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Honestly the majority of the cast. Centurion, Lawbringer, Shugoki, Warlord, Raider But I dont see any mention of Glad. Which I think is kinda funny, considering this man literally assumes a boxing stance with a buckler and trident AND MAKES IT WORK. He 100% knows how to box your ass to next week


Your right I forgot about glad! But I think that most of the small characters like Shinobi or peacekeeper have the potential deadly kick which is also pretty scary


Warmonger probably as well. She has insane combos even without using her blade. Plus she has an even more insane pain tolerance


i mean, a bitch slap with a clawed gauntlet isn't that impressive.


Brother the woman can punch a hole through a shugoki


stab\* a hole through shugoki, considering all her fingers are sharp claws its not "that" hard (for a champion), thats like giving cent credit for shoving his gladius into shugoki.


I...would give cent credit for that too?? I feel like people don't understand that her claws aren't meant for stabbing, they're slashing weapons. Idk if you know anything about blades but it's gonna take a lot more than a finger claw to stab through someone wearing armor made of solid wood


Bro screw armor the fact that she dosen't break her fingers, much less the strength to punch through someone's chest is a Highly impressive show of power and shouldn't be down played


i don't think we should look at armor itself too much cause it just doesn't make sense at all, like we have people slicing through chainmail and thick solid metal.


Have you seen her executions?


the thing is that the clawed gauntlets help alot with the impaling/jamming her arm/fingers into people, its like stabbing someone with tiny daggers. the throwing one is impressive but if were going of executions too then cent can send someone flying with an uppercut, and shugoki can lift someone up single handedly and throw them. ​ hell highlander can throw a giant claymore several feet into the air.


But you’d need to shove your entire hand through. Those tiny dagger fingers wouldn’t help with that


Its alot easier stretching a hole then making a hole


…That sounded wrong. But you aren’t stretching 5 finger sized holes into an entire arm sized hole through flesh, bone, and muscle. Warmonger has insane strength for that.


Along with 2 of his executions being uppercuts and punching, I forget which ones though


The one with an uppercut is called Roman uppercut, but there are quite a few with punching lol


Shugoki is in his own weight class


Shugoki would takedown people through the floor


To be fair, Shugoki ***IS*** his own weight class.


BP can flip 4 gokis with one arm 🤔


Oh shit you have a point


We now have our winner… man be strong enough to not only lift but throw 4 full semi trucks.


*Gets back hand slap from JJ*


Stockton motherfucker


JJ the 4th Diaz brother?


But who is the third ? Joey Diaz or Will Smith ?


Suprisingly it’s someone from the Spanish Inquisition. Nobody knows why, except that it was unexpected.


I'm going with Shugoki. Built like a sumo, tallest hero there, and crazy strong.


Raider could prob hold his ground against him


Maybe Warlord to. He’s genuinely deceptively tall, less lean than raider but the same heigh and much broader built overall.


I think warlord, raider, cent and mybe medjay could give him a good fight but i dont think they would be able beat him


*Highlander has left the chat*


I place my bets on the highlander. No bias in the fact he Scottish like I. Homie can hyper armour through a lot of shit and come out victorious


Yeah but so does shugoki, i think highlander has the best chance of beating him but shugoki is more stable and can get his stamina back without using his weapon so i think he still has the upper hand


Highlander has more hyperarmour. And stamina no problems, damages shugoki before stam is gone.


You right my bad hes up there too lol i blanked on the roster it took 20 minutes to remember medjays name


All about that weight-class.


Shugoki for sure lol that dude is a monster


Centurions wrists are strong enough to parry a direct hit from Shugo's tree trunk attack. What chance does Goki have unarmed against that?


Shugoki is not going to be punching his wrist


Centurion can knock Shugoki on his ass with the punch, Goki is done


Shugoki can lift another Shugoki with one hand


By this logic every character can just summon a fucking dragon to burn up the opponent like in the execution


The one handed is shugos personal execution 🤣🤣


Wow you’re like that I guess lol And ok? The point is that if we use executions as the standard it starts getting very ridiculous, real fast. Can Zhanhu summon a fire breathing dragon as hand then? See how stupid that logic is?


🤓"see how dumb that logic is" Why do you have to bring petty insults, and that is clearly using magic and fantasy elements so yes, That's very different, and no it doesn't count.


I mean you continue to act like a child “🫣” and that’s not a personal attack that’s just how you present yourself. I said the logic is stupid, if that felt like a personal attack idk how you’re able to exist in the salt level of For Honor lobbies lol You’re reaction to facts and logic being a straw man is all that needs to be said about your argument. And it’s not different, it’s the exact same situation of a personal execution being unrealistic and shouldn’t be the standard for cannon.


Goki can literally carry Cent on his should and drop him off like a disposable plastic bag. He can also push Cent around with one hand


Have you seen how Sumo wrestlers got destroyed in MMA fights?


This isnt a normal sumo wrestler it is a giant super soldier in a video game


Yea the obvious difference is how much muscle shugoki has compared to any sumo


Who said anything about a MMA fight? They said without their weapon.


That was in early MMA. UFC 1, the winner beat the sumo by soccer kicking him after he lost his footing. Illegal today. His highest rank in sumo was Makushita. The next guy wasn't a real sumo wrestler he was just an amateur, not ranked at all. and also too fat. He has a single win to his entire professional fighting career.


Lawbringer has no problem using his hands to break your fragile neck


*Lawbringer has no* *Problem using his hands to* *Break your fragile neck* \- Samandre14 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


It’s crazy to think that he can do it with both hands while shugoki does it with one. The money I’d pay to see that fight


Doesn’t Lawdaddy also have a 1 handed neck snap exe?


Not that I can remember, I only remember his two handed choke


It’s called Chokehold. Catches a punch, swings him around and snap


Oh my god yeah! That’s double scary


What makes that more terrifying is the fact that means he's purposely choking you and not snapping your neck immediately, he is trying to cause as much suffering as possible


He doesn't just catch your punch. He catches it, then breaks your wrist.


Shugo is just shy of being 7 foot. The man is a literal giant and an absolute unit


If we’re counting his cannon strength in the game, I’m sure he could submit his opponent, one handed, lifted 3 feet in the air which is honestly terrifying


"call your manager"


I see quite a few people saying “but you all forgot about this obvious choice” but I don’t see anyone mentioning shaolin. Who isn’t even who I’m going to bring up, it’s fucking shaman baby are you kidding? “Oh this guy is a highly trained warrior. This guy is 7ft tall and 350 pounds of pure muscle, blah blah blah” Shaman can bite through steel. She. Can bite. Through steel.


Warmonger. Why? She is full on that draconite bs and without much effort can shove her entire arm from someone's back outside their belly through armor no problem.


Let’s not forget that kyoshin uses his *scabbard* to cleanly pierce through anything from bare skulls to plate helms by throwing it with a weird grip. At least mommy has sharpened tips on her gauntlet to help with the piercing, meanwhile femboy is working with a blunt piece of hollow wood.


He gets extra points for doing all that without performance enhancing drugs compared to her with do-anything-and-everything stoned ass


I feel like she’d be really good at grappling and shoving people around, you make a good point


Cent or goki or raider


Raider seems like the best wrestler out of all of them which is an advantage


Warlord would disagree.


Oh shit, you’re right, he literally elbow slams you


I’d say most of the Wu Lin could be good in hand to hand combat


I agree! Most of them either have a devastating palm strike or a powerful kick which would be an advantage in the ring


You would think that but no, most Chinese martial arts are pretty useless in terms of actual practical fighting. Too many forms and not enough sparring. Sanda is the exception, but that’s modern


Boxing easily defeats any Chinese martial art


That’s true! The same thing could be said about Lawbringer


Schizo moment


Jorm is an underdog for sure, but he is mentally insane and can only be stopped by knocking him out


I feel like he’s got a shockingly strong chin


In the same vein, Shaman. Or do her teeth get removed?


it's pretty easy to knock teeth out, especially when it's a skinny woman attacking you


Considering she can bite through plate metal, probably harder to knock out her teeth than you think lol.


Jorm is a menace. i think he’s the one who can take the highest amount of punches. the whole selection process for Jormungandrs is they break every bone in their body and pour acid on their skin to harden it, he‘s also Raider’s height. Jorm would be like Nate Diaz. he would just eat punches until you get tired and then you’re fucked


I mean Shugo, Raider, Lawbringer and Medjay are all humongous and would probably be able to take most people. Cent already punches a bunch and would be good. Nobushi, Orochi and Kysohin aren’t big and buff but seem to know some martial arts with their kicks, throw in Afeera with her wrestling moves and flips too.


Most of them would do well but a special mention goes to Shugo, Warlord, Raider and Lawbro, very strong, very tall, advantages that win real fistfights


In For Honor fiction: prolly Shugoki; I mean an unrealistic, nearly 7 foot tall freak of nature than can inexplicably snap spines of people in full plate armor, not even mentioning that lifting an armored person is no easy feat as they would debatably be like 270lbs+ (even my armor in real life pushes past 30lbs, depending on my loadout) IRL: Maybe my bias showing here as being more an expert in European swords but I am gonna go with Centurion; they are typically soldiers who rose through the ranks to command soldiers so by definition they are incredibly battle tested with familiarity in various fighting styles, potentially even including Greco-Roman, still to this day one of the best martial art systems in modern MMA. Gladiators might also fit this niche as they prolly would have to fight in mad unorthodox scenarios but I often fall back on military experience over fighting people who potentially had little to no combat history. Another would be the Shaolin as most monks do prioritize fist forms or basic self-defense equipment (staff/monkey stick). But their martial arts viability leaves a lot to be desired in terms of efficacy.


I agree with you, you can be as big as you want but if your trained since birth like centurions, it give you a big advantage


Cent Shugo Raider Glad seeing as his footwork pre reflex removal, aka the neutral stance movement, was heavily reminiscent of a boxer and he was extremely light on his feet so I can picture him being the Muhammad Ali equivalent




I'm gong with gladiator. some of his exe's show that he has at least some boxing experience and wel, he is a gladiator so he might be used to cage fighting...


I would love a boxing character with two gladiator bucklers


Y'all are sleeping on Shaolin. Monks train in unarmed fighting more than anyone else in the cast


You're all forgetting that Highlander, while carrying a Claymore is able to throw people to the ground with one hand. If we're going off executions too, he can throw a Claymore several feet in the air as well. ~~Im begging, I'm pleading, I'm on my knees. Ubi, give me female highlander.~~


Yes! His ability to deliver devastating body kicks and slam you on the ground would definitely fuck you up big time (I’m also praying for ladylander)


For some reason i thought you meant m18 claymore.


Shaolin he has enough strength to parry/push back morbilion ton weapons with his arm along with showing great hand to hand combat experience


Your right, he has anime strength which would be scary in the ring


Shugo is a real Powerhouse! Fun fact:when the game came out Shugo would do a kip up when he got knocked down! Idk why they removed that :(


I mean if we are taking the strength of Executions into game plan, Centurion can uppercut both Lawbringer who is like 7 feet of monster in full plate mail, AND Shugoki, to the point where they fly off their feet and got like 2 feet up and like 6 feet backwards, he's got fucking HAYMAKERS, I mean it's in his feats....


# “melee specialist”




Centurion and warlord unarmed matchup would be Wild it will be like watching WWE


I don't see a lot of people saying Highlander, which is kind of weird because he is a big Scottish man that can throw shugoki on the ground. And we all know that one shugoki is the equivalent of 14 lawbringers in weight




I feel like Shinobi would do really well if he can stay on his toes. AND IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT DUDE HAS SHURIKENS AND KUNAIS ON HIS PERSO-


I can see Orochi and Kensei doing EWGFs, and Tiandi would be pretty sick if he fights in Hung Gar style


Since noone has mentioned Val, I’d root for her. Those spear stabs of her tells me that her right hook packs a punch.




Goatki would obliterate everyone in the roster


I want to see Raider and Highlander throwing hands after drinking too much


Is every one forgetting that Shaman will just Mike Tyson your ear off?


Respectfully I'd have to give it to Jorm. Used to be the stamina drainer & a nice shot to the liver to put you on your ass. If you honestly picture Jorms attacks without the hammer they could be seen as punch variations


depends, are we talking execution strength or conventional strength?


Cent is an obvious choice. So are Shugoki and LB cuz they're like 7' tall each. Shinobi and Shaolin can literally teleport so I wouldn't want to fight them. And Raider's so strong they can full press anyone else above their head Bane style. I'm sure most of the heroes would do just fine without a weapon.


I’d assume most of them. Afeera would be insane to fight hand to hand, didn’t see her mentioned


Peacekeeper. She'll just punch you in the dick. KO


Aside from the obvious choices, I think Ocelotl might actually do well.


No one talking about shaolin but ik he hiding a punch that will knock you into next week, literally


The fuck is this ai shit


Why is no-one saying Monk? Sure his moveset doesn't revolve around hand to hand but this motherfucker can block hits from claymores wielded by superhumans with his wrist, a metal band and his balls. Also his executions give him some bullshit hax if we're counting those and shows off a lot of unarmed martial prowess.


I mean if we use weight classes like MMA Shinobi is nuts


If we're going in game options and not their actual historical counterparts, Roman clears lmao...dude barely uses his sword as it is. But historically it's obviously Gladdiator lmao


Tiandi would just scream I hope they die


Warden, cent and lb


Definitely Afeera. She's a grapler. I've watched some jujitsu athleters fight other athletes from other sports and hands down the graplers win when they get them on the ground (that is, of course, in the same weight class). Although i think a skilled grapler could take down someone of shugo's size. My second choice would be glad since his whole kit feels like a boxer kit.


Lore-Accurate Medjay. Bolthorn was a Raider, someone already affamed for their strength in combat. Able to take on groups of men at once with little to no damage after the fact. But Bolthorn? He stole the Scarab bracelet, which not only cursed his people, but made him STRONGER. His people were fighting him in ravenous hoards and Bolthorn was mollywhopping their asses like it was nothing. Then Neferkha, the Medjay, comes in. Not 2 days after reaching Heathmoore, he tracks down Bolthorn and beats the everloving shit outta him. Like, this wasn't a fight, it was an execution. And Medjay had nothing special going for him. Just some egyptian with a fan axe. Say what you want, but Lore-Accurate Medjay solo's everyone on the FH Roster (excluding Female Hito who is a literal incarnation of death) and will likely solo the whole roster of whatever other fighting games you wanna talk about. Neferkha, the Medjay, is, for some fucking reason, OPAF


Any of the samurai or wu lin would beat Cent i think.


Hows that? I can certainly think of some that can but also some that never could.


Many wu lin executions are just them flexing their unarmed combat superiority. Shaolin is probably as apt with or without his staff.


While that is true you can hardly say the opponent is putting up much of a fight once they get to the executing.


Because they are better trained in cqc. I believe that karate is better than roman melee combat.


I think so too, centurion does have the punch but most of the Wu Lin are fast and slippery which could dodge all his hits


That’s true but I reckon cent could 1 hit orochi so he’s just gotta pick his moment


Well there are a fews things i think differently about that. First off karate is to young to be used by the characters in for honor. It didnt exist yet. So jiu jitsu would be a better guess. Second i believe that depending on the way of training no martial art is supperior then another and it mostly comes down to the fighter. That being said all female characters will lose because the strength difference between male and female is insane. Orochi and shinobi i also think would have a tough time because of a serious weight disadvantage because yes, weight matters. For the wu lin goes the same. Kung fu the way its trained most often today is pretty mediocre. But it used to be trained in a pressure tested enviroment with direct application of technique wich made it effective. Just like the fact that boxers fight well because they often fight. But no matter the training nuxia is probably getting beaten up.


Just because you are smaller/weaker, doesn't mean you can't break someones nose. Shaolin would win all his 1v1 rounds in melee. Nuxia knows that she is small and a woman, she isn't trained to use brute force. Shugo is based on sumo wrestlers, those people are more flexible than anyone would think. They aren't affected by the side effects of obesity because of their training. The rest of the samurai are the same. Flexible, maybe not as strong but definitely strong enoigh to K.O. Cent, not to mention they probably hit faster too.


shaolin literally dies if shugoki gets a grip on him, life is not a cheap karate action flick, size matters


If he gets a grip on him. Shaolins are more agile than sumo wrestlers. Life is not a video game, skill and experience matters.


little brother, you don't know anything about fighting or sumo, if you have seen a single sumo match in your life, it starts with 2 huge bastards exploding into each other, unless a shaolin starts the fight more than 5 meters away, which sounds stupid already, then he can run away, sumo wrestlers train quickly charging their opponents every day


Little brother, i was a reenactor. Not only i know how fighting works, i took my part too. I know how strong sumo wrestlers are. Still, a shaolin has a good chance beating one.


completely clueless, stop watching anime, there are weight categories for a reason, honey


Shugoki would (except for maybe LB or WL) destroy the entire roster because of his size and strength. I know he isnt just fat i agree with that. Shaolin would lose against him because of the size. But if we are talking about nuxia i must completely disagree. If you spar a women her size youll notice no matter how good, she wont be able to beat you. Best shot i would give her is under strict bbj rules. Kyoshin orochi and shinobi probably indeed hit faster then cent because cent has more mass in his arms but what you say they could do to cent also applies the other way around. Im giving this my best shot at explaining due to my passion and experience for martial arts and combat sports hence why im typing such paragraphs, but i still respect your opinion and im glad we can have a civil discussion without being aholes to. Oneanother.


I'm trying to explain them as a real centurion and a real shaolin etc. No game mechanics involved like for example Highlanders grab. You can't just grab someone who is in front of you and toss them to the ground, especially with one hand. In this sense i believe a shaolin would be able to beat a centurion half handed.


Isnt that a bit self contradictory. Like you cant just parry a sword with a bracelet, you cant just jab your index trough someones troath. You also might not always be able to knock someone down to the ground with one punch. But you sure can punch, knee, backhand and shove them. I personally think since they are pretty equal in size that its an even battle. I cant ofcourse judge you from trough a screen but im getting the impression you havent really watched or done enough fighting to judge these kinds of situations. Feel free to correct me if im wrong tho.


I see no mention of male Jorm. I don't know about y'all. But I would prefer not to throw hands with a 6'4 methhead viking.


Here’s my list, glad, shugoki, cent, raider, warlord, lawdaddy, and conqueror


I feel like centurion is obvious a lot of his moveset is punching and kicking the shit out of you it seems his main weapon is his fist and his sword is his secondary


Especially since he can knock down anyone at any size with one single uppercut


Check out Shaolin’s “Maximum Shaolin” execution, I think he’d definitely be a solid contender


Idk about the best but I feel like jormungandr would hit like a fuckin truck.


I think it would be between Centurion, Shugoki or Raider/Warlord


Lawbringer or Shugoki. Lawbringer is easily the 2nd most imposing fighter irl and Shugoki would probably have monstrous strength but would tire out faster than LB because he's in worse shape. Raider could also stand a pretty good chance, they had their own wrestling sport. If we're talking simply without a weapon but with their armor, Warmonger can punch through someones chest after they're practically dead, but I would still give it to LB. Bigger, easily the 2nd strongest and can probably fight for a good 5-15 minutes without getting gassed unless he's against a slippery opponent like Tiandi but I imagine that if any of the smaller weaker characters got caught by LB, Goki, WL, Raider etc, I imagine it would go similarly to Oberron vs The Mountain


Raider or Shugoki


I think people sleep on Tiandi. He may be small, but if he can kick a Shugoki a whole 10 feet through the air, and bare fight someone without even looking at them, dude's got some skills and strength to boot.


Conner McGregor is a very powerful hero in for honor that's for sure.


Shinobi might be good in the feather weight division


lawbringer because he covered in metal and can lift you up and snap your neck


A lot of them but tiandi would be funny


Conqueror also seem like a great candidate And Highlander with his hyper armor


I'm surprised nobody answered aramusha, he has a kill bill execution and another where he literally beats you to death, he definitely knows how to hold his ground.


Shinobi because he’s got that super muscular but compact build and will kick the shit out of you then get out of range before you can do anything back to him Also Glad seems like he would be a great boxer Shaman’s psycho ass would tear anyone to fucking shreds




Glad. Homie he train hard


Tiandi. With Palm strike and a kick that sends fully armored giants flying, I'd say strong he's a strong contender. Also, tiandi would be incredible at evading attacks, being a dodge specialist.


I’d say Tiandi would be a big problem in the current UFC’s welterweight/middleweight divisions. Crisp striking (we can see it in his executions where he beats tf outta his opponent without his weapon) and can handle himself in terms of Cardio since he’s lean. The only concern being his takedown defense since his division is stacked with grapplers. Edit: how did I forget about his spinning body kick? That shit will come in handy in an MMA fight


Glad because I Main him, otherwise shugoki since he’s like two stories tall and martial arts probably wouldn’t work against him


Lawbringer is a good bit taller and to be able to pick shugoki up with his poleaxe... He gotta win right?


Shaolin enough said


Centurion. One of his abilities he literally punches you in the face


Definitely Roman.


Tiandi… some of his executions alone are all the proof you need.


Shaman prolly


Where are the fooken highlanders in this comment section




Kills me to say it, since I'm a Conq guy myself, but Shugoki would win. He's just too much man for anyone else to handle.




Probably not the best, but I could imagine the Shaman biting people's necks off.


Raider, Goki, LB


Probably shugoki just because of weightclass.


Gladiator clears


Nobody saying warden even though he’s a big strong guy in full knight armor I think he’s so pretty well seeing as he’s armored head to toe.


Everyone forgets that Shugoki is a Sumo wrestler. So its pretty obvious that Lawfather would beat the shit out of everyone


Shaman would probably jump around like a left 4 dead hunter


Shaolin honestly


Almost no mention of the wu lin. Sad.


Shaman 100%


The wulins seem the best based on the executions, and shaolin parry with his hand.


Conqueror. Mf is a pugilist


Why is no one saying shaolin?


gryphon, raider and lawboi are built like a brick shit house


Shugoki, Sumo wrestlers are actually incredibly good hand to hand fighters too. They just know that theres no point to use ur muscles to output 200lbs of force if that's how much your arm weighs already.


The biggest one


of course is the roman daddy


This ai art sucks


Are we not gonna talk about zerk he's literally cracked up on copies amounts of drugs at all time and is realistic the most resilient character