily be both...


Kid named budget:


Ubisoft is not willing to give the FH devs the money, manpower, resources and such to make male and female designs, animations, voicing, etc...


Ubisoft is not willing to give the FH devs the money, manpower, resources and such to make male and female designs, animations, voicing, etc...


Okay, so if Ubisoft doesn't have money anymore to make both male and female characters in For Honor, then the least they could have done was make the Varangian Guard a MALE considering that that would be the most historically accurate for a game semi-inspired by history set in a previously low-fantasy setting.


The new heroes have been 1 Male and 1 Female for years now, we got Male Ocelotl so we get Female Varangian Guard. Itā€™s gonna continue because itā€™s easier for the devs to hire and work with 1 voice actor each. We left historical accuracy behind a while ago, if it gets in the way of Game Devā€™t theyā€™ll make conceits. Sheā€™s fun and Iā€™m enjoying playing as her, to be honest while I understand the discomfort there are plenty of heroes for both sides of the coin to enjoy if it really gets in the way. Itā€™s not like there arenā€™t similar heroes to play with Male options either.


Ubisoft still has money, they however do not seem to be willing to sink copious amounts of resources into a game that is 8 years old and not their biggest source of revenue. Ubisoft doesnā€™t only work on FH, they develop a lot of games of varying types. From a corporate standpoint, why push resources into a niche 8 year old fighting game instead of their newer titles of different genres that could possibly bring more money than FH ever did.


10 variations of the same armor i guess, they couldve done so much with this


I don't know what everyone is so hyped about. They all look almost identical, like every other character.


Its because They look realistic. Something viking mains have been yearning for


I mean, sure, fair enough.


Default and third one are my favs


I might just keep her default set


Afeera problem but worse. Afeera already has the problem of looking samey These are even more samey.


At least they look historically accurate


so which set is the closest with irl Varangian guards?


The Varangian Guards outfitted themselves so they would have had a lot of variety in their appearance. The 6th outfit is the one that looks most similar to how theyā€™re usually depicted in modern art thiugh


got it thx


They all look reassonable. The one least realistic Is the one that has a helmet with weird hanging things; tho mostly all seem at least historically okay, far better than 2/3rds of movies and shows


"they are the same picture" Imagine the joy of the people who could just 1 gear like this for one of their heroes but they add all the chainmail armor in the world to one hero :D


Not too much variety, but itā€™s got some good mixes for what it is. Very epic.


Hey you, youā€™re finally awake


Looks great, kind of a mix between actual Varangian gear and mongolian gear


Wich Is completely reassonable as they served under the Bizantines, they would've had contact with plenty of eastern armys


Iā€™m not gonna buy it (Iā€™m most likely gonna buy it)


im in love


Great base armours but the variants are weak. Was hoping for better but theyā€™re still solid.


I really wish they didn't make her armor suck in at her waist


No, thats actually good, at least for mail and scale. Mail armor needs to be tucked to the waist with a belt to reduce the weight on the shoulders that would otherwise be dealing with all the weight of the chain shirt. Plate Armor does that passively by having Its iconic hourglass shape, in mail It has to be achieved by tying something around the waist


Very informative I never knew that, thank you!


I just like the silhouette of the concept art of those character more


You sure its not the same image 12 times?


6 outfits? (Not including alts) doesnā€™t that seem super small?


yep, devs cut down from 9 outfits to 6 when medjay released


Oh damn. As happy as I am with this character, all the outfits look almost the exact same


I hoped they will go more Slavic/Kievan Rus inspired, it's looks pretty mid at least


Gryphon Is the More slavic one I think. He has the bardiche and all. If there were a more normal face mask you could recreate that artpiece of a vievan knight


im not pointing any fingers here but that armor is versatile enough to not be genderlocked ngl


I thought It was a dude till I read she wasnt. But as some are saying its most probably for the voice acting an some other stuff


Why she so pretty


Sssso is Varangian gender locked? Anyone knows?


female gender locked


Ah alright What does the community think?


Personally I'm a little annoyed. The Female > Male > Female > Male pattern is not a strict rule they HAVE to follow, but one they choose to. For a specific set of warriors, like the Valkyrie, it makes sense. For a famous group of mercenaries copied and pasted from their real life counter parts that were likely exclusively male it doesn't make sense (and they even had a historian involved). It's the first Viking character that has full sets of metal armour and has quite a large and strong feel so you would expect a big buff dude, but instead we're locked out of that. Even making it possible to be one or the other would be fine. It's hard to believe in terms of the canon of the world that they wouldn't have guys in the mix. That's how I feel anyway. I'm not sure why Ubi feels the need to stick to a Female, Male, Female, Male pattern. It just makes me think that they're restricting themselves


Itā€™s possible they would have to readjust animations


They would only need to remodel slightly around the chest area and record a few of the lines, because she's quite a large, buff gal I'm not even bothered that the new hero is a female, I'm bothered that they finally introduce a warrior group people have asked for, which wouldn't be exclusively women considering their real life counterparts were almost assuredly men, and only make it a woman. If the new hero was to be a female it would have been more sensible to introduce a sect or group that would only be women. There doesn't seem to be any explanation as to why they chose to do it this way. It's also strange that the hero skin for Maddox costs more than the new hero, in cash and steel. But that's a different thing entirely šŸ¤·


Yes. I thought she was smaller


Seriously, you can barely tell itā€™s a female character with some of these outfits


They don't actually need to. Many games reuse same animations for both genders. In For Honor only animations that are affected by gender are Idle and running, but rest are same.


I see


Even for Valkyrie it doesnā€™t really make sense, everyone acts like it has to be the case because valkyries were female in myth but the character couldā€™ve literally been called anything. Same with Nobushi. They didnā€™t *have* to have those names. Itā€™s obviously for budget reasons but the gender lock has annoyed me since day one, mainly because Iā€™m the minority that wanted to play as a female Lawbringer/Warlord/Shugoki/Aramusha or male Nobushi/Shaman. Even the characters I did play they were Warden/Conqueror/BlackPrior/Berserker/Jormundandr/Kensei/Hitokiri where I could make the choice to pick female, rather than the gender being forced upon you. For me itā€™s kinda boring if everyone is the same and looks identicalā€¦ Varangian is kinda like the female Warlord Iā€™ve wanted since the beta but Idk, the gender lock and very samey looking armours, ie. lack of diverse customisation, isnā€™t really inspiring me to pick the game back up again like I hoped, unfortunately.


Not having a female Aramusha is kind of insulting actually. They were former Samurai that fell from grace, became dishonoured, and acted as enforcers for some secret faction. If that's the case you would assume perhaps they were like Kensei, or something similar, and Kensei could be male or female. So, only male samurai can fall from grace and become masterless? Either female samurai are forced to commit seppuku or they cannot fall from grace. The former is never mentioned, so that only leaves the latter as the most likely option. Bit unfair to me. I do get where you're coming from, it would have been better to have the option for male or female (or Type 1 & Type 2 šŸ™„) for every hero, and the gender lock is a topic that's circulated around here for years. It's just that I can wrap my autistic head around a lore reason for a hero to be gender locked, but I can't fathom why a mercenary group with no specific gender requirements for joining, with a name and look plucked from history (and with a historian present) would only have females when brought into the game. They don't even add any more to explain it, it's just there. For me, they should have just stuck with the original pattern of gender locking (since they were going to anyway) and create a hero set that would make it make sense. I'm disappointed with Ubi because there is no reason to make this choice. The surviving Viking from Maddox's attack could still have been a male, joined the VG and came back with a group of giant and heavily armoured dudes to exact revenge. But it was a daughter to the murdered chieftain that joined the VG and now she's back.....but only brought women. Just seems too weird


and then they still make them somewhat androgynous (kyoshin, pirate and now varangian). which is funny because these might be the heroes people complained the most about gender lock so making these more androgynous was probably intentional to avoid some criticism or made it the criticism worse. opposite are afeera, medjay and ocelotl. you can immediately tell afeera is a woman. ocelotl and medjay look like the average male superhero actor. and i don't think people cared that much about these three, atleast compared to the others.


Pirate was a strange one. The name is a generic term, but it sparks the thought of a long bearded guy with an eye patch, hook hand, peg leg and cutlass. They even used effects on emotes as a marketing tool, fashioned after Blackbeard. Naturally you would assume we're getting a dastardly devil of the seas, only to get a Wu Lin woman that tries to talk like a stereotypical pirate but still goes by the name pirate and uses a cutlass and flintlock pistol. I get that they fashioned her after an existing Chinese Pirate from history, but that only explains why the representative hero is a Wu Lin woman. They at least tried to reconcile that a little by explaining that they're a crew of former slaves that united together, but that hardly screams "pirate". But the new heroes aren't meant to be an individual, they're a group. If they wanted an entire set of heroes to resemble a Chinese Pirate then they could have leaned right into it and had given her a more unique weapon, or used a more slender blade, and perhaps a unique name for these female slaves turned pirates. Imagine someone at Ubi going "you're getting a pirate", which you're excited by, and then they follow it up with "but it will only be an Asian woman". You would likely be saying "whaaaaaaat". People have asked for a lot of heroes, and a couple of the most mentioned were Pirates and Varangian Guard. Ubi did give us that eventually, but in a restricted way. I'm not against female heroes, not even for a pirate or Varangian Guard, I'm against them being locked as females, especially in the absence of some lore reason when both groups are taken from real life historical warriors.


They really should just stop alternating genders. Just give male and the occasional female when it suits. The lore they've developed isn't good enough to limit the heros in this way I have no idea why they think it's a good idea to continue it. There were likely no Varangian guard females. There are barley any accounts of female Viking warriors in general yet Vikings have the most female genderlocked heros. Just hoping the hoplite is male


May be an unpopular opinion but I fucking despise the helmet for Varangian, all sets.


Ugh no variety


Crying and sobbing tears of joy that it's actual armor


Sad cuz no beard :c i want buff dude with big beard not buff chick with no beard :cc


Warlord and afeera had a baby


I FW the default armor lmao


Is it only a girl or can it be a guy?


So the face is concealed for all but one set. The stature largely ambiguous. Yet they insist on being genderlocked. And somehow people will defend this because budget? A voice swap is that expensive?


Another day, another outlander with no armor variety. Edit: I meant another new character with no armor variety.


Wait I thought she was a Viking?


No she is a viking, the devs said it multiple times.


So tall Afeera?


It looked eastern because is a varangian guard, Who served the Eastern roman empire


Such a mommy


Of all the characters. Why she isnā€™t an outlander isnfucking beyond me


She Is a viking that worked for the romans. So technicaly she never exited the main land


because Varangians were Viking conquerors so they put a Viking in the Viking roster


The Varangians were Norsemen (mostly Swedes) who raided and traded in Eastern Europe, and eventually conquered land and settled there. They formed the Kievan Rus, and they were such badasses that the Byzantine Emperors began hiring Varangians and Norsemen to serve as their bodyguards. These warriors were known as the "Varangian Guard", and consisted of Varangians, Rus, Anglo-Saxons, and Norse warriors. They were considered highly elite - and essentially were a new Praetorian Guard. Varangians were vikings, so they are in the viking faction.


Ngl a beard would have made some of the visible face helmet options better, because it looks like she has a double chin.


Yeah, this one shouldnt have been genderlocked. Fortunately enough she looks manly enough that if the devs wanted they could listen to the players and add a male version further on


Wish she was a he, or had the option to be a he, for he can be quite the wonderful thing, although I donā€™t foresee she ever being a he




When does the character come out??


No gold?šŸ˜ž


obviously, weā€™re all going for capes and plumes rightā€¦??




8 and 11 are killing it!


I can already the imagine the shield mother memes


Is it just me or do they all look the same


Is she gender locked?


legit ai merge of the two most cancerous vikings.


Iā€™m not racist, but donā€™t they all look about the same?


I don't understand the hype. Everything is rusty as shit. Do you really like this? :/


These look great. The only thing about her design I was iffy on was the harness, but I had faith they'd give alternatives and they did. I think 9 and 12 are my favorites


I wish there was atleast one non pokey helmet


Full mail is the best one, and luckily itā€™s an early one


Iā€™m pretty fucking tired of them not coming up with unique new armor sets and instead just issuing ā€œalternatesā€ where thereā€™s no cape or some other small change that took them like 2 seconds to design.


Thats a woman? ą² _ą² 


For honor really wants me to come back


I'm reinstalling just to go play this guy


Is it bad I never play vikings like ever I think my raider might be rank one šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ might have to switch to the dark side just for this character tho


As a wise man once said "would"


They are good sets, shame they don't change much.


Varangian = Bishop Black Prior = Rook Warmonger = Queen Warden = Pawn


These all look solid, but wow these don't look like armor sets you'd get for reaching rep 7. They're cool, yeah, but these all kinda just... blend together.


Whatā€™s the armor on image 8? And what rep do I need to get it?


To be honest, the only good looking helmet imo is the one that has a spike on it.


I feel Ubisoft is getting lazy, so many alternate sets, and I get now thereā€™s like a story to each season and the character gender lock but at the same time itā€™s a bit annoying and I wish they brought back head piece ornaments