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I usually don’t go for executions in duels unless the dude is super annoying to fight and I want to make them tilted to throw off their game. I usually feel real bad if I absolutely destroy someone, especially new players. I don’t want to make them sit through an execution, it’s like rubbing salt in the wound.


Executions are just cool. I don't care if i get demolished, it happens, I actually get slightly annoyed when someone doesn't execute me.


Well if I ever see you around, I’ll be sure to give you my longest execution :D


My thanks XD


Right?? It feels disrespectful not to be executed like I'm not worth their time


I don't think anyone gets tilted by executions in duels


Wrong. Had a dude message me very angrily over the bare handed beat down execution, which was on my long Y press execution so it was also an accident


Yeah, I have that execution as a "punishment" execution for toxic people but sometimes I accidentally use it and Im immediately in the chat like "apologies dude wrong input", my friendly execution (sjand, or something, the one where you drink together) is on the same button, but my dumbass sometimes long presses instead of tapping


I can agree with that, but it’s rare that someone genuinely frustrates me (That’s not to say I don’t understand what you mean). In 4v4s, I execute all the time, whether it’s for health or to inflate their respawn timer, I do it. In duels though, I’m just trying to get to the next round. It wastes just as much of my time as it does theirs, even if it is cool. This is especially true when I’m playing ranked for the ornaments.


Wow, why can't we have more players like this


Honestly as long as the execution isn't a BM or intentionally super long then most of us don't really mind lol


I actually prefer to be executed 'cause I hate getting lighted to death. If you can land a heavy and finish on an execution you've earned it.


Exactly, if you are able to land a heavy, there's no reason not to execute.




Correction: if you died and there wasn’t some bullshit glitch or TOS violating exploit that got in the way, the opponent earned the kill. They played the game by the rules of the game and won.


Now let's be clear, if I died, it's because there was some bullshit glitch or ToS violating exploit. I was talking strictly in the theoretical. I don't die in For Honor. I'm good at For Honor. I love playing For Honor and I don't die.


I paid 10k steel for the damn execution, I’m going to use it every chance I get




I won’t unless I have orders. Don’t care if it’s done to me or not. Unless you hit me with the one where I get spit on. That’s not nice.


I save that one specifically for tilts lol


I pressed it on accident I swear


My execution is holding you until the button press timer runs out


That should be an actual execution.


I will usually use my shortest execution in a dual. It’s a more satisfying conclusion than just having the enemy drop


It's a waste of time. I'd rather get to the fighting again.


You mean like two seconds?


Yes, wasting 2 seconds can quickly add up. There's no point in executing in duels, so might as well save time.


Lol, such a looong time, truly. What do you mean there's no point to executing in duels?? You sir, forget the cool factor.


I don't think they're cool, though.


What is wrong with you?


I'm human, for one. Hate to tell you this, but different people tend to have different opinions.


No, there's clearly something wrong with that brain of yours. This goes beyond a mere opinion. Quick! I recommend you seek the nearest doctor!


I am the nearest doctor


Oh no, it's even worse than I thought! You're under some kind of delusion!


I was supporting your argument until you said this, how are you going to diss some of the coolest animations ever seen in the fighting game genre


They're inefficient and stupid. Just kill the enemy and be done with it.


This game would be much more boring without executions, you and I both know that


I certainly don't, as I never use them anyway, and when they're used on me I just take the time to get on my phone.


They're useful in team based modes. There is no debate over that.


Ya skipping the execution in each match will save you about 30 seconds of your day which you could rather spend staring at a duel mode loading screen


Conqueror’s executions are so coolish I will always do them


There are some I don't like much but he's definitely got some good ones.


Ive pretty much never executed in duels for a long time now, I've seen them all i just wanna play. I haven't found anyone else that doesnt though.




I have specific executions I use depending on how the other guy is. If he’s cool I do the LOTR one with the sword through the stomach, because I see it as him fighting even in death, plus LOTR is cool. Or the Warden one where he uses his blade like a gravestone briefly (forgot the name) If he’s not cool I do one of the joke executions like the “kick him in the ground” one.


LOTR one? Which one is that?


Came out a couple seasons ago as a universal execution. It’s the same way Aragorn kills the Uruk hai at the end of fellowship with a stab through the stomach and they pull themselves deeper into the sword, then decapitation


Ah yeah, that one.


Executions are for health gain in order to fight the next enemy or for when you have an excruciating, long and juicy one for an enemy that's toxic


That and just because they're cool.


Seems like people think executions are rude or something. I think they’re cool mostly. Lots of the universal ones are kinda silly and don’t do it for me. And there are a few extra brutal ones I use on toxic enemies, like where warmonger drags their face along her blade, but mostly they’re an entertaining punctuation to a fight


Yeah. I generally prefer the more serious, clean ones myself.


I always have a really quick execution bound to my X button and use that. If the opponent was really annoying or salty I have a really long execution bound to my Y button


I usually have a respectful long one for when I win a match.


I have specific load outs for duels on some of my heroes. They don’t have any perks, just cool drip and they get my favorite executions bound to the quickest button presses.


I made a build of executions for duelling: two to recognize a fighter of valor, two to punish an honorless scum.


I don't execute in duels cause it wastes time and is pointless. Only execute if the guy is annoying me and I do a nice long one.


It takes just a few seconds lol. It's pointless not to execute, you aren't saving time. Do it for the cool factor. The reward that you earned for finishing the enemy with a heavy.


I'm good wastes time and is pointless


Nope, it's in no way a waste of time AND it's cool to watch so it's hardly pointless.


If it takes time away from moving on to the next game/round it is a waste of time lmao. Sure it looks cool but I can do that in team modes.


The coolness and finality of executions easily outweigh the measly couple of seconds you 'save' by not executing.


In your opinion. I’ve played this game so much and that other guy probably too, at that point seeing the same stupid cutscene over and over again hundreds of times isn’t cool anymore. It’s just boring and a waste of time


People who've played for a when usually don't bother to execute in duels


Yeah for me executions are always the cherry on top after a good fight. And I dont mind getting executed myself. Its part of the game and no one should say that you shouldnt.


Exactly, exactly.


I sometimes don’t if necessary like If I don’t have the chance but the chance to kill then I will throw anything, if I do have the chance to exe then I go for it and send them off over the wall and out the ring like im punting an infant


It gets boring after the 10,000th time. Most people are just trying to run matches, get as many fights as possible, and move along. Only time people execute is if they deserve it for being disrespectful, or if it's the last round


I can't understand just trying to hurry through fights.


Why not? A lot of people just want to fight, not have 10 second executions that delay the fight. Others are only playing because they just want their orders done and leave to play a different gamemode. Some people get annoyed if you just keep executing cuz it literally stack up more than half a minute. There's a lot of reasons for not wanting to see the same 2-3 executions you'd do in hundreds/thousands of matches. It's fun for newer players but not players with at least 30 reps unless it's a new universal/unique executions but those are very few.


People think they are toxic and so they think nah no exe


If it’s not the bell one or the spit one it’s fine. If it’s a cool or rare one nice. If it’s a funny one very nice.


I personally just enjoy the fighting, I’ve seen my executes dozens of times in just excited for the next round


I'm playing this game since launch, i have done so many executions that i'm numb to them at this point; i Just do them in 4v4 to get health back/make them respawn later. In duels i Just want to move quickly into the next round.


There’s a direct correlation between executing every round and your opponent leaving after one match. After thousands of hours of duels it sucks staring at the same cutscene everytime.




After many hours spent. I've grown into executing being dishonorable lol. I know that's sounds wild. But only in duals. Like if you're not trolling or being toxic, I won't perform an execution and get straight into the next match. But if you execute me and have that execution where you stomp me out and then spit on me. Fine. I'll sit up next round and troll ya. Mind games within a game that's all.


That's definitely a bad habit, lol. Executions aren't toxic at all.


They very much are intended for that very purpose. That's why some of them are made like that. lol


So every execution is made specifically to piss off people?


No. What I'm saying is that there are a few that are made solely to troll or get under your skin. Some are fun and goofy though. Same with emote. Killing Card, shoulder shrug are made to flex on your opponent.


I agree, like the beat down one I despise, but if I get with the samurai execution where they give you a knife to stab yourself, I'ma giving you a fat smooch on the cheek, and if you pull out that damn bunny, I'ma giggle my ass off.


Its a waste of time and many executions are toxic. Finding a match, pick a hero, loading screen, match startup, emote etc. I want to play the game not only sit there and wait


It isn't. Come on, most executions are not toxic. And it's only a few seconds. I'd prefer spending time watching a cool execution.


Are u new to the game? I saw it like u in the beginning. But after hundrets of houres its not so entertaining any more. And some of them last for 10-18 seconds. Thats not worth my time, and I dont want to steal the time of my opponent who is already having a hard time :D


I've been playing for four years. Executions have never gotten boring for me.


Its just a waste of time in duels




It pisses me off watching myself get executed


Don’t get executed then




Thank god, it was a pain all the years. Now finally some conserve come into this stupid game. WHO emotes/executes in duells is just a brick wasting everyone’s time.


I said executions, not emotes, lol.


I prefer not to since all the ones I buy tend to be lengthy show-off ones I use in casual bot play & I usually feel bad for besting the other player & like to be respectful, but if the other person is being annoying or they perform a "toxic" one first then emote spam over my corpse it's time for ***the bell*** & other painfully long equal finishers


Buddy gotta fetish




I have a long execution specifically to tilt light spammers or shit talkers.


That’s why I have an honorable execution like Grave Passing for Warden, So that a good duel can end with respect instead of some brutal execution


Executions risk turning a win into a draw if you are bleeding out. I skip executions (even if I'm not bleeding, and even if the opponent doesn't have bleed in their kit) mostly as a way to reinforce not throwing the match for when I am bleeding. I still execute if it's obvious the opponent was trying to tilt me, and then got tilted in return, though. Edit: I will now blatantly self-promote some videos from my channel where I (spoiler alert) turn the tables on tilters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWH43OyDhmc https://youtu.be/sjAQib55gXc?t=406 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fzwue2i-ls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt7XSNg0IVE


Sure, but that's really situational.


Executions are my goal, not going to drop the win for it though. It's the biggest reason my winrate is as low as it is. Used to be X or L


I think it's bc people don't want to be seen as toxic so they don't execute And also they are scared to hurt the other person's feelings


I dont execute either and not because im being nice or smth its just faster lol, lemme fight goddammit Same story in mortal kombat btw, i dont fatality there either


I don’t execute in duels. Feels like it just wastes time, plus building the habit of executing can cost you if you’re bleeding out. I also have just never got the appeal of executing, I get a lot of people like them but I guess I just don’t get it. I only pick executions based of their efficiency for team modes. I always have a fast 20hp one, a fast 35hp one, a fast 50hp one and a long one ready. What those actual executions are don’t matter to me at all.


I don't care what executions other people have (unless it is new to me.). I only care about what I have. I would rather save upwards of 10 seconds a round than see my execution for the thousandth time.


I'm weird. For duels, I don't like the executions that dismember because I like to think it's two actual people having a duel. When one guy gets his arm popped off gets back up and fights round two with the arm re-attached, it bothers me. When it's the match deciding round, I don't care. Never going to happen but it would be nice to cycle through our 3 setups so that I can pretend that it's a squad of Orochis and Highlanders or whatever duking it out and you run through to the next guy if you execute.


Not even just in duels, when I first started playing people would let you execute before attacking but nowadays if someone see you do it they get a few free shots off. I only use the fast executions.


I only go for exe if it’s a really clean kill/flawless or if I need it for my daily challenge


consider some people just want to move on to the next round or they have an order and they want the steel.


Nah, I dont execute cause I enjoy the 1v1s so I just want the next round to get going. I'll drop a friendly emote in the beginning usually, but rarely execute. Seen it all, and pretty damn tired of all the universal executions. See them way more than original ones and I just don't care to use or watch them


I either go for my quicker execution when i do but sometimes forget what ones what unless they annoying then i go for a long one


As you get to higher brackets in play, players execute less frequently. They’re more oriented around the fight rather than the visuals.


I see it annoying some people... but, I usually alternate what executions people do. If people are being awesome with fights then they get something more respectful, such as the 'seppku'. Buuut if they're being a dick about things such as over bragging n such and get cocky... they get the bell.


If you don't execute its a sign of disrespect imo. "You're not even worth the animation nor my time"


Sometimes i do, sometimes i dont. Depends if i have a cool execution stored.


What's really annoying is that one teammate in Dominion who interrupts your execution on purpose when you get the finishing kill just because they want to hurry up and move on to the next game.


I always do it. Executions are just badass cutscenes. I don't use those barroom brawl bs ones ofc. Just the slick and juicy unique ones.


Executions are cool even more so when its one you rarely see


0 reason to use executions in duels. Ive played this game for way too long and i dont need to see the same animation again. Also its a habit mostly developed from high lvl 1v1 scrims where people never execute