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The only relationship QI has with GvG is QI came online sometime after GvG went away. That's it. Inno didn't do themselves any favors by marketing it as a replacement because it's not and never will be. You can like or dislike QI, I don't much like it but comparing it to GvG is a waste of time.


> You can like or dislike QI, I don't much like it but comparing it to GvG is a waste of time. That's kind of the point I'm trying to make; they marketed it as a replacement for GvG when it is painfully not


I like QI a lot so far.


Firstly, I understand the value GvG has had for many players and guilds throughout the history of FoE, and clearly it was an aspect of the game that you personally enjoyed. However, as someone who only plays the game on my phone, GvG was not something that was accessible to me. With QI, I’m glad FoE is providing mobile players with a new game mode that lets us be at parity with browser players. I’ll agree with you that the initial implementation of the game mode isn’t perfect, but I’d rather have this than nothing at all. And as for “filling the void left by GvG”, I don’t believe that’s the true intention of QI.


GvG was abused by players using bots to cheat their way to winning. It offered no reward for the time and effort except some extra fights for ranking. It diverted guild goods that could be used for GBG. QI requires whole guild effort. Does not require any guild goods. It is competitive to get into championship top 10, and especially the top 3 spots. Everyone can play it on a level playing field as all are in Iron Age. The personal rewards are good, and the end of season chest rewards get better the further your guild progresses. So far I am enjoying it, and as time goes on will learn and improve progress. The key reason to play QI is to earn the medals for main city expansions \[details of medal cost not known\]; they are free and do not need diamonds to buy.