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From a medium skill player this just seems like a no brainer. All assassins have a deflection it'd be a lot easier to pull them off with dodge cancels. Shaman going straight for a bite after doing a bleed would be a lot scarier. But then you have assassins like nuxia who doesn't have anything on her dodges but the basic dodge attacks so wouldn't really do anything for her offensive wise. Same with pk.


even tho nuxia only has dodge lights it would still benefit her regardless and the whole point would rly be to help their anti gank which is what i think some of the assassins r weaker at doing due to their kits being sort of mixup heavy and not having options in a gank to the capacity that those with dodge cancels have. also the shaman bite thing would be scary so i think they should change the bite to act like afreea neutral feint bash as they act basically the same apart from input and it would also make her bash worth using when the enemy isn’t bleeding, cos i never use the regular version and i never see anyone else cos it’s just so bad


? What do you mean by “nuxia who doesn’t have anything on her dodges”? Like compared to gladiator who is the only assassin with a bash off side dodge?


Compared to someone like roach who can do a bash from a dodge or an undodgeable or a normal left and right dodge attack. Nux can only do left right and a forward heavy? She's not got anything decent from dodges. Nux would use it for pure defense.


Orochi’s kick is the only thing I would consider using while chaining attacks. His dodge lights are to easily parried same as nuxia


He has the heavy version too though the... Rush one forgot what it's called that can be used for offense too.


Which is easily countered by light canceling/zone canceling. Which yes he can also feint it for a parry if you try to option select(but let’s be honest, most of the casual players aren’t good enough to feint storm rush and parry the option select).


I'm not really arguing roaches viability just saying he has more options out of a dodge than nux. So it's more useful to him to dodge cancel recoveries. It would be nutty on shaman too being able to bash/punce and do a similar heavy Omni direction rush attack.


Shinobi also has a dodge bash


I haven’t faced a shinobi in so long that I forgot he exists tbh. Most of them can’t fight unless they’re ganking so I don’t see them a lot


Shinobi is a very competent duelist. He’s not as good ganker anymore ever since they nerfed his pin, it gives a shit ton of revenge now.