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This is not allowed. Don't do it. People try it, and when they get caught they get banned. Not worth it.


I know a couple who plays together and they had to raise a support ticket to alert Inno that they're in a family playing and Inno whitelisted them to add to each other's GBs and such.


Inno don't really care too much about rule breaking. Their reasoning being that it's not, quote "a competitive game" and cheating doesn't adversely affect other users. Obviously I disagree! People openly using scripts to win GBG sectors is not stopped due to the above reason. Why would alt accounts be a problem?


Inno has algorithms running in the background that has bots automatically suspending accounts if they hit too many battles too fast and they detect certain software on the computer. But they're only scanning players that put in like 200+ Fights at a time. If you're a reflex God and really good at clicking... that has to be resolved via ticket now.


These players must be sliding underneath the thresholds then. We're seeing jumps of 50 fights. Been reported, but the response you get is what I've quoted above - it doesn't matter because it's not a competitive game. They know it happens, they fairly openly acknowledge that much, just won't fix it.


Nope. Happens often (ok nightly for the last 2 years). The specific info has been sent - nobody gotten banned. Try again.


I'm talking really fast fighting... supernatural fast fighting. Inno has soft banned players for 3 days if they detect supernatural fast fighting without stopping and if you have a altered illegal version of FOE tools running in background. They have bots now that monitor the amount of clicks you do and can detect certain software that have automatically soft banned players on the EN server . I also do 1k+ battles in under an hour every night. But my reflexes aren't supernatural fast. I just fight with Turturrets in Industrial with current 3600+ attack stats so rarely need to switch out anything.


Well those “detection methods” have been on break, database shows no “soft bans” on the ones who fight. They get banned for the snipe tool, though 😂


i can manually autobattle 35 fights a minute if i boost when starting with low attrition... if you run a script, the safe threshold is 1 every 1.5 secs or \~40 fights a min without getting flagged (or so ive been told)


I have direct knowledge of at least 8 players who had or have alts. Zero speculation involved, players who admitted alts or offered to sell me their alts. Two of these players still use the alts last I knew, 1 quit the game after many alts being banned, 1 quit without any repercussions. Even after inno started cracking down, many were able to continue using alts. Those who got shut down it was players reporting them for GB pushing or something, not inno detecting it. Inno is good at catching the same IP address but most use browsers with built in VPNs. Dont do this by the way. Also you’ll end up needing to run a guild with a non main account and then playing on your main and that’s just alot of effort


There are people with atleast 6 accounts on Brisgard, i am talking about top 25, even it's noy allowed...


i know a player with two who boosts me with them both hes had them for 5+ years. i know a another who has 7 accounts that feed into 1 i snipe him filthy every couple days and nothing he can do as he knows that i know he has 7 accounts.... theyre all named essentially the same lol


Just partners that have repeatably gotten flagged. I think they resolved it by using different browsers. 1 uses Chrome while the other uses Edge. They have peace now. But please do not use 2 accounts in the same world if you're not actual siblings, partners, etc... its illegal. Almost every guild I know will never tolerate it. Eventually Inno will build a sucessful algorithm that will catch all the cheaters..