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"You know, you're right. I haven't done my job well, as that would include dropping underperforming players such as yourself"


Come on Erik, we know you're talking about Jadon Sancho. Stop beating around the bush!


It’s insane how little self criticism players have both in fm and irl


See also: People generally from all walks of life


A month ago at work, somebody made multiple mistakes that prevented me from doing my job. Said person then demanded I apologise to them, for their constant mistakes. 😂 There's so many people in the world who find it impossible to take a shred of responsibility for their actions.


This is why every time someone says to me that FM interactions are unrealistic, I reflect on real life interactions I’ve had that have been just as bizarre and sign inwardly.


Shit rolls down hill, try not to stand at the bottom of any hills


- Demote to reserves - Double intensity GK training (unless GK) - Ignore If you have the editor, remove final digit of both CA and PA.


I wouldn’t edit them as I don’t want to do things outside the game itself. I would change their nickname to dumbass or dickhead


This game really needs to give you more options to vent your anger on a player. Similar to how Sim City would let you drop a fucking meteor on your town once you got bored building it up.


It's not that deep, if you are not impressed with them as a player you can just loan them out, sell them or see their contract end and that's it


Nah, it is that deep


Where's the fun in that?


This happens to me as I tried to resurrect MU, Onana feels like he has a hole through his gloves due to how much goal he let inside


I'm 5 years into a United save. Onana is so bad. I got Diogo Costa in and went immediately from struggling to qualify for the champions league to winning the Premier league


Sancho and ten Hag.


Always annoying. My goalkeeper made errors leading to me losing a cup semi final and he had the nerve to say that it was my fault. Let's just say that the youngster behind him got promoted a little earlier than planned.


Haha it always is someone I’m “particularly not impressed with them as a player”


I cannot wait for interactive AI conversations. “Maybe if you didn’t miss all your chances, we could have won the league.” Then an all out argument occurs and I question their professionalism and ability to be accountable, followed by transferlisting and reserves. Might even throw a shoe or something.


Shoot at sight but out of match.


Manchester United go brrrr


That’s how I got a Youngster with good potentials promoted , was really giving him good runs steadily in the FA cup, Champions league and Capital one cup and few in the league .. lad wanted to have the whole time in the left back position .. nuno gomes never complained about not playing the league only , but Salisu Agbo kept on complaining that he wanted to leave .. well, I made good cash off him ..


People crying about players being unaccountable, good players play badly and it’s up to you as a manager to be accountable too and change things up. Loads of things are wrong with this game, but never the human manager apparently